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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2018
In my opnion, I think Marth, Ike ,and Robin should be main stays
Marth for being the franchise of the series
Ike for being the most popular male of the series
and Robin from being in a popular game and unique.
I think Corrin's chance of getting in Smash 5 is better than Robin's. Robin wins in unique:4ness:, but Corrin has a very unique moveset herself. Assuming Chrom and maybe Lucina get in with Robin that's 2/3 Awakening characters and no one from Fates(unless, of course, Felicia gets in *hint hint*). With Chrom, Lucina, Corrin, and some other specific Fates character I won't mention(FELICIA), that's 2 from each game(give or take some depending on Lucina and anonymous second Fates character, but both games are still represented).

Of course, that's not to say Robin and Corrin can't both make it into Smash 5.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I know Takamaru's the likeliest Retro character, and I would certainly not be opposed to him especially with N3ON's moveset, but I'm still holding out for Lip. The flower effect is right there and she looks like such a fun character to play as with Magical Girl references sprinkled here and there. Panel de Pon's revival would also be a good idea from a business point of view, as it's gameplay and character design lend very well to the lucrative mobile gaming market.
Haven't we already done the same thing like 3 days ago?
We just listed the characters that time, not why we want them.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2018
(WARNING: Completely unrelated to the current discussion topic. lol)
psychic dormouse, just read your Switch Wishlist, why Auto L-Cancelling?


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters. I'll start off with me.

  • King K. Rool - He's got potential for a villain character. His varied arsenal and his mixture of a wacky, yet threatening personality would make for an interesting addition to the Smash roster. This also gives DK fans (such as myself) another character to work with and can stand out.
  • Takamaru - A samurai style sword fighter can stand out. Takamaru is considered a "retro" pick which roster has a habit of including (:4duckhunt:, :4rob:, :pit:, and:4gaw:) and does bring interest. This also could jump start a possible new entry for a potential series.
  • Any Pokémon from Gens 2, 3, 5, 7, and possibly 8 that are different types - I'd like to see more Pokémon variety and each unused Gen and typing has something unique to offer. (Seviper for Gen 3 anyone? Krookodile for Gen 5? Scizor for Gen 2?) Just having only one Gen and/or one typing is not really that fun for Pokémon. I guess that is just different interests for different people.
  • Inklings - They can be a fresh (pun definitely intended) addition with the use of ink, different colors and fashion. They could use a control-a-turf kind of playstyle and is currently one of Nintendo's biggest successful franchises in the modern age.
  • Bartz Klauser (FFV) - Personal bias aside, Bartz has FFV's Job System to go with. That alone can create nigh endless possibilities. Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Dragoon, Knight, Mimic (That alone could be a hug chunk in itself), Red Mage, and much more. That comes with various spells, weapons, and even song and dance. Even changing the jobs can be unique itself. Even though we have FF7 (insert any popularity statements here), it doesn't rule out other FF titles. Similar to Pokémon, I prefer FF characters from different games, attitudes, and abilities. Terra of FF6 and Bartz fit that bill.
  • Phoenix Wright - This lawyer could make for a hilarious inclusion. He would be great addition due to for his wacky antics and if UMvC 3 says anything, he could be a great "fighting on accident" kind of character. Having a guilty verdict on his opponent or a nightmare judge slamming down the hammer could make for interesting Final Smash ideas.
  • William "B.J" Blazkowicz - Like a Doom Marine/the Doom Slayer, Blazko has history in shaping FPS games and he's got an assortment weapons from all continuities. He has some tactics that set him apart from other "soldier" like characters. The realistic weapons are able to be side-stepped over easily.
  • Terry Bogard - A popular SNK character. It would be nice to see this mixed martial artist with energy attacks against Street Fighter's Ryu and everyone else. He's got his attacks from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to go on. From Garou: Mark of the Wolves can come with a different outfit. He has to deal with competition from Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, and Geese Howard.
I already gave a similar list and my reasons about a week ago. They might not be the deepest reasons, but I figure a lot of Smash speculation boils down to how much you like the character or series in question - a character from ARMS might be likely, but since I haven't played ARMS and am unlikely to do so in the foreseeable future, the inclusion of Spring Man or Ribbon Girl wouldn't excite me as much as someone like K. Rool, Ridley, or Rayman.

I could probably add on to the Nintendo side of things if needed; I'd like to see characters like Mike Jones from Star Tropics, Isa Jo from Sin and Punishment, or Isaac from Golden Sun, as I feel like all of their series have a lot to work with, but have inexplicably been ignored (or at least haven't gotten much) in Smash.

For returning series (aside from Ridley and K. Rool), I wouldn't mind seeing Bandanna Waddle Dee or Dark Matter being playable. Waddle Dee is practically a core member of the Kirby cast at this point (he seems at least as prominent in Kirby as Rosalina is for Mario), and while Dark Matter's swordsman form (from Kirby's Dream Land 2 and a more recent Kirby game) would probably be better suited for Smash, I could see them making it work.

I also have no problem with them dipping into Zelda characters who only appeared in one or two games; they do that for quite a few other franchises, so I'm not sure why Zelda has to be the exception, and Hyrule Warriors made it pretty clear that there's a lot to work with for plenty of Zelda characters.

For third parties, I already listed the main ones that I'd like to see - others would include Heihachi or Agumon as a second Namco-Bandai character, or as unlikely as it may seem, Dante from Devil May Cry, or Tails, Knuckles, or Eggman as a second Sonic character.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2015
Switch FC
Remake or new? Which do you perfer?

I think a new one would be best since the 3ds is not here to hold the game back. It can have more interesting final smashes, characters like ice climbers and pokemon trainer would not need to be cut ect.
I wouldnt mind a remake or maybe melee hd


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013

Deleted member

I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters. I'll start off with me.

