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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Doesn't Tekken have a literal Bear as a fighter?
Not like a super Bear, just a normal Bear who fights with everyone else?

Screw Heihachi, Kuma should be in the game.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Doesn't Tekken have a literal Bear as a fighter?
Not like a super Bear, just a normal Bear who fights with everyone else?

Screw Heihachi, Kuma should be in the game!
By no means is Kuma a "regular bear."

He's been trained in martial arts by Heihachi.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Isaac - Base
Incineroar - Lock
Skull Kid - Boss
Black Shadow - Not happening
Shadow - Base
Black Knight - Boss or not happening
Banjo - Base or DLC
Steve - Not happening
Ken - Lock
Dixie - Possibility DLC
Sora - DLC
Dante - Not happening
Spring Man - DLC
Ribbon Girl - DLC
Rhythm Heaven - Base or DLC
Medusa - Base or DLC
Celica - Possibility Base
Geno - Base
DQ character - DLC
Elma - Base or Bust
Rex - DLC
Curious what changed your mind on Steve? Anything new happen?

A lot of you are gonna have egg on your face when Steve gets into Smash
One could go the salt route. I'd much prefer the everyone be happy route if Microsoft's involvement meant both series being represented in some way. Realistically, Minecraft works better as a stage. Banjo has the moves, popularity, history with Nintendo. Pipe dream, both get in and both camps are satisfied, despite my feelings of how a meme character like Steve just doesn't work, for me, in Smash. Any good Bayesian would say you cannot be 100% certain of anything, so I (almost) never speak in certitudes, so either way I won't wind up with egg on my face. Unless Zinith Zinith gets me.


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2018
Doesn't Tekken have a literal Bear as a fighter?
Not like a super Bear, just a normal Bear who fights with everyone else?

Screw Heihachi, Kuma should be in the game.
Listen, man, Kuma is alright, but what if I told you that there is a better candidate

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Curious what changed your mind on Steve? Anything new happen?
Pretty much your prediction which seemed spot-on and can believe in. That and being that Ultimate is fan service and people wants Banjo more then Steve I can't see Sakurai choosing him over Banjo.

I honestly do believe were only getting a Minecraft stage and assist trophy. Nothing more.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2015
Watch next weeks reveal not be incineroar. The forum would be broken with rage either way.
i just realized...

i hope Verge made assure to the public he didn't condone anything to the box/card theory aside having a neutral stance like the old Imgur Riddle rumor months ago.
seeing how box theorists keep tying his rumors with their fanatical stuff, i know people will start attacking him again over their fan theory if it falls apart. (like the Music Theory) and of course his poor PR skills will spring doubters again (i.e. the "'tism" stuff)
also people mixing up claims he said X is DLC, when he's opinionate about what's likely. (he shouldn't even talk about DLC subject at all if he's telling people his main sources didn't call anything about it yet, misconceptions are a usual thing.)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2014
Now I want a game that has only animals with boxing gloves.
Springman who? I only know the characters from the iconic fighting game (F)ARMS.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
i just realized...

i hope Verge made assure to the public he didn't condone anything to the box/card theory aside having a neutral stance like the old Imgur Riddle rumor months ago.
seeing how box theorists keep tying his rumors with their fanatical stuff, i know people will start attacking him again over their fan theory if it falls apart. (like the Music Theory) and of course his poor PR skills will spring doubters again (i.e. the "'tism" stuff)
also people mixing up claims he said X is DLC, when he's opinionate about what's likely. (he shouldn't even talk about DLC subject at all if he's telling people his main sources didn't call anything about it yet, misconceptions are a usual thing.)
Considering how people who don't believe verge act, it doesn't matter if he did or not, he'll still get flung **** at because he's legit and people are in denial


Sep 12, 2014

1. That's awesome.

2. What the hell is Tekken's story?
Tekken's story is all kinds of wacky SHENANIGANS that would take too long to explain but Alex (the raptor) has no relevance to the story whatsever other than being an experiment made by EVIL CORPORATION.

