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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 14, 2018
I’m giggling at the thought of all the DLC being first party. Honestly watch it happen, everywhere on the thread I see people mainly saying it will be exclusively 3rd party...and I feel as tho the smash community is NOTORIOUS for being wrong(grinch leak) so watch Sakurai fool us all once again and just give us 5 1st party newcomers. Giggling

(I obviously understand this is extremely unlikely but I just know there is no way in 1,000,000 years I could guess all 5 newcomers. Just funny)
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Let's see...
The chairs obviously meant Skull Kid...
DK is making that pose that Karate Joe did in Rhythm Heaven Fever
The clouds in K.Rool's Trailer are referencing Rayman
Sakurai bought a mech for research, it's gotta be Elma

I'm mocking this and all, but I did believe the latter one for a while

Guile's Theme
He just wanted an excuse to buy it so that his wife doesn't chastise him for spending money on it...
Meanwhile, some stupid journalists actually thought it was newsworthy. There's a reason Sakurai had stopped tweeting about games he likes for a good bit.

You're all pretty argumentative right now, aren't you?

You know, still baffled I haven't gotten into an argument about why or why not 2B could be in Smash, even before we found out when DLC would be decided.

I haven't even had to do something as outrageous as state why Don chan could be a fighter.
View attachment 176239

Instead, we've argued about characters that actually make sense and all have high chances, treating them as entirely unlikely or impossible in favor of another character, with all these headcanons about how smash works.
Yeah, there really isn't much to do until the VGA next month. People have completely forgotten about the blog, when it's still being updated.

I’m giggling at the thought of all the DLC being first party. Honestly watch it happen, everywhere on the thread I see people mainly saying it will be exclusively 3rd party...and I feel as tho the smash community is NOTORIOUS for being wrong(grinch leak) so watch Sakurai fool us all once again and just give us 5 1st party newcomers. Giggling

(I obviously understand this is extremely unlikely but I just know there is no way in 1,000,000 years I could guess all 5 newcomers. Just funny)
I can easily see Sakurai logic messing with everyone's expectations yet again. Stranger things have happened though. Arcadenik Arcadenik :ultduckhunt:

Which is good, because I'm not entirely sure I'm mentally ready to see Minecraft stuff in Smash...
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Deleted member

I’m giggling at the thought of all the DLC being first party. Honestly watch it happen, everywhere on the thread I see people mainly saying it will be exclusively 3rd party...and I feel as tho the smash community is NOTORIOUS for being wrong(grinch leak) so watch Sakurai fool us all once again and just give us 5 1st party newcomers. Giggling

(I obviously understand this is extremely unlikely but I just know there is no way I’m 1,000,000 years I could guess all 5 newcomers. Just funny)
The newcomers is they're all 1st party:


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
People make it all about repping things, when really this is a video game that needs to play well, and provide a variety of experiences for any one player to enjoy. If it was about representing, and ONLY representing different series, Smash wouldn’t be what it is, plain and simple.

Characters, and the representation of game series and character is absolutely important to Smash. The game is based on using our favorite characters against each other in familiar atmospheres and listening to familiar tunes while doing it. This often gives us a feeling that certain things are added to represent something from the series.

The problem with representing series, ONLY THROUGH CHARACTERS, like Smash character speculation always does, is that it dumbs down characters to only being picked for one reason. Every other reason, like roster diversity in design, ability, and archetype, is that it basically lumps it into, “TRhe Pokémon cast represents Pokémon.” In reality, Pikachu himself doesn’t not represent Mewtwo. Mewtwo represent Mewtwo. Characters are not adding to be a “rep”. They are added because the design team decides, “Hey, a character who does this would be cool”, and they decide on a character.

There’s also added relevance at the time of addition, or popularity, but arguably I would argue the most important factors are what the characters can do and, well, who they are. Just like any single person, it’s not like every character fits any single mold. Everyone is different.

For example, Piranha Plant definitely get in by the standard of, “Series staple, is popular, is a must-add for the Super Mario series”. Piranha Plant very likely was added because it was an oddball addition like Game & Watch and Wii Fit Trainer (oddball as in completely unexpected) but I also provided attributes that allowed it to not only have a unique move-set, but also a unique play style. That’s an important distinction to make.

Basically, I wish the word “rep” would die in a fire. Sure, it’s just a word. But that word just dumbs down what makes some character suggestions/ideas/additions so great. Everyone was just concerned about who would get in for various series, and ignored what certain characters could do. Incineroar, for example, doesn’t even seem like a Pokémon. He’s almost entirely wrestler based, which allows him to show personality and that Heel Wrestler design that is exclusive to Incineroar.

