if box theory is true, can you all please stop blaming people because nintendo failed the hype period?
Assuming box theory is true, like if they swapped around Inceneroar and Krool, and maybe left Dark Samus to be revealed alongside Ken, then the reveals would have had a much better pace, and the game would leave it's fans with a good feeling as the big request k rool caps off the hype period.
When announcing and releasing a game, it's better to announce the game with a big bang, and likely a month or less away from the final launch, leave fans with a serious sense of excitement. The Previous smash titles had the benefit of not showing their full hand pre release, which this one doesn't. Plus, this is the biggest smash deal since brawl, and arguably bigger than brawl, the switch is a bigger system, and they put every chip into Smash this year. Why do something anyone with moderate knowlege of the fanbase would probably not appreciate, end on the obligitory pokemon from newest reigon that every fan can see coming?
And don't give me "Fans expected too much anyway". This is an issue of pacing, Nintendo has full, 100% control of who, what and when every element of their games get revealed to the public. You could take the exact same amount of content, shuffle it around, and surprise, different public opinion. That's how marketing works, hype is a powerful tool that shouldn't be abused past your limits.