He was even just a palette swap for Roger (the kangaroo) in his first and second appearances.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2015
Are you telling me that this:

Is Supposed to be This?:

I don't know... Doesn't scream NES Ridley to me...
i think people miss the point of Sakurai using his creative license to do redesigns for characters in Smash
Ultimate Ridley is mix of Other M Ridley with some hard "callbacks" to Super Metroid Ridley
the Metroid 1 size was actually used in reference by Sakurai, according to Bill and Nate in a interview, just crouch him as a fighter.
Because apparently, he was imagine him standing straight up, deeming him as "too tall". (this is also how Ridley's stand up taunt became to be, even noted he's canonically 4 meters)

when Sakurai said hocus pocus, in that old IGN article disconfirming Ridley, he literally just did that later on. XD

Several "leakers" have said there will be a switch revision.
Hitagi said it will be a Switch+ with a Tegra X2, WSJ said their source doesn't know the specs or what they're doing with it since the plans are very early.
there's also the Mariko stuff in the Switch code, noting there's going to be another Tegra revision coming.
as Hitagi said, he only made known to it, so whatever that was talked about already is still pending for confirmation.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
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Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
Here's hoping Incineroar's the next reveal.

It would confirm one of the most speculated characters, leaving room for discussion here to be a little more interesting, and it would make me happy :).
IF we do get incineroar revealed soon (and it seems likely) I think box theory is debunked UNLESS we get ken along with him AND sakurai announces thats the end of the base roster.

I cant imagine getting only incineroar revealed soon and then only have ken as an echo as the final single character left to reveal (and he has to be an echo to fit where he needs to go for box theory to be true).

If we get them both, again as long as sakurai doesnt announce thats the end we are safe from box theory... with so much time left until release i'd be surprised he didnt space reveals out better if the full roster is known two full months in advance of the games release. The august 8 direct could have held back characters to sprinkle reveals into november (like hold off dark samus and k rool for the end or something, no one would have complained about ONLY getting 3 character reveals instead of 5 in august) so that just seems like bad marketing if we get ken/incineroar now and no new characters for two months, the hype will wither in the lead up to the launch date and it did not have to. makes no sense that way imo.

we'll see what happens but i'm very hopeful about getting some smash reveals soon and the open possibilities that could mean for a final character or characters to be shown later.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
IF we do get incineroar revealed soon (and it seems likely) I think box theory is debunked UNLESS we get ken along with him AND sakurai announces thats the end of the base roster.

I cant imagine getting only incineroar revealed soon and then only have ken as an echo as the final single character left to reveal (and he has to be an echo to fit where he needs to go for box theory to be true).

If we get them both, again as long as sakurai doesnt announce thats the end we are safe from box theory... with so much time left until release i'd be surprised he didnt space reveals out better if the full roster is known two full months in advance of the games release. The august 8 direct could have held back characters to sprinkle reveals into november (like hold off dark samus and k rool for the end or something, no one would have complained about ONLY getting 3 character reveals instead of 5 in august) so that just seems like bad marketing if we get ken/incineroar now and no new characters for two months, the hype will wither in the lead up to the launch date and it did not have to. makes no sense that way imo.

we'll see what happens but i'm very hopeful about getting some smash reveals soon and the open possibilities that could mean for a final character or characters to be shown later.
I totally agree. I still think we'll get someone (Geno maybe?) in November, so if Incineroar and Ken are revealed this month the box is dead.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
IF we do get incineroar revealed soon (and it seems likely) I think box theory is debunked UNLESS we get ken along with him AND sakurai announces thats the end of the base roster.

I cant imagine getting only incineroar revealed soon and then only have ken as an echo as the final single character left to reveal (and he has to be an echo to fit where he needs to go for box theory to be true).

If we get them both, again as long as sakurai doesnt announce thats the end we are safe from box theory... with so much time left until release i'd be surprised he didnt space reveals out better if the full roster is known two full months in advance of the games release. The august 8 direct could have held back characters to sprinkle reveals into november (like hold off dark samus and k rool for the end or something, no one would have complained about ONLY getting 3 character reveals instead of 5 in august) so that just seems like bad marketing if we get ken/incineroar now and no new characters for two months, the hype will wither in the lead up to the launch date and it did not have to. makes no sense that way imo.

we'll see what happens but i'm very hopeful about getting some smash reveals soon and the open possibilities that could mean for a final character or characters to be shown later.
I mostly agree, except I'd still consider box theory if we just get Incineroar. Would be a blow to it? I certainly think so, but there'd still be the possibility of it being true, and so long as it can be true I'd consider the real possibility of it actually being true.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Ooh, ooh, did they say anything about me~?
No but "Something Something lot of Geno Hater in the general thread"

"Something how dare they dare play the hype police. Something Something self-righteous idiot"

"Let the hater cry blabla la"

I was going to post something to show my support no matter what Square-Enix Character get in and that their story was touching then I saw that.
Decided to read page earlier and realized that they get TRIGGERED the moment Someone say another name than Geno for Square-Enix.

