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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Not open for further replies.


Apr 9, 2014
Also DQ rights are a complete nightmare, especially in regards to music. I'm betting if it isn't Sora, it's Lara Croft.


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
My hope is sunk for Banjo

Which is a shame since I was the one pushing people to make a big Twitter push for the duo. With Nintendo running the shots, Minecraft is a lock...
I wouldn't mind Steve at all. However, maybe if Nintendo releases a N64 Mini, they could choose Banjo-Kazooie as one of the DLC characters to promote it. They would function as both promotional characters AND fan-favorite characters. It would benefit everyone involved.
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Alright folks, so for whatever reason I've decided I wanted to do some research among the Smash community to try and narrow down the wants/considerations of Smash fans when it comes to newcomers.

That said, I've made a poll with some questions about Smash Bros. in general, as well as thoughts on newcomers/ Echo fighters.

If you have time, I'd love if you could respond to this poll. It'll greatly inform me as I try to analyze what Smash fans look for in their newcomers! All you have to do is click this link and provide your answers. It's completely anonymous, so there's no fear in me tracking you down and asking WHY IN THE WORLD you would answer a question a certain way!

Thanks to everyone who ends up participating! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...weM_AuoWx17poGSPrfEyXeJw/viewform?usp=sf_link


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
Ah I see sorry I that I did not understand, but now that you have explained it I understand. I would not be opposed to Geno being in, as much as I really like Sora (though I like Roxas more). I think Geno fans deserve to have him in for their loyalty. However I just do not see it due to what we have discussed. It just is not in Square's business patterns. They prefer cross promotion and characters that represent the company. If Geno got in, it would be a move that Square has not made before. There's a reason Noctis is in Tekken and not Tifa, despite Tifa making more sense as a brawler. They wanted cross promotion for FF15. With Geno they would get no cross promotion and less money in the end. Logic aside I hope for the sake of Geno fans they get their wish and if they don't hopefully Square will sell Geno to Nintendo.

Yeah, but the Advance Wars assist trophy was super generic. I would have preferred Andy from Advance Wars to be the Assist. It's one of those games that can be hard to love so I understand. Yeah the guy with the wrench is Andy, he is the character most people know of from Advance Wars. Will is the most recent protagonist. It's not surprising you haven't heard of him Advance Wars has a small fan base and Days of Ruin has an even smaller fan base. I still prefer Will to Andy, because Days of Ruin has a very interesting storyline. Andy to me felt like the typical hero, where as Will is a hero because he was forced to become one.

Yeah I heard Japan is small in some places, but honestly to me thats fine. I wouldn't need a tour I feel like I could spend all day in that city and not get bored. Mostly because it looks so peaceful and removed from the business of modern life.
I guess you're probably already on the way of winning that bet (according to Sakurai's latest tweet). It'll be Nintendo's call, that means purely business. Yeah, doesn't look so good for Geno fans, oh boy. Boy your Square is a hard negotiator. And that would be as I said for MS, Banjo was called form Nintendo to N64 classic for Steve in Smash.

Oh don't get me wrong, the game looks so nice, It's just that I'm not the strategy player type, that's all. I feel ya for that small fanbase, you're looking at one X)

Well then I hope you get your wish soon and fulfill your dream. Yeah, it'd be lovely to step away from all of this for some peace and quite.. ahh, what a lovely thought X)


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2015
Imma just this this...

Nintendo was the one that thought it was good to sell Cat Peach / Tanooki Mario as Mario Kart DLC along with adding Gold Mario / Pink Gold Peach to the roster and scrapping Bowser Jr. , Diddy Kong, King Boo, Birdo, Dry Bones, in Mario Kart with some coming back as DLC after harsh fan criticism.

I realistically expect them to put in some characters that in theory would increase their bottom-line along with some promotional opportunities.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2018
And Cloud was not promoting any direct competitors software at the time he was released. His point isn't really relevant. RYU'S is.

KH3 on the Xbone is just even more against it. That's more money for more of Nintendo's competitors. No matter how friendly they are, they are still businesses and competitors.

