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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Anyway, at least after Incineroar, Richter and Ken, we can safely say that Ultimate got the gays covered.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
I just feel sick thinking that one of the DLC characters will be ANOTHER FE one.
If Rex and Spring Man can't be DLC because the games came out too late, something tells me the character of an unreleased game that we've seen nearly nothing of can't either.
Here's hoping though.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
So I was thinking about this entire DLC thing. Obviously, assist trophies and poke balls are a hard deconfirmation so they shouldn’t be in the running for a DLC spot. But this is a new Smash so who knows.

And while trophies did become characters ie Mewtwo and Lucas, Spirits are another issue so I would consider them a soft to medium deconfirmation. Mii costumes are a grey area as we do have Mii outfits of playable characters.

The Great Massacre of November 1st took many of our beloved characters like Isaac, Shadow, Skull Kid, Black Knight, Dillon, Springman, Tiki, Geno, and others out of the running. So we have a smaller pool of popular potential newcomers.

So looking at the five character DLC sets, it’s hard to figure out what we might get. It should be noted that these character sets will come with a stage. Seeing as how K Rool, Ridley, Daisy, Chrom, Dark Samus, Isabelle, PP, and Incineror didn’t get a stage, characters from yet to be represented franchises might be the key. I do think 3rd party will be a big feature.

My guesses are:

  1. Banjo-Kazooie
  2. Sora
  3. Mach Rider or Chorus Kids
  4. Elma
  5. Namco Rep (Heihachi or Lloyd are my bets)
I’m sorry to these fans but I don’t see Dixie Kong, Bandana Dee, Black Shadow, Impa, Porky, etc getting a stage and music.

Which brings me to a theory: original characters within these Fighter sets have stages but individual Echoes will be available at a reduced price. I feel this could potentially happen.

Another theory that I have seen float around but I can’t jump on it yet is that this is just one of more Fighter sets that will be revealed throughout post-launch. It certainly is an interesting thought but entirely speculation at this point.

I also saw that Assist Trophies and Spirits of potential newcomers could be just a placeholder for when they are eventually revealed as newcomers via DLC. Again, just empty speculation. I do think that we will be getting just 5 DLC fighters.

I guess going from what we saw earlier in this Direct, we might get:

  1. Magikoopa (not Kamek)
  2. Octorok
  3. Shy Guy
  4. Generic Fire Emblem Enemy Soldier
  5. Swooping Snitchbug


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Can he get proof? Like a pic of the actual unblurried banner?
I heard that he came forward on 4chan, though I have no idea where, since I don't go to that site. Perhaps there's proof there, but I'm not sure. On his Twitter he's also claiming responsibility and fully displaying the kind of twisted person he is.

This is also the same guy that, for those unaware, spent like, what, $4000 buying up Rosalina Amiibo years ago, just so fans of her and Nintendo in general couldn't have them. So it fits his M.O.

Saying "told you so" at this point would be both unnecessary and dishonest (I was 50/50) but I wish we were more skeptical. Though, at least, this time salt seems to be short-lived.
I mean I never believed the leak was real and tried to talk people down several times over the past week or two. Even laid out an elaborate list of reasons why I believed it couldn't be real. But a lot of people's hopes were in there, so they wanted to believe in spite of the many reasons that it would be fake, and hold onto the flimsy evidence that supported it and claim it as confirmation. I think a lot of people in the Smash community have learned a lesson in gullibility.

And that's what that leak, and to a slightly lesser extent all leaks of that nature, are designed to do. Get attention, get people invested, and then bring them disappointment when reality doesn't match the expectations it set. It told people what they wanted to hear, rather than what was actually happening. Same goes for a lot of other "leakers" and "insiders" and "sources" leading up to yesterday.

Deleted member

Warchamp7 Warchamp7 How did you make the "Post Your Roster" Website? Can you maybe provide a source code editor or something on the site to add custom characters maybe? YOU DON'T HAVE TO, YOU REALLY DON'T. It was just an idea.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
All of this talk about Edelgard kind of reminds me of when most of the few people looking for a Fates character for Smash 4 DLC were asking for Azura, the female with a cool design and unique weapon. Instead, we got the sword-wielding true main character, Corrin. I know there's more to Corrin than that, I'm just joking.
Which means if we get a FE:TH character, it's going to be Byleth, who looks likely to be the main avatar. So get ready for your next FE male kinda blue-haired swordsman. :troll:
Eh, I can get if they choose Byleth, he's the main guy and looks cool but considering he only has a sword, I think they call pull a Pokemon with that game.

