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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
This last character hype thing shouldn't gain this much traction because
  1. It assumes hype is objective
  2. It causes people to act like they are promised anything


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Honestly, I would just stick with general and social threads, because one way or another, these types of threads from what I've seen are probably not the best places to go. Like yeah, Geno is the one of the only two characters I have heavy emotional investment for, but I got me some patience, at the least. I got big daddy K. Rool in the meantime, so I'll be shootin up y'all with the ****in M U S K E T and wait for Geno down the line. If you got characters that have heavy emotional investment, you should also be realistic and just hope for the best when we have like over 70 characters lmao

At the end of the day, it's like the Nintendo Switch subreddit. They'll complain about so much **** and think they're making a difference, yet stuff they complain about like Wii U ports and an infinitely better method of Virtual Console become successful, proving that they're nothing but an echo chamber of whiners. Y'all remember when Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze became one of the top 15 best sold Nintendo Switch games and everyone who complained about it went hush-hush? Or about "muh sexualization" in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, yet is still the best selling RPG on that system and has 2/3rds of Persona 5's sales numbers? Forgotten how New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe spawned Bowsette?

The outrage machine is real and I just wanna play with a doll and a busty sword girl, is it that hard for a man to ask?
I dunno, I find the general thread to be a bigger risk of becoming an outrage machine, with in-fighting (which I may or may not participate in from time to time), whereas being able to go to a support thread can be a break in need of a healthy dose of positivity. There's always the big risk of getting caught up in an echo chamber (which, the general thread isn't immune to, as I've seen, just not toward a specific character) and so it's just good to have a healthy balance of both. To avoid getting caught in the echo chamber, it's why I personally like argument and debate, to think more critically about my own assumptions. It's not everyone's cup of tea, though. There's just always the danger of it devolving into strawman and personal attacks, at which point I see myself out.

Also, NSMBUD3DHDBS spawning Bowsette was a sin against humanity--still trying to wash my eyes out after seeing that Super Mario 64 mod.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
>Reveal only Incineroar in october
>There only Ken/Square-Rep left
>A full Characters and an echo left
>Said Full Characters might be DLC anyway
>Speculation is going to be hell after that

This is going to be a rough November months if it happens


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2007
East Coast, US
As much as Incineroar is my least liked starter from gen 7 (I'm a stickler for water starters), if his playstyle is fun then I won't be salty about it.

He can easily fill a niche that's honestly been lacking from Smasher: the grappler. If anything, :ultisabelle: is more of a grappler than :ultdk: or :ultbowser:. She's got a normal grab and a special grab that functions just like a normal grab.

Deleted member

So, potential deja vu question here, but how many of you listen to music while your on Smashboards? Are you listing to music right now?


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Yeah reveal Incineroar (and Ken) asap so we can get back to the surprises that lurk in uncharted territory.

Or pull a Robin because I've no attachment to either of those characters, I'd be cool with that too. :p

...I'm not sure who I'm talking to. Sakurai I guess. Though he hasn't been returning my messages lately.

Deleted member

I dunno, I find the general thread to be a bigger risk of becoming an outrage machine, with in-fighting (which I may or may not participate in from time to time), whereas being able to go to a support thread can be a break in need of a healthy dose of positivity. There's always the big risk of getting caught up in an echo chamber (which, the general thread isn't immune to, as I've seen, just not toward a specific character) and so it's just good to have a healthy balance of both. To avoid getting caught in the echo chamber, it's why I personally like argument and debate, to think more critically about my own assumptions. It's not everyone's cup of tea, though. There's just always the danger of it devolving into strawman and personal attacks, at which point I see myself out.

Also, NSMBUD3DHDBS spawning Bowsette was a sin against humanity--still trying to wash my eyes out after seeing that Super Mario 64 mod.
This is true, general thread still on my sights after the slander Xenoblade 2 got. I guess 1.5 million copies (which reminder, for a JRPG, that's HUGE) and getting "Awards for Excellence" is all for naught because of some anime boobs lmao


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
As much as Incineroar is my least liked starter from gen 7 (I'm a stickler for water starters), if his playstyle is fun then I won't be salty about it.