Sure, characters come from series. But characters should be looked at as individuals, rather than just bits of a larger whole.
Keywords: variety, unique move-set, unique play style. Is what I look for. So do you agree that most of Fire Emblem "chars" were a mistake? I honestly do.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2018
I know you're reading this. Vote 2B.
I think people only argue with "threats". As if they're convincing themselves your character pick has a lower chance than their character pick just as much as they're trying to convince you.

When you ask for 2B or I ask for Hawke, people are just thinking, "Aw, that's adorable. Now back to that Geno discussion."

In the buildup to Smash 4, I remember getting a lot of flack here for daring to ask for Daisy. She's undeserving, just another Peach, just from sports games, isn't Geno, etc. That's because she actually had a tangible chance of "usurping" a more "deserving" character, since she was a well-known Nintendo property.
Man, I can't stand that flawed way of arguments. Convincing yourself and others what you want to believe instead of testing how likely they are yourself by doing all you can to disprove yourself.

Daisy getting in, even if I didn't have a preference, was satisfying. It showed that even the characters people don't want, but still have vocal fans that won't give up can make it in.

Deleted member

Keywords: variety, unique move-set, unique play style. Is what I look for. So do you agree that most of Fire Emblem "chars" were a mistake? I honestly do.
tbh 4 characters deriving off of ONE moveset bothers me very much
Corrin (although I heard he's an awful character in his game) Robin and Ike are cool though


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Keywords: variety, unique move-set, unique play style. Is what I look for. So do you agree that most of Fire Emblem "chars" were a mistake? I honestly do.
Well that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but cutting out words from a person's mouth and reposting without context probably isn't the best way to get that across.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I’m giggling at the thought of all the DLC being first party. Honestly watch it happen, everywhere on the thread I see people mainly saying it will be exclusively 3rd party...and I feel as tho the smash community is NOTORIOUS for being wrong(grinch leak) so watch Sakurai fool us all once again and just give us 5 1st party newcomers. Giggling

(I obviously understand this is extremely unlikely but I just know there is no way in 1,000,000 years I could guess all 5 newcomers. Just funny)
I'm hoping they're all third party not just because muh Dante, but because I know a guy who's an absolute asshole in every way imaginable and he was really upset about third parties still existing so I want to spite him hard. Guy wants me and anyone like me dead so I feel I'm allowed to be spiteful


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Two things.

1. The only thing I will miss about trophies is that it was pretty cool seeing retro characters in HD.

2. This was my ad last night:



Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2018
I respect your choice but I still don't get why he's high on demand. My only guess is that fans are suggesting to Sakurai the obvious, which he usually don't look at. Like, hey Sakurai, that's your game, that's your charcater.. choose him.
I think a few of the reasons people, like me, want BWD is because he's the fourth most prominent character in Kirby and he has a really simple but good design to distinguish himself from the other Dees. His personality goes against what Waddle Dees are supposed to be. On the Japanese side of things, well, same reasons plus he's a Waddle Dee and Waddle Dees as a species are iconic and marketable as **** in Japan.

That being said, I'm not saying that good design and being prominent is our only reasons, just one of the major one's.
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
This has been my ad
For every single youtube video
For the past 3 months.
And those ads are why I have Youtube Red Whatever They Call It Now.

Well that and it's how I get all my music now. Mainly the music. No ads is a nice bonus.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
1. Rainbow Curse came out two years ago and Battle Royale one year ago.

2. My thing is that I don't know how he would play. Captain Toad mainly relies on Power-Ups while characters like BWD uses his spear and parasol. Even Piranha Plant has shown his own attacks without the use of Power-Ups. Don't get me wrong, using Power-Ups is alright but if that's your only way of attack then I'll just be confused.

Then again, Falcon's moveset came out of thin air, so I guess this point is moot.

I think besides that Captain Toad's alright.
XD You're a smart fella
I meant that it won't be long too before you see Kirby use it again.
Yeah, who has ever worried about moves? That's Sakurai's job. Similarly though (not because the moves), BWD is alright but still confusing.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
It never crossed my mind until now, but this movie is just called "The Grinch." Even the Jim Carrey version used the full title.
Maybe it's because I'm old now, but something about this Grinch remake bothers me.

I don't know if it's his design, his VA, the type of comedy shown in the trailers so far, the almost monochrome coloring style outside of the Grinch's GREEN, the fact that it's basically unneeded or the fact that I'm getting old and grumpy.