Just put one of his students, they are like Pokemon Go leaders, anyway.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Have we gotten any confirmation it is fake since yesterday morning? I posted a theory about how assists and spirits do not deconfirm. Until Eric Bricard comes out and reveals some self interest for this leak, I have trouble believing someone took the time to set it all up.
Shadow is an Assist Trophy...Isssac is an Assist Tropy...AT characters never get promoted to playable character until a new Smash game is in development...the Grinch was all a lie. Some of the others could still make it in as one of the 5 unknown DLC characters, but the leak was a fake and can’t make a comeback
Ease up...
Homer doesn’t seem to feel so good
It was a joke.
But seriously... Everyone is Dead, except Kirby. HORRIBLE Starting Roster. Aside from World of Light, the rest of Spirits Mode looks iffy. And Piranha Plant. ****ING. PIRANHA PLANT.
Well you should’ve known we were only gonna start with the original 8 once Sakurai flat out said we might start with the OG8 or 12...and Piranha Plant is still alive due to not being in the game yet (also a fun looking character who was unexpected and ****s). Only bad thing is the lack of Shadow and Skull Kid being playable (mostly Shadow)
Does Piranha Plant count as a new villain character?
Since PP works for Bowser and has always helped in trying to defeat Mario and crew, yes...but is a generic villian
I just feel sick thinking that one of the DLC characters will be ANOTHER FE one.
If it makes you feel better...either you don’t but that possible character or buy and love the character
Well, now that the Direct has passed, I've decided that I'm maining Link... again.
or...you could main :ultpit: and like him


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
On the topic of Geno, if he can't make it in this Smash, I think it's time for us to move on until he becomes relevant once again.

Sakurai plainly acknowledged that he knew Geno was popular, and that he himself really wanted to see Geno get in Smash. Despite all that, we're looking at a scenario where Geno may once again be passed over in favor of other additions. If Ultimate rolls by and he still doesn't make an playable appearance, then I think it's safe to say that Sakurai isn't as comfortable with Geno as he's letting on.

Even if Sakurai is responsible for the roster and adding fan favorites, it's abundantly clear that he also tries to accommodate Nintendo's plans. Unfortunately, neither Nintendo or SE have any interest in the character, and I don't think Sakurai will feel comfortable with Geno until Nintendo takes the effort to work with SE and revive SMRPG.

I just feel sick thinking that one of the DLC characters will be ANOTHER FE one.
I actually feel pretty comfortable assuming FE won't get a DLC character. Corrin was the lone promotional character in Smash 4, and that didn't sit well with fans. Even if Sakurai wanted another FE rep, I have a feeling he'll turn down the idea and give other franchises a chance.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Have Incineroar and Ken been added to the stock icons yet?
I want to show my appreciation for Tony the Tiger


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2005
"MarioTehPlumber" stepped forward and claimed that he was behind the leak. He had a friend who worked at that French company, apparently, who he commissioned to make the banner and do the leak, for the express purpose of getting people's hopes up and hurting them, Nintendo, and Sakurai in the end.

Hard to say that he didn't kind of succeed.

I have seen his Youtube videos and I doubt he's clever enough to pull this off, but, if true, I congratulate him on epic troll to end all trolls. I don't personally care about a single character in that banner, but I get how it would suck to have your hopes built up only to get let down. Still though, that would be some epic trolling skill. I think his only troll regarding the grinch leak os taking credit for it though.
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Deleted member

Just to remind you guys, Sakurai said that the DLC characters will not be Echoes. So whoever they end up being will be Semi-clones at worst. So when suggesting characters, you can actually want people like Impa or Tails or whomever without fear of them being an Echo. And as for the Dark Dr Mario suggestion; I dont doubt that he could do another strange character (though Piranha is likely the only one), but that'd be essentially a clone (like if they were to add Pink Gold Peach), so I wouldn't count on that one. Boo, maybe...Birdo is probably more likely as a Yoshi semi-clone in all honesty; more in its fighting style than its specials, though.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
I wish that were true, though I think if it were Piranha Plant would have popped up on the website like Isabelle did, despite the artwork not being shown off in the Direct itself. The one prediction I did have was that DLC characters wouldn't be on the banner as they probably finished the base roster with all their placements with the artist a long time ago, and probably don't want to hire them back to create new artwork and find ways of rearranging them, or sticking them on the sides.