He can easily fill a niche that's honestly been lacking from Smasher: the grappler. If anything, :ultisabelle: is more of a grappler than :ultdk: or :ultbowser:. She's got a normal grab and a special grab that functions just like a normal grab.
There are lots of characters that have Command Grabs, including my boi :yoshi:
So, potential deja vu question here, but how many of you listen to music while your on Smashboards? Are you listing to music right now?
I actually have videos playing in the background instead of music


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Hi Geno thread. On a scale of 1 - 10 how much do you hate me?

I'm gonna guess it's a solid 8. I wouldn't be surprised with a 9 either.

The sad thing is that the above is an actually serious statement.

That's the problem with character support threads. They're echo chambers of (mostly) blind support. I decided to check out the Geno thread after Vergeben commented on him and they just brushed it to the side, saying that it meant nothing and that Geno was still surely the SE rep even though there's evidence right in front of him that Square Enix may not even care about him.

I've spoken about the dangers of hopes and expectations, and echo chambers like character support threads (not just Geno's, but most of them) are especially potent in raising fan hopes, as if you hear a lot of people say that the character you want is going to get in, then you yourself will come to believe that and get your hopes up. There's actual psychology behind this. And if Geno or x character doesn't get in those hopes come crashing to the ground, and we see a ****storm similar to that of Brawl or Sm4sh. Now, that shouldn't happen because we have DLC, but if Sora gets in over Geno...

Well, I'd be happy. That's for sure. I'd also be happy if Geno got in, but people are sure to ignore that and call me a Geno hater because I play Devil's Advocate against him.
I'm sorry, but exactly what are you expecting from character support threads? They're pretty much made specifically to be echo chambers, because it's a place for people who genuinely support those characters, people who don't aren't relevant to the discussion there. I've said it many times, but no matter how crazy and out of touch the Ridley threads got I don't regret any of it one bit, because man if I didn't have fun along the way. Sure it ended up in flames both times, but I don't regret that either, that's just part of the experience.

And if you hope to stop a Brawl/Smash 4 ****storm, then you might aswell just give it up now. It's not your responsibility, because you can't do it, the responsibility lies solely with the people who overhype themselves, and they're not going to change when they're this close. And if it does happen, so what? There are so many people who make it out to be the worst possible thing that can happen, but it'll blow over before you know it, it's not this doomsday scenario that it's being made out to be.
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Deleted member

I actually have videos playing in the background instead of music
Really? Huh. Interesting. Well I'm actually listing to a music album right now. Do you care if I post it for you to listen?
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Deleted member

There are lots of characters that have Command Grabs, including my boi :yoshi:
Not what was said.

He said Isabelle has a special move that is used like a normal grab.
Other command grabs are single attack moves, including "your boi's".


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Imagine if Inceneroar actually, somehow didn't get in. Then we'd all be egged man.
Oh, I've imagined that for months and have secretly (okay not so secret) hoped that. Something unpredictable that would send speculation into a frenzy.

That being said, hope he gets in for the fans but something unpredictable still happens. **** it, Sceptile dual reveal.

So, potential deja vu question here, but how many of you listen to music while your on Smashboards? Are you listing to music right now?
I'm listening to a podcast on quantum mechanics. There's waves involved, so I guess that counts (and doesn't).
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
This last character hype thing shouldn't gain this much traction because
  1. It assumes hype is objective
  2. It causes people to act like they are promised anything
People are going to get their hopes up because we learn shockingly little from history, then at the inevitable anticlimactic final reveal there will be much caterwauling and resentment, however it'll be mitigated by the knowledge of future DLC, which will prevent levels of backlash on a Brawl scale. Bank on it.

Then the exact same thing will happen at the end of DLC, lol. However the interim should be fun and full of exciting, well-received reveals.

So, potential deja vu question here, but how many of you listen to music while your on Smashboards? Are you listing to music right now?
I listen to music literally whenever I'm not otherwise engaged. Ima wind up with tinnitus by the time I'm 30 but it'll be worth it. Silence makes me twitch.