Most will say it's the old and grumpy thing.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
The newcomers is they're all 1st party:

(Or woman... I don't want to assume things)
Nice to see support for Elma still going strong
It never crossed my mind until now, but this movie is just called "The Grinch." Even the Jim Carrey version used the full title.
They probably just don't want people to be confused about 4 different things with the title "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"

We've got the original 1957 book
the 1966 Chuck Jones tv Special
The 2000 Live Action Jim Carrey movie
And if they kept the original title, the 2018 animated film

I easily understand why they simplified the title to just "The Grinch"
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Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
GameXplain analyzes the new Story Mode. (Before you ask me, I'd rather call it a Story, and not Adventure. It just feels a bit wrong, given that this is a Fighting game.) There are too many things for me to say, so someone can kindly sum it up for me.
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Deleted member

Crash Bandicoot and Spyro have a lot of unique characters. If they were Nintendo franchises, i could see these characters playable in Smash:

-Neo Cortex
-Gnasty Gnorc
-The Professor

And a long etc...


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
GameXplain analyzes the new Story Mode. (Before you ask me, I'd rather call it a Story, and not Adventure. It just feels a bit wrong, given that this is a Fighting game.) There are too many things for me to say, so someone can kindly sum it up for me.
It feels more like an adventure mode if you ask me

Especially when comparing the amount of cutscenes to Subspace Emissary

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
GameXplain analyzes the new Story Mode. (Before you ask me, I'd rather call it a Story, and not Adventure. It just feels a bit wrong, given that this is a Fighting game.) There are too many things for me to say, so someone can kindly sum it up for me.
I'm 35 minutes in and it's mostly looking at details of the maps and puzzles while speculating. Also some explanations for Spirits you fight like Palutena and Ganondorf being a Fire Emblem 3 reference

Cereal Bawks

Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2012
You know, still baffled I haven't gotten into an argument about why or why not 2B could be in Smash
Well that's because 2B is a good character and Nier Automata is a good game. Everyone wants 2B in Smash, so no one is gonna argue with you.
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Roberto zampari

Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2013
Do you think that "World of Light" will surprass the Brawl's "Subspace Emissary"?
The Mario Party theme was a nice touch.
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Deleted member

Seriously, Crash and Spyro have a a diverse cast of characters.

Only a few games like Kirby or Donkey Kong Country can say that too.

Deleted member

Man I’d love Travis as dlc. I think he could have an interesting moveset, he’s relevant, nintendo considered Travis strikes again important enough to show at the January switch conference, suda and Sakurai are friends. I feel like he’s got a chance.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
tbh 4 characters deriving off of ONE moveset bothers me very much
Corrin (although I heard he's an awful character in his game) Robin and Ike are cool though
You have no idea XD I'd say those are cool too, I didn't bother DLing Corrin though.
Well that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but cutting out words from a person's mouth and reposting without context probably isn't the best way to get that across.
So I was asking myself, should I reply? Why did he quote a reply that wasn't directed to him? why the defense stance?.. then I looked at your profile. Ok dude, chill. I read the whole thing. Honestly I think you didn't, as I didn't take anything out of context.
This describes every Fire Emblem character except for Lucina and Chrom.
I'm guessing that's a joke, right?
I think a few of the reasons people, like me, want BWD is because he's the fourth most prominent character in Kirby and he has a really simple but good design to distinguish himself from the other Dees. His personality goes against what Waddle Dees are supposed to be. On the Japanese side of things, well, same reasons plus he's a Waddle Dee and Waddle Dees as a species are iconic and marketable as **** in Japan.
That being said, I'm not saying that good design and being prominent is our only reasons, just one of the major one's.
That's my point, he's the 4th. Ok, so may I ask this, if only Kirby was in Smash, who'd you personally want next in Smash form the Kirby series? Meta, DDD or BWD. Also, just poinitng, when you say marketable, you're again, stating the obvious to Sakurai. I'm very sure he's well aware. I'm looking for what you want not Sakurai.


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2015
Make a bet for if your most-wanted character isn't DLC.

I'll delete my account if Steve isn't announced at Minecon 2019 (or earlier).


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
One of the only reasons the FE roster is so "bloated" is because of "Everyone is Here". If that's the price we have to pay to get Snake back then so be it. Not that I don't enjoy playing as all of them.

And complaining about clones/echoes is so 2016.

Deleted member

Make a bet for if your most-wanted character isn't DLC.

I'll delete my account if Steve isn't announced at Minecon 2019 (or earlier).
I will 100% Enter The Dragonfly without the use of glitches if i don’t get Sora or Banjo in Smash.
If Crash joins, i want to be mod for a day.
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