Then I realized it was just a safe-space for close-lipped people...
The worst is that I see people complaining about hater when in this thread literally no one said anything bad about Geno, all believe he's the most likely SE rep, they just entertain the idea of SOMEONE ELSE being highly possible since Square is such a big deal.

Or that there cross-poster between there and here but they can't speak up here and need to hide back then to explain their opinion.

It's sad. It genuinely reminded me of the K.rool / Wolf thread from smash4 dlc

Deleted member

I just want a separate character reveal that's worth my time, I stood up for 24 hours back when Robin and Lucina were revealed, and the only thing I gave a damn about was the fact that Captain Falcon was confirmed. :yoshi:

I STOOD UP FOR A CLONE AND A CHARACTER THAT AIN'T EVEN GOOD. At least if Incineroar is the reveal, y'all need to come through with them maxmoefoe memes at the very least.
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
No but "Something Something lot of Geno Hater in the general thread"

"Something how dare they dare play the hype police. Something Something self-righteous idiot"

"Let the hater cry blabla la"

I was going to post something to show my support no matter what Square-Enix Character get in and that their story was touching then I saw that.
Decided to read page earlier and realized that they get TRIGGERED the moment Someone say another name than Geno for Square-Enix.

Then I realized it was just a safe-space for close-lipped people...
The worst is that I see people complaining about hater when in this thread literally no one said anything bad about Geno, all believe he's the most likely SE rep, they just entertain the idea of SOMEONE ELSE being highly possible since Square is such a big deal.

Or that there cross-poster between there and here but they can't speak up here and need to hide back then to explain their opinion.

It's sad. It genuinely reminded me of the K.rool / Wolf thread from smash4 dlc
Hi Geno thread. On a scale of 1 - 10 how much do you hate me?

I'm gonna guess it's a solid 8. I wouldn't be surprised with a 9 either.

The sad thing is that the above is an actually serious statement.

That's the problem with character support threads. They're echo chambers of (mostly) blind support. I decided to check out the Geno thread after Vergeben commented on him and they just brushed it to the side, saying that it meant nothing and that Geno was still surely the SE rep even though there's evidence right in front of him that Square Enix may not even care about him.

I've spoken about the dangers of hopes and expectations, and echo chambers like character support threads (not just Geno's, but most of them) are especially potent in raising fan hopes, as if you hear a lot of people say that the character you want is going to get in, then you yourself will come to believe that and get your hopes up. There's actual psychology behind this. And if Geno or x character doesn't get in those hopes come crashing to the ground, and we see a ****storm similar to that of Brawl or Sm4sh. Now, that shouldn't happen because we have DLC, but if Sora gets in over Geno...

Well, I'd be happy. That's for sure. I'd also be happy if Geno got in, but people are sure to ignore that and call me a Geno hater because I play Devil's Advocate against him.
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Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
I mostly agree, except I'd still consider box theory if we just get Incineroar. Would be a blow to it? I certainly think so, but there'd still be the possibility of it being true, and so long as it can be true I'd consider the real possibility of it actually being true.

I just cant see having ken an echo fighter (which he'd have to be to fit on the box where the empty space is) as the last and only fighter to reveal, again it just seems insane not to save someone like k.rool to announce along side ken at the end if thats the case.

MAYBE they show just ken and then hit us with a square rep as just dlc or steve? as dlc or something so technically ken was the last base roster fighter but revealed alongside another fighter. maybe. basically there'd have to be something else going on if ken as an echo is a lone single final reveal, i cant see it making much sense anyway i look at it.


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Maybe the goal of the next direct won't be to surprise with a hype character at the end.

They could have a hype reveal of a smash demo. A hype reveal of a new ballot to decide DLC characters. A hype reveal of a single player mode no one expected. A hype reveal of the game being downloadable RIGHT AFTER THE DIRECT... ok, probably not that last one. Point is, there's other ways to hype people up that are not characters.