Deleted member

I listen to music literally whenever I'm not otherwise engaged. Ima wind up with tinnitus by the time I'm 30 but it'll be worth it. Silence makes me twitch.
Haha! I see. I don't ususally listen to music that much, but I'm actually listening to something right now. Wanted to post it to see what people though, but A. That dosen't feel like it belongs in this thread and B. I dunno if people would care for what kind of music the album is. Not going to lie it's kinda depressing.


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Oh, I've imagined that for months and have secretly (okay not so secret) hoped that. Something unpredictable that would send speculation into a frenzy.

That being said, hope he gets in for the fans but something unpredictable still happens. **** it, Sceptile dual reveal.
The pipe dream for me is one of three, each less likely than the next:
- Trailer shows Incineroar beating up Pikachu Libre, then Decidueye enters the stage and bam, title card. Everyone is losing their mind, then Primarina enters the stage and BAM, title card. After the trailer Sakurai goes "We know the each fan likes a different starter, so we made the impossible happen and added all three alola starters. EVERY TYPE IS HERE."
- Trailer shows Masked Royal entering the arena and about to throw a pokeball at the ring with pika libre, but then someone grabs his hand and shoves him off. Spotlight moves to this new person and you see Guzma sending out Golisopod. Title card: IT'S YA BOY, GUZMA
- Trailer shows Masked Royal silhouette entering the arena... But then when the light shines on him you see the Rhythm Wrestler instead. Title card: Rhythm Wrestler Poses for the Fans!

Deleted member

I really hope we get something this week or the next. I cannot wait anymore for Ultimate! Sakurai has made it too godlike!


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
As much as Incineroar is my least liked starter from gen 7 (I'm a stickler for water starters), if his playstyle is fun then I won't be salty about it.

He can easily fill a niche that's honestly been lacking from Smasher: the grappler. If anything, :ultisabelle: is more of a grappler than :ultdk: or :ultbowser:. She's got a normal grab and a special grab that functions just like a normal grab.
Grapplers are defined by their playstyle, not their ammount of grabs. DK and Bowser's playstyles revolve around their crazy good grab games, and DK even has unique mechanics to his standard grab. I doubt Isabelle will be as much of a grappler as the other two you listed, especially if her standard grab is as bad as Villager's.

Not that I have any issues with Incineroar.

Deleted member

As much as Incineroar is my least liked starter from gen 7 (I'm a stickler for water starters), if his playstyle is fun then I won't be salty about it.

He can easily fill a niche that's honestly been lacking from Smasher: the grappler. If anything, :ultisabelle: is more of a grappler than :ultdk: or :ultbowser:. She's got a normal grab and a special grab that functions just like a normal grab.
I always imagned Incineroar would be the "Lucha Libre" of Smash Bros. Take that as you well.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2014
I am disappointed in how much time y’all spend on this. Why do you do this? Why not just say “hey, there’s nothing going on with smash ultimate for a while, let’s just relax and do other things”? Why waste energy worrying about theories and characters? You’ll find out eventually.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I am disappointed in how much time y’all spend on this. Why do you do this? Why not just say “hey, there’s nothing going on with smash ultimate for a while, let’s just relax and do other things”? Why waste energy worrying about theories and characters? You’ll find out eventually.
I'll be the first guy to think this about speculah, granted, but even I can't sit around judging how people use their free time. They kinda have a right to it and all that, and I'd rather not see a pissing contest about who manages their time and energy better, so let's not.

