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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Out of curiosity, what do you need to see in the dlc to make you buy it? For me, 5 new fighters (meaning should be 5 new playstyles) and 5 new stages sells me on it even without knowing who the specifics of who the fighters or stages will be.
I'd need to know the complete DLC roster to be confident in getting the season pass. With characters like Piranha Plant viable (simply my opinion, nothing against those who like it) and Steve likely... I would simply buy characters I want separately. And they don't have to be all dream picks either, like Banjo and Crash--I could see characters that I wouldn't necessarily buy on their own, but I could be okay with buying the DLC pass even if they were on it. But unless I know it fully prior, I'll just buy them separately.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
Did you know :ultkrool:'s up smash is a plank, a GangPLANK (Look at my profile picture to see).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2018
Switch FC
Out of curiosity, what do you need to see in the dlc to make you buy it? For me, 5 new fighters (meaning should be 5 new playstyles) and 5 new stages sells me on it even without knowing who the specifics of who the fighters or stages will be.
Personally, I loved how Smash 4 handled its DLC, primarily because I had both the 3DS and Wii U versions of it, so putting down the money to buy them felt like no brainers to me.

The fact that we're confirmed to get at least six characters (including Piranha Plant) and six stages (as I heard it will come with one) makes me excited. My fingers are crossed that Dixie will finally make it, though competition will be fierce I know. I really just want her to make it in, and bring some kind of Tropical Freeze stage with her, as that game is criminally underrepresented in Ultimate as of right now.

Regardless of who makes it in though, I'm definitely buying the pass, as having more characters, stages and music tracks in the game makes it an instant purchase for me.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
I'd need to know the complete DLC roster to be confident in getting the season pass. With characters like Piranha Plant viable (simply my opinion, nothing against those who like it) and Steve likely... I would simply buy characters I want separately. And they don't have to be all dream picks either, like Banjo and Crash--I could see characters that I wouldn't necessarily buy on their own, but I could be okay with buying the DLC pass even if they were on it. But unless I know it fully prior, I'll just buy them separately.
Honestly, I’m going to buy the fighter pass since I know no matter how much I dislike the DLC newcomers I’m going to get them anyways
I imagine that’ll be how it is for most people considering what happened with Corrin, but of course, I can’t speak for everyone.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015
In terms of recoveries, my boy Ike did take a hit in exchange for his aerial buffs.
  • Side B now has a cap to being charged, so you can't mix it up as well.
  • Up B doesn't go through stage, so you can't "shark" people anymore.
Honestly, I can live with the UpB change, as it does look more aesthetically pleasing, but man, I wish I could charge forever or simply just get an instant short side-B.
if his up b doesnt go through the stage its a plus on his bayo mu. which honestly long term is way more significant as there as a high chance both will be highly used characters.

Polar Bair

Smash Apprentice
Apr 26, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Considering we did get our forced Pokemon rep at the end of the day, we're due for a forced FE rep through DLC. Fortunately we're getting 4 more characters so there will be some good ones.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Honestly, I’m going to buy the fighter pass since I know no matter how much I dislike the DLC newcomers I’m going to get them anyways
I imagine that’ll be how it is for most people considering what happened with Corrin, but of course, I can’t speak for everyone.
Indeed, and I don't speak for anyone as well, other than myself. I dunno what it is about Piranha Plant but--had it not been a character, I'd be more open to a season pass to "complete the roster". For some reason, way more than Duck Hunt and more than Wii Fit Trainer--something about it is off, that doesn't feel like a Smash character (to me personally). But, I'm not hateful and happy for those who like it--to each their own. :upsidedown:


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Honestly, I’m going to buy the fighter pass since I know no matter how much I dislike the DLC newcomers I’m going to get them anyways
I imagine that’ll be how it is for most people considering what happened with Corrin, but of course, I can’t speak for everyone.
On a little bit of an unrelated note, I liked how Sakurai practically apologized for not revealing the Fighter Pass' contents and encouraged people to only buy it if they were absolutely certain they were getting their money's worth. I appreciate that a lot in an industry that constantly tries to fool its costumers into buying these sort of things only for it to be incredibly underwhelming.
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Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
I think the difference here is with Shadow, Isaac and Skull Kid, those are returning assists that people wanted to be playable. It's different than Bomberman and Shovel Knight, where we didn't know if they'd be in Smash, so at least being an assist is... something. Those should have been saved for the last Direct.

