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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I'm pretty sure Masuda said they're working on something that'll make it so you can trade Pokemon to gen 8.

Also, fun fact. LGPE may be the last Pokemon games Masuda directs before he steps down as a director.
I honestly haven't been tracking Let's Go news all that closely. With most Pokemon games I wouldn't let the slightest thing slip past me, but for Let's Go I only found out Green was appearing within the past hour.
Eh, Pokemon GO has definitely improved a lot. Just got back into it, and they've started adding Sinnoh Pokemon (first Pokemon game btw), added trading and friends, and have constant events going on that make the Pokemon more diverse. Maybe it's because I live on a college campus, but I dunno.

Also, the game now tracks steps while you're not playing it, and it is literally the best feature created by mankind.
The new quest system is also honestly better then I expected. There's really not much to it but at least its something to do.

I mostly play it these days because my mom is super into it and wants me to come along on raids sometimes, which is actually super surreal to me because she never cared much about my pokemon obsession when I was a kid.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
>Pokemon LGPE as last pokemon game that Masuda will direct before he steps donw as director

wait is this true, If yes and then pokemon gen 8 game may have good shot at better plot than the rushed plot that was pokemon sun and moon, a plot to match up with pokemon BW and B2W2.
Sun and Moon were directed by Shigeru Omhori, not Masuda.

I actually liked Sun and Moon's plot but I agree that Black and White's was better.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
We really need Sakurai to make a statement on when the DLC was chosen like he did with the project plan. I know he said on his Twitter that the DLC line-up was now complete, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was completed right that day. He could've just said it to show the roster was solidified. It would make sense to know the fighters before announcing the pass, but I dunno. If he's had this much time to work on Pirahna Plant, then I'm sure he had the DLC fighter's move sets designed already, right?
He made it known that it was unorthodox to not announce any fighters for the pass, and it's clearly just up now for those who trust him enough to get it early.

He doesn't owe us any more information beyond that.


Smash Cadet
Dec 8, 2013
Not the best gif but very much looking forward to improved movement like this in Ultimate! (referring to captain falcon if that wasnt clear)


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
Hey guys, here's the new Simon costume that just came out!
It also makes realistic whip sounds from the show if you hit them with the whip!

Simon Echo 1.0.jpg
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Reason #9,789 why I would like 2B in Smash.

She'd be the first character to be a model...

... and have her photos taken by her creator and producer.
Did I mention the photos were for charity? Very Charitable.

Are there any other characters this charitable, and have had their creator take photos of them in person?

I mean, unless you're :ultkirby:, :ultmario:, :ultluigi:, :ultpiranha:, :ultrob:, and :ultisabelle:, maybe a few others, probably not.

Charity for Smash!
oh, right, and 2B too please.
bro look your support of her is cool and very passionate but you gotta understand most of us just like her butt


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
I agree more countries should take a stand against all these mirco transactions. Maybe then company's like EA will stop getting carried away. Also even the English VA's have made fun of Final Fantasy a New Empire in panel discussions, as its the sore point of FF15. Unfortunately Square let their greed get to them, so Belgium taking this stance is understandable.

Mmmm honestly the whole time I was watching the video, I was wondering if Kirby inhaled Slime what would he look like lol. That aside, I still think I prefer Jade from DQ11. Plus if Jade got in, and Edelgard from Fire Emblem Three Houses got in that would be the first time we had two female DLC's (If you don't count Corrin as Corrin can be male or female). Plus one would wield a naginata and the other an axe, that sounds kind cool to me. That said Slime seem's interesting enough. Im kind of into those super weird anime characters (Bobo) so I can see myself getting into Slime.

Here's some other of my favorite music, that I think you'll like.

