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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I'm not convinced you mean that. Are you saying you'd be fine with getting all of the popular FE characters even if they ended up being Marth clones?
I'd rather have Roy and Lucina then a nobody with an axe. It depends on who's wielding it that matters to me.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
You may love the character. But the character's personality and traits are showcased in its moveset.

If you just want to throw a character into the Fire Emblem factory to mass produce a sword fighter with a counter then a costume is a better choice for that fighter.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
You may love the character. But the character's personality and traits are showcased in its moveset.

If you just want to throw a character into the Fire Emblem factory to mass produce a sword fighter with a counter then a costume is a better choice for that fighter.
This is just a dumb argument about what matters more. They BOTH matter. Of course the abilities are part of the character's personality and traits, but if it's not a character that people like, what would be the point?

This insane hypothetical you're proposing that there would be 5 Fire Emblem characters that are clones of Marth is just ridiculous.
Dec 29, 2012
Fire Emblem discussion creates controversy in situations like this.

A character from FE16 is practically guaranteed UNLESS FE17 or a future game comes out between then and 5mash. Why? Because it is the newest game in the series and Nintendo and Sakurai would have it in their radar during development.

But you don't see the exact same controversy in stating that the likes of Inklings, a Gen 8 Pokemon, an ARMS characters, or Rex/Pyra are practically guaranteed for the next Smash Bros.

But why is this? It is the same thing, stating that certain characters are practically guaranteed given new entrees in a series or popularity/push from the series. But, somehow, Fire Emblem is the only one that causes arguments to state that even though it is all the same (which speaks volumes to guarantee a game will get a rep before you even know who it is, much like Pokemon).
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
In Smash 4?
I'm sorry, man.
Yeah, I'm really hoping for some expanded single player modes in the next Smash game. Trying to complete the Smash Tour challenges in single player was irritating (I don't regret using a golden hammer to complete the challenge for having your stats stolen by a Metroid and then getting those stats back), and Classic mode was a pain to get through (especially when you're trying to beat Master Fortress).

It would be nice if I knew enough people to get together for 8 Player Smash or something, but I'm not exactly a social butterfly haha.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
This is just a dumb argument about what matters more. They BOTH matter. Of course the abilities are part of the character's personality and traits, but if it's not a character that people like, what would be the point?

This insane hypothetical you're proposing that there would be 5 Fire Emblem characters that are clones of Marth is just ridiculous.
Both do matter, but you're making it seem like the character > the moveset. A popular character don't mean squat to me if they aren't unique. Likewise, a unique character is hard to like if I've never even heard of them before.

There needs to be a balance of both to make a truly good character.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
popular character don't mean squat to me if they aren't unique.
Man, that's an awful way to look at things. Luigi and Toon Link are some of my favorite video game characters and it's kind of sad that people talk about them this way.

I remember the innocent days where I could enjoy playing as a cute character like Pichu just being in the game without people badmouthing him like he's nobody.

The only thing that would bother me about a character is if they tried to be unique, but failed. Like people wanted to do with Chrom.
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
This is just a dumb argument about what matters more. They BOTH matter. Of course the abilities are part of the character's personality and traits, but if it's not a character that people like, what would be the point?

This insane hypothetical you're proposing that there would be 5 Fire Emblem characters that are clones of Marth is just ridiculous.
There were already two clones of Marth. Three more would make 5.

I am glad Sakurai had the choice between Chrom and Robin and picked Robin. This displayed and added another dimension to the franchise in Smash.
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Deleted member

A FE character from FE16 is not a guarantee by any stretch.

Timing is key here.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
There were already two clones of Marth. Three more would make 5.
Well thanks. It's not like have a first grade understanding of math.

I am glad Sakurai had the choice between Chrom and Robin and picked Robin. This displayed and added another dimension to the franchise in Smash.
So am I. I kind of already said that.
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Smash Cadet
Jan 28, 2018
Wow, I knew people hated Corrin for being another FE character, but didn't know FE entirely was a touchy subject.
In my opnion, I think Marth, Ike ,and Robin should be main stays
Marth for being the franchise of the series
Ike for being the most popular male of the series
and Robin from being in a popular game and unique.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
The winner of the last Mother poll was Kumatora. The rest of the poll was a pleasant surprise since Jeff outdid both Porky and Masked Man in the end. Still, everything was pretty balanced this time.

Now we start with those classic long forgotten Nintendo characters from the NES to SNES era, including a certain cut veteran(s). Your choices are Ice Climbers, Sheriff, Bubbles from CluClu Land, and Sky Skipper (Nintendo's true first arcade game with a protagonist).

There was a problem fetching the tweet

And before someone says "What about X?", they are coming soon.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
I like Roy and have been a fan of him since Melee but he is not needed anymore and we should have more original characters.
No. He earned his spot whether or not people like him. If not on the main roster, at least keep him for DLC

I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself here.
To be fair, he always jump to a lot of conclusions lol

1. Awakening got two reps and it was a hugely pushed game at the time of Smash 4 development. During the time of Brawl Ike was really the only big choice from PoR and RD (given how limit FE was repped), and Fire Emblem only got one replacement back then. On top of that the two Marth remakes kind of overshadowed Ike's games too for Sm4sh before Awakening was released.

2. If there isn't a big villain then you have two hero reps like Robin and Lucina were in Sm4sh. OR you have Celica. But it won't be only one newcomer, there is too much going on for only one.
You have to remember that Robin and Awakening saved the series from becoming dead. Lucina is there because she was originally supposed to be another alt attire like Dark Pit and Doc were plus she's more popular than her own father. So I'm not sure where this argument is going with "must add two characters" for the newer game. I'd rather keep the core 6 and add 1 for DLC or add nothing.