The worst mishandling of that is Shadow. They should have revealed Shadow as an assist early on to take him out of the echo discussion and save Knuckles for this Direct as a nice surprise. Still not ideal, but better than the way they handled it in my opinion. I feel extra bad for all those fans who had to wait 5 months to know for sure. That being said, it wasn't anything like "trolling" on Sakurai's part, as much as it feels that way--he genuinely believes assist trophies are worthy ways of representing characters, but that's not how fans view it (and I understand how they feel).
I think the worst thing about the assist this time around is knowing that they are pretty much completely off the table for DLC that we know is coming. We know for a fact that 5 more fighters will be added, and it's extremely unlikely Sakurai will promote any of the assist trophies to playable.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Indeed, and I don't speak for anyone as well, other than myself. I dunno what it is about Piranha Plant but--had it not been a character, I'd be more open to a season pass to "complete the roster". For some reason, way more than Duck Hunt and more than Wii Fit Trainer--something about it is off, that doesn't feel like a Smash character (to me personally). But, I'm not hateful and happy for those who like it--to each their own. :upsidedown:
I didn't disliked him, but I agree, he feels weird in a way that no other "joke" or "suprise" character felt before. Looking how he's treated, maybe that was the intent.

On a little bit of an unrelated note, I liked how Sakurai practically apologized for not revealing the Fighter Pass' contents and encouraged people to only buy it if they were absolutely certain they were getting their money's worth. I appreciate that a lot in an industry that constantly tries to fool its costumers into buying these sort of things only for it to be incredibly underwhelming.
I really admired that, as well. Honestly it was so considerate, along with being a smart PR move.

I think the worst thing about the assist this time around is knowing that they are pretty much completely off the table for DLC that we know is coming. We know for a fact that 5 more fighters will be added, and it's extremely unlikely Sakurai will promote any of the assist trophies to playable.
Last time was exactly same, as well. At least this time people (hopefully) won't have big, unrealistic expectations.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2015
Monterrey, México
Switch FC
Morning everybody!

Now that the grinch leak is long dead. What are you discussing?

About the fighter pass. I'm not fan of buyin' things without knowing anything about it.

But certainly, ill be buying the fighter pass 'cause I play a lot of Smash with my friends every friday lol. I dont want my roster butchered.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I didn't disliked him, but I agree, he feels weird in a way that no other "joke" or "suprise" character felt before. Looking how he's treated, maybe that was the intent.

I really admired that, as well. Honestly it was so considerate, along with being a smart PR move.
Yeah, it definitely makes sense why Piranha Plant is as a free timed exclusive. My problem now is I have a difficult choice--my wallpaper is all about including every character to complete the roster, but the sight would be... unsettling for me. I feel like what I'll do is keep all the base characters on my wallpaper, and simply add the characters I would as DLC (what I plan on doing in real life).

The fact Piranha Plant is not on the banner is both good and bad. Good in that it doesn't create a weird effect with it there. Bad because even if Banjo was in as DLC, he won't be included on the banner (and **** that ****ing Grinch leaker because my bear and bird look so awesome on it).
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Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
On a little bit of an unrelated note, I liked how Sakurai practically apologized for not revealing the Fighter Pass' contents and encouraged people to only buy it if they were absolutely certain they were getting their money's worth. I appreciate that a lot in an industry that constantly tries to fool its costumers into buying these sort of things only for it to be incredibly underwhelming.
Makes you think how they're going to do the DLC reveals, given that they're staggered over roughly a year. We're rumoured to be getting one announced at the Game Awards, and the other announcements will probably get tacked on to various Nintendo directs throughout 2019. If that's the case though, will people not know whether they're getting their money's worth until 2020?

Deleted member

Morning everybody!

Now that the grinch leak is long dead. What are you discussing?

About the fighter pass. I'm not fan of buyin' things without knowing anything about it.

But certainly, ill be buying the fighter pass 'cause I play a lot of Smash with my friends every friday lol. I dont want my roster butchered.
Not much actually. The thread seems kinda... dead...
SSBU Zoe Trent Support Stamp.png


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2015
Monterrey, México
Switch FC
Yeah, it definitely makes sense why Piranha Plant is as a free timed exclusive. My problem now is I have a difficult choice--my wallpaper is all about including every character to complete the roster, but the sight would be... unsettling for me. I feel like what I'll do is keep all the base characters on my wallpaper, and simply add the characters I would as DLC (what I plan on doing in real life).