I feel it's worth nothing SFV didn't release until 8 months after Ryu's appearance as DLC. That's a long time.

ANY third party character from Squenix will sell. They have their virtues.
The top 3 of Sora/Geno/DQ Rep would all sell very well individually. This is known.
I heard that Square had talks with Nintendo where they showed high interest in bringing KH3 to the Switch, if deals went through well with that I could see Sora's chances being pretty high if Verge is still right about the first DLC rep being a Square rep. Since Nintendo would have more reason to have him be included as a way to promote the Switch version of the game.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2015
My hope is sunk for Banjo

Which is a shame since I was the one pushing people to make a big Twitter push for the duo. With Nintendo running the shots, Minecraft is a lock...
I wouldn't say that Minecraft is a lock. I still say with an inevitable N64 classic/mini it ups there chances a lot. I find it extremely difficult to believe that one isn't coming and wouldn't have both Kazooie and Tooie on it (along with Perfect Dark most likely). The idea Nintendo and Microsoft wouldn't want to use this chance to promote that would be very odd. Yes, Minecraft would make a ton of money but with B&K you would get money from sales of the DLC and from sales of the N64 classic/mini as a bonus. That should be enough to push them over.

Sure there is the chance (though I find it to be laughably remote) that an N64 mini/classic isn't happening and that would mean Steve would be basically the only choice. However again I find the idea of them not doing one eventually to be honestly ridiculous.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2014
In the heart of the furry
Switch FC
SW 1285-9221-5627
Imma just this this...

Nintendo was the one that thought it was good to sell Cat Peach / Tanooki Mario as Mario Kart DLC along with adding Gold Mario / Pink Gold Peach to the roster and scrapping Bowser Jr. , Diddy Kong, King Boo, Birdo, Dry Bones, in Mario Kart with some coming back as DLC after harsh fan criticism.

I realistically expect them to put in some characters that in theory would increase their bottom-line along with some promotional opportunities.
Wasn't Gold Mario legitimately just a Metal Mario skin? Also are we just assuming every team that doesn't have Sakurai in it is some Nintendo hive mind? lol

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I heard that Square had talks with Nintendo where they showed high interest in bringing KH3 to the Switch, if deals went through well with that I could see Sora's chances being pretty high if Verge is still right about the first DLC rep being a Square rep. Since Nintendo would have more reason to have him be included as a way to promote the Switch version of the game.
KH3 releases in Jan iirc
There is no way they can arrange for it to release on Switch on the same day as every other console
I don't know where you heard about these talks from


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Alright folks, so for whatever reason I've decided I wanted to do some research among the Smash community to try and narrow down the wants/considerations of Smash fans when it comes to newcomers.

That said, I've made a poll with some questions about Smash Bros. in general, as well as thoughts on newcomers/ Echo fighters.

If you have time, I'd love if you could respond to this poll. It'll greatly inform me as I try to analyze what Smash fans look for in their newcomers! All you have to do is click this link and provide your answers. It's completely anonymous, so there's no fear in me tracking you down and asking WHY IN THE WORLD you would answer a question a certain way!

Thanks to everyone who ends up participating! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...weM_AuoWx17poGSPrfEyXeJw/viewform?usp=sf_link
I feel like some poll results were kinda vague and didn't necessarily conflict tbh. Like the question about what you would do in the event you got an unfamiliar character had lot of options that could be taken simultaneously.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Anyone who thinks Geno or a Dragon Quest representative would sell as well as or better than Sora is kidding themselves.
Let me restate it: Nintendo would not add any 3rd Party character for promotional purposes (with maybe the exception of Banjo & Kazooie for the rumored Nintendo 64 Classic). If a 3rd Party character gets in, it's because Nintendo thinks they will sell well and because they are important enough in gaming history to warrant a spot in this crossover.

All that said; here's what I'm thinkin' as far as DLC goes.

1. Bandana Waddle Dee
2. Fire Emblem Three Houses character
3. Rex & Pyra
4. Sora
5. Banjo & Kazooie

And no. Mii Costumes and Spirits do not deconfirm characters.
You know... maybe if the director himself stated that said character is very popular, and is very popular within the Smash community, you know, the people that are most likely responsible for buying the DLC that Nintendo has information on, it wouldn’t be a stretch?

