Swamp just wanted to bring up a point that he believed debunked the leak. It was based off of an image that was too blurry to be able to notice Snake's position, so it was debunked relatively quickly with a cleaner picture for comparison. That's it. He didn't do anything wrong in posting it, nor was it wrong to debate it or debunk it.
So why are people still talking about it? Goodness. I propose that we just move along. No need for anyone on either side to get angry. It was an attempt at honest discussion, something this thread is lacking right now because most points both in favor and against the leak have otherwise been beaten to death. Yes, the tongue point was moot, but it was fun to discuss for the two seconds it was relevant. Also, you've got to admit that it would have been kind of funny if that was the point that deconfirmed the leak.
Oh, one more thing: it wasn't silly that some "Team Real" people were considering flipping sides over the tongue. Incredibly small points can be the difference between something being fake or real, especially for those of us trying to stay more neutral. Personally, I believed the leak to be true until the background issues were pointed out, and now I'm leaning fake. However, even with that in mind, I can't explain how this was faked in the way it was because the circumstances surrounding this leak are so bizarre. Stop trying to make this an issue of loyalty; that's an unhealthy way of thinking. Skepticism is a good thing to have, as long as you employ it in moderation.