The fact Piranha Plant is not on the banner is both good and bad. Good in that it doesn't create a weird effect with it there. Bad because even if Banjo was in as DLC, he won't be included on the banner (and **** that ****ing Grinch leaker because my bear and bird look so awesome on it).
I think the DLC character will be included on the mural/wallpaper. Maybe that Piranaha dude will be included when it gets launched around February


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
Yeah, it definitely makes sense why Piranha Plant is as a free timed exclusive. My problem now is I have a difficult choice--my wallpaper is all about including every character to complete the roster, but the sight would be... unsettling for me. I feel like what I'll do is keep all the base characters on my wallpaper, and simply add the characters I would as DLC (what I plan on doing in real life).

The fact Piranha Plant is not on the banner is both good and bad. Good in that it doesn't create a weird effect with it there. Bad because even if Banjo was in as DLC, he won't be included on the banner (and **** that ****ing Grinch leaker because my bear and bird look so awesome on it).
There should be a small dlc character banner that can connect to the original one.
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Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2014
Smash on To Yer Helmet
Switch FC
Can someone tell me since when the roster was more or less established ? And given the date can someone tell me which games that will be release in 2019 can corralate to this established roster list date ?


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I feel like it's inevitable, but I really hope DLC doesn't put a strong emphasis on third-parties. They just don't appeal to me as much as Nintendo characters.

Personally, if it were up to me, I'd try focusing on franchises that didn't get a unique newcomer yet (Zelda, Kirby, Xenoblade, etc.), add one new third-party, and toss in a single promotional character.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they went for interesting, lesser-noticed picks. As far as I can see, anyone before 2015 or after/from 2018 is fair game for the moment, depending on how many character packs they do.
They're only doing one character pack though. It's only gonna be five characters


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2005
World of Light should've been called Hashi no Kaabii 2: Kirby our Savior

I don't know Japanese.

I don't think they know anything beyond the VGA's and maybe Minecraft (Vergeben knows Minecraft stuff is coming).

PapaGenos has said that his source's source was originally only sure about Banjo-Kazooie being DLC, and that the source was confused upon hearing about the Grinch Leak and its characters.
Is it just me or did GameExplain heavily hint at Banjo and Geno for DLC? We know they know things and during the predictions bit (Andre maybe?) threw in a "you never know" bit for DLC specifically for Banjo and someone later threw his name out there in the post direct discussion. They also turned on Geno music when the DLC discussion began and one of them brought up Geno--can't remember if it was Jon, but obviously that would add weight. I believe they also had Geno in their predictions. Also, Vergeben said Microsoft representation of some kind and Square Enix. I know these are popularly requested characters, but it does seem like things line up for them from the info we have from sources.

If either Banjo or Geno are confirmed DLC, I would instantly be looking back to Grinch leak wondering wtf is going on.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
I made my predictions on the DLC speculation thread, but I’ll repeat them here.

...granted, I’ve successfully proven that I have no clue what Sakurai’s got in mind...

I expect everything to be heavily third party. Based on various leakers, it looks like Squeenix and Microsoft are big contenders. I’m expecting Sora over anyone else from Square - Geno honestly is niche, and I feel Sora’d be the kind of break-the-internet announcement Sakurai’d like. There is also potential for a Dragon Quest character since it’s huge in Japan. For MS, I can’t really see Master Chief since he’s solidly XBox, but Banjo’s got a lot of weight and Steve’s huge nowadays. I’m definitely expecting that Minecraft stage, but I’ll vote Banjo-Kazooie for DLC - even though it’s a toss up between them and blockboy.

I do think we’ll get one first party, and as much as I’d like a Zelda character, I don’t expect any of them to get promoted from their assists. Based on fanbases, Bandana Dee may have the best chance, but something from Rhythm Heaven (stage would be great) is also a potential considering they were almost in last round. I do think that if any assist gets the promotion, which I doubt, it’ll be Waluigi.

