Can someone on team fake compile all the reasons why the leak could be fake? I'd like to compare what reasons I have for believing and what reasons I have to not so I can decide how hyped I wanna be before Thursday to make sure I dont get too overhyped and end up absolutely being crushed if the leak is fake.
The background appears to be reverse engineered from the ground up. Team Real tends to claim it my only appear to be this way because of blur and compression, but some changes we have a hard time buying are because of that. Not to mention that these changes are all in places that are obscured by characters in the officially confirmed banners, which is very hard to believe is purely due to coincidence.
You aren't going to convince me "Snapchat compression" managed to magically change the shapes and positions of those crystals in the third panel.
It appears to us that the leaker didn't know there was a blank version of the background available and thus had to create his own in order to move all the characters around. This seems like
very convincing evidence against the leak to me.