  • King K. Rool - He's got potential for a villain character. His varied arsenal and his mixture of a wacky, yet threatening personality would make for an interesting addition to the Smash roster. This also gives DK fans (such as myself) another character to work with and can stand out.
  • Takamaru - A samurai style sword fighter can stand out. Takamaru is considered a "retro" pick which roster has a habit of including (:4duckhunt:, :4rob:, :pit:, and:4gaw:) and does bring interest. This also could jump start a possible new entry for a potential series.
  • Any Pokémon from Gens 2, 3, 5, 7, and possibly 8 that are different types - I'd like to see more Pokémon variety and each unused Gen and typing has something unique to offer. (Seviper for Gen 3 anyone? Krookodile for Gen 5? Scizor for Gen 2?) Just having only one Gen and/or one typing is not really that fun for Pokémon. I guess that is just different interests for different people.
  • Inklings - They can be a fresh (pun definitely intended) addition with the use of ink, different colors and fashion. They could use a control-a-turf kind of playstyle and is currently one of Nintendo's biggest successful franchises in the modern age.
  • Bartz Klauser (FFV) - Personal bias aside, Bartz has FFV's Job System to go with. That alone can create nigh endless possibilities. Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Dragoon, Knight, Mimic (That alone could be a hug chunk in itself), Red Mage, and much more. That comes with various spells, weapons, and even song and dance. Even changing the jobs can be unique itself. Even though we have FF7 (insert any popularity statements here), it doesn't rule out other FF titles. Similar to Pokémon, I prefer FF characters from different games, attitudes, and abilities. Terra of FF6 and Bartz fit that bill.
  • Phoenix Wright - This lawyer could make for a hilarious inclusion. He would be great addition due to for his wacky antics and if UMvC 3 says anything, he could be a great "fighting on accident" kind of character. Having a guilty verdict on his opponent or a nightmare judge slamming down the hammer could make for interesting Final Smash ideas.
  • William "B.J" Blazkowicz - Like a Doom Marine/the Doom Slayer, Blazko has history in shaping FPS games and he's got an assortment weapons from all continuities. He has some tactics that set him apart from other "soldier" like characters. The realistic weapons are able to be side-stepped over easily.
  • Terry Bogard - A popular SNK character. It would be nice to see this mixed martial artist with energy attacks against Street Fighter's Ryu and everyone else. He's got his attacks from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to go on. From Garou: Mark of the Wolves can come with a different outfit. He has to deal with competition from Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, and Geese Howard.
  • Zael (The Last Story) - Like Xenoblade, The Last Story was a game that fans campaigned for Nintendo of America to release. While I enjoyed both games and was interested in the moveset potential of both Shulk and Zael, I knew that if we were to get only one of the two, it'd be the more popular former, and I ended up being right. Zael and Calista both appeared as trophies in the Wii U version, but I'm not expecting much beyond that in Smash 5. Along with Zael's relative obscurity compared to many other Nintendo characters, this is because unlike Xenoblade, The Last Story IP's future is uncertain at best. The Last Story director Hironobu Sakaguchi (of Final Fantasy fame) has recently expressed interest in developing for the Switch, but I remain skeptical on a Last Story II (or anything that isn't Terra Battle for that matter) coming out of that. Which is a shame, since I still think Zael (or Calista for that matter) would be a fun and unique addition to the roster despite being yet another "anime" swordfighter. His (or Calista's) inclusion would also guarantee a selection of music from the game, which would also be nice.
  • Ganon (The Legend of Zelda) - Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I doubt we're getting any Zelda newcomer. I especially doubt we're getting another incarnation of one of the big three barring potential last-minute clones. But gosh darn it, I want the classic demonic pig form of one of Nintendo's greatest villains. He'd be so cool with the trident and such.
  • K. Rool and/or Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country) - As a fan of the series, I'd love to have both of these characters in Smash. Both are fun characters with interesting moveset potential. Cranky or Funky would be cool, too.
Third Party
  • Simon Belmont (Castlevania) - I realize that the current state of Konami is iffy, not to mention Snake was mysteriously absent from Smash 4's roster and most fans would rather him take precedent (and I wholeheartedly agree that he should return), plus other competition like Bomberman and such, but I'd also be hyped for Simon. A moveset centered around the whip and a selection of sub-weapons from the Castlevania series would be fun. I also wouldn't mind other characters from the series like Alucard or even Count Dracula himself. Regardless, they would be accompanied by some great Castlevania music.
  • Crash Bandicoot - Probably one of the few western third party characters I could make a case for (and others already have already done so in this very thread), Crash was major icon back in the PS1 days who recently made a big resurgence with the N. Sane Trilogy. (All that being said, I think any third party character is far from a guarantee, and Crash is no exception.) This crazy marsupial was always one of my personal favorite characters back in the day, and he'd bring his own wacky flavor into Smash.
  • Spyro the Dragon - Unlike his orange counterpart, Spyro unfortunately never took off in Japan, and I doubt the (likely happening) remake will change that. He has great moveset potential of his own, from varied elemental breaths to other kinds of magic to different melee attacks, but I doubt a chunk of of that would be included, since the vast majority of Spyro and Skylanders games have not been released in Japan due to the titular dragon's aforementioned lack of popularity there. Probably one of the best examples of a no-hoper I've listed here.
  • Zero (Mega Man) - While debatably a frontrunner if the Mega Man franchise were to get an additional character, I realize there's plenty of competition from other Capcom franchises as well. That being said, I immensely enjoyed playing as him in the Mega Man X and Mega Man Zero games, and if his recent Capcom Vs. series appearances are any indication, he'd be a blast to play in Smash as well.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I think Corrin's chance of getting in Smash 5 is better than Robin's. Robin wins in unique:4ness:, but Corrin has a very unique moveset herself. Assuming Chrom and maybe Lucina get in with Robin that's 2/3 Awakening characters and no one from Fates(unless, of course, Felicia gets in *hint hint*). With Chrom, Lucina, Corrin, and some other specific Fates character I won't mention(FELICIA), that's 2 from each game(give or take some depending on Lucina and anonymous second Fates character, but both games are still represented).