The other third party slot could be from anything. If I let my bias get in the way, I call back to that interview with Bethesda and suggest that Dovahkiin or Doomguy have a chance - Dovahkiin’s the absolute dream. Vault Boy is also possible, but I don't know if Fallout and its themes are very popular in Japan. It could also be Rayman or someone from Ubisoft, or we may just go back to an existing third party franchise (Tails please)

Finally, while I could see them taking two third-parties from the above, I’m gonna be that guy and consider that if Sakurai wants to break the internet, he’ll break that other rule and give us Goku. Not saying I’m a huge fan of that idea, but I can totally see it happening.

I’m still undecided if I’ll get the pack sight unseen, but I probably will just because I usually do for games like this. If it get’s me the Dragonborn, he could add Bozo the Clown (or a piranha plant) and I’d be okay with it. But I am hoping for another DLC season or a few extra-pack echoes or something as well since I’d like as many people happy as possible.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Just a thing I observed;

Hardcore fans: DLC speculation, bargaining about ATs, calculating the amount of modes etc.
Casual fans: Screaming about World of Light


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I think the DLC character will be included on the mural/wallpaper. Maybe that Piranaha dude will be included when it gets launched around February
There should be a small dlc character banner that can connect to the original one.
I wish that were true, though I think if it were Piranha Plant would have popped up on the website like Isabelle did, despite the artwork not being shown off in the Direct itself. The one prediction I did have was that DLC characters wouldn't be on the banner as they probably finished the base roster with all their placements with the artist a long time ago, and probably don't want to hire them back to create new artwork and find ways of rearranging them, or sticking them on the sides.

Why did that have to be my only prediction that came true. :lol: I hope it's the case that DLC characters are included--it wouldn't be a "Everyone is Here" banner if playable characters were missing.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2005
Indeed, and I don't speak for anyone as well, other than myself. I dunno what it is about Piranha Plant but--had it not been a character, I'd be more open to a season pass to "complete the roster". For some reason, way more than Duck Hunt and more than Wii Fit Trainer--something about it is off, that doesn't feel like a Smash character (to me personally). But, I'm not hateful and happy for those who like it--to each their own. :upsidedown:
I agree. It feels like it took a little less finesse to adapt piranha plant to Smash than WFT and Duck Hunt. It also doesn't elevate any Nintendo franchise. Mario doesn't need help in the form of more reps.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Is it just me or did GameExplain heavily hint at Banjo and Geno for DLC? We know they know things and during the predictions bit (Andre maybe?) threw in a "you never know" bit for DLC specifically for Banjo and someone later threw his name out there in the post direct discussion. They also turned on Geno music when the DLC discussion began and one of them brought up Geno--can't remember if it was Jon, but obviously that would add weight. I believe they also had Geno in their predictions. Also, Vergeben said Microsoft representation of some kind and Square Enix. I know these are popularly requested characters, but it does seem like things line up for them from the info we have from sources.

If either Banjo or Geno are confirmed DLC, I would instantly be looking back to Grinch leak wondering wtf is going on.
It doesn't say anything about Grinch leak. That one was specifically created to deceive fans of big name characters in speculation. DLC can still barrow from that.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
It's funny because it seems to be the contrary:

-Spawn-Wave seems to hint HARD at Sora/ Square-Enix Character being the first shown at the VGA and so far, his record is perfect with a 12-0 with the recent leak debunk. The Square-Enix Character seems to be the "other missing one" he was talking about when the mural was shown, meaning he probably know it's identity. Alongside his tweet about Geno being a spirit and how "this will go well" probably how he knows that **** will goes down

-Vergeben said that he have a list of names of Square-Enix Characters but he also said that he NEVER listed any names on that list... And guess which Character he allowed himself to comment about a month ago? Geno.
He is also saying that there is a very good chance that said Characters will be the first one to be shown

We live in a world where the two most truthfully leaker/insiders smash wise hint at everything beside Geno.

And in a world where Sora is a serious contender.

What a ****ing bizarro world we are in but I love it.


Listen I love Geno at this point, but I hope people have more realistic expectations. These characters have to be popular enough to sell in large quantities. They either will be extremely iconic or their franchise is doing super well right now and a new game is releasing.

In Smash 4, veterans were DLC due to being easy to make and extremely nostalgic, so they do well. The remaining 4 were either iconic characters (Cloud, Ryu, Bayonetta to a lesser extent) or a growing franchise (Corrin).