Oh, what’s the point anymore? All this arguing by people who think they know everything when they laughable don’t and are missing many details is starting to get obnoxious.
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Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
A muscled British barbarian named Simon Belmont having a normal conversation to a canine secretary named Isabelle (2018 colorized)


According to the cameraman, he said that Simon told her that "The Christ compels you!".
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Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
Imo they're missing some big opportunities by (seemingly) closing the Echo door. I mean sure we got highly-wanted characters on top of two more third-parties, but why stop there? Lots of untapped potential that they could take advantage of.
I don't mind echos at all, just in a reasonable amount. It's an easy way to please fans. Daisy for example.


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
Imma just this this...

Nintendo was the one that thought it was good to sell Cat Peach / Tanooki Mario as Mario Kart DLC along with adding Gold Mario / Pink Gold Peach to the roster and scrapping Bowser Jr. , Diddy Kong, King Boo, Birdo, Dry Bones, in Mario Kart with some coming back as DLC after harsh fan criticism.

I realistically expect them to put in some characters that in theory would increase their bottom-line along with some promotional opportunities.
To be fair, this is Smash. Not Mario Kart. Characters function entirely differently in this game then they do in the other. Smash is a cross-over series in which the roster is one of the selling points. As for Mario Kart, the main selling point comes from the gameplay and gimmicks. Certain characters like Pink Gold Peach and Metal Mario are put in because they take less development time and occupy different weight classes. Most Mario fans are already satisfied with the characters in the Mario Kart roster.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Nintendo choosing the DLC, eh?

Heh. That's all I'll say, because that changes nothing about the three I suspect most.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Wow, long day, but I just saw the news. So Nintendo, not Sakurai, picked the DLC?


Interesting... This majorly changes speculation...

I’d love if Sakurai wanted to also toss in some extra characters, but that tweet and his comments do have a theme of ‘I’m not a fan of someone else dictating this and I didn’t want to.’

Please big N, just give me the Dragonborn and we’re gold...


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
My hope is sunk for Banjo

Which is a shame since I was the one pushing people to make a big Twitter push for the duo. With Nintendo running the shots, Minecraft is a lock...
Steve will destroy the tier list by building brown bricks


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
Oh, certainly. I'm bias, that much is known, but this news doesn't concern me as a KOS-MOS supporter. On the contrary, given KOS-MOS has continued to be promoted by Bandai-Namco and Monolith Soft (Post Nintendo acquisition), it's not at all unlikley that she was on the hypothetical "list" given to Sakurai. She was "Nintendo-fied" in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, itself a First Party Nintendo game that otherwise had nothing to do with Bandai-Namco. She was in Project X Zone 1 and 2, developed by Post-Nintendo Monolith and produced by Bandai Namco for Nintendo systems. She had a Scale figure commissioned for her "Nintendo-fied" design. She was highlighted with bonus art when Torna the Golden was released, which also had nothing to do with Bandai-Namco...
Yeah, this is all true. She seems to be Adored By The Network just based on how much merchandise and appearances she gets even though it doesn't necessarily do anything in particular for her franchise. The only downside is the dumb, vocal group of zoomers who un-ironically act like she's a nobody-character when even people who haven't played the Xenosaga series have at least heard of her. Really, KOS-MOS has no business being "shilled" as we would state it negatively, but lo and behold, someone or some group has some deep-rooted passion for the character. It helps that her cameo appearances are pretty modest and never in-your-face either. Meanwhile, even Shovel Knight fans are passive-aggressive about his abundance in other Indie games in a, "Oh, he's in this Indie game too? Well that's neat, I guess" sort of way.

...and of course there's the matter of Bandai-Namco licensing Episode III's subtitle internationally back in April, for reasons that remain unknown.
We should temper our expectations a little as well, at least until we see physical evidence through other games getting their trademarks renewed. If we see those games get ports and/or sequels, then we can start discussing the possibility that Xenosaga's getting the same kind of treatment in a matter of "When?"