Smooth Criminal
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I am disappointed in how much time y’all spend on this. Why do you do this? Why not just say “hey, there’s nothing going on with smash ultimate for a while, let’s just relax and do other things”? Why waste energy worrying about theories and characters? You’ll find out eventually.
As I've mentioned before, it's a fun game to play until the actual game comes out. The problem is when people take it too seriously, and sometimes I may come across like that, though only because I don't want to add /s at the end of all of my posts. Other people have other ways of having fun in the meantime, and I welcome all of them.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
How do you think they'll handle the remaining final smashes? I can see them doing a possible montage of them in the next - and probably final - direct. Do you think there's a reason any might not have been shown yet? Maybe some of them have been completely redone, and Sakurai wants to surprise us. Or maybe there's no real significance to their absence, at all and we'll end up seeing them all anyway with little fanfare. (FYI I think the missing final Smashes are
Yoshi, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Peach, Daisy, Young Link, Meta Knight, Diddy Kong, Lucario, ROB, Greninja, Duck Hunt, Wii Fit Trainer, Mii Fighters, Robin - though some of these may have already been revealed).

I can see them giving Young Link the Fierce Deity as a FS. I mean they could just do another triforce smash, but that would be a real missed opportunity as Young Link is one of those characters who has an obvious all-powerful finisher move. Also, as Young Link's never had a final smash before, there's no 'keep his old one' excuse like there is for Toon Link. Though apparently Pichu's final smash is just Volt Tackle, so perhaps not.

Also hoping for a new ROB FS. Maybe he could turn into the Ancient Minister and drop a subspace bomb?


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
How do you think they'll handle the remaining final smashes? I can see them doing a possible montage of them in the next - and probably final - direct. Do you think there's a reason any might not have been shown yet? Maybe some of them have been completely redone, and Sakurai wants to surprise us. Or maybe there's no real significance to their absence, at all and we'll end up seeing them all anyway with little fanfare. (FYI I think the missing final Smashes are
Yoshi, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Peach, Daisy, Young Link, Meta Knight, Diddy Kong, Lucario, ROB, Greninja, Duck Hunt, Wii Fit Trainer, Mii Fighters, Robin - though some of these may have already been revealed).

I can see them giving Young Link the Fierce Deity as a FS. I mean they could just do another triforce smash, but that would be a real missed opportunity as Young Link is one of those characters who has an obvious all-powerful finisher move. Also, as Young Link's never had a final smash before, there's no 'keep his old one' excuse like there is for Toon Link. Though apparently Pichu's final smash is just Volt Tackle, so perhaps not.

Also hoping for a new ROB FS. Maybe he could turn into the Ancient Minister and drop a subspace bomb?
Considering we know Crafted Yoshi is a thing despite no formal announcement, I would think that my boi's FS will be revealed alongside that alt. It might be the Mega Eggdozer as his old FS doesn't make the cut...

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
I was trying to access the Smash Youtube channel to look at the playlist (because of the rumor of it being updated) but I was unable to access.
At first it redirected me to my country's Nintendo profile, then, I changed the country to Japan, and it redirects me to the USA profile of Nintendo (this makes absolutely no sense, I even had problems at reaching the actual Japanese page, it seems like Youtube tries to kick me away from it as soon as it can).
Smashwiki says that the channel no longe exists, though videos are uploaded to that channel, so, how is that possible?
If it's set to private or something, how do people know that the playlist has been updated?

And the most important part, why do youtube tries to stop me from reaching Japanese channels and redirects me to the USA ones? What if I actually want to see a Japanese channel for some reason? Is that a crime?

EDIT: I reached it now, but I had to use a link found on a random site. If I try to access it from Youtube itself, it just redirects me.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2018
Like is spirit mode a confirmed mode or just speculation?
There's still a new mode to be revealed, its name was pixelated in August direct and some people cleaned it and looks like Spirits is the name. But yeah, it is a new mode, Sakurai said it, and probably with boss fights as Dracula and Rathalos, which were showed.


Sep 26, 2013
I was trying to access the Smash Youtube channel to look at the playlist (because of the rumor of it being updated) but I was unable to access.
At first it redirected me to my country's Nintendo profile, then, I changed the country to Japan, and it redirects me to the USA profile of Nintendo (this makes absolutely no sense, I even had problems at reaching the actual Japanese page, it seems like Youtube tries to kick me away from it as soon as it can).
Smashwiki says that the channel no longe exists, though videos are uploaded to that channel, so, how is that possible?
If it's set to private or something, how do people know that the playlist has been updated?