I wouldn't expect Smash Ultimate to be much different in that regard. I'd expect more iconic characters or big franchises that have games coming out (but had existed even beforehand). Example for me would be:
- Sora (KH3 has been In development for years; likely the most obvious choice behind Cloud)
- Banjo (one of the few classic Nintendo faces left)
- Dante (One of Capcoms most notable characters left, if they get another one)
- Edelgard (3 Houses may have been in development long enough for them to know about it)
- etc, I have no idea

Just a random list I made up, but I just wouldn't expect Niche or small time characters to come with it (especially if the fighters pass is supposed to cater to every demographic)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2015
Monterrey, México
Switch FC
I wish that were true, though I think if it were Piranha Plant would have popped up on the website like Isabelle did, despite the artwork not being shown off in the Direct itself. The one prediction I did have was that DLC characters wouldn't be on the banner as they probably finished the base roster with all their placements with the artist a long time ago, and probably don't want to hire them back to create new artwork and find ways of rearranging them, or sticking them on the sides.

Why did that have to be my only prediction that came true. :lol: I hope it's the case that DLC characters are included--it wouldn't be a "Everyone is Here" banner if playable characters were missing.
TBH the mural still looks incomplete. Why Daisy is in that pose? What is she loking at? at Belmont's Vampire Killer? I doubt she's into bdsm and Simon Belmont is very far from her.
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
TBH the mural still looks incomplete. Why Daisy is in that pose? What is she loking at? at Belmont's Vampire Killer? I doubt she's into bdsm and Simon Belmont is very far from her.
If DLC's still in some kind of flux (bad assumption right now, I know) and DLC characters in the banner are possible... Sakurai just has to steal the leaker's idea and have Solid Snake be shooting at Banjo.

(I know Ken's in that spot, but **** that's so perfect)


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I agree. It feels like it took a little less finesse to adapt piranha plant to Smash than WFT and Duck Hunt. It also doesn't elevate any Nintendo franchise. Mario doesn't need help in the form of more reps.
Less finesse? Piranha Plant doesn't even have real limbs. The fact that Sakurai could create a moveset for a character with no arms or legs is insanely creative in my eyes.

And as far elevating Nintendo franchises, what's more recognizable than Super Mario? The sad truth is that a generic spiky plant enemy is infinitely more iconic than Isaac, Geno, and half of the other characters the Smash fanbase wants. Why encourage casuals (AKA the people who weren't already decided on whether they'd buy the game) to get the game early with a free character if those people can't even recognize said character?
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Out of curiosity, what do you need to see in the dlc to make you buy it? For me, 5 new fighters (meaning should be 5 new playstyles) and 5 new stages sells me on it even without knowing who the specifics of who the fighters or stages will be.
Just some RH stuff, that's all
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2005
It doesn't say anything about Grinch leak. That one was specifically created to deceive fans of big name characters in speculation. DLC can still barrow from that.
Have we gotten any confirmation it is fake since yesterday morning? I posted a theory about how assists and spirits do not deconfirm. Until Eric Bricard comes out and reveals some self interest for this leak, I have trouble believing someone took the time to set it all up.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015

Listen I love Geno at this point, but I hope people have more realistic expectations. These characters have to be popular enough to sell in large quantities. They either will be extremely iconic or their franchise is doing super well right now and a new game is releasing.

In Smash 4, veterans were DLC due to being easy to make and extremely nostalgic, so they do well. The remaining 4 were either iconic characters (Cloud, Ryu, Bayonetta to a lesser extent) or a growing franchise (Corrin).

Just a random list I made up, but I just wouldn't expect Niche or small time characters to come with it (especially if the fighters pass is supposed to cater to every demographic)
THANK YOU. this board acts like Geno is a legendary character or something. he's not even in the top 20 of SE. DLC for this game will be bigger recent Nintendo games so Elma or FE. and third party.

Deleted member

It's likely Square would force Sakurai to use the KH3 look
If KH 3 is revealed to be coming to switch as well (probably well after its normal release), then I could see the KH 3 outfit being the base outfit. Otherwise, I'd imagine it would be the 'Classic' look since that was apparently popular enough to be added into KH II Final Mix+ as its own drive form (Limit Form, I believe).
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