It really is. Seems like no matter the topic, the crowd has split opinions.
- Fire Emblem
- Pokemon
- Zelda
- Ridley
- Removing/Cut characters
- Goku

There's no pleasing anyone :troll:

I disagree, Fire Emblem is one of the most popular Nintendo IPs nowadays.

I would say Robin is an easy cut, but solely because of how popular Awakening is, I can't say that anymore. I don't believe in that "saved the series" **** that people constantly crow about. I don't think that matters. What matters is the popularity of the character himself.

The most important characters for me, would be the ones that star in multiple titles, like Marth, Ike, and Alm/Celica. Then there's the ones that are just enormously popular like Roy, Robin, and Lucina (and hopefully Lyn and Camilla.) :love:

I don't care about that stuff. I care about the characters.
...here we go again. I'm biased on Camilla because I don't like her (as I find her personality incredibly disturbing), but I cannot see her making the game because she don't have a "Lord" type of character

Seriously what's with all the Roy being cut debates again? The last thing I need is for another anxiety attack over Roy getting cut like how much I had to bark at people for Lucario and Ike


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
The winner of the last Mother poll was Kumatora. The rest of the poll was a pleasant surprise since Jeff outdid both Porky and Masked Man in the end. Still, everything was pretty balanced this time.

Now we start with those classic long forgotten Nintendo characters from the NES to SNES era, including a certain cut veteran(s). Your choices are Ice Climbers, Sheriff, Bubbles from CluClu Land, and Sky Skipper (Nintendo's true first arcade game with a protagonist).

There was a problem fetching the tweet

And before someone says "What about X?", they are coming soon.
Donkey Kong Jr. would be a nice retro as a smaller clone of Donkey Kong. By retaining his original design, it really contrasts how far this series has come.

Did you guys know that he was originally meant to be playable in Mario Kart: Double Dash? There is even a completed model for him.

Sucks, cuz we could have added EVERY Mario Kart veteran in that game. I loved Junior as a kid and was mad when Diddy replaced him in Mario Tennis. But, he really should return in Super Smash Bros. He has earned a spot a LONG time ago. Whether he retains his classic design or gets a new one based on this is equally fine by me.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I love Camilla, but even I know she is low priority compared to a Lord or even Azura.

Donkey Kong Jr. would be a nice retro as a smaller clone of Donkey Kong. By retaining his original design, it really contrasts how far this series has come.

Did you guys know that he was originally meant to be playable in Mario Kart: Double Dash? There is even a completed model for him.

Sucks, cuz we could have added EVERY Mario Kart veteran in that game. I loved Junior as a kid and was mad when Diddy replaced him in Mario Tennis. But, he really should return in Super Smash Bros. He has earned a spot a LONG time ago. Whether he retains his classic design or gets a new one based on this is equally fine by me.

And I guess Baby Donkey Kong is Nintendo's way of trying to bury Donkey Kong Junior.

Not that it makes the canon less confusing.
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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
Thoughts on Fire Emblem characters:

I want a villain.

And the best villain is Alvis/Arvis.

So I want him. Plus we have no one from 16 bit fire emblem anyway, and they really seem to be bringing a lot of the gameplay from that back into the franchise (breeding units.... I think holy blood might be back soon). Plus as a pure fire mage, he would be unique compared to the rest of the fire emblem reps except for a single move overlap with Robin.

Second best is Black Knight. Then probably Zephiel with his neato burrito transforming sword.

Fire Emblem 10-11 also could use an hd re release if only because the franchise is more popular now.

... and 4 and 5 could use an English translation.


Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
May as well get the controversial opinion rom earlier out since I have the time now and FE is currently being discussed. I'd be fine with Smash 5 having Ike, Marth and one of Robin or Lucina and that's it. Bias towards Robin since he's unique, just needs his gimmick toned down or revamped or removed. Lucina being Luigified would be fine though.

Roy and Lucina don't add anything truly unique, just different twists on what Marth does and Roy and Corrin were added in Melee/4 purely for promotion of their FE games. I'd be perfectly okay with no more of that. And this is coming from someone who doesn't mind playing as any of the 6 FE characters and someone who went through the trouble of acquiring every single FE game made.

I'd only want another FE newcomer if they truly mean something like Marth starting the series, Ike introducing the series to 3D unless I'm mistaken and overall popularity (plus his games have the best story and I'm bias to RD) and Awakening revived the series though to me, that's thanks to good marketing and not the game itself.

Fates and Fuin no Tsurgi or Binding Blade don't mean much in the grand scheme of FE.

Want more FE rep? Add more actual locations as stages like Arena Ferox and add items.

Mr. Game + Watch

Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2018
The winner of the last Mother poll was Kumatora. The rest of the poll was a pleasant surprise since Jeff outdid both Porky and Masked Man in the end. Still, everything was pretty balanced this time.

Now we start with those classic long forgotten Nintendo characters from the NES to SNES era, including a certain cut veteran(s). Your choices are Ice Climbers, Sheriff, Bubbles from CluClu Land, and Sky Skipper (Nintendo's true first arcade game with a protagonist).

There was a problem fetching the tweet

And before someone says "What about X?", they are coming soon.
I would say ice climbers but I am going to say sheriff since everyone will probably pick ice climbers


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
It really pisses me off that Wario is still using his biker outfit as his main getup.

In Subspace Emmissary he appears as a villain, which I think WOULD be awesome, because until the Wario Land series, he was generally considered a villain. But, they use his biker outfit instead of his overalls which he had in his many villainous portrayals such as Super Mario Land 2, Wario's Woods, and Mario & Wario.

There has still been little to no representation of the very much loved Wario Land series. No Wario's Castle, no shoulder ram, no enemies or characters from Wario Land 1-4.

This REALLY makes me wish he was added in Super Smash Bros. Melee, so we could have gotten a chance for the Wario Land games to be in the spotlight.

If there's one thing I want to change in the next installment, it's for more attention to be payed to stuff like this.

