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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Grima coming in and destroying the only decent "theory" out there. sigh

Xenoblade still has no song so it gave me a glimpse of hope in a verg + box theory world
There's still a chance for a Xenoblade character. Box theory isn't confirmed and verg doesn't claim to know all the characters. All this does is open the floodgates for characters, that's a good thing isn't it?
It gave people hope that Incineroar could be deconfirmed.

But they should know better that some music could stop my Boi. :smirk:
He's unstoppable!

Good Guy Giygas

Smash Master
Jul 7, 2013
Official Doomguy Hype-Man®
Switch FC
This might be my lack of Fire Emblem knowledge showing but... is the Id (Purpose) on the blog any different than the version that was in Smash 4? It honestly doesn't sound new to me. Again, I don't know my FE stuff at all. Don't @ me


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Location Machine Broke
Current Mood:

Anyway, here's a minigame: pick three newcomers you want in and try to fit all three into around a lyrical song that isn't from a video game.


Geno+Skull Kid+Shadow = "Shooting Stars" Bag Raiders
Shantae+Waluigi+Chorus Kids = "Just Dance" David Bowie
Incineroar+Ken+Venom Snake = "Disco Inferno" The Trammps
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Music theory was anything but unpopular. And considering some people thought the Steven remix put doubt into Verg, that should say enough
Pre Steven I'd argue there were as many people for it as there were against it. It wasn't widely accepted, especially after they had to include the "no echoes" rule after Dark Samus.

Post Steven? I'd say the vast majority of people in this thread began at least doubting it, if not outright dumping it. Sure there were people saying that Verg is probably wrong and that music theory was still alive until a reveal, but those were definitely in the minority. Vergeben has his doubters still but most people tend to at least heed his words from what I've seen.
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Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
What interests me on the box theory is that I can't envision there being more than 3 uniques and 3 Echoes.
Makes me wonder what they'll do in that case.
I don't believe in the box theory, personally. Actually, I don't believe in any of the theories

Deleted member

This might be my lack of Fire Emblem knowledge showing but... is the Id (Purpose) on the blog any different than the version that was in Smash 4? It honestly doesn't sound new to me. Again, I don't know my FE stuff at all. Don't @ me
It's close to the original, but it is a new arrangement.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Oh, I do. I just find it interesting one would hope for less content for the sake of bragging rights. I personally don't get it, but hey, to each their own. I just wish box theory people were at least willing to entertain the arguments made against it, as there are plenty that have just as much validity as the arguments made for it.
Yeah you really don't get it.
No one's hoping for less content, some people just see the writing on the wall.

This might be my lack of Fire Emblem knowledge showing but... is the Id (Purpose) on the blog any different than the version that was in Smash 4? It honestly doesn't sound new to me. Again, I don't know my FE stuff at all. Don't @ me
Refer to this post from Opossum Opossum
The instrumentation, particularly all the woodwind flourishes, is completely different, the choir is notably different, it has a new triumphant intro flourish, and the percussion is markedly stronger.

That and when they inevitably don't put the second half of the song like the botched Smash 4 rip of the song, it'll be justified since it's a remix. :p

Deleted member

Oh, I do. I just find it interesting one would hope for less content for the sake of bragging rights. I personally don't get it, but hey, to each their own. I just wish box theory people were at least willing to entertain the arguments made against it, as there are plenty that have just as much validity as the arguments made for it.
Literally no one hopes it's right. Nothing would make me happier than to see it fall apart but all the counteraguments against it fail to explain why a placeholder has character placement that takes into consideration unrevealed newcomers.
Hope is literally useless if all it does is cause false expectations.


Sep 26, 2013
I find it humorous how "Music theory helps!"

Yeah, cutting entire franchises with highly requested newcomers out of the running just because they put a song up on the website sure doesn't stifle speculation arguably as much as box theory.

I'll say it.

Music theory stifles speculation more so than Box theory.

Because at least with box theory, even if Ken is a lock, that last newcomer can be anyone.

The longer Music theory was allowed to live, the more and more franchises that would have been cut out of speculation because "Uhhh, the music."

Deleted member

What interests me on the box theory is that I can't envision there being more than 3 uniques and 3 Echoes.
Makes me wonder what they'll do in that case.
I personally don't think there will be more than that (most I'm willing to speculate on is 2 more uniques and 2 or 3 Echos on the high end), but editing the box to account for new information being made public is not the Herculean feat it is made out to be, IMO.

If a design needs to be changed, it'll be changed. Unless someone personally knows the artist(s) who designed the box and get confirmation from them that it is impossible, then I will entertain that being one of many possibilities.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I find it humorous how "Music theory helps!"

Yeah, cutting entire franchises with highly requested newcomers out of the running just because they put a song up on the website sure doesn't stifle speculation arguably as much as box theory.

I'll say it.

Music theory stifles speculation more so than Box theory.

Because at least with box theory, even if Ken is a lock, that last newcomer can be anyone.

The longer Music theory was allowed to live, the more and more franchises that would have been cut out of speculation because "Uhhh, the music."
If Ken is a lock than that last newcomer is Incineroar and there's no real reason to doubt that.

"The box" stifles, "the music" stifles, just about every theory here stifles. Perhaps that's for the better. Up to the viewer.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2015
This is just me, but not really a fan of this since I liked each universe getting separate treatment as far as new arrangements go...

Not to mention there's still like 8-10 character based franchise we still don't know about in regards to a remix.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2018
I feel like the box theory is just from the human need to make something look complete. Smash 4's roster screen once looked like this, and to make more space for more characters they just resized the boxes. I feel like that's whats gonna happen here too.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
If you wanna talk about stifling speculation, vergeben + box tag team combo have effectively KOed the competition.


Sep 26, 2013
If you wanna talk about stifling speculation, vergeben + box tag team combo have effectively KOed the competition.
I personally disagree to a point.

The only thing that Verg has more or less solidified in Speculation is "Ken, Incineroar and a 2nd SE rep."

Considering his track record with Echos and K.Rool, people are more than free to continue speculating on other characters, he doesn't know everything.

Deleted member

Yeah you really don't get it.
No one's hoping for less content, some people just see the writing on the wall.
Literally no one hopes it's right. Nothing would make me happier than to see it fall apart but all the counteraguments against it fail to explain why a placeholder has character placement that takes into consideration unrevealed newcomers.
Hope is literally useless if all it does is cause false expectations.
Please, point me to the factual evidence that inarguably proved that these things are fact and cannot be argued with.

I believe the box is one of many outcomes. However, like most theories without any actual evidence, they are supported by nothing other than personal belief. It could prove true...just like Music Theory could have. Wasn't the argument for Music Theory that "Of course the songs were designed that way", and, "There was an obvious pattern", and so on? We cannot say arguments against it cause false expectations when there is no evidence for either side right now.

I have no problem with someone believing the box, I just think it's a shame that some feel the need to shove it in people's faces. There is no current fact to support it, so I see no need to treat it as truth right now, only one of possible theories.
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Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
Oh? So Music Theory is actually dead this time. I said it before and I'll say it again - I think it's sloppy of them to put repeats on there when there's literally no reason to. But this is finally the (first but) final strike against the Music Theory.

I'm definitely not expecting this to help speculation honestly. Music Theory was the only reason rosters without Incineroar were still alive and kicking. I'm expecting speculation to become even more uniform now.
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