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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
what bosses would you guys like to see? i wanna see any bosses
I was hoping we'd get Majora, but that dream is pretty much dead.
DJ Octavio would be really nice. His boss fight could be pretty easily transferred over with the missles that have to be damaged to fire back at him.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
The demo is just going to be added to their pre-existing game kiosks. Lots of Best Buys have these Switch demo kiosks with trailers and demos for several games. Today I went to my local Best Buy to check it out (played a Kirby Star Allies demo) and then asked the staff what the deal is. They told me that it would be added before launch and probably some time this week, maybe next week.

I don't think there'll be huge lines for these since 1. It's not a big event and 2. There hasn't been any advertising of it.
Well, that's what I'm hoping. Because I actually live like 15 minutes away from one of the malls that Nintendo is brining Ultimate to with their big fancy displays. But, if I can just go to Best Buy where they'll have the demo up all incognito, I could probably play it with no waiting and more privacy, so that's obviously preferable.

Especially since I'd love to examine Samus and Dark Samus side by side and see if I can make out any differences, since few people have taken to examining the differences between Echo Fighters in-person.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
I was hoping we'd get Majora, but that dream is pretty much dead.
DJ Octavio would be really nice. His boss fight could be pretty easily transferred over with the missles that have to be damaged to fire back at him.
tbh it would be weird if octavio didn't show up as a boss fight. main worry is that sakurai would want to go with more "threatening" bosses, going by what we've seen of the bosses so far


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
in some dreambubble
Switch FC
Wait, if there's true arena that must be unlocked after you beat the world of light. I bet that they will have EX version of bosses, wait just imagine the soul form of Galeem EX after you beat his first form.

Now this is reason why Kirby survived the beaming because he was destined to take down soul form of Galeem since he was actually soul slayer.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
Wait, if there's true arena that must be unlocked after you beat the world of light. I bet that they will have EX version of bosses, wait just imagine the soul form of Galeem EX after you beat his first form.

Now this is reason why Kirby survived the beaming because he was destined to take down soul form of Galeem since he was actually soul slayer.
spoilers: its marx again


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
what bosses would you guys like to see? i wanna see any bosses
Honestly, I would like to see Tabuu. I very much doubt it since he was defeated in Brawl, yet Galleom was shown...

Still gonna go with the crazy theory of Tabuu is Galeem in his true form.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2018
The Wired
Well, that's what I'm hoping. Because I actually live like 15 minutes away from one of the malls that Nintendo is brining Ultimate to with their big fancy displays. But, if I can just go to Best Buy where they'll have the demo up all incognito, I could probably play it with no waiting and more privacy, so that's obviously preferable.

Especially since I'd love to examine Samus and Dark Samus side by side and see if I can make out any differences, since few people have taken to examining the differences between Echo Fighters in-person.
The only question though is how butchered is the Best Buy demo. I'm fairly certain the Best Buy demo wouldn't have access to all 74 characters. That privilege is given to those big events I'm sure.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
I think Yoko Taro actually got into a heated argument with the Nier: Automata character designer about how big 2B's bust should be.

If I remember right, giving her a perfect butt was a compromise or something.
Heated argument? I don't even know how to react to all of this. This is absolutely phenomenal. Duke Nukem 3D's development is nowhere near as interesting as this.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Wait, if there's true arena that must be unlocked after you beat the world of light. I bet that they will have EX version of bosses, wait just imagine the soul form of Galeem EX after you beat his first form.

Now this is reason why Kirby survived the beaming because he was destined to take down soul form of Galeem since he was actually soul slayer.

We talking about Souls?


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
who is marx? I'm assuming not Karl
kirby super star's final boss, who tabuu basically stole most of his attacks from

the great maze in sse is also just a direct rip off of the great cave offensive from super star too

basically sakurai really likes super star
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
kirby super star's final boss, who tabuu basically stole most of his attacks from

the great maze in sse is also just a direct rip off of the great cave offensive from super star too

basically sakurai really likes super star
Daily reminder that Smash Bros is literally just competitive PVP Kirby.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
kirby super star's final boss, who tabuu basically stole most of his attacks from

the great maze in sse is also just a direct rip off of the great cave offensive from super star too
Sakurai seems to like Kirby and Kirby's game design for some strange, inexplicable reason.

Tako Tuesday

Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2018
Under a nice, comfy rock
Switch FC
Despite my better judgement I just preordered Let's Go Pikachu. I feel so disgusted with myself.
If the Pokemon series devolves into total mobile garbage in the next year, you know who to blame!
View attachment 176783
The Pokémon fan in me still wants to give it a go, but luckily Spyro's releasing the same week, so I'll get that instead. It should help tide me over until Ultimate.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
A stretchy blue Mr. G&W X)
Honestly, gender is not something I put in calculation. I don't look at charcaters that way. For example that naginata, if we're looking only at the weapon It'll make us miss a total uniquness opportunity (a reason I don't think Waddle Dee fans make an argumant with him being a spear weilder). Mario for example, looks are established and iconic, and his hits are signatures (Like his jump + coins attack). Hmm, I guess that's my gripe on warriors in Smash, if a role can be filled and dressed by anyone then how's that unique or warrant an inclusion? She doesn't look unique enough (she's simply dressed) and although that weapon would be new in Smash it doesn't help her in the uniqueness department. Krystal would've been unique.
I hope I've been clear on what I'm trying to say there.