Interesting data on unused characters.

Some that were glossed over or declared," not fit for Smash," yet ultimately showed up in a future title.

This list can offer clues to possible newcomers.

Just to clarify before you get people's hopes up: Sakurai never said or implied that Krystal was considered or intended to be a playable character.
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Alright. Creativity time. Your job is to sell Takamaru for Smash.

What mechanic, playstyle and theme/s should he have in a new Smash game?


Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
He doesn't need to be sold. He wields a samurai sword, shoots fireballs, and can turn invisible. Frankly, I have him replacing the "spellsword" slot of Robin in my roster.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Alright. Creativity time. Your job is to sell Takamaru for Smash.

What mechanic, playstyle and theme/s should he have in a new Smash game?
2 year old repost go:
Alright well, here's a Takamaru moveset again made off the top of my head.

Takamaru uses a traditional kenjutsu stance and fighting style, as opposed to Goroh’s. Drawing from both his ninja and samurai influences, his play style revolves around quicks attacks and combos. Many of his attacks can chain into other ones, he has decent melee range (though less than Marth), and a strong projectile game, which allows for very effective spacing and a high degree of mind games. Additionally the majority of his attacks do not have much startup, cooldown, or lag. However Takamaru is a relatively frail character, able to be KO’d at comparatively low percent, and his range of killing moves are limited. His speed is high, weight low (around Zelda or Little Mac), strength below average, below average grab game (though good potential for combo-ing out of his grabs), above average range, average air game, above average air mobility, and above average jumping ability.

Takamaru’s air dodges and rolls render him invisible. He can wall jump. When he runs he leaves a trail of cherry blossoms. He only speaks Japanese.

Entrance: Cherry blossoms swirl around Takamaru as he sits cross-legged, meditating. He then opens his eyes, stands up and removes his katana from its sheath as the cherry blossoms blow away.

B: Takamaru throws a kunai, it travels perfectly horizontal and can cross most of the screen on a medium stage before it disappears. Can be thrown in rapid succession. Does minimal damage and knockback. If you hold B down, the kunai will catch fire for slightly more damage, KB, as well as fire damage
Side B: Takamaru throws two windmill swords in front of him that travel diagonally up and down respectively. Can be thrown in a succession of three before slight cooldown. They do slightly more damage than the kunai. Good for anti-air and gimping
Up B: Takamaru pulls a cloak over himself and becomes invisible. He can then aim himself akin to Din’s Fire, except with vertical range over horizontal. A slight swirl of cherry blossoms follow him to indicate where he is, although in this state he cannot be targeted. If B is pressed immediately after he re-appears he will strike with his katana, dealing significant damage and KB. If B isn’t pressed, he will simply re-emerge without attacking. If used when he is grounded, he will have reduced potential vertical distance yet greater potential horizontal distance before re-emerging. He is momentarily vulnerable after re-appearing whether he attacks or not.
Down B: Takamaru crouches, charging his sword. His sword will catch ablaze, and at full charge (5-6 seconds) will unleash like this:

Opponents will be delivered multiple hits as they are carried backward and delivered fire damage. Less charge time will result in weaker versions of the attack, with the minimal charge time resulting in Takamaru simply swinging his fiery katana. Cannot be stored. Takamaru is vulnerable after attacking if he misses.

A: Takamaru slashes vertically
AA: Takamaru slashes horizontally

Dash Attack: Takamaru does something like this

Ftilt: Takamaru steps forward, bringing his sword down in an arc. Can be used as a follow-up from the Utilt. Slight startup lag during the stepping forward frames.
Utilt: Takamaru swings his sword up in an arc from below him to above his head, hitting opponents upward. Great for follow-ups
Dtilt: Takamaru sweeps his foot around himself. Can hit opponents behind him as well.

Nair: Takamaru closes his eyes and holds his sword close to him as a whirlwind of cherry blossoms surround him. Gives opponents multiple smaller hits, at low opponent damages Takamaru can follow-up out of it
Fair: Takamaru slashes the opponent several times in a combo, finishing with a move that sends them downward diagonally (from Samurai Warriors 3)
Bair: Takamaru throws a kunai behind him. Similar to Villager’s bair
Uair: Takamaru slashes above him. Good for juggling. Similar to Marth’s uair
Dair: Takamaru swings his arm throwing three shuriken below him at 225, 270, and 315 degrees respectively. Minimal damage, decent range

FSmash: Takamaru slashes his sword in front of himself, the sword leaving a fiery trail. Like Ness, and similar to the NES game, if timed correctly Takamaru can reflect projectiles. However, only non-energy based ones.
USmash: Takamaru raises his sword and three fireballs spin around it, dealing fire damage to opponents
DSmash: Takamaru stabs his sword into the ground in front of him. High damage, but only targets opponents he’s facing

Pummel: Takamaru knees opponent
Fthrow: Takamaru shoulder checks opponents, then follows up with a forward slash
Bthrow: Takamaru quickly steps to the other side of the opponent then slashes then
Uthrow: Takamaru slashes the opponent upward, rising with them. Can follow-up if opponent is at low damage
Dthrow: Takamaru throws the opponent against the ground. Good for follow-ups.

Final Smash: Inazuma
Takamaru raises his katana to the sky as dark clouds form and thunder sounds. Lightning unavoidably strikes all opponents on the screen, dealing them 25% damage (no knockback) and shrinking them.

And there you go. Another completely unique moveset based around a katana. One that doesn’t resemble Goroh nor other sword-wielders. And the Takamaru character, as vaguely defined as it is, is still preserved, with his use of samurai, elemental and ninja tactics as well as a more traditional approach to a katana-based moveset. There are references to the original game as well as Nintendo Land and Samurai Warriors 3, and even Sakura Samurai. The seriousness, stoicism, agility and proficiency of the character is also retained. And that’s even without elaborating via taunts and win/loss poses.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Takamaru's a damn sight more interesting than nearly all the other sword characters in the game so far. His game is more of a classic fun Zelda-style romp with a great degree of difficulty and manic action.