Of course, that's not to say Robin and Corrin can't both make it into Smash 5.
What has Chrom got to do with it?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2018
What has Chrom got to do with it?
He's a main representative for Awakening, arguably moreso than Robin.

Did you guys know that he was originally meant to be playable in Mario Kart: Double Dash? There is even a completed model for him.

......Whew, sorry about that...
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Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731

......Whew, sorry about that...
Technically that was Donkey Kong, not Donkey Kong Jr.

That being said they're pretty much the same character in terms of how Mario Kart works.
Dec 29, 2012
A FE character from FE16 is not a guarantee by any stretch.

Timing is key here.
Which I agree with but I did use the word practically in front of it. Not 100%ing it but putting it in the very high percentage range as the next new FE rep. I also stated unless newer Fire Emblem games come out between then and Smash 5's release. Like you said, timing is key. If Smash 5 comes out around 2020-2021 then FE16 is still fresh and that is where they pull the newcomer from. Later and the possibility goes to FE17 or beyond.
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Smash Cadet
Jan 28, 2018
I think Corrin's chance of getting in Smash 5 is better than Robin's. Robin wins in unique:4ness:, but Corrin has a very unique moveset herself. Assuming Chrom and maybe Lucina get in with Robin that's 2/3 Awakening characters and no one from Fates(unless, of course, Felicia gets in *hint hint*). With Chrom, Lucina, Corrin, and some other specific Fates character I won't mention(FELICIA), that's 2 from each game(give or take some depending on Lucina and anonymous second Fates character, but both games are still represented).

Of course, that's not to say Robin and Corrin can't both make it into Smash 5.
The reason why I didn't think they wouldn't bring them back was because they are a very divisive character in the Fire Emblem community and was generally not received well when they were revealed for DLC.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
When it comes to Mario and Pokemon newcomer, I'd be pretty satisfied with almost anyone. I have my preferences on who and who shouldn't. But for the most part I'd be OK with any of them (just not Geno or Incineroar, but mostly because I don't think they make sense to begin with, especially Geno)

But for anyone else
Captain Toad
King Boo (my most wanted Mario character)
Tapu Koko
Paper Mario I'm less fond of, but could learn to like probably
An Ultra Beast
Something cool from Gen 8
Even Daisy I wouldn't mind.

Deleted member

Which I agree with but I did use the word practically in front of it. Not 100%ing it but putting it in the very high percentage range as the next new FE rep. I also stated unless newer Fire Emblem games come out between then and Smash 5's release. Like you said, timing is key. If Smash 5 comes out around 2020-2021 then FE16 is still fresh and that is where they pull the newcomer from. Later and the possibility goes to FE17 or beyond.
You may want to take a look at this.

Specifically the section labeled Playable fighters in Smash are influenced by the “trends of the time”

It really isn't just a matter of "oh, this game's out, so it's protagonist is going to make it in".
Had Awakening not release when it did, for example, we would likely not have had Robin or Lucina.
And that applies to being released earlier as well as later.

Deleted member

I really like her design though.
I wonder how you'd feel if you knew what her personality was like.

I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters. I'll start off with me.

  • King K. Rool - He's got potential for a villain character. His varied arsenal and his mixture of a wacky, yet threatening personality would make for an interesting addition to the Smash roster. This also gives DK fans (such as myself) another character to work with and can stand out.
  • Takamaru - A samurai style sword fighter can stand out. Takamaru is considered a "retro" pick which roster has a habit of including (:4duckhunt:, :4rob:, :pit:, and:4gaw:) and does bring interest. This also could jump start a possible new entry for a potential series.
  • Any Pokémon from Gens 2, 3, 5, 7, and possibly 8 that are different types - I'd like to see more Pokémon variety and each unused Gen and typing has something unique to offer. (Seviper for Gen 3 anyone? Krookodile for Gen 5? Scizor for Gen 2?) Just having only one Gen and/or one typing is not really that fun for Pokémon. I guess that is just different interests for different people.
  • Inklings - They can be a fresh (pun definitely intended) addition with the use of ink, different colors and fashion. They could use a control-a-turf kind of playstyle and is currently one of Nintendo's biggest successful franchises in the modern age.
  • Bartz Klauser (FFV) - Personal bias aside, Bartz has FFV's Job System to go with. That alone can create nigh endless possibilities. Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Dragoon, Knight, Mimic (That alone could be a hug chunk in itself), Red Mage, and much more. That comes with various spells, weapons, and even song and dance. Even changing the jobs can be unique itself. Even though we have FF7 (insert any popularity statements here), it doesn't rule out other FF titles. Similar to Pokémon, I prefer FF characters from different games, attitudes, and abilities. Terra of FF6 and Bartz fit that bill.
  • Phoenix Wright - This lawyer could make for a hilarious inclusion. He would be great addition due to for his wacky antics and if UMvC 3 says anything, he could be a great "fighting on accident" kind of character. Having a guilty verdict on his opponent or a nightmare judge slamming down the hammer could make for interesting Final Smash ideas.
  • William "B.J" Blazkowicz - Like a Doom Marine/the Doom Slayer, Blazko has history in shaping FPS games and he's got an assortment weapons from all continuities. He has some tactics that set him apart from other "soldier" like characters. The realistic weapons are able to be side-stepped over easily.
  • Terry Bogard - A popular SNK character. It would be nice to see this mixed martial artist with energy attacks against Street Fighter's Ryu and everyone else. He's got his attacks from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to go on. From Garou: Mark of the Wolves can come with a different outfit. He has to deal with competition from Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, and Geese Howard.
Does this include veterans?

N3ON N3ON i like that moveset, but I would've given him more kunai attacks.