Oh you don't need to tell me about Okami, I played every bit of that game. And SFIV is one of my favorite, almost all themes were excellently remixed and it introduced a new fav. .. "I LOVE MY DAWTAAZ.. THEY AA SO PRIITII" XD Tadakatsu Honda was lost among those two, still good. Looks like Hisoka.

Well it's time for the oily dad. Oh I wish to play him again.. hnnnng *PoP* XD
I can see what you're saying, but the character adds to the weapon. As Trunks told King Cold in DBZ "You should know that a weapon doesn't make the man". Yes some weapons can be wielded by multiple characters, but its not the weapon itself that makes the character unique. The weapon definitely adds to them, but in the end its character themselves that choose how to handle the weapon. If they are a very cocky fighter they will make bigger and longer ranged attacks. If they are more of a calculating fighter they will wait to see an opening and then make a big attack. Until then they most likely will stick to smaller attacks to not exert themselves. Much of the character's personality is factored in play style and weapon choice. As for female reps, I think It could be a nice change. We don't have as many female reps compared to male reps. 16 females including Inkling,Robin, Wii Fit Trainer and Corrin, that can also be male, compared to 43 males. I really do believe having Edelgard for example would nice as she would be another female character. Her moves would be unique due to wielding an axe. And given her royalty nature, its most likely she would not be a very aggressive fighter. Instead a more quick and powerful fighter. As for how further Edelgard would be unique we don't know as the game she's in has not been released. Krytsal would be unique, but unfortunately she's an assist. And yes I think Im following on what you are saying. Iv played as him before he is pretty interesting too bad they didn't add him in SS5. Or Guy also that one is still surprising to me that he is not in SS5. Yeah theres one of the songs from Samurai Warriors thats more epic but I cant remember what its called.

Have you tried listening to Akuma's theme and Gouken's theme at the same time? You have to time it just right, play Akuma's theme after two seconds play Gouken's theme. If you time it just right they will compliment each other, by almost sounding like one song.



Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
So for those of you in NA, how many of you are going to go to Best Buy and play the Smash Ultimate demo?
Was another Best Buy demo confirmed? I remember seeing that the Best Buy Twitter said the Smash demo wasn't actually in their kiosks.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2018
I know you're reading this. Vote 2B.
Heated argument? I don't even know how to react to all of this. This is absolutely phenomenal. Duke Nukem 3D's development is nowhere near as interesting as this.
I **** you not, This guy almost cancelled all development on NieR Automata one day just because he felt too tired to get out of bed one morning.
He also likes to take jabs at Square Enix every now and then, I believe he's also said that Square Enix used to constantly try to censor him back then. They seemed to have an odd change of heart after NieR: Automata's success, though. I mean, they even said NieR showed potential for becoming a Major franchise in the company in the future, with the likes of Final Fantasy, DQ, KH, etc.

Did I mention that NieR: Automata's Producer and Yoko Taro are interested in directing a Final Fantasy game in the future?


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Sakurai seems to like Kirby and Kirby's game design for some strange, inexplicable reason.
It's either because all of his games really resemble each other or because Kirby has a great game design.

I like to think he made brawl MK broken on purpose
Like how he made Fox broken on purpose in Melee because he loves Star Fox? I agree.
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
I **** you not, This guy almost cancelled all development on NieR Automata one day just because he felt too tired to get out of bed one morning.
He also likes to take jabs at Square Enix every now and then, I believe he's also said that Square Enix used to constantly try to censor him back then. They seemed to have an odd change of heart after NieR: Automata's success, though. I mean, they even said NieR showed potential for becoming a Major franchise in the company in the future, with the likes of Final Fantasy, DQ, KH, etc.

Did I mention that NieR: Automata's Producer and Yoko Taro are interested in directing a Final Fantasy game in the future?
I want a colab between him and Kojima. Imagine


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2018
I know you're reading this. Vote 2B.
I want a colab between him and Kojima. Imagine
I know exactly what you mean. I'd throw my money at them without second thought if they had a collaborated game project.
It would be amazing.
Sadly, however, I think Yoko Taro is probably a bit more focused on getting NieR Automata on the switch first, and he did say he'd like to release a remastered version of Drakengard 1, and 3. Probably 2 as well...

So, before we get a collab with Kojima and Taro, I'm going to try to push for a collab with Snake and 2B at the very least. Even if it won't probably happen any time soon...
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