I'd otherwise be *exceedingly* worried that she wouldn't be on Nintendo's radar. I'm quite aware she does not command anywhere near the levels of attention as characters such as Cloud or Ryu -Maybe Bayonetta though- nor is Xenosaga or even the overall Xeno franchise anywhere near the gaming Juggernaut that is Tekken. To even make that argument would be a borderline insult to Tekken, that I know. However, given Nintendo has been participating in the resurgence of her character, and the marketing thereof, it's not implausible that she is on their radar, and was on that "list."
I'm also prepared for the possibility that Tekken might be the series they'd want to promote, or even Tales Of what with Yuri and all, but at the same time, a lot of the characters they have under their sleeve are kind of done in a way for Smash. Plus, while Heihachi is popular for instance, his home series has a specific type of gameplay that doesn't translate well over Smash. You can make a case for Ryu in that he isn't in Smash to grab the attention of Street Fighter players like Daigo, Justin Wong, or even Tokido for instance.

However, unlike Ryu, Heihachi doesn't have the mantle of "Mr. Fighting Game" like he does, is from a type of fighter that requires hell of a lot more dexterity and attention to details that go amiss to many, and isn't even the main character of the series either, and not in anyway helpful to him either. If a Tekken rep were to get in anyway, Jin and Kazuya make a lot more sense, since their flashier versions of the Mishima style karate would be leagues more fun to see in Smash. Bonus points for any Tekken/Smash hybrid fans getting two for the price of one. In a perfect world, KOS-MOS, a Tekken rep, and a Tales rep all join Smash, but unless there's a steady train of support for Ultimate with DLC Waves, only one or two of these will win this "Namco Royale".

Personally, I find Heihachi boring as hell as a choice for Smash, since he just feels so redundant, but it's only my opinion hence why I'm not using it as an argument toward his inclusion. Any obligation to add a 3rd-party character because of recognizability is completely asinine though, since "well-known" does not equal good. Never mind the fact that so far, every third-party character we have in the game not only covers their own genre, but are vastly-different from one another:

-There is no one else like Sonic, whose game is about exploration and feeling like you're breaking the sound barrier. There's no one as "way past kewl" like him in the roster, 3rd-party or otherwise. Fox? Falco? The Pokemon? Sonic is a naked talking Hedgehog who fought demons, wizards, scientists, eldritch abominations, robots, gods, etc. Starfox and the other 'Mons don't hold a candle in those departments.

-There is no one else like Snake, whose game is about infiltration, tinfoil conspiracies, crazy meta tropes, and total mind-screws. There is no one as "HNNNG METAL GEARRR" like him in the roster, 3rd-party or otherwise. None of the other Nintendo humanoid characters take on a more realistic tone like he does, for as much as you can with a "soldier clone guydude with nanomachines and government conspiracies 'n ****". They're either "super fast sports cars of the future!" racers or alien bounty-hunters with heavy referential ties to the Aliens franchise.

-There is no one else like Mega Man, whose game is about traversing 8 large, brutally-hard levels, with obnoxious platforming, hellish bosses, catchy-as-**** music, and timeline shenanigans. There is no one as "Mega" like him in the roster, third-party or otherwise. The only other playable machine up until his inclusion was ROB, and what's ROB exactly? A robot based on a toy based on a robot was all there was in Smash, and that's putting aside the fact that ROB ain't a talker nor humanoid in any way, shape, or form. Mega Man, while smaller, manages to be a different design overall with no conflict whatsoever.

-There's no one else like Pac-Man, whose game is a never-ending Arcade with a Tetris-like minimalist "plot" for lack of a better term. There is no one as "Wakka-wakka-wakka" like him in the roster, [sing-song] ♫~3rd-party oooor otherwise~♫ He's also the only cephalothorax with a more familiar-if-old-toony facial expression, and actual limbs that somewhat define a body. Kirby and Jigglypuff lack noses, are cutesy-colored, look and act innocent, are floaty, and aren't from arcade cabinets. Meanwhile, Pac-Man, for as naked as he is to Sonic also isn't an animal of any kind. Seriously, the 3rd-party roster is crazy unique.