Okami Kushi Ride

Tadakatsu Honda Theme

Akuma's Theme, really hope this make it in Smash Ultimate. BTW (if you play Akuma's theme and Gouken's theme at the right moments they sound amazing together)
A stretchy blue Mr. G&W X)
Honestly, gender is not something I put in calculation. I don't look at charcaters that way. For example that naginata, if we're looking only at the weapon It'll make us miss a total uniquness opportunity (a reason I don't think Waddle Dee fans make an argumant with him being a spear weilder). Mario for example, looks are established and iconic, and his hits are signatures (Like his jump + coins attack). Hmm, I guess that's my gripe on warriors in Smash, if a role can be filled and dressed by anyone then how's that unique or warrant an inclusion? She doesn't look unique enough (she's simply dressed) and although that weapon would be new in Smash it doesn't help her in the uniqueness department. Krystal would've been unique.
I hope I've been clear on what I'm trying to say there.

Oh you don't need to tell me about Okami, I played every bit of that game. And SFIV is one of my favorite, almost all themes were excellently remixed and it introduced a new fav. .. "I LOVE MY DAWTAAZ.. THEY AA SO PRIITII" XD Tadakatsu Honda was lost among those two, still good. Looks like Hisoka.

Well it's time for the oily dad. Oh I wish to play him again.. hnnnng *PoP* XD
Not a single dignity was left untouched that day XD
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
I'm in the same boat. The last trailer and Green/Blue alone has given me enough reason to at least try it.

I literally got convinced over a fictional girl I like.

I'm top tier trash :V
Don't worry guys! Junichi Masuda is finally stepping down as director and the guy who helped make Sun and Moon is going to be in charge of the series from now on. Next main series games are gonna be good I swear.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
So for those of you in NA, how many of you are going to go to Best Buy and play the Smash Ultimate demo?
Nah, I got better ways to spend 30 hours of my life, and they don't include waiting in a line.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Don't worry guys! Junichi Masuda is finally stepping down as director and the guy who helped make Sun and Moon is going to be in charge of the series from now on. Next main series games are gonna be good I swear.
Seeing as how I enjoyed Sun and Moon I don't have much to fear if Omhori is directing next year's game.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
bro look your support of her is cool and very passionate but you gotta understand most of us just like her butt

This is what the conversation devolves to whenever Nier: Automata is brought up.
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Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
He made it known that it was unorthodox to not announce any fighters for the pass, and it's clearly just up now for those who trust him enough to get it early.

He doesn't owe us any more information beyond that.
Well, of course he would never tell us the fighters right off the bat, but I'd assume if they already have a structured DLC to show they would know what was to be included. I don't believe Sakurai owes us anything, but without knowing when the DLC was selected, it's incredibly hard to predict the pass, which is a good thing I suppose.
(When I said they would know what was in the pass I meant Nintendo, not us. I probably should've typed that better)


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
in some dreambubble
Switch FC
Sun and Moon were directed by Shigeru Omhori, not Masuda.
I actually liked Sun and Moon's plot but I agree that Black and White's was better.

I know, but I am not happy with how pokemon sun and moon's plot was going in that way, there's literally tutorial on first island that can't be ended unless you leave the second island. Also, I don't like how they spoiled the twist that Aether foundation was actually evil in the intro, instead of keep it secret that Aether was evil around which make me goes like "Why am I not surprised?" when I reached that part where Aether revealed that they were evil. The worst part is that I actually predicted that they're evil because of how they are suspicious when I saw the Lusamine's reveal video. And she even looks similar to gladion and Lilie which even makes me more unsurprised when it was revealed later that they're related to her.

Same goes for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon expect that they added some extra content and they turned it into AU of pokemon Sun and Moon, but at least I like the ultra necrozma boss battle, I hasn't even finished the Team Rainbow Rocket plotline, it was literally boss rush with villians from previous main games but I'm not complaining.

Pokemon Gen 8 game better have less focus on tutorial; focus on how to catch pokemon and how to battle for newbies, I hope that there will be skip button to those both. They need to learn the lesson on NOT SPOILING THE ****ING TWIST in the plot just like they do for pokemon sun and moon.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Yikes, it seems Xenoblade is certainly a point of contention in this thread.

I'm rooting for Elma, but I saw in the Elma thread recently someone posted the sales of XCX, which was 500,000 units apparently, which, quite frankly, is abysmal. I'm fairly certain awareness of Elma has doubled because of the XC2 DLC if that's the case.

