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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Another bet:
Best Girl Hitagi will be wrong and dissolve into nothing like Loz
And everyone will go "well that was obvious" after the fact as if you all aren't just 3000 alt accounts of the same know-it-all

More power to them if they're right, but you know me. I like to make wagers so I can use ridiculous gifs when I end up right.
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Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
Counter argument to Katalina being bad.

She's in a bikini for one of her outfits... There, I've won you over.

Argument on the behalf of Steve.

Memes... Now you can applaud me.
What about Krystal in her revealing outfit? That's basically a bikini


Smash Journeyman
Jan 10, 2008
Here's a side conversation topic: what are your "gamer tags" (not sure what else to call them) in Smash? Do you have specific tags you use for specific characters/matchups?

I generally just go by my name, Ryan. During the days of the Smash ballot I went by KROOL.

When my friends used to get together in the same room to play, (RIP) we came up with the running joke of calling the green palette swaps for characters "CASH" for whatever reason, so that still happens whenever I'm a green guy. Green Dr. Mario will be "CASHDOC", etc. Incredibly stupid, I know.

Maybe this topic will tide us over for all of an hour.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Were that juggernauts on Gamecube, SNES or N64, hmm? Think so. I'm sure none of them will be a thing in 60 years, unlike *looks the smudged writing on hand* Banwho and Kazowhat.

I love me some Banjo and Kazooie. I love them. I wish they were still getting games.

I desperately agree that Microsoft was stupid to buy Rare and not use ANY of their IPs (until you know Killer Instinct) or do what they did with the ones they tried (Perfect Dark Zero and Nuts and Bolts.)

But to pretend that anything the N64 games did made a lasting impression on their genre or gaming is a little.....overzealous.

No one really tried to mimic the Banjo & Kazooie formula.

People HAVE mimicked the Fortnite formula even established franchise that came before it.

People HAVE and CONTINUE to mimic the Minecraft formula even established franchises that came before it.
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Buffalo Soldier

Smash Apprentice
Nov 3, 2018
I think we constantly need to remind ourselves that the people on this forum are an incredibly small minority of the people this game appeals to. People throw out names here all the time that there is no way any even close to casual player has ever heard of. With Nintendo picking the characters, I think we are undervaluing the importance of DLC making money. Sure, you know no matter what it will do decently well because of the seasons pass, but you have to convince a majority of the audience why it is worth shelling out more money for these characters.

I don't want Steve, personally, but I think he would make a ton of sense based simply on recognition and importance in the history of gaming.


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2018
I'm craving a pokemon villian in the game. Guzma and his golisopod will always be a unachievable dream of mine

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Counter argument to Katalina being bad.

She's in a bikini for one of her outfits... There, I've won you over.

Argument on the behalf of Steve.

Memes... Now you can applaud me.
Memes never stopped these guys...

We need Beach Day cosmetic dlc so we can let our true waifus, Wario and K. Rool shine in their 2-piece.
Is there any way I can delete a post from existence? /s
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Hydrualic Hydra

Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2018
Somewhere Safe
We’re taking about the Grinch hoax again?

I will say that “INCINEROAR IS LEAKER BAIT THE INSIDERS ARE BEING PAID OFF!!!!!” was the most annoying **** ever.
*sweats profusely

Looking back, I really did have way too much of an 'it has to be real' mindset when I spread that idea. Too many things lined up for me to ignore, and that was the only way I could think to reconcile it.

(I probably would have been more willing to listen to insiders if they weren't so cryptic and pigheaded about the ordeal, for god's sake Ken had already slipped and Incineroar was basically the worst kept secret of Smash history, just say 'Ken and Incineroar are it' and stop being wishy-washy)

Deleted member

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Japan Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2007
Richmond, VA
As if it wasn't clear before, perhaps we shouldn't be putting all of our blind trust in Hitagi? Sure, they've leaked other fighting game stuff correctly before, but that's *other* fighting game stuff. I'm not saying they don't have legit sources, they probably do, but if you make a mistake thinking Katalina is DLC for Smash and then find out it was a different game all together, then I don't know what to tell you, hah. Also, being interested in a sword character but not knowing a name or game they're from, but knowing it's First Party? Like... what? XD I'll take the L when the DLC is Steve, sword fighter, and whatever else comes from Hitagi if it comes to it, but surely it's not okay to blindly believe this stuff at this point.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2018
Maybe if they bring back the Smash Ballot we can get a Katalina for Smash movement going again. May as well as all the other "leaked" characters will get one too.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014

I love me some Banjo and Kazooie. I love them. I wish they were still getting games.

I desperately agree that Microsoft was stupid to buy Rare and not use ANY of their IPs (until you know Killer Instinct) or do what they did with the ones they tried (Perfect Dark Zero and Nuts and Bolts.)

But to pretend that anything the N64 games did made a lasting impression on their genre or gaming is a little.....overzealous.

No one really tried to mimic the Banjo & Kazooie formula.