And the most important part, why do youtube tries to stop me from reaching Japanese channels and redirects me to the USA ones? What if I actually want to see a Japanese channel for some reason? Is that a crime?

EDIT: I reached it now, but I had to use a link found on a random site. If I try to access it from Youtube itself, it just redirects me.
It's not really a 'rumor' when you can see the playlist says "Updated X days ago."

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
It's not really a 'rumor' when you can see the playlist says "Updated X days ago."
It was a rumor for me who was unable to access the actual playlist and see it on my own.

What I'm asking for is, how do I access that playlist without relying on random links found on random sites?
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Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Maybe the goal of the next direct won't be to surprise with a hype character at the end.

They could have a hype reveal of a smash demo. A hype reveal of a new ballot to decide DLC characters. A hype reveal of a single player mode no one expected. A hype reveal of the game being downloadable RIGHT AFTER THE DIRECT... ok, probably not that last one. Point is, there's other ways to hype people up that are not characters.

Best assumption is to go in expecting just Incineroar and Ken whenever the next direct is, much like the best assumption going into the last smash direct was max one character and one echo.
Yep I vaguely remember a lot of people being semi-depressed about what the August direct could reveal and then we got hit with a lot.

Not saying it will happen that way again but but go in expecting the minimum and we'll probably be somewhat surprised by the end result.

I do kind of hope for a double reveal of Ken and Incineroar so we do stay in uncharted territory again and we can finally breathe. On the flipside, I hope it's somewhat surprising with someone Like Skull Kid or Shadow since they have possible "hints" but are not necessarily leaked, or even a genuine surprise like K. Rool was
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Shulk actually did kinda look like Little Mac. Like, it was a large reach and I knew that it was a bull**** argument, but I could see the comparisons.
Okay, I might have exaggerated a bit on them looking nothing alike, but still, Marth looks more like Shulk. It would have made more sense to say that Shulk was a photoshopped Marth.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
Yep I vaguely remember a lot of people being semi-depressed about what the August direct could reveal and then we got hit with a lot.

Not saying it will happen that way again but but go in expecting the minimum and we'll probably be somewhat surprised by the end result.

I do kind of hope for a double reveal of Ken and Incineroar so we do stay in uncharted territory again and we can finally breathe. On the flipside, I hope it's somewhat surprising with someone Like Skull Kid or Shadow since they have possible "hints" but are not necessarily leaked, or even a genuine surprise like K. Rool was
Remember the fake 4chan leak that had Simon at the end and it was just Sakurai going over stuff from Sm4sh? And everyone thought it was real because Simon got leaked?
Then K. Rool happened

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
I'm trying to find the playlist on my own and I still fail.
Even selecting Japan as region and using filters, I find a lot of fake playlists with videos uploaded by other channels.

At this point, these are the only options:

-The playlist is easy to access and I'm stupid because I can't see the button/link even if it's in front of me
-The playlist can't be accessed normally but if you edit the URL or use the developer tools of your browser (or by other unintuitive methods) you can get it
-The playlist is private and can't be accessed unless you have a link, and:
-----people obtained the link by datamining/hacking the channel, the Smash site, or something
-----the link has been leaked by insiders or gaming journalists who have access to the link
-----the link has been leaked by Nintendo themselves to keep the rumors going, because they are free advertising

What of these options is the real one?

If someone has a valid answer and can explain me this situation, it's welcome.
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Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2018
Tallon IV
On top of this Celica was chosen over Alm for FE warriors, so it wouldn't be unheard of
From what I gather Celica literally made it into Warriors because she was one of the developer’s waifus. They didn’t even know about Echoes until much later, hence why her map is based entirely on Gaiden.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
As much as Incineroar is my least liked starter from gen 7 (I'm a stickler for water starters), if his playstyle is fun then I won't be salty about it.

He can easily fill a niche that's honestly been lacking from Smasher: the grappler. If anything, :ultisabelle: is more of a grappler than :ultdk: or :ultbowser:. She's got a normal grab and a special grab that functions just like a normal grab.
He can be the King of Smash, having grabs that link into other grabs.
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