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Deleted member

(WARNING: Completely unrelated to the current discussion topic. lol)
psychic dormouse, just read your Switch Wishlist, why Auto L-Cancelling?
There are private conversations for this kind of thing.
Dec 29, 2012
You may want to take a look at this.

Specifically the section labeled Playable fighters in Smash are influenced by the “trends of the time”

It really isn't just a matter of "oh, this game's out, so it's protagonist is going to make it in".
Had Awakening not release when it did, for example, we would likely not have had Robin or Lucina.
And that applies to being released earlier as well as later.
I actually agree with this and have practically believed it since the early days of Smash 4 speculation. A YouTuber by the name of ECCWii basically mentioned that each Smash kind of based new roster additions off of the past system. Based it off of characters, games, and franchises that made an impact leading up to the announcement and development of each Smash game. In the case of his video, Brawl. I went and looked at the roster again and pretty much went "Holy crap, he's right". Besides ROB, a retro character, all of the other newcomers had a big moment or made their debut during the days of the Gamecube, GBA, and DS (maybe some Wii as well).

Characters that stood out leading up to the announcement of Brawl or characters that stood out during its development. This doesn't confirm every character during that timeframe to be in Smash Bros but it gives you the chance to see who actually is possible.

When that happened I kind of took that mindset when speculating on Smash 4. I looked at characters like Chrom, Lucina, Robin, Palutena, Isa Jo, Matthew, Isaac, Andy, Shulk, Rosalina, Bowser Jr, Ghirahim, Villager, Mega-Man, etc because of games like Fire Emblem Awakening, Sin & Punishment Star Successor, Golden Sun Dark Dawn, Kid Icarus Uprising, Mega Man 9&10, anything Mario, Zelda Skyward Sword, Xenoblade, etc. And low and behold quite a few of them made it in. These characters that made their debut or had a big impact during the likes of the DS, Wii, and 3DS stood out because their releases times well up on Smash 4, its development and before.

I am not saying Fire Emblem 16 is almost guaranteed a character just because it is a new entree or just because it is the next game. I say that because, like you said, this game might be the only that fits in with the timing of Smash 5. It will be in the timeframe that Sakurai or Nintendo would try to look at. If Smash 5 comes out approximately the year difference between Melee and Brawl or the timespan between Brawl and Sm4sh a good guess is it will be 2020-2021.

FE16 is either going to be 2018 or in 2019, practically leading up to that putting it into a timeframe that makes sense as possible. The only thing that could really hurt it is if FE17 and/or FE18 (or beyond) come out because those then might fit the timing better during this likely Wii U/3DS/Switch approach to Smash 5. But that could all depend on when Smash 5 actually comes out and if those years are it or not, meaning more games being developed to look at.
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Super Fawful

Smash Cadet
Jun 13, 2010
Upstate New York
I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters.
I don't actually have 4 non-Nintendo characters that I both want and find reasonable, and all my Nintendo ones are Mario characters but I'll elaborate more on them than my previous post.

  • Fawful - My favorite character in the Mario series (and by extension Nintendo, since Mario is my favorite series). I believe as far as Smash Bros. is concerned we have all the necessary main characters, Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, etc and Smash Bros. acknowledges the RPGs, something other Mario spinoffs don't really do, so I think it's reasonable to think they're not outside the realm of possibility for the Smash Bros. series in terms of the next Mario newcomers (as also evidenced by Geno being used as a Mii costume, though that required Square Enix's cooperation). Fawful is one of the most popular characters in the Mario RPGs and one of the most notable recurring ones. I'd reasonably say that aside from the Mario villains already in Smash (Bowser, Wario, DK though the latter two aren't really villains anymore) and those affiliated with them (like the Koopa Troop) he's one of the top contenders. His popularity is reflected in some promotions for the Superstar Saga remake which use his dialogue as a selling point, and he's made the main antagonist of the new mode. Also said remake has put him back into relevancy after a lack of appearances since 2009. I'm not going to say I expect him to be added as it's still unlikely, but if I had any say in it, the reasons I listed would be very influential. As for his moveset, I'd incorporate his headgear into it definitely, and a Final Smash would involve the Dark Star.
  • Paper Mario - The Paper Mario series is also one of my favorite series of all time (in fact it and M&L are tied for my favorite), at least the first 3 games. The others can be subjected to the same bad paper jokes they've devolved the series into and get tossed in a waste basket. Anyway, obviously I'd want Paper Mario to more represent the earlier portion of his career than the 3DS-onward chain of failures. Reasons he should be added include the fact that he (and other Paper characters with each new Smash) have appeared as trophies since Melee, distinctly referred to as "Paper Mario" in the same way Dr. Mario is portrayed separate in Smash. And obviously the series received a stage in Super Smash Bros. 3DS (even if I would've vastly preferred it on the Wii U version with more console focus given the series is mainly on consoles and the only handheld version is the worst one). With the inclusion of Paper Mario I'd also want a new stage based on the battle stage from The Thousand-Year Door, with scenery rotating between locations from the series (mainly the first 3) and stage-hazards reminiscent of TTYD as well as fan-favorite bosses from the series occasionally arriving to screw with the match. The audience would interact with the match too by favoring whoever's playing the best (and maybe having a couple audience members who instead help the losing players). Paper Mario himself would not be a Mario clone (it would be a total waste if he was), instead using his Hammer and having Partners appear in his attacks such as Koops or Bombette. There's a support thread on here I remember posting in a while back, it had a lot of great ideas. I'd support many characters from this series (Dimentio is one of my all-time favorites next to Fawful) but Paper Mario himself is both the most likely and the most feasible.
  • Waluigi - I think it's time Waluigi steps up from the Assist Trophy position. He's the only main (non-RPG) recurring Mario character left that I actually want (hard pass on Toad and Daisy, they're actually my least-wanted characters for different reasons). He's extremely popular within the series, is always entertaining to watch, is a meme machine and has a lot of untapped potential with his weird cheating nature. His moveset could involve tricky stuff like fake-outs, and some stuff could be carried over and adapted from his Assist Trophy with the tennis racket. Wario was introduced in Brawl, the next one will be two generations later so I definitely think Wario's weird pal should have his debut. His home stage could be based on Waluigi Pinball from Mario Kart DS, or even Waluigi's Island from Mario Party 3.
  • Geno - Even if between him and Fawful I'd pick Fawful, I was very happy to see Geno acknowledged as a costume in SSB4 (and disappointed when his cameo in Superstar Saga was axed for the remake). Personally I'd have rather had him than Cloud as a Square-Enix character due to him being created for a Nintendo property to begin with (and of course my bias for the Mario RPGs). He may have licensing complications but if it can be done I'd support it fully. Although SMRPG is one of the ones I haven't beaten tbh. If Geno gets in as playable, there would ideally be other characters from SMRPG as assist trophies/trophies like Mallow. But due to my more limited knowledge on the game I probably couldn't come up with a good moveset beyond being ranged like the Mii Gunner he went over in SSB4.
  • Wreck-it Ralph - Not a game character in the traditional sense, but he was video-game inspired and starred in one of the most successful gaming themed movies (which have a reputation of often being... not so successful). He's appeared in video games with actual game characters before with Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed (not only is Sonic in Smash Bros., he made cameos in Wreck-it Ralph as well as Nintendo characters like Bowser). There's plans to include Mario in the sequel. I think that's reason enough to not completely rule out Ralph as a guest in Smash. They could even have his trailer explain his appearance by saying he found his way into Smash Bros. through the online servers while exploring the Internet. But anyway, his stage would be based on the Fix-it Felix Jr. arcade game and have similar mechanics to Wrecking Crew.
That's about it. Honestly typing all that wore me out more than I anticipated so lol.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I think Corrin's chance of getting in Smash 5 is better than Robin's. Robin wins in unique:4ness:, but Corrin has a very unique moveset herself. Assuming Chrom and maybe Lucina get in with Robin that's 2/3 Awakening characters and no one from Fates(unless, of course, Felicia gets in *hint hint*). With Chrom, Lucina, Corrin, and some other specific Fates character I won't mention(FELICIA), that's 2 from each game(give or take some depending on Lucina and anonymous second Fates character, but both games are still represented).