People HAVE mimicked the Fortnite formula even established franchise that came before it.

People have and continue to mimic the Minecraft formula even established franchises that came before it.

Don't you mean Mario 64's style?



Deleted member

I think we constantly need to remind ourselves that the people on this forum are an incredibly small minority of the people this game appeals to. People throw out names here all the time that there is no way any even close to casual player has ever heard of. With Nintendo picking the characters, I think we are undervaluing the importance of DLC making money. Sure, you know no matter what it will do decently well because of the seasons pass, but you have to convince a majority of the audience why it is worth shelling out more money for these characters.

I don't want Steve, personally, but I think he would make a ton of sense based simply on recognition and importance in the history of gaming.
Gonna be honest, I’m seeing WAY more Steve support here than anywhere else on the internet.

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
Came back from a doctor’s appointment to find out Hitagi backpedaled on Katalina. Today’s a good day.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
I mean I was gonna put that in the post but you know I didn't want to murder anyone in broad daylight on a public forum.

But damn you just went there.
I cried as I pulled the trigger.

It didn't feel great but we're at the time in the cycle where we need to start.

Don't make me do it for Shantae or Geno I'm not strong enough :(
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Japan Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2007
Richmond, VA
But "get excited my dudes", Steve is definitely still in.

You know, this is a bad of me, and a terrible human quality that I apologize up front for, but I want Steve to not be in it just so Hitagi is more wrong. Like... I'm not even against Steve, I think he'd be pretty neat and would have an undoubtedly cool stage. I really just don't like the way Hitagi is approaching the comments on his Reddit page, and would get satisfaction from seeing that fall out completely. I feel bad that I feel that way, but it is what it is.

Deleted member

Also, it feels like some people are exaggerating how obscure Banjo and Kazooie are. Not many are going to deny that Minecraft is ridiculously influential, iconic and popular, and fewer are going to argue Banjo is more popular than minecraft. But you can’t deny that, at least in the western gaming hemisphere, Banjo is a pretty popular character, at the very least familiar to most people who have an investment in games, and perhaps a few casual players too.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
You missspelled it :) Keep the faith buddy if not now then Someday:ultridley::ultkrool:
I Have faith
I just don't wanna cause another problem for this Board just becouse i want a Character in Smash
And there are people here that would prefer to Bully me to death than to let me enjoy my dream character

And i realy don't want that type of problem again
Or i will delete this accound
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Deleted member

Also, it feels like some people are exaggerating how obscure Banjo and Kazooie are. Not many are going to deny that Minecraft is ridiculously influential, iconic and popular, and fewer are going to argue Banjo is more popular than minecraft. But you can’t deny that, at least in the western gaming hemisphere, Banjo is a pretty popular character, at the very least familiar to most people who have an investment in games, and perhaps a few casual players too.
He isn’t Captain Commando or Mach Rider.

I Have faith
I just don't wanna cause another problem for this Board just becouse i want a Character in Smash
And there are people here that would prefer to Bully me to death than to let me enjoy my dream character

And i realy don't want that type of problem again
Or i will delete this accound
Let me tell you one thing:
The thing i bully or harass a wonderful user like you, i will never forgive myself.
I may dislike some people in real life (Josh Trank or the composer of the Dragon Quest music, for example), but you aren’t even neutral for me.

You have been peaceful and nice to a lot of users here, and i will always do my best to defend you in any possible form.

Don’t fear me at all, because i will do my best to support you.
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Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2018
Maybe there can be revived hope for Shantae to fill the potnetial DLC Hottie spot... oh right.. spirit. FRACK.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
As if it wasn't clear before, perhaps we shouldn't be putting all of our blind trust in Hitagi? Sure, they've leaked other fighting game stuff correctly before, but that's *other* fighting game stuff. I'm not saying they don't have legit sources, they probably do, but if you make a mistake thinking Katalina is DLC for Smash and then find out it was a different game all together, then I don't know what to tell you, hah.
I'll be the devil advocate since I've been in touch for some of those information.
It's a telephone game. The original source could have heard that Nintendo and Cygame made a deal.
That source talk to someone.
Who talk to someone
Who go to Hitagi and tell him "Nintendo and Cygame have made a deal for Smash."
He go back to said source later
Who go back to someone
Who go back to the original source who say "What? That's not what I said"
That kind of "missinformation" / "confusion" is VERY common in the industry, look outside of smash and you'll see tons of them. They're not "wrong" they're most of the time "confused" about the nature of said deal etc.

Also, being interested in a sword character but not knowing a name or game they're from, but knowing it's First Party? Like... what?
Well yes. Because saying the name or game they're from would be such a smart Idea when you wanna protect your source or not confirm/Deconfirm anyone until you're sure of your info.
He can very well share his excitement for a rumour he heard while still protecting his source and be vague about it.

I'm not defending Hitagi, or the way he handled his information, however, what they did make sense if what they want is sharing what they know while being careful is the best they could.
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