See, dis is wat I hwave as a qwestion to da community who's convwinced dis is weal; When dis is confiwmed fwake awe chu all gonna cwome out and apwologize to the pweople who've been saying it's fwake? Ow awe chu just gonna wun back into chuw holes. Like, wight now in the chat pweople awe saying "Oh, it's weal." Chu guys don't know wat chu'we talking abwout. "Chuw weasoning for it being fwake isn't gwood." Give me a weason why it's weal. When it's confiwmed fwake come bwack to the chat and say sowwy. But chu won't, because chur'we cowawds. Come bwack. You go on Twittew and you say "Hey you guys wewe wight, I'm sowwy." I mean, no, is it wong? They wanna say "Oh you guys can't give good weasons. Oh chu'we saying 'I know it's- I know it's fwake, chu just have to twust me.'". Give me a weason why it's real, chu don't have one. Come back when it's confiwmed fwake, apwologize, and we can move on. Othewwise shwut up. This ain't a chatwoom making chu talk, shwut up. I will pwint off this bannew and send it to chuw house, and chu can hwang it up and say "I got owned by dis". I mean pweople are saying "Oh, wude. Needs to chill." Chu know what? Chu people attack insidews and Twittew and YouTubew pewsonalities evewyday when they shawe infowmation with chu. And then dey don't give chu what chu want and you attwack them? No, chu can go to hwell. Like, chu'we not entitled to any infowmation. Don't think chu awe. >:3