Best assumption is to go in expecting just Incineroar and Ken whenever the next direct is, much like the best assumption going into the last smash direct was max one character and one echo.
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
I just want a separate character reveal that's worth my time, I stood up for 24 hours back when Robin and Lucina were revealed, and the only thing I gave a damn about was the fact that Captain Falcon was confirmed. :yoshi:

I STOOD UP FOR A CLONE AND A CHARACTER THAT AIN'T EVEN GOOD. At least if Incineroar is the reveal, y'all need to come through with them maxmoefoe memes at the very least.
I was actually kinda mad after Robin and Lucina because I too stayed up for 24 hours to watch the trailer and I expected Shulk (my most wanted character at the time). Instead, I got another one of my most wanted, Chrom, disconfirmed, and Robin and Lucina? Like, cool, but excuse me, what the ****? It also didn't help that the Gematsu haters rallied behind the trailer and started lauding the death of Gematsu (which is real btw, in case anyone still doesn't believe it). It hurt even more because Robin's Elwind looks exactly like Monado Purge, which is what I thought it was.

I remember Skyping my friend about it and I was just so...out of it. I was tired, confused, and tired.

And then I ****ing slept through Shulk's reveal trailer. I remember waking up the day after and seeing the picture confirming him. My response was tantamount to this:
I just cant see having ken an echo fighter (which he'd have to be to fit on the box where the empty space is) as the last and only fighter to reveal, again it just seems insane not to save someone like k.rool to announce along side ken at the end if thats the case.

MAYBE they show just ken and then hit us with a square rep as just dlc or steve? as dlc or something so technically ken was the last base roster fighter but revealed alongside another fighter. maybe. basically there'd have to be something else going on if ken as an echo is a lone single final reveal, i cant see it making much sense anyway i look at it.
I'm not saying that it's likely that they leave Ken on his own to reveal. I agree that it'd be stupid and wouldn't make much sense. But I wouldn't be so quick to throw out Box Theory based off of that because it's still possible in that event.


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
That's actually a good reminder. Last Smash cycle felt like it was going to end in a bang.

Instead they revealed Shulk overnight for most people and the rest of the characters got trailer AFTER the 3DS version was out. I remember being pretty miffed about it as well.

Deleted member

Hi Geno thread. On a scale of 1 - 10 how much do you hate me?

I'm gonna guess it's a solid 8. I wouldn't be surprised with a 9 either.

The sad thing is that the above is an actually serious statement.

That's the problem with character support threads. They're echo chambers of (mostly) blind support. I decided to check out the Geno thread after Vergeben commented on him and they just brushed it to the side, saying that it meant nothing and that Geno was still surely the SE rep. I've spoken about the dangers of hopes and expectations, and echo chambers like character support threads (not just Geno's, but most of them) are especially potent in raising fan hopes, as if you hear a lot of people say that the character you want is going to get in, then you yourself will come to believe that and get your hopes up. There's actual psychology behind this. And if Geno or x character doesn't get in those hopes come crashing to the ground, and we see a ****storm similar to that of Brawl or Sm4sh. Now, that shouldn't happen because we have DLC, but if Sora gets in over Geno...

Well, I'd be happy. That's for sure. I'd also be happy if Geno got in, but people are sure to ignore that and call me a Geno hater because I play Devil's Advocate against him.
Honestly, I would just stick with general and social threads, because one way or another, these types of threads from what I've seen are probably not the best places to go. Like yeah, Geno is the one of the only two characters I have heavy emotional investment for, but I got me some patience, at the least. I got big daddy K. Rool in the meantime, so I'll be shootin up y'all with the ****in M U S K E T and wait for Geno down the line. If you got characters that have heavy emotional investment, you should also be realistic and just hope for the best when we have like over 70 characters lmao

At the end of the day, it's like the Nintendo Switch subreddit. They'll complain about so much **** and think they're making a difference, yet stuff they complain about like Wii U ports and an infinitely better method of Virtual Console become successful, proving that they're nothing but an echo chamber of whiners. Y'all remember when Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze became one of the top 15 best sold Nintendo Switch games and everyone who complained about it went hush-hush? Or about "muh sexualization" in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, yet is still the best selling RPG on that system and has 2/3rds of Persona 5's sales numbers? Forgotten how New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe spawned Bowsette?

The outrage machine is real and I just wanna play with a doll and a busty sword girl, is it that hard for a man to ask?
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