N3ON N3ON Cool moveset, but I have to say that Final Smash idea is pretty lame. Just shrinks everyone and makes them take 25% damage? Forget that, make something deadly happen.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters. I'll start off with me.

  • King K. Rool - He's got potential for a villain character. His varied arsenal and his mixture of a wacky, yet threatening personality would make for an interesting addition to the Smash roster. This also gives DK fans (such as myself) another character to work with and can stand out.
  • Takamaru - A samurai style sword fighter can stand out. Takamaru is considered a "retro" pick which roster has a habit of including (:4duckhunt:, :4rob:, :pit:, and:4gaw:) and does bring interest. This also could jump start a possible new entry for a potential series.
  • Any Pokémon from Gens 2, 3, 5, 7, and possibly 8 that are different types - I'd like to see more Pokémon variety and each unused Gen and typing has something unique to offer. (Seviper for Gen 3 anyone? Krookodile for Gen 5? Scizor for Gen 2?) Just having only one Gen and/or one typing is not really that fun for Pokémon. I guess that is just different interests for different people.
  • Inklings - They can be a fresh (pun definitely intended) addition with the use of ink, different colors and fashion. They could use a control-a-turf kind of playstyle and is currently one of Nintendo's biggest successful franchises in the modern age.
  • Bartz Klauser (FFV) - Personal bias aside, Bartz has FFV's Job System to go with. That alone can create nigh endless possibilities. Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Dragoon, Knight, Mimic (That alone could be a hug chunk in itself), Red Mage, and much more. That comes with various spells, weapons, and even song and dance. Even changing the jobs can be unique itself. Even though we have FF7 (insert any popularity statements here), it doesn't rule out other FF titles. Similar to Pokémon, I prefer FF characters from different games, attitudes, and abilities. Terra of FF6 and Bartz fit that bill.
  • Phoenix Wright - This lawyer could make for a hilarious inclusion. He would be great addition due to for his wacky antics and if UMvC 3 says anything, he could be a great "fighting on accident" kind of character. Having a guilty verdict on his opponent or a nightmare judge slamming down the hammer could make for interesting Final Smash ideas.
  • William "B.J" Blazkowicz - Like a Doom Marine/the Doom Slayer, Blazko has history in shaping FPS games and he's got an assortment weapons from all continuities. He has some tactics that set him apart from other "soldier" like characters. The realistic weapons are able to be side-stepped over easily.
  • Terry Bogard - A popular SNK character. It would be nice to see this mixed martial artist with energy attacks against Street Fighter's Ryu and everyone else. He's got his attacks from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to go on. From Garou: Mark of the Wolves can come with a different outfit. He has to deal with competition from Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, and Geese Howard.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Just to clarify before you get people's hopes up: Sakurai never said or implied that Krystal was considered or intended to be a playable character.
Must be hard to shrug with all those chips on your shoulder.

N3ON N3ON Cool moveset, but I have to say that Final Smash idea is pretty lame. Just shrinks everyone and makes them take 25% damage? Forget that, make something deadly happen.
Nah, I like mine. Like 95% of FSs already do that. This one is more strategic.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
2 year old repost go:
Alright well, here's a Takamaru moveset again made off the top of my head.

Takamaru uses a traditional kenjutsu stance and fighting style, as opposed to Goroh’s. Drawing from both his ninja and samurai influences, his play style revolves around quicks attacks and combos. Many of his attacks can chain into other ones, he has decent melee range (though less than Marth), and a strong projectile game, which allows for very effective spacing and a high degree of mind games. Additionally the majority of his attacks do not have much startup, cooldown, or lag. However Takamaru is a relatively frail character, able to be KO’d at comparatively low percent, and his range of killing moves are limited. His speed is high, weight low (around Zelda or Little Mac), strength below average, below average grab game (though good potential for combo-ing out of his grabs), above average range, average air game, above average air mobility, and above average jumping ability.

Takamaru’s air dodges and rolls render him invisible. He can wall jump. When he runs he leaves a trail of cherry blossoms. He only speaks Japanese.

Entrance: Cherry blossoms swirl around Takamaru as he sits cross-legged, meditating. He then opens his eyes, stands up and removes his katana from its sheath as the cherry blossoms blow away.

Love the cherry blossoms.

Good mix of melee and physical attacks.

I like how broadly blades and projectiles seem like Link, yet the moveset uses them in a much different way. A nice nod to its sister game.

Fire is a good theme and visual. The invincibility is used in a way that doesn't lead to imbalance one way or another. Solid entry that still holds up after two years.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Love the cherry blossoms.

Good mix of melee and physical attacks.

I like how broadly blades and projectiles seem like Link, yet the moveset uses them in a much different way. A nice nod to its sister game.

Fire is a good theme and visual. The invincibility is used in a way that doesn't lead to imbalance one way or another. Solid entry that still holds up after two years.
Thank you!

Final Smashes aren't supposed to be strategic. They're supposed to mess everything up.
Says who? You? Final Smashes are supposed to be a disproportionately advantageous attack.

Takamaru is fast and has quick attacks; if the opponents are at a high percentage, you have a better shot at killing multiple with this FS than all those FSs where its exceedingly difficult to target more than a single character, many of which would also still survive at low damage. Not every FS needs be a character going ham with an ultimate projectile or delivering some final blow, both of which are overdone, and both of which would be Takamaru's alternatives.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
Donkey Kong Jr. would be a nice retro as a smaller clone of Donkey Kong. By retaining his original design, it really contrasts how far this series has come.

Did you guys know that he was originally meant to be playable in Mario Kart: Double Dash? There is even a completed model for him.

