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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

Chrom, as our third Marth derivative and not really having anything special about him besides being an anime man. I'm sure his character in his game is interesting enough, otherwise people wouldn't want him, but in Smash he just looks bland. I have the same problem with Dark Pit. Apparently he's much more interesting in the game, but in Smash, he's just alt color Pit with a generic attitude.

As opposed to King K. Rool, who I know almost nothing about because I've never played a Donkey Kong game, yet his design, personality, and moveset are super interesting and I'm actually excited to try him out.
I suggest to check the DKC games.

They have fantastic music, and the challenge is fun.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
If only his Final Smash didn't look too close to Ike's.
Funny thing is, Ike's game released after FF7, so it's actually Great Aether copies after the Omnislash.

Also, we have a lot of Final Smashes look like each other.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
So, if I may ask you guys, who do you think will be your least favorite newcomer?
Just Ultimate? Hard to say because they all range from okay to great. I guess Isabelle would be that character for me.

Although Steve would take that spot if he were in.

Deleted member

Funny thing is, Ike's game released after FF7, so it's actually Great Aether copies after the Omnislash.

Also, we have a lot of Final Smashes look like each other.

At least the one for Luigi in Brawl dissapeared.

What was that one about?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2018
I didn't say that. Doesn't change the fact that killing is still present, and something religious people would be against in the first place. Now, just drop the topic, okay? It has gone on for long enough.

So, if I may ask you guys, who do you think will be your least favorite newcomer?
Probably Inkling. I don't care much for Splatoon, and they don't look to be very satisfying or interesting to play.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
UGH! Will you just let it go? I don't see how that makes the game any better for him, anyways if the killing is there, and the enemies are trying to kill you too. Now end of story.
I would like to let it go, but Undertale has sadly become "hip" to hate, like Justin Bieber, Nickelback, Minecraft, and FNAF, and it's already got a lot of undeserved shade and hate thrown at it as a result; I can't let these misinterpretations of its message and themes stand. It's simply in my nature to denounce hatred wherever it lurks.
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Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2018
Yeah splatoon inklings put me to sleep. I hope that's as far as splatoon content in smash goes I'd like to see recourses allocated elsewhere
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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2018
Least favorite newcomer is Chrom. **** FE. But at least he kinda deserves it.

Any new FE rep, Steve, and Kencineroar would instantly take that spot should they arrive.


Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2018
I like Mario but Luigi punches like someone who isn't American. Hes from Brooklyn he needs more oomph from his punches.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2018
I think that they deserved a spot for being a new first party ip with huge sales.
Didn't say that they didn't deserve the spot - I'd be mad confused if Inkling wasn't there. I just don't jive with their style.
I actually kind of like heavier characters, punchier characters (Doc) or characters with fun gimmick moves (Game and Watch, Pac-Man). So far, K. Rool looks like he fits both of those if his crazy cannonball-vacuum thing and belly counter are any indication.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Oh yeah Corrin 2.0 wouldn't be ideal for me either but at least we know the character is coming and it's an axe user no less.

Deleted member

Didn't say that they didn't deserve the spot - I'd be mad confused if Inkling wasn't there. I just don't jive with their style.
I actually kind of like heavier characters, punchier characters (Doc) or characters with fun gimmick moves (Game and Watch, Pac-Man). So far, K. Rool looks like he fits both of those if his crazy cannonball-vacuum thing and belly counter are any indication.
If the cannobal works like in DKC2, there may be some problems.

In that game, the thing exploded when you brought back the proyectile it shouted while it sucked air.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
I suggest to check the DKC games.

They have fantastic music, and the challenge is fun.
I've just never found the setting very appealing, but the King K. Rool hype has gotten me to consider giving it a look. I've got some catching up to do in general, though thankfully I've got an NES and SNES Classic to assist with that. I'm planning on going through some of the Castlevania games, as well as Super Mario RPG if Geno gets announced (and probably still if he doesn't).

Deleted member

I've just never found the setting very appealing, but the King K. Rool hype has gotten me to consider giving it a look. I've got some catching up to do in general, though thankfully I've got an NES and SNES Classic to assist with that. I'm planning on going through some of the Castlevania games, as well as Super Mario RPG if Geno gets announced (and probably still if he doesn't).
It will be worth.

They are fun.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2018
I'll probably get into projectile spamm-- I mean -- """zoners""" too, since I like R.O.B. and Mega Man a lot, even if I didn't play them as often as I did Doc, Game and Watch and Pac-Man.
(plus if Geno gets in, he's probably going to play exactly like that; glass cannon projectile zoner)

Deleted member

I'll probably get into projectile spamm-- I mean -- """zoners""" too, since I like R.O.B. and Mega Man a lot, even if I didn't play them as often as I did Doc, Game and Watch and Pac-Man.
(plus if Geno gets in, he's probably going to play exactly like that; glass cannon projectile zoner)
I play as Samus.

