Thinking about the Fire Emblem roster, we probably would’ve gotten around 4, maybe 5 if you count want to include Chrom into the count as an echo.

But you maybe wondering, who the 5th one is? And who is Chrom supposed to be echoing? Well that is:
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You see, while

was fortunate enough for being available at the time.
Roy wasn’t the character that was originally going to clone Marth. Turns out, Sakurai during development wanted to include Leif as the clone for Marth, it was only when he want to IS to get permission when he found out about Roy and went with him instead.
Thinking about, I wish Sakurai sticked with Leif. He looks awesome and distinct with his Brown hair and White outfit, and would’ve worked well with the reverse tipper mechanics as he’s more “younger” than Marth.