Can someone translate what the spambots are saying?
Well, obviously I don't know Korean.
even though it's one of the languages on my bucket list Here's what google translate had to say about what one of the spambots said:
Ulsan business trip massage √ (KatoP PG52) {} (meeting Japanese business trip) Ulsan business trip M2 call business Ulsan business trip anmae Ulsan business trip shop price Bn Ulsan business trip shop recommendation Ulsan call business shop Ulsan business trip massage massage business Ulsan business trip shop Kangchu Ulsan business trip shop reviews
Afterward, it has a link which I will not post, nor click. I would assume all the others are moderately similar, although they clearly seem to say something different.
Another one, put through google translate again, said:
[Pohang Travel Shop] {Katok Pw20} (Mo) [PaW38, NeT] (Mo) Pohang Call Girl Pohang Business Trip Pohang Business Massage Pohang Business Pohang Business Trip Pohang Motel Business Trip to Pohang