-There's no one else like Ryu, whose games came out in the Arcade as well but differ from Pac-Man by being the only true martial-artist in the roster whose style is a romanticized form of karate. There is no one as "knowledgable about the answer in the heart of battle" as he is, god damn 3rd-party or otherwise. Sure, Captain Falcon, Ganondorf, and Samus know how to Brawl, and Little Mac was the nearest thing to a martial-artist for a while, but Ryu is THE martial-artist, and incorporates spiritual elements of Eastern fighting disciplines to the point of an art. Everything applies to Ken Masters as well.

-There's no one else like Cloud, whose games were a staple in the JRPG genre, remain quite possibly the most popular examples to date, and brought a ton of tropes that would be parodied to hell and back, despite Cloud being a precursor to satire himself. There is no one else as "edgy with none of the drawbacks" as he is, 3rd party or otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The Fire Emblem cast has nothing on him, and never mind the fact that both groups are from different eras altogether. Cloud's your modern-day sword-wielder with a more dieselpunk aesthetic while even Shulk manages to outplay him in the "fantasy" department. Again, completely different "worlds" here.

-There's no one else like Bayonetta either, whose games were an attempt to revitalize the hack-n-slash genre and act as Dante's spiritual successor. Never mind the fact that she's the only character in Smash whose design is risqué by the series' standards, or the fact that she's the first true witch. There's no one else as "lady you'd talk to after asking your mom" as she is, 3rd-party or otherwise. Seriously, you can't compare her to Zelda, or Pit, or Palutena, or even Ganondorf. She openly murders angel-type enemies in her own game, and she shares a roster with the Kid Icarus characters. Up until then, no one else displayed that sort of animosity while still being heroic.

-Finally, there's Simon and Richter, who are vampire hunters, have the least mobility for platforming in retro games, prioritize melee combat of sorts while keeping a feeling of range, and cover the horror genre in a manner of speaking. There's really no point in covering them either because again, there is no one even remotely like them in the roster.

Of course, that says nothing about whether or not Sakurai would or would not pass her over... but he's on pretty good terms with both Bandai-Namco and Monolith Soft, so I remain hopeful, and continue to await the crippling disappointment such foolhardy optimism brings.
Ahh you and me both, as well as the other support group. Let's hope for the best then, eh?
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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Wow, long day, but I just saw the news. So Nintendo, not Sakurai, picked the DLC?


Interesting... This majorly changes speculation...

I’d love if Sakurai wanted to also toss in some extra characters, but that tweet and his comments do have a theme of ‘I’m not a fan of someone else dictating this and I didn’t want to.’

Please big N, just give me the Dragonborn and we’re gold...
Sakurai was the final one to confirm any of these characters
He picked characters he knew would work
He said this

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I feel like some poll results were kinda vague and didn't necessarily conflict tbh. Like the question about what you would do in the event you got an unfamiliar character had lot of options that could be taken simultaneously.
Thank you for your input! I made a few changes to the question and answers!

Deleted member

So I tried looking up and down Nintendo's own official sites and eShop for full info on what the Fighters Pass entails and the bonuses, and this part STILL gets me.

Screenshot (1123).png

I'm just confused. There's a Nia Mii Costume in the base game. You have three Xenoblade 2 songs in the base game. You have specific Xenoblade 2 content in the base game. But this ONE SPECIFIC piece is DLC? I'm just confused, man.

EDIT: Proof of Nia Mii Costume.

Screenshot (1124).png
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014

Was reminded about this.



Nah, ya'll was tripping.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
So I tried looking up and down Nintendo's own official sites and eShop for full info on what the Fighters Pass entails and the bonuses, and this part STILL gets me.

View attachment 176377

I'm just confused. There's a Nia Mii Costume in the base game. You have three Xenoblade 2 songs in the base game. You have specific Xenoblade 2 content in the base game. But this ONE SPECIFIC piece is DLC? I'm just confused, man.
Listen man, if I were to list every weird random bit of inconsistencies in Smash games, I'd be here all day.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
And anyone who thinks Sora would benefit Nintendo more than Geno or a DQ rep is kidding themselves.