Sucks, cuz we could have added EVERY Mario Kart veteran in that game. I loved Junior as a kid and was mad when Diddy replaced him in Mario Tennis. But, he really should return in Super Smash Bros. He has earned a spot a LONG time ago. Whether he retains his classic design or gets a new one based on this is equally fine by me.
Holy **** that just blew my mind here because it looks like he would've been a middle/heavyweight. If yo don't mind me asking, where did you find this?


Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters. I'll start off with me.

  • King K. Rool - He's got potential for a villain character. His varied arsenal and his mixture of a wacky, yet threatening personality would make for an interesting addition to the Smash roster. This also gives DK fans (such as myself) another character to work with and can stand out.
  • Takamaru - A samurai style sword fighter can stand out. Takamaru is considered a "retro" pick which roster has a habit of including (:4duckhunt:, :4rob:, :pit:, and:4gaw:) and does bring interest. This also could jump start a possible new entry for a potential series.
  • Any Pokémon from Gens 2, 3, 5, 7, and possibly 8 that are different types - I'd like to see more Pokémon variety and each unused Gen and typing has something unique to offer. (Seviper for Gen 3 anyone? Krookodile for Gen 5? Scizor for Gen 2?) Just having only one Gen and/or one typing is not really that fun for Pokémon. I guess that is just different interests for different people.
  • Inklings - They can be a fresh (pun definitely intended) addition with the use of ink, different colors and fashion. They could use a control-a-turf kind of playstyle and is currently one of Nintendo's biggest successful franchises in the modern age.
  • Bartz Klauser (FFV) - Personal bias aside, Bartz has FFV's Job System to go with. That alone can create nigh endless possibilities. Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Dragoon, Knight, Mimic (That alone could be a hug chunk in itself), Red Mage, and much more. That comes with various spells, weapons, and even song and dance. Even changing the jobs can be unique itself. Even though we have FF7 (insert any popularity statements here), it doesn't rule out other FF titles. Similar to Pokémon, I prefer FF characters from different games, attitudes, and abilities. Terra of FF6 and Bartz fit that bill.
  • Phoenix Wright - This lawyer could make for a hilarious inclusion. He would be great addition due to for his wacky antics and if UMvC 3 says anything, he could be a great "fighting on accident" kind of character. Having a guilty verdict on his opponent or a nightmare judge slamming down the hammer could make for interesting Final Smash ideas.
  • William "B.J" Blazkowicz - Like a Doom Marine/the Doom Slayer, Blazko has history in shaping FPS games and he's got an assortment weapons from all continuities. He has some tactics that set him apart from other "soldier" like characters. The realistic weapons are able to be side-stepped over easily.
  • Terry Bogard - A popular SNK character. It would be nice to see this mixed martial artist with energy attacks against Street Fighter's Ryu and everyone else. He's got his attacks from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to go on. From Garou: Mark of the Wolves can come with a different outfit. He has to deal with competition from Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, and Geese Howard.
I'll bite.
Galacta Knight: one of my favourite bosses from any video game and easily my favourite Kirby boss. His design, his theme and his fights are all awesome. He's also rather mysterious with the only real things known about him are that he's incredibly powerful and that he was sealed away due to said power. He'd make for an easy to add Meta Knight clone or semi clone. Plus it'd give us a lance user.

Ganon and/or Toon Ganondorf: Gives us a more accurate representation of the King of Evil than the current Falcondorf we're stuck with. More privy to Toon Ganondorf since WW is my favourite Zelda game and Ganondorf uses swords in WW.

Toon Zelda/Tetra: Similar reason to Toon Ganondorf, WW being my favourite Zelda but also, if the dev team isn't going to retool a character that's been awful 3 games in a row then perhaps a clone would do better. Not expecting Tetra to be a clone of Sheik at all but it'd be nice to have the option to switch between her 2 forms even though I don't believe she ever switches forms herself in WW or PH.

Bandana Dee: The more likely 4th Kirby rep and he'd still give us a spear user plus he could make use of Parasol, Beam and all the other stuff Waddle Dee's have used before. More privy to GK due to design, theme and how easy he'd be to make but I'll gladly take any extra Kirby rep since Kirby is my favourite game series overall.

Simon Belmont: Konami has already had a character put into Smash so it wouldn't be anything new to them and therefore wouldn't be outlandish like many thought with Cloud getting in and similar to Megaman, Castlevania's history started with Nintendo and it'd give us a whip based fighter. Wouldn't be against Alucard getting in instead.

Grey Warden/Hawke/The Inquisitor/Dragonborn aka Dovahkin: Grouping all of these together despite it being 2 separate series: Dragon Age and The Elder Scrolls. The latter is far more popular but I prefer the former. They both make use of characters the player creates and can use medieval weapons and magic. Dragonborn has the added benefit of Shouts while the Dragon Age protagonists don't have much unless they can somehow make use of The Inquisitor's strange abilities (I've actually yet to beat Inquisition so idk what the explanation for the powers are).

Tails/Shadow/Eggman: I think Sonic's been around long enough and has had enough ties to Nintendo, both as a rival to Mario and going to them after Sega stopped making consoles along with the numerous Nintendo exclusive Sonic games that they could get a second rep. Tails being the Luigi of the series, Shadow being the Wario and Eggman being the Bowser so to speak although I think Shadow is more popular in the Sonic series than Wario is in the Mario series.

Sora/Roxas: Only ever played Kingdom Hearts 2 and 358/2 Days but I enjoyed the former quite a bit and he's had a decent amount of games exclusive to Nintendo consoles plus we already have an SE character with Cloud so again, not too far of a stretch. Only real issue I see is Disney since from what I've read here, they actually own the character?