Of course, that's not to say Robin and Corrin can't both make it into Smash 5.
Out of every FE character added in Smash 4, Robin should have the best chances of returning. Aside from not being a clone or DLC character, he's the only FE character to have a projectile-heavy moveset, making him stand out from his fellow swordsmen. If you expect FE characters to get cut, I'd start with the DLC and work backwards.

And the odds of Sakurai going back to Awakening or Fates for inspiration for a newcomer are slim. The time for those games to get Smash characters has passed, and since Sakurai is aware of the increasing number of FE reps, I think he's going to be more reserved with his additions. At this point, I expect Chrom and Azura to get in Smash 5 just as much as I'd expect Blaziken and Zoroark.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
Irene needs to be demoded. She's already given me two warnings with basically no reason behind them. The 2nd being a claim of me not censoring, which I did. Seriously. This is power abuse. She's only doing it because she's "active" and feels that justifies her reason.

On to the topic, Lyn is still the only other Fire Emblem rep I'm interested in. Sucks because her final smash could have been unique.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
So the Ice Climbers had won. Things were too one sided, so Sky Skipper, Bubbles, and Sheriff stood no chance. Veteran power.

Next is the second retro poll, featuring a certain samurai that was talked about yesterday. Your choices are Takamaru, Professor Hector, Mike Jones, and Donbe & Hikari.

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Good luck.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Irene needs to be demoded. She's already given me two warnings with basically no reason behind them. The 2nd being a claim of me not censoring, which I did. Seriously. This is power abuse. She's only doing it because she's "active" and feels that justifies her reason.

On to the topic, Lyn is still the only other Fire Emblem rep I'm interested in. Sucks because her final smash could have been unique.
Breh. There's this thing called forum support that is EXACTLY what you're looking for.

Deleted member

So the Ice Climbers had won. Things were too one sided, so Sky Skipper, Bubbles, and Sheriff stood no chance. Veteran power.

Next is the second retro poll, featuring a certain samurai that was talked about yesterday. Your choices are Takamaru, Professor Hector, Mike Jones, and Donbe & Hikari.

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Good luck.
Takamaru is my pick! If the fans were more vocal about him and hyped him up more, I think he would have an almost guaranteed shot of returining into Smash for Switch. At the time, the support for him was not enough and not vocal. It is going to take a lot for Takamaru to make it in though. Takamaru is my pick.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters. I'll start off with me.

