All I'm saying is when it comes to the box theory is this:
I remember a lot of paranoia and hysteria over the fact that some characters weren't shown on the back of here.
Hell, I remember people trying to use this as "evidence" against the ESRB leak.
It's just the biggest problem I have with the box theory, is that it's
literally an unfinished mock-up. Couple this with Sakurai's statements about how nobody knew about the veterans or newcomers and the fact that it doesn't line up with Verge's claims at all.
If I'm correct, the game hasn't even gone gold yet, so that makes it even less likely the promotional team would even know the full details of the roster.
Especially given how the hype cycle is going so far.
But anyway, I talked about this to death.
I'm just done with the box theory being thrown around like proven fact.