All of the non-Nintendo are pretty much just 'would be cool but don't care if they don't get in' kinda characters and all of the Nintendo ones save for Waddle Dee are pretty much just wishful thinking on my part.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
I'll bite.
Galacta Knight: one of my favourite bosses from any video game and easily my favourite Kirby boss. His design, his theme and his fights are all awesome. He's also rather mysterious with the only real things known about him are that he's incredibly powerful and that he was sealed away due to said power. He'd make for an easy to add Meta Knight clone or semi clone. Plus it'd give us a lance user.

Ganon and/or Toon Ganondorf: Gives us a more accurate representation of the King of Evil than the current Falcondorf we're stuck with. More privy to Toon Ganondorf since WW is my favourite Zelda game and Ganondorf uses swords in WW.

Toon Zelda/Tetra: Similar reason to Toon Ganondorf, WW being my favourite Zelda but also, if the dev team isn't going to retool a character that's been awful 3 games in a row then perhaps a clone would do better. Not expecting Tetra to be a clone of Sheik at all but it'd be nice to have the option to switch between her 2 forms even though I don't believe she ever switches forms herself in WW or PH.

Bandana Dee: The more likely 4th Kirby rep and he'd still give us a spear user plus he could make use of Parasol, Beam and all the other stuff Waddle Dee's have used before. More privy to GK due to design, theme and how easy he'd be to make but I'll gladly take any extra Kirby rep since Kirby is my favourite game series overall.

Simon Belmont: Konami has already had a character put into Smash so it wouldn't be anything new to them and therefore wouldn't be outlandish like many thought with Cloud getting in and similar to Megaman, Castlevania's history started with Nintendo and it'd give us a whip based fighter. Wouldn't be against Alucard getting in instead.

Grey Warden/Hawke/The Inquisitor/Dragonborn aka Dovahkin: Grouping all of these together despite it being 2 separate series: Dragon Age and The Elder Scrolls. The latter is far more popular but I prefer the former. They both make use of characters the player creates and can use medieval weapons and magic. Dragonborn has the added benefit of Shouts while the Dragon Age protagonists don't have much unless they can somehow make use of The Inquisitor's strange abilities (I've actually yet to beat Inquisition so idk what the explanation for the powers are).

Tails/Shadow/Eggman: I think Sonic's been around long enough and has had enough ties to Nintendo, both as a rival to Mario and going to them after Sega stopped making consoles along with the numerous Nintendo exclusive Sonic games that they could get a second rep. Tails being the Luigi of the series, Shadow being the Wario and Eggman being the Bowser so to speak although I think Shadow is more popular in the Sonic series than Wario is in the Mario series.

Sora/Roxas: Only ever played Kingdom Hearts 2 and 358/2 Days but I enjoyed the former quite a bit and he's had a decent amount of games exclusive to Nintendo consoles plus we already have an SE character with Cloud so again, not too far of a stretch. Only real issue I see is Disney since from what I've read here, they actually own the character?

All of the non-Nintendo are pretty much just 'would be cool but don't care if they don't get in' kinda characters and all of the Nintendo ones save for Waddle Dee are pretty much just wishful thinking on my part.
Disney does own Kingdom Hearts. Square Enix is just a common developer.

Deleted member

No. Please no.
Just no.

I really like her design though.
2 year old repost go:
Alright well, here's a Takamaru moveset again made off the top of my head.

Takamaru uses a traditional kenjutsu stance and fighting style, as opposed to Goroh’s. Drawing from both his ninja and samurai influences, his play style revolves around quicks attacks and combos. Many of his attacks can chain into other ones, he has decent melee range (though less than Marth), and a strong projectile game, which allows for very effective spacing and a high degree of mind games. Additionally the majority of his attacks do not have much startup, cooldown, or lag. However Takamaru is a relatively frail character, able to be KO’d at comparatively low percent, and his range of killing moves are limited. His speed is high, weight low (around Zelda or Little Mac), strength below average, below average grab game (though good potential for combo-ing out of his grabs), above average range, average air game, above average air mobility, and above average jumping ability.

Takamaru’s air dodges and rolls render him invisible. He can wall jump. When he runs he leaves a trail of cherry blossoms. He only speaks Japanese.

Entrance: Cherry blossoms swirl around Takamaru as he sits cross-legged, meditating. He then opens his eyes, stands up and removes his katana from its sheath as the cherry blossoms blow away.

B: Takamaru throws a kunai, it travels perfectly horizontal and can cross most of the screen on a medium stage before it disappears. Can be thrown in rapid succession. Does minimal damage and knockback. If you hold B down, the kunai will catch fire for slightly more damage, KB, as well as fire damage
Side B: Takamaru throws two windmill swords in front of him that travel diagonally up and down respectively. Can be thrown in a succession of three before slight cooldown. They do slightly more damage than the kunai. Good for anti-air and gimping
Up B: Takamaru pulls a cloak over himself and becomes invisible. He can then aim himself akin to Din’s Fire, except with vertical range over horizontal. A slight swirl of cherry blossoms follow him to indicate where he is, although in this state he cannot be targeted. If B is pressed immediately after he re-appears he will strike with his katana, dealing significant damage and KB. If B isn’t pressed, he will simply re-emerge without attacking. If used when he is grounded, he will have reduced potential vertical distance yet greater potential horizontal distance before re-emerging. He is momentarily vulnerable after re-appearing whether he attacks or not.
Down B: Takamaru crouches, charging his sword. His sword will catch ablaze, and at full charge (5-6 seconds) will unleash like this:

Opponents will be delivered multiple hits as they are carried backward and delivered fire damage. Less charge time will result in weaker versions of the attack, with the minimal charge time resulting in Takamaru simply swinging his fiery katana. Cannot be stored. Takamaru is vulnerable after attacking if he misses.