You keep saying Nintendo like Nintendo dictated Smash 4's DLC when as far as we know that was Sakurai. This is the second time we will ever get Smash DLC, and assumedly the first Nintendo will ever take charge of it.

Nintendo is a business. A business's number one goal is to make money.

Now tell me - who's going to make more money for Nintendo:
A. Sora, the protagonist of a critically acclaimed series whose series' fans are thirsty for more and who is known to millions simply due to association with the number one brand in the world whose series is at it's hypest right now.
B. Geno, an obscure character who appeared in one game 20+ years ago and who has a small yet dedicated fanbase; who wasn't even the main character of said game.
C. A character from Fire Emblem, which is in and of itself still incredibly niche compared to other strategy games. I guarantee you more people know of Clash of Clans than Fire Emblem.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH



i'm sorry I love and support you and your reps and want Geno too please forgive me

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
So I tried looking up and down Nintendo's own official sites and eShop for full info on what the Fighters Pass entails and the bonuses, and this part STILL gets me.

View attachment 176377

I'm just confused. There's a Nia Mii Costume in the base game. You have three Xenoblade 2 songs in the base game. You have specific Xenoblade 2 content in the base game. But this ONE SPECIFIC piece is DLC? I'm just confused, man.

EDIT: Proof of Nia Mii Costume.

View attachment 176379
You make more money off a protag than secondary characters most of the time. I wouldn't take it as anything other than Nintendo using a recent Nintendo character that some people like to give an incentive to buy the pass.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Imma just this this...

Nintendo was the one that thought it was good to sell Cat Peach / Tanooki Mario as Mario Kart DLC along with adding Gold Mario / Pink Gold Peach to the roster and scrapping Bowser Jr. , Diddy Kong, King Boo, Birdo, Dry Bones, in Mario Kart with some coming back as DLC after harsh fan criticism.

I realistically expect them to put in some characters that in theory would increase their bottom-line along with some promotional opportunities.
Gonna have to say this again. Reread the tweet. Nintendo chose a pool of characters Sakurai selected from.

They ARE Sakurai's choices, the ones he thought were the best/most viable out of Nintendo's selections. Context is always important here, and WAAAAY to many people are getting depressed over news they are misunderstanding.

I'm like 90% sure Sakurai is trying to hype us here, not discourage us. He still has full control of who gets in.
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Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2013
Imma just this this...

Nintendo was the one that thought it was good to sell Cat Peach / Tanooki Mario as Mario Kart DLC along with adding Gold Mario / Pink Gold Peach to the roster and scrapping Bowser Jr. , Diddy Kong, King Boo, Birdo, Dry Bones, in Mario Kart with some coming back as DLC after harsh fan criticism.

I realistically expect them to put in some characters that in theory would increase their bottom-line along with some promotional opportunities.
Keep in mind that the Mario Kart dev team != Nintendo at large, and Sakurai wasn't the person with the final say in picking the Mario Kart roster.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2014
ho guys...it's been 3 or 4 hours...
i just finished my "smash bros party ultimate cards.

we will be playing SMASH BROS with these cards that i will print on cardboard...
:-) i got many many mores but i show you some examples... both side will be print.


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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Hold the **** up.

who own the rights to Kingdom Hearts' OST? Squeenix or Didney?
I imagine it would depend on the song, since there's original music, Disney music and FF music (One Winged Angel).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2018
KH3 releases in Jan iirc
There is no way they can arrange for it to release on Switch on the same day as every other console
I don't know where you heard about these talks from
Never said they would get it out by the time that KH3 releases on other platforms lol that would be a ridiculous expectation. I'm just saying for advertising the game on their platform specifically it makes sense the exact day their port is released doesn't really matter. What matter is that they'd be getting a port in general which would be plenty reason enough from a company perspective on Nintendo's part to want to do some cross promotion stuff with the game.
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