  • King K. Rool - He's got potential for a villain character. His varied arsenal and his mixture of a wacky, yet threatening personality would make for an interesting addition to the Smash roster. This also gives DK fans (such as myself) another character to work with and can stand out.
  • Takamaru - A samurai style sword fighter can stand out. Takamaru is considered a "retro" pick which roster has a habit of including (:4duckhunt:, :4rob:, :pit:, and:4gaw:) and does bring interest. This also could jump start a possible new entry for a potential series.
  • Any Pokémon from Gens 2, 3, 5, 7, and possibly 8 that are different types - I'd like to see more Pokémon variety and each unused Gen and typing has something unique to offer. (Seviper for Gen 3 anyone? Krookodile for Gen 5? Scizor for Gen 2?) Just having only one Gen and/or one typing is not really that fun for Pokémon. I guess that is just different interests for different people.
  • Inklings - They can be a fresh (pun definitely intended) addition with the use of ink, different colors and fashion. They could use a control-a-turf kind of playstyle and is currently one of Nintendo's biggest successful franchises in the modern age.
  • Bartz Klauser (FFV) - Personal bias aside, Bartz has FFV's Job System to go with. That alone can create nigh endless possibilities. Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Dragoon, Knight, Mimic (That alone could be a hug chunk in itself), Red Mage, and much more. That comes with various spells, weapons, and even song and dance. Even changing the jobs can be unique itself. Even though we have FF7 (insert any popularity statements here), it doesn't rule out other FF titles. Similar to Pokémon, I prefer FF characters from different games, attitudes, and abilities. Terra of FF6 and Bartz fit that bill.
  • Phoenix Wright - This lawyer could make for a hilarious inclusion. He would be great addition due to for his wacky antics and if UMvC 3 says anything, he could be a great "fighting on accident" kind of character. Having a guilty verdict on his opponent or a nightmare judge slamming down the hammer could make for interesting Final Smash ideas.
  • William "B.J" Blazkowicz - Like a Doom Marine/the Doom Slayer, Blazko has history in shaping FPS games and he's got an assortment weapons from all continuities. He has some tactics that set him apart from other "soldier" like characters. The realistic weapons are able to be side-stepped over easily.
  • Terry Bogard - A popular SNK character. It would be nice to see this mixed martial artist with energy attacks against Street Fighter's Ryu and everyone else. He's got his attacks from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to go on. From Garou: Mark of the Wolves can come with a different outfit. He has to deal with competition from Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, and Geese Howard.

Andy: My most requested character and someone who deserves to be in the game. I know that word is used a lot and all but Advance Wars absolutely deserves a representative based on it's history on Nintendo consoles/handhelds. The series was one of the longest running franchises Nintendo had before it went dark in the late-2000's and it's older than the vast majority of franchises in Smash. Andy himself would be the one to represent the franchise simply because he's the poster child of the Wars World trilogy and the character people know the most. He also has the most moveset potential IMO drawing from the innovative attacks/techniques he could use with his wrench and the countless units he could summon in battle. People don't even have to be familiar with Andy/Advance Wars or even have to like the franchise to love his moveset in game.

Isaac: One of the most fan-requested characters to be included (at least among online fans) and is brimming with moveset potential just accounting for his Psynergy, Dijins, and Summons. His inclusion would finally get Camelot to make the sequel to Dark Dawn we've all been waiting for.

Mike Jones: Startropics is a forgotten classic from the NES days that deserves another go in today's day and age. Mike has a lot to make him stand out from Ness/Lucas and his inclusion in Smash could get his series revived similar to :pit: in Brawl.

K. Rool: For reasons you mentioned as well as being one of the most iconic Nintendo villains not in Smash Bros already. The amount of moveset potential he could pull from the DKC trilogy as well as DK64 is makes him much more than "another heavyweight as some like to call him.

Nontendo (See what I did there?)

Crash: A gaming icon and was right up there with Mario and Sonic in the PS1 era. Crash is similar to :4cloud: in that he doesn't have a huge support base but most people would love his inclusion in the game. His moveset potential is huge as well encompassing the Naughty Dog trilogy as well as Twinsanity

Banjo: I was skeptical at first before the Ballot happened but i've warmed up to the idea of a Microsoft-owned character being in the game. Banjo is a fan-favorite character from the N64 days that me and countless others grew up on and would love to see in Smash. His abilities from the two games are essentially made for Smash Bros anyways.

Snake: Not a newcomer yes but he's the one vet (along with Wolf and the IC's) that people really want to see return; myself included. Snake brought something to the roster that made him stand out even more so than any third party character so far. He also has the distinction of being the first third party character in the game so that could help his chances somewhat.

Sub-Zero: This is an oddball character yes but I feel that Mortal Kombat is more than deserving to have a representative in Smash Bros based on it's impact on the gaming industry. Sub-Zero has a lot of things going against him like not being a Japanese character, MK being Rated M, and NRS most likely going with Scorpion instead if that were to happen. Despite that I feel Sub-Zero is the best choice to be in the game. He's right up there in terms of popularity with Scorpion and he would get countless eyeballs on the game. He would essentially be :4cloud: 2.0 when he's revealed. MK VS DC showed that MK can work in a non-M rated game anyway.
Last edited:


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
So, it's the one year anniversary of the Switch. Out of all the games released Year 1 that use Nintendo IPs, which one do you think had the LEAST effect on Smash 5? Not just characters, this includes Stages, Music, and even Trophies!

My bet is Pokken DX. It's a port of a Wii U Pokémon Spinoff (They never get represented) that technically doesn't even belong to Nintendo. I don't see much coming out of 1-2 Switch, Snipperclips, or FE:W either. M+R relies on Ubisoft entirely, but seeing as how Rayman trophies just randomly popped up in Smash 4 it doesn't worry me much.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
My bet is Pokken DX. It's a port of a Wii U Pokémon Spinoff (They never get represented) that technically doesn't even belong to Nintendo. I don't see much coming out of 1-2 Switch, Snipperclips, or FE:W either. M+R relies on Ubisoft entirely, but seeing as how Rayman trophies just randomly popped up in Smash 4 it doesn't worry me much.
Yeah, I don't see Pokkén or FE:W (or Hyrule Warriors for that matter) getting much in Smash seeing as they're essentially spin-offs. Maybe trophies of some of the original characters like Shadow Mewtwo (Pokkén), Rowan/Liana (FE:W) and whoever else there might be. The success of M+R ought to bring us some Rabbid trophies at least, not sure if anything beyond that.

1-2 Switch and/or Snipperclips I could see getting a stage treatment, both have shown to be pretty popular for new IP's (and still selling well). Something quirky and gimmicky, switching around the minigames (1-2 Switch) or crazy puzzle stages with snipping/clipping (Snipperclips) or something.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Irene needs to be demoded. She's already given me two warnings with basically no reason behind them. The 2nd being a claim of me not censoring, which I did. Seriously. This is power abuse. She's only doing it because she's "active" and feels that justifies her reason.
If you have any problems with a certain user, you should probably take the issue over to Forum Support.