A: Takamaru slashes vertically
AA: Takamaru slashes horizontally

Dash Attack: Takamaru does something like this

Ftilt: Takamaru steps forward, bringing his sword down in an arc. Can be used as a follow-up from the Utilt. Slight startup lag during the stepping forward frames.
Utilt: Takamaru swings his sword up in an arc from below him to above his head, hitting opponents upward. Great for follow-ups
Dtilt: Takamaru sweeps his foot around himself. Can hit opponents behind him as well.

Nair: Takamaru closes his eyes and holds his sword close to him as a whirlwind of cherry blossoms surround him. Gives opponents multiple smaller hits, at low opponent damages Takamaru can follow-up out of it
Fair: Takamaru slashes the opponent several times in a combo, finishing with a move that sends them downward diagonally (from Samurai Warriors 3)
Bair: Takamaru throws a kunai behind him. Similar to Villager’s bair
Uair: Takamaru slashes above him. Good for juggling. Similar to Marth’s uair
Dair: Takamaru swings his arm throwing three shuriken below him at 225, 270, and 315 degrees respectively. Minimal damage, decent range

FSmash: Takamaru slashes his sword in front of himself, the sword leaving a fiery trail. Like Ness, and similar to the NES game, if timed correctly Takamaru can reflect projectiles. However, only non-energy based ones.
USmash: Takamaru raises his sword and three fireballs spin around it, dealing fire damage to opponents
DSmash: Takamaru stabs his sword into the ground in front of him. High damage, but only targets opponents he’s facing

Pummel: Takamaru knees opponent
Fthrow: Takamaru shoulder checks opponents, then follows up with a forward slash
Bthrow: Takamaru quickly steps to the other side of the opponent then slashes then
Uthrow: Takamaru slashes the opponent upward, rising with them. Can follow-up if opponent is at low damage
Dthrow: Takamaru throws the opponent against the ground. Good for follow-ups.

Final Smash: Inazuma
Takamaru raises his katana to the sky as dark clouds form and thunder sounds. Lightning unavoidably strikes all opponents on the screen, dealing them 25% damage (no knockback) and shrinking them.

And there you go. Another completely unique moveset based around a katana. One that doesn’t resemble Goroh nor other sword-wielders. And the Takamaru character, as vaguely defined as it is, is still preserved, with his use of samurai, elemental and ninja tactics as well as a more traditional approach to a katana-based moveset. There are references to the original game as well as Nintendo Land and Samurai Warriors 3, and even Sakura Samurai. The seriousness, stoicism, agility and proficiency of the character is also retained. And that’s even without elaborating via taunts and win/loss poses.
I have to say, this is probably my favorite character-move set made that I have seen. It is excellent. I like how you made it an organized essay, you make tons of references to the games he was in and even show images to get what I mean. You give him move-sets that can benefit him in the competitive meta overall, which is essential. I want to save this post somewhere, this post deserves more love and attention. Good job on the analysis!
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Ah, the patented Smashboards Fire Emblem discussion - always a fun topic. Recapping my stance, if there were to be a newcomer, it'd either be someone from Shadows of Valentia (Celica or Alm), the Lord of the next FE, or promoting Lyn to playable; but Fire Emblem would have the least priority to get a newcomer, so that other series can see some new faces added as well. Also keep Lucina, just give her the Great Lord appearance and a spear.

I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters. I'll start off with me.

  • King K. Rool - He's got potential for a villain character. His varied arsenal and his mixture of a wacky, yet threatening personality would make for an interesting addition to the Smash roster. This also gives DK fans (such as myself) another character to work with and can stand out.
  • Takamaru - A samurai style sword fighter can stand out. Takamaru is considered a "retro" pick which roster has a habit of including (:4duckhunt:, :4rob:, :pit:, and:4gaw:) and does bring interest. This also could jump start a possible new entry for a potential series.
  • Any Pokémon from Gens 2, 3, 5, 7, and possibly 8 that are different types - I'd like to see more Pokémon variety and each unused Gen and typing has something unique to offer. (Seviper for Gen 3 anyone? Krookodile for Gen 5? Scizor for Gen 2?) Just having only one Gen and/or one typing is not really that fun for Pokémon. I guess that is just different interests for different people.
  • Inklings - They can be a fresh (pun definitely intended) addition with the use of ink, different colors and fashion. They could use a control-a-turf kind of playstyle and is currently one of Nintendo's biggest successful franchises in the modern age.
  • Bartz Klauser (FFV) - Personal bias aside, Bartz has FFV's Job System to go with. That alone can create nigh endless possibilities. Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Dragoon, Knight, Mimic (That alone could be a hug chunk in itself), Red Mage, and much more. That comes with various spells, weapons, and even song and dance. Even changing the jobs can be unique itself. Even though we have FF7 (insert any popularity statements here), it doesn't rule out other FF titles. Similar to Pokémon, I prefer FF characters from different games, attitudes, and abilities. Terra of FF6 and Bartz fit that bill.
  • Phoenix Wright - This lawyer could make for a hilarious inclusion. He would be great addition due to for his wacky antics and if UMvC 3 says anything, he could be a great "fighting on accident" kind of character. Having a guilty verdict on his opponent or a nightmare judge slamming down the hammer could make for interesting Final Smash ideas.
  • William "B.J" Blazkowicz - Like a Doom Marine/the Doom Slayer, Blazko has history in shaping FPS games and he's got an assortment weapons from all continuities. He has some tactics that set him apart from other "soldier" like characters. The realistic weapons are able to be side-stepped over easily.
  • Terry Bogard - A popular SNK character. It would be nice to see this mixed martial artist with energy attacks against Street Fighter's Ryu and everyone else. He's got his attacks from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to go on. From Garou: Mark of the Wolves can come with a different outfit. He has to deal with competition from Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, and Geese Howard.
Isaac - We don't really have any character in Smash that can manipulate earth, so Isaac has plenty of options available to him for a unique and fun character. Plus, Golden Sun's a cult classic amongst the Nintendo library, so I'd want to see him so that more people get a chance to play them (and we finally get a continuation of the series)

Inklings - Come from an incredibly successful new IP and could bring with them a pretty unique ranged fighter, or being able to slow down others in ink while speeding them up, just like in their home game.