I said it in that thread and I'll say it again: I think Elma's chances are if she's one of the last DLC characters and they're planning on doing a XCX2 sometime in 2020 or so and they announce it alongside her or around the same time.

As for Rex...I'm not sure. I only want Rex AND Pyra. I'm a little torn on their chances, but I'll be super happy if they're in.
500K is actually not bad for a niche game released on a dying console, particularly since Xenoblade was still growing as a franchise at the time. Relatively, it's pretty on par with Nintendo's smaller releases like pre-Awakening Fire Emblem games.

I do agree that the DLC did do her some favors though as I remember a lot of fans got interested in her once the trailer dropped.
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Said as though liking a woman's appearance and personality are mutually exclusive.
I'm kidding, sorry for not making that more clear. I personally never found the character of 2B that interesting. The story and concept of Nier Automata was cool but honestly her character didn't interest me in the slightest.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2018
I know you're reading this. Vote 2B.
bro look your support of her is cool and very passionate but you gotta understand most of us just like her butt

This is what it devolves to whenever Nier: Automata is brought up.
well, i'm not gonna lie. they have reason to admire both.
But, uh, Yoko Taro is the reason why 2B is the way she is. People would've lost their jobs.
EDIT: just wanted to censor a single word you can guess. i didn't want to push it, i'm not looking for a strike/ban.

Still though, I don't like 2B for that. I like her for her actual character, along with just about everything about the game she is from, minus a few clear errors.
i never said i disliked anything about said thing though. my purpose is to spread awareness of her.

the behind is just the selling point, but the people stay for the game itself.

for what it's worth though, the game itself also tries to somewhat censor that stuff from the player.
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
I like literally everything about my boi.

Physical and personality


Is that concept simple enough? :yoshi:
I understand life in a way I was never supposed to. Thank you. I will never again know peace.

I'm kidding I don't shame people please do as you like


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
I'm kidding, sorry for not making that more clear. I personally never found the character of 2B that interesting. The story and concept of Nier Automata was cool but honestly her character didn't interest me in the slightest.
Don't worry, while the point I was making was a serious one, it was made with the understanding that you were probably kidding. :laugh:


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
well, i'm not gonna lie. they have reason to admire both.
But, uh, Yoko Taro is the reason why 2B is the way she is. People would've lost their jobs.
EDIT: just wanted to censor a single word you can guess. i didn't want to push it, i'm not looking for a strike/ban.

Still though, I don't like 2B for that. I like her for her actual character, along with just about everything about the game she is from, minus a few clear errors.
i never said i disliked anything about said thing though. my purpose is to spread awareness of her.

the behind is just the selling point, but the people stay for the game itself.
"He told the 3D modelers to make her butt as perfect as they possibly could, otherwise they'd be fired." This man is an absolute legend.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2018
The Wired
Do we have any way of confirming where they'll be? There's a lot of Best Buys in my city.
The demo is just going to be added to their pre-existing game kiosks. Lots of Best Buys have these Switch demo kiosks with trailers and demos for several games. Today I went to my local Best Buy to check it out (played a Kirby Star Allies demo) and then asked the staff what the deal is. They told me that it would be added before launch and probably some time this week, maybe next week.

I don't think there'll be huge lines for these since 1. It's not a big event and 2. There hasn't been any advertising of it.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I understand life in a way I was never supposed to. Thank you. I will never again know peace.

I'm kidding I don't shame people please do as you like
Accept Yoshi into your life to know peace once again :yoshi:

what bosses would you guys like to see? i wanna see any bosses
Raphael the Raven


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Hey guys, here's the new Simon costume that just came out!
It also makes realistic whip sounds from the show if you hit them with the whip!

View attachment 176790
I don't know man, people are really hyped up over his Echo. i swear if someone made this while i was already doing this im gonna be mad

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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
"He told the 3D modelers to make her butt as perfect as they possibly could, otherwise they'd be fired." This man is an absolute legend.
I think Yoko Taro actually got into a heated argument with the Nier: Automata character designer about how big 2B's bust should be.

If I remember right, giving her a perfect butt was a compromise or something.
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