Why did that have to be my only prediction that came true. :lol: I hope it's the case that DLC characters are included--it wouldn't be a "Everyone is Here" banner if playable characters were missing.
I really hope the DLC characters get added to the banner, but the lack of PP is unnerving.

Still, I’m sure that with all of the decent fakes out there, at least one fanartist will shove the newbies in even if Sakurai and co. don’t.
Are you guys expecting a "DLC Pack 2"?
I'm definitely not, but what do you think?
No, but I really want one. I don’t even know who’s coming yet, but I know I want as many people to get their favorites as possible. If we’re only getting five (six) characters, that’s less than Sm4sh.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 5950 1333 3717
Apologies to everyone I said was stupid for believing Box Theory. Also I really denied Vergeben way too much. All I want now really are two things:

Whoever made the Grinch leak needs to come out about it.

Bandana DeeLC

Please make this happen.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
On the topic of Geno, if he can't make it in this Smash, I think it's time for us to move on until he becomes relevant once again.

Sakurai plainly acknowledged that he knew Geno was popular, and that he himself really wanted to see Geno get in Smash. Despite all that, we're looking at a scenario where Geno may once again be passed over in favor of other additions. If Ultimate rolls by and he still doesn't make an playable appearance, then I think it's safe to say that Sakurai isn't as comfortable with Geno as he's letting on.

Even if Sakurai is responsible for the roster and adding fan favorites, it's abundantly clear that he also tries to accommodate Nintendo's plans. Unfortunately, neither Nintendo or SE have any interest in the character, and I don't think Sakurai will feel comfortable with Geno until Nintendo takes the effort to work with SE and revive SMRPG.

I actually feel pretty comfortable assuming FE won't get a DLC character. Corrin was the lone promotional character in Smash 4, and that didn't sit well with fans. Even if Sakurai wanted another FE rep, I have a feeling he'll turn down the idea and give other franchises a chance.
About Geno: He's a third party, I'm not comfortable with linking his (lack of) inclusion with what Sakurai personally thinks about him.

About FE: Corrin wasn't even picked by Sakurai, so I also doubt he wants to pick another character from the series, especially now that we have Chrom.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
So I take my shot at who's could be DLC I could only figure 4 with just 1 being whoever they want here my takes

View attachment 175013
Geno because he is a lot of hell requested Sora because he could makes sens with Kingdom Hearts III Being in the corner, Sylux because of Metroid Prime 4 and Banjo-Kazooie because of Banjo-Threeie being teased and likely to be announced next year. The Last is a big question mark and even from the remaining I wish in my signature roster I don't feel like any of those are likely to be selected.
Nice! I'd definitely get the season pass if those were the characters. Decided to make a roster of mine, with a mixture of my hopes as well as characters I expect.

Smash Ultimate DLC POST GAME.png

I definitely expect one Fire Emblem character, probably Edelgard. I think Sora's the most likely shoo-in from what we can gather from the rumors. If we include Sora, Bandai Namco is the only one without two unique characters, and there's rumors/speculations surrounding Lloyd's inclusion. The rest may be new companies, and Microsoft's rumored at least being in the game in some form. Banjo & Kazooie's more of a hope than an expectation now, and Crash is another hope, as his trilogy came after the 2015 roster was made, so I'm just including them. However, we could see a Bethesda character as they were in talks (I just can't think of who'd be the best choice).

Also since Mii Fighters are separated this completely ****s up the roster... and why oh why did Sakurai not include Shadow so that Ultimate's row would start on the bottom row potentially being symmetric with 64... whyyyyyyyyyyy.
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Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
I'm sorry, but, people need to give up on the idea of assist trophies becoming playable characters. It's not going to happen. "But all they'd have to do is delete one line of code, it wouldn't be that hard" ...yeah, to disable the assist trophy. But then they have to make a new character out of that assist trophy, which would take a long time. Sakurai said that DLC will not include echo fighters, so sorry Shadow fans, he's not happening in this game.

