The only thing I want to comment on is what we know about Verg, because I think there’s a tad bit of confusion.
Ken and Incineroar have been backed by all 3 of his sources. The reason they are considered “in” , is because it isn’t just one source stating they’re in, it’s at least 3.
When it comes to the Square Enix character, it comes from only one of the three sources. This doesn’t mean that it’s a bad source, especially because according to Verge this is a more trustworthy source. We can give the credit where it’s due. It’s a good source.
Here’s what i’m thinking. Because Verge has to figure out with his sources if they know anything about the circumstances of the SE character, it may not have been specified “who” or “when” the character is /is coming. Verg has been quite careful with what he has reported back to the people on reddit and GameFAQS, because he doesn’t want to be wrong. He hasn’t doubled down on things unless he’s sure.
While he hasn’t necessarily backed away from the SE character, he wasn’t as definitive with that one as the dynamic fighting duo. This here is why there’s a discrepancy with the SE character. It isn’t to force the metaphorical square peg into the round hole, but to figure out the implications of it being real.
I mean, I don’t really think ANYBODY wants the box leak to be right. Who doesn’t want more characters? After all, when I first posted about it here it was mainly a warning to just temper expectations from this point forward just in case. However, when determining what the roster will be this is the first idea in awhile that has things lining up snugly.
Square Enix character on base roster with Incineroar and Ken will disprove the box theory, but that in itself doesn’t mean more characters, and that’s an implication I think we should still be aware of. Just because we get another character doesn’t mean we’re suddenly getting Elma, BWD, or everyone favorites. It means we get one character.
Like I said earlier, hopefully we get more news soon. But until then, let’s think of more interesting things to talk about rather than continuing to beat a dead horse!