I feel like chasing after further details from a lead involving the supposed man who took the Snapchat is nothing more than an unnecessary red herring, anyway. On top of the ethical issues of hounding someone's page for more information (and that there is also a fair chance that there just so happens to be a similarly named man in a world of billions of people that also happened to go to school in France), there just seems little point in trying to be much more "A-HA!" about whether or not the man worked in the supposed company involved in the leak. Like, being that much more confident in this detail that's been thrown around with uncertainty for the past couple of days doesn't really tell us anything more about the authenticity of whether or not the characters in the banner are real, or forgeries.
In any case, I feel like this is crossing more lines than is absolutely necessary (and people were already crossing lines to begin with when this all started, I think, tracking down his linkedin, calling his employer, etc, etc..), and maybe that's a sign that folks ought to pull back a bit and take a few minutes to breathe.