Also, he said that the DLC was decided a while ago, which is why Rex got a Mii fighter costume instead of making him DLC, so even if there's outcry that someone's favorite character got the assist trophy treatment, it doesn't matter. DLC has already been decided and they're not gonna change that now just because of a small amount of fans.

There are going to be five DLC characters, and I bet you they're gonna devote their time to characters that aren't currently represented in the game. No spirits that were shown off will be DLC, and not assist trophies. If you accept that now, it'll be less painful when the five DLC characters are revealed.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Also since Mii Fighters are separated this completely ****s up the roster... and why oh why did Sakurai not include Shadow so that Ultimate's row would start on the bottom row potentially being symmetric with 64... whyyyyyyyyyyy.
Probably because of SEGA.

The DanMan051

Banned via Warnings
Aug 18, 2018
and that didn't sit well with fans.
The same fans who obsessively argued over a fuzzy picture of a banner mock-up nicknamed "The Grinch Leak"?

I think people need to realize that the "core fandom" doesn't really matter at all. The vast majority of people aren't going to give a damn/will find them to be cool; heck, the majority of people complaining about Corrin bought them regardless.

An 8th gen Pokemon is the most likely 1st party DLC character-- and after that, I'd say a 3 Houses protag. The DLC will probably be mostly 3rd party anyways.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
People seriously underestimate how many people who have never played SMRPG would pretend to get hyped for Geno for “gamer cred”


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
I'm sorry, but, people need to give up on the idea of assist trophies becoming playable characters. It's not going to happen. "But all they'd have to do is delete one line of code, it wouldn't be that hard" ...yeah, to disable the assist trophy. But then they have to make a new character out of that assist trophy, which would take a long time. Sakurai said that DLC will not include echo fighters, so sorry Shadow fans, he's not happening in this game.

Also, he said that the DLC was decided a while ago, which is why Rex got a Mii fighter costume instead of making him DLC, so even if there's outcry that someone's favorite character got the assist trophy treatment, it doesn't matter. DLC has already been decided and they're not gonna change that now just because of a small amount of fans.

There are going to be five DLC characters, and I bet you they're gonna devote their time to characters that aren't currently represented in the game. No spirits that were shown off will be DLC, and not assist trophies. If you accept that now, it'll be less painful when the five DLC characters are revealed.
Very well said, Kuon. :)

Jovahexeon Joranvexeon

Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2016
No spirits that were shown off will be DLC, and not assist trophies. If you accept that now, it'll be less painful when the five DLC characters are revealed.
See, I have that mentality with the chance that Phoenix Wright will get in as playable. But now with the unexpected saltiness that World of Light snubbing story has afflicted me with, it's gonna hurt if he doesn't get in. :U

And besides, might as well hope that Shantae and Twintelle still have a shot if Spirits really are the new trophies anyway. Not like I could lose anymore.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Anyway, so we are all confident that Fire Emblem will definitely get new character because Sakurai Bias, right?

Because that ended up being so right for Kirby and Star Fox in Smash For.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
I think Sora's the most likely shoo-in from what we can gather from the rumors
Pinch me. I'm dreaming, never in my life I thought I could see that sentence. And a month ago anyone saying this would get shame mocked.
I'm happy.

Also ahem.

No Characters is a lock, but if the rumours are true, it will goes down to Sora, DQ Protagonist or someone else. Geno still have a shoot, but I'm feeling absolutely not confident...

If the reveal happens at the VGA, Geno is dead gone for me. If not, he's still in play

Mellowy Yellow

Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2018
At Cafe LeBlanc
I just feel like Sakurai is gonna leave Geno fans with a REALLY bad taste in their mouths if all they get for waiting a decade is a Mii outfit and a ****ing Profile Pic. It just doesn't sit well with me at all.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
"MarioTehPlumber" stepped forward and claimed that he was behind the leak. He had a friend who worked at that French company, apparently, who he commissioned to make the banner and do the leak, for the express purpose of getting people's hopes up and hurting them, Nintendo, and Sakurai in the end.

Hard to say that he didn't kind of succeed.

He's an infamous ****posting weirdo who parodies leakers. Wouldn't take his or anyone's word on producing the leak at face value until we see the full render. Still odd that it hasn't come out.
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