Rodin, Jeanne and Balder

Terra, Tifa, Cecil and Gilgamesh

Dixie and Cranky

Bandana Dee, Marx, Dark Meta Knight, Galacta Knight and Daroach

Skull Kid, Ghirahim, Tingle and Beast Ganon

Paper Mario, Nabbit and Vivian

Sheeda, Lyn, Hector, Alm and Celica

Proto Man, Bass, Zero and Vile

Kumatora, Masked Man and Porky

Incineroar, Gengar, Aggron, Sableye, Genesect, Darkrai and Zoroark

Viridi, Medusa and Hades

Ken, Chun Li, Akuma, Bison, Dudley, Poison and Rashid

Anthony Higgs, Rhundas and Sylux

Melia, Reyn, Dunban, Riki and Elma

Maria, Alucard, Soma and Shanoa

MGR Raiden

Shadow, Eggman, Blaze, Omega and Metal Sonic

Tom Nook

Ashley and Captain Syrup
Isaac and Felix from Golden Sun
Spring Man, Ribbon Girl, Twintelle and Dr, Coyle from ARMS
Takamaru from Marasume Castle
Mach Rider
Wonder Red from Wonderful 101
Dillon from Dillon's Rolling Western
Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima from Yakuza
Dante, Vergil, Nero, Trish and Lady from Devil May Cry
Morrigan, Tolbain, Jedah and Anarkis from Darkstalkers
Arthur and Firebrand from Ghosts and Goblins
Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Nemesis and Wesker from Resident Evil
Viewtiful Joe and Sexy Silvia from Viewtiful Joe
Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney
Amaterasu from Okami
Heihachi from Tekken
Nightmare from Soul Calibur
Lloyd from Tales
Shovel Knight, Shield Knight and Specter Knight from Shovel Knight
Shantae and Risky Boots from Shantae
Doomguy from Doom
Crash Bandicoot
Master Chief from Halo
Steve from Minecraft