Spring Man/Ribbon Girl - Another character from a relatively successful new IP for Nintendo - Spring Man or Ribbon Girl could bring something interesting to the mix like a long-range melee fighter, not to mention both of them would suit Smash Bros pretty well.

Rex/Pyra - Either Rex or Pyra could easily be the new Xenoblade character added to Smash thanks to how well it sold, and I think they'd be a fun inclusion, the only question being will they fight in a tag-team like the Ice Climbers or be added as separate characters.

Runner up is Takamaru - A classic Nintendo character who's pretty overdue for a revival sometime soon - not to mention could bring with him a different style of swordplay that's based on traditional Japanese styles like iaijutsu.

(Third Party)
Doomguy/Doom Slayer - Doom has a long-standing legacy in the gaming industry, and given that DOOM was a very pleasant surprise in 2016, I'd say that the Doomguy's got a pretty decent foothold to get into Smash Bros thanks to Bethesda so far being on good terms with Nintendo and the Switch.

Rayman - Easily my go-to character for a Western third-party character who's company is also on good terms with Nintendo - He's got plenty of potential to draw from

Phoenix Wright - One of my favourite Capcom characters and an absolute blast to play as back in Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3. Him showing up in Smash Bros would send me over the moon just as much as Cloud did.

Either Ren Amamiya/Joker (Persona 5) or Yu Narukami (Persona 4) - The Shin Megami Tensei/Persona series have been going on for a long time, and either of them could easily adapt to the Smash Bros environment if you ask me.


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
I would like to know something. Why do you want the characters you want in Smash as playable? I'd like to see brief reasons for 4 Nintendo characters and 4 non-Nintendo characters. I'll start off with me.

  • King K. Rool - He's got potential for a villain character. His varied arsenal and his mixture of a wacky, yet threatening personality would make for an interesting addition to the Smash roster. This also gives DK fans (such as myself) another character to work with and can stand out.
  • Takamaru - A samurai style sword fighter can stand out. Takamaru is considered a "retro" pick which roster has a habit of including (:4duckhunt:, :4rob:, :pit:, and:4gaw:) and does bring interest. This also could jump start a possible new entry for a potential series.
  • Any Pokémon from Gens 2, 3, 5, 7, and possibly 8 that are different types - I'd like to see more Pokémon variety and each unused Gen and typing has something unique to offer. (Seviper for Gen 3 anyone? Krookodile for Gen 5? Scizor for Gen 2?) Just having only one Gen and/or one typing is not really that fun for Pokémon. I guess that is just different interests for different people.
  • Inklings - They can be a fresh (pun definitely intended) addition with the use of ink, different colors and fashion. They could use a control-a-turf kind of playstyle and is currently one of Nintendo's biggest successful franchises in the modern age.
  • Bartz Klauser (FFV) - Personal bias aside, Bartz has FFV's Job System to go with. That alone can create nigh endless possibilities. Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Dragoon, Knight, Mimic (That alone could be a hug chunk in itself), Red Mage, and much more. That comes with various spells, weapons, and even song and dance. Even changing the jobs can be unique itself. Even though we have FF7 (insert any popularity statements here), it doesn't rule out other FF titles. Similar to Pokémon, I prefer FF characters from different games, attitudes, and abilities. Terra of FF6 and Bartz fit that bill.
  • Phoenix Wright - This lawyer could make for a hilarious inclusion. He would be great addition due to for his wacky antics and if UMvC 3 says anything, he could be a great "fighting on accident" kind of character. Having a guilty verdict on his opponent or a nightmare judge slamming down the hammer could make for interesting Final Smash ideas.
  • William "B.J" Blazkowicz - Like a Doom Marine/the Doom Slayer, Blazko has history in shaping FPS games and he's got an assortment weapons from all continuities. He has some tactics that set him apart from other "soldier" like characters. The realistic weapons are able to be side-stepped over easily.
  • Terry Bogard - A popular SNK character. It would be nice to see this mixed martial artist with energy attacks against Street Fighter's Ryu and everyone else. He's got his attacks from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters to go on. From Garou: Mark of the Wolves can come with a different outfit. He has to deal with competition from Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, and Geese Howard.
Haven't we already done the same thing like 3 days ago?


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Why I want the characters I want

Skull Kid: Majora's Mask is my favourite Zelda game and I love Skull Kid and what he could bring. That creepy laugh, the awesome design of the Majora's Mask itself, the scarecrow aesthetic, the trickster, the unsureness of when Majora's Mask truly took over. His need for friendship is somewhat relatable, he's an awesome villain. And Hyrule Warriors proves what he could do and just imagine that Moon for the Final Smash. And Zelda franchise needs some love

Bandana Dee: I love Kirby, and this guy's awesome. So cute yet wields a deadly. He's certainly done enough to prove he's next in line and I love that he has. Did I mention he's cute? And I need more spear copter in my life. He's just very charming whenever he shows up and the more Kirby the better.

Ridley: He's Samus's arch nemesis, has a long history with, including killing her parents. Has been in the series since the beginning and I'd love to see his viciousness in Smash. His boss fights are incredibly fun and intense but we've never had the chance to be that boss that ourselves.

Rex and Pyra: I really loved Xenoblade Chronicles 2, a great follow up to the original. I want to see what Smash can do with this game including how these two could play and work together. And I liked Rex, he seemed like a nice lad. I wouldn't mind seeing more of him

Banjo & Kazooie: sigh, I just miss them OK. I want them back. It would be a dream come true

King Boo: I love this guy and I enjoy playing him in Mario spin-offs and think he would be unique and it would be great to have Luigi's arch nemesis.
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