Deleted member

Today is the Nintendo Switch and BOTW anniversary! I say the discussion should turn to BOTW as BOTW is right now the best ranked Switch game I think and it even won game of the year. BOTW has many good costume alts for Link, especially his current blue costume. That will most likely be an alt though. Guardians are also going to be notable in Adventure Mode if they add that in Smash for Switch. Today's anniversary is looking good for me.
Irene needs to be demoded. She's already given me two warnings with basically no reason behind them. The 2nd being a claim of me not censoring, which I did. Seriously. This is power abuse. She's only doing it because she's "active" and feels that justifies her reason.

The Smash Nerd II.0.

Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2016
Evans, Georgia
Yeah, I don't see Pokkén or FE:W (or Hyrule Warriors for that matter) getting much in Smash seeing as they're essentially spin-offs. Maybe trophies of some of the original characters like Shadow Mewtwo (Pokkén), Rowan/Liana (FE:W) and whoever else there might be. The success of M+R ought to bring us some Rabbid trophies at least, not sure if anything beyond that.

1-2 Switch and/or Snipperclips I could see getting a stage treatment, both have shown to be pretty popular for new IP's (and still selling well). Something quirky and gimmicky, switching around the minigames (1-2 Switch) or crazy puzzle stages with snipping/clipping (Snipperclips) or something.
No, No more gimmicks.

Deleted member

Please do not taunt other users. All they need to do is take it to Forum Support and let it be figured out.
My apologies, I think I defended you a little too much on that. I just think you are a good moderator so I was too headstrong on my post.
You may want to take a look at this.

Specifically the section labeled Playable fighters in Smash are influenced by the “trends of the time”

It really isn't just a matter of "oh, this game's out, so it's protagonist is going to make it in".
Had Awakening not release when it did, for example, we would likely not have had Robin or Lucina.
And that applies to being released earlier as well as later.
This is actually good evidence why there should be alts based on the Switch games. I can even imagine a possibility that Link's new outfit is going to be the BOTW one, but it will most likely be an alt. Mario might have a move-set change to resemble Cappy, but I personally think Cappy should be part of a Mario alt. What is the current popular Fire Emblem trend character right now? In Smash 4's last DLC times it was Corrin. So the trending "FE" character could most likely be a fighter.

Deleted member

What has Chrom got to do with it?
....why in the **** did I think of that one song, but replace the word "love" with "Chrom" instantly....?

  • Wreck-it Ralph - Not a game character in the traditional sense, but he was video-game inspired and starred in one of the most successful gaming themed movies (which have a reputation of often being... not so successful). He's appeared in video games with actual game characters before with Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed (not only is Sonic in Smash Bros., he made cameos in Wreck-it Ralph as well as Nintendo characters like Bowser). There's plans to include Mario in the sequel. I think that's reason enough to not completely rule out Ralph as a guest in Smash. They could even have his trailer explain his appearance by saying he found his way into Smash Bros. through the online servers while exploring the Internet. But anyway, his stage would be based on the Fix-it Felix Jr. arcade game and have similar mechanics to Wrecking Crew.
Not going to lie, Ralph would be hype for me.
That being said, aside from the fact he is from a movie franchise first and foremost, the very fact he is owned by Disney puts him in all sorts of legal hurdles not worth trying to sort through.
Even characters from established game franchises like Sora from Kingdom Hearts have problems.
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Deleted member

I wonder how you'd feel if you knew what her personality was like.

Does this include veterans?

N3ON N3ON i like that moveset, but I would've given him more kunai attacks.

Since I'm too impatient to wait for a response I'll assume it's newcomers only

  1. Isaac - I always found Isaac to be a cool character design wise and I thought his potential as an earthbender sounded interesting, but I haven't actually played Golden Sun until recently. I'm still playing through it (I need to find some time to finish it), but I'm having a great time (I absolutely love the game's atmosphere, it's charming in a way I can't describe), and as I've stated before I find Isaac to be an interesting character moveset wise, so I would kill to see him in (as well as some Golden Sun songs, this game's soundtrack is a special kind of amazing).
  2. Decidueye - Pokemon is my favorite franchise and I absolutely loved Sun and Moon (Probably among my favorite games of all time), and Decidueye is not only my favorite Pokemon introduced in the game, but also my 3rd favorite Pokemon in general. I would love it if he got in as Smash's first true archer (As in, a character that uses arrows in more than just a single special) with ghost type aesthetics in his moveset. Bonus points for completing the type triangle. That said, he's unlikely because not only is Gen 8 supposed to come out this year, but he also has so much competition from Gen 7 alone (I'd be fine with most of them except for Mimikyu).
  3. Bandana Dee - Playing Planet Robobot made me pretty much obsessed with the Kirby series (I liked it before, but not to the same extent as I do now), and fueled my desire to see Bandana Dee join Smash. I love the character (he's adorable) and he would be the very first spear user in the entire franchise. I think he could be a very fun character and I even made a moveset for him (My first moveset ever) that was pretty well received.
  4. Waluigi - I love Waluigi as a character and I feel that he could be a very unique character with all of the weird stuff he can do. I'm not even close to figuring out a full moveset yet, but I'll get there eventually.
Honorable mentions are King K. Rool (Though it's a very close call between him and Waluigi) and Takamaru. Those are the 6 Nintendo newcomers I really want. There are others I'm interested in (Dixie, Dark Matter, someone from Rhythm Heaven) but I could live without them.