Look out for Mario's side b and Villager's pocket move.


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
So, is it just me, or is Dr. Mario's forward throw slower in Ultimate?
Mario's F-throw animation has always been rather fast, but in Doc's character video, it looks a lot slower than it was before.


Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2016
The final smash direct will be in or around mid November. The anniversary of release dates for Smash 64 are the 15th & 19th, Melee is the 21st, Smash 4(Wii U) is also on the 21st as well as the 28th & 29th of November in other regions. People may not have noticed but Isabelle’s reveal & the Nintendo direct were originally scheduled a week before the anniversary of Smash 4(3DS) on September 13th, which was pushed back a week due to the earthquakes. The same thing could be done for the anniversaries of these games. Another November sign is the Smash bundle coming out on the 2nd. The specific date I think the direct can be on is November 8th. This is due to all the directs being in the early or mid part of their month. 3/4 of them were on a Thursday(the one that wasn’t was close, on a Wednesday) & 2/4 of them were on the 8th. & what day does November “8th” fall on? Yes a Thursday. This would be when a downloadable demo would be announced, if there is one. It could be playable as soon as the direct is over or closer to Ultimate’s release.

The original Golden Sun(11th in NA) & Dark Dawn(29th in NA), as well as Shadow the Hedgehog(15th in NA, 18th in PAL) were all released in mid November(10th to the 20th), besides Dark Dawn, strengthening the November part. This would be perfect for the reveals of Isaac and Shadow as their games would be having their anniversaries. Then there’s echo fighters. The most likely ones are Ken and Dixie Kong(Even Ken & Dixie Kong could be getting the anniversary treatment as Street Fighter games have been ported and/or enhanced in November as well as her debut game & many other Donkey Kong games were released in November). They were requested for years, seen in polls, used by Sakurai (Shadow & Isaac are assist trophies & trophies in Brawl & again with Shadow in Smash 4, Ken as a trophy in 4 & Dixie Kong was planned to be paired with Diddy Kong in Brawl & has a trophy in every one since Melee). One of the possible echoes might be a semi-clone, most likely Shadow, since most people saw Isabelle getting in as an echo but that was false. 4 is the min characters we could get with 7 being the max for several reasons such as it stays beneath the base amount of newcomers in Smash 4.

These characters are in numerous theories, such as box theory having Ken and while people believed the final spot belongs to Incineroar it could belong to any non echo fighter newcomer which works for Isaac and Shadow. Also the blog theory works for 4 to 7 characters. There’s various leaks plenty of which have these characters in them, but the most popular one has Ken. If my characters from before are right then 1 stage would have to be new for Isaac. The total amount of stages is a difficult factor. There’s the CoroCoro 5 more for a total of 108 idea and I can see that’s a possibility with 5 more spots remaining on the stage selection screen with the last belonging to custom stages, maybe even DLC. This would mean 4 other stages are left all of which are could be returning, new or a combination. A new row of stages could be added so 5 is only the minimum.

The structure of the direct could even go like... A hero is being shown first, most likely Isaac, then echoes in the middle and a villain last, probably Shadow with Sonic in his reveal. This was the pattern set by the July & August direct. To conclude in or slightly around mid November is when there will be a direct with the reveal of a demo, at least 5 stages and 4 to 7 new characters. There other facts that weren’t listed in order to keep this short as can be and ideas on what else we could get but they are more personal than factual as there is a lack of evidence for them. Parts in this theory of course could be somewhat different to totally wrong from what’ll actually happen, but until then, wait and watch

Deleted member

So, is it just me, or is Dr. Mario's forward throw slower in Ultimate?
Mario's F-throw animation has always been rather fast, but in Doc's character video, it looks a lot slower than it was before.
I think that he was always supposed to be slower in any form.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Some people by nature are tempted to push that big red button even if they know its wrong. Or heck they may even think it's the right thing for the betterment of the universe then we have the nihilistic infinite earth theory where nothing we do matters.
Dang, that sounds crazy and depressing...


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Disliked Newcomer? Dark Samus.
Not because I dislike her character, but because the way they implemented her was a fat load of wasted potential.


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
If there's one game I would absolutely love on the Switch that will probably never happen, it would have to be this:

On the topic of Smash though, I never understood why people complain about three of the FE reps being from one game (Awakening), but nobody seems to have any issue with three of the Zelda reps being from one game as well (Young Link, Sheik, and Ganondorf from OoT).
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