I think word “interesting” when used in terms of character potential is one of the laziest descriptions ever. Like, if you tell me a character is “interesting” that tell me literally nothing about what makes them interesting.
I’ve at least thrown the idea of Incineroar being a grappler, others have mentioned usage of bulk up...I haven’t seen much of anything for the other Pokémon characters others than, well, “They’d be more interesting”.
I get it’s easier to just say something that we think carries meaning, but to propose a character is by default “more interesting” than another choice with no explanation is doing a huge disservice to people who might actually be interested in the character being referred to.
He’ll, I really like Decidueye. I think Incineroar is just as interesting on a gameplay level though.
I'll give an example for you.
Isaac could be an interesting fighter, but... Interesting
Well, first we have the Move, Grab, Carry, Pound and Force Psynergy spells, which form Spirit Hands to perform utility actions.
We have Isaac's general Venus Psynergy (aka "Geomancy"), which allows Isaac to move rocks, generate Earthquakes, create spires and walls of Earth, and even cause the Planet's life energy to erupt out of the ground (the "Gaia" Psynergy series). It doesn't take much to think of what he could do in terms of terrain control with these kinds of powers. There are also plant based powers, mostly in the form of the Vine, Briar and Punji spells (which Isaac can't use natively, but when has that ever stopped a fighter in Smash? He
can use them, which is more than we can say for


Part of the Venus Psynergy group is the Ragnarok spell series, which creates large Spirit Swords to attack enemies.
There are also the Djinn (and their related Summons), which allow Isaac to do even more, sometimes even outside of his normal Elemental capacity).