3rd party:
  1. Crash Bandicoot - While I haven't even played that much of the first game, Crash really appeals to me as a character and he could get in with a pretty interesting moveset, and I'd love to see him fight Mario and Sonic. I'm really hoping N Sane trilogy comes out on the Switch so that I can play it propetly and consistently because I don't want to get a PS4 for just one game.
  2. Phoenix Wright - I've been playing the first Ace Attorney game recently and I'm loving every second of it so far, and Phoenix has become one of my favorite video game protagonists ever. I haven't personally played MVC3 but I know what they did with him in that game, and I think it'd be hillarious if he got in with a moveset similar to that.
  3. Shovel Knight - I love this game and I think Shovel Knight would be a perfect fit for Smash. He has so many relics in his disposal and his arsenal was further expanded thanks to the game's amiibo functionality. I also want him for the soundtrack, it's so good I can't even put it into words so just go listen to it.
  4. Rayman - I wanted him for a while and I think his moveset from Origins and Legends could translate perfectly into Smash. Like seriously, those attacks just scream Smash.
There aren't many other 3rd party characters I really want (Aside from Snake's return), but I'd be fine with most of them (I do find some of them to be more interesting than others).

Congrats if you read all of it, I've rambled for longer than I expected lol.

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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters. I'll start off with me.

  • King K. Rool - He's got potential for a villain character. His varied arsenal and his mixture of a wacky, yet threatening personality would make for an interesting addition to the Smash roster. This also gives DK fans (such as myself) another character to work with and can stand out.
  • Takamaru - A samurai style sword fighter can stand out. Takamaru is considered a "retro" pick which roster has a habit of including (:4duckhunt:, :4rob:, :pit:, and:4gaw:) and does bring interest. This also could jump start a possible new entry for a potential series.
  • Any Pokémon from Gens 2, 3, 5, 7, and possibly 8 that are different types - I'd like to see more Pokémon variety and each unused Gen and typing has something unique to offer. (Seviper for Gen 3 anyone? Krookodile for Gen 5? Scizor for Gen 2?) Just having only one Gen and/or one typing is not really that fun for Pokémon. I guess that is just different interests for different people.
  • Inklings - They can be a fresh (pun definitely intended) addition with the use of ink, different colors and fashion. They could use a control-a-turf kind of playstyle and is currently one of Nintendo's biggest successful franchises in the modern age.
  • Bartz Klauser (FFV) - Personal bias aside, Bartz has FFV's Job System to go with. That alone can create nigh endless possibilities. Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Dragoon, Knight, Mimic (That alone could be a hug chunk in itself), Red Mage, and much more. That comes with various spells, weapons, and even song and dance. Even changing the jobs can be unique itself. Even though we have FF7 (insert any popularity statements here), it doesn't rule out other FF titles. Similar to Pokémon, I prefer FF characters from different games, attitudes, and abilities. Terra of FF6 and Bartz fit that bill.
  • Phoenix Wright - This lawyer could make for a hilarious inclusion. He would be great addition due to for his wacky antics and if UMvC 3 says anything, he could be a great "fighting on accident" kind of character. Having a guilty verdict on his opponent or a nightmare judge slamming down the hammer could make for interesting Final Smash ideas.
  • William "B.J" Blazkowicz - Like a Doom Marine/the Doom Slayer, Blazko has history in shaping FPS games and he's got an assortment weapons from all continuities. He has some tactics that set him apart from other "soldier" like characters. The realistic weapons are able to be side-stepped over easily.
  • Terry Bogard - A popular SNK character. It would be nice to see this mixed martial artist with energy attacks against Street Fighter's Ryu and everyone else. He's got his attacks from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to go on. From Garou: Mark of the Wolves can come with a different outfit. He has to deal with competition from Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, and Geese Howard.

Mike Jones: Awesome moveset potential, might pave the way for a third star Tropics. I want.

Inklings - I like Splatoon a lot and they’ll be awesome. I’d also like an octoling alt to be unlockable.

Dr. Coyle - I want an ARMs character. She might be the best one... though my opinion on who the best one is changes a lot.

Fawful - Because I have fury. So much fury.


Third Parties:

Bonk- complete the 16 bit console war.

Bomberman - Too iconic to ignore.

Snake - I miss the moveset.

Commander Video - Indie awesomeness, nindie exclusive now, martinet voiced, has a trophy, and is of a genre otherwise Unrepresented in smash.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
So, it's the one year anniversary of the Switch. Out of all the games released Year 1 that use Nintendo IPs, which one do you think had the LEAST effect on Smash 5? Not just characters, this includes Stages, Music, and even Trophies!

My bet is Pokken DX. It's a port of a Wii U Pokémon Spinoff (They never get represented) that technically doesn't even belong to Nintendo. I don't see much coming out of 1-2 Switch, Snipperclips, or FE:W either. M+R relies on Ubisoft entirely, but seeing as how Rayman trophies just randomly popped up in Smash 4 it doesn't worry me much.
DEFINITELY 1-2-Switch.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I have to say, this is probably my favorite character-move set made that I have seen. It is excellent. I like how you made it an organized essay, you make tons of references to the games he was in and even show images to get what I mean. You give him move-sets that can benefit him in the competitive meta overall, which is essential. I want to save this post somewhere, this post deserves more love and attention. Good job on the analysis!
Glad you enjoyed it so much. :)

N3ON N3ON i like that moveset, but I would've given him more kunai attacks.

You would've, hey? With characters who run around with huge arsenals like Takamaru... or Link, Pit, Samus, etc, finding balance sometimes can be tricky. Even those characters have their "primary" projectile relegated to a single attack. For what it's worth, my moveset at least employs the kunai twice.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Speaking of Bandana Dee in Star Allies... :drifloon:
View attachment 137895
View attachment 137896
He only appears at the start and the rest of the video is about Amiibo functionality :drwtf:
It's worth noting BD is the Spear Helper rather than someone like Pierce or Lanzer :drflip:
Important information, important information

This is especially noteworthy because we were told there were only 28 abilities and we've seen 28 NOT COUNTING SPEAR so Bandana Dee appears to be a special exception.
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