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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I wish they gave her Chrom's spinny slash as well to complete the whole father-daughter thing they had going at Arena Ferox, but I wish a lot of things.
Honestly, a part of me is jealous of Chrom and Dark Samus. Even a couple of really tiny changes to DP's and Lucy's movesets and animations would be nice. But I suppose those two are probably getting special treatment due to being ballot picks.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Play Splatoon. Kid Icarus/Fire Emblem are understandable to have not played before (even though they’re not new series) and Anmal Crossing is a dark game...but Splatoon you must play to death (so much ****ing fun)
My issue with Splatoon is due to my previous gaming days of Halo, Team Fortress, Gears of Wars, Left 4 Dead, etc. I'm probably burnt out from multiplayer shooters but also the overall look of the series makes me not take it seriously enough. Yes that is my problem, but it's how it is for meeee.

KI and FE are not new, no, but to many of us it might as well be. Latter due to localizing rather late, and the former due to only having an ancient game for decades.

Animal Crossing I simply don't have the time for with a job and relationships and all that so the real-time mechanic doesn't work for me. As for life simulators go I prefer to simply bring out the Sims 3 when I have a cravin' to play that sort of game nowadays.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Dark Pitt, Pitt, Pitt, Dark Pitt
What’s up with the extra t in their names?
Shifting the topic, seeing as how I saw Samus Returns music despite it releasing late 2017, it makes me believe we'll also have Splatoon 2 tracks. I saw 23 Splatoon tracks when it was listed in the direct. Hope we get Ebb and Flow.
Any song from Pearl and Marina would be great...but that song specifically is a must have/****ing need

Deleted member

Shifting the topic, seeing as how I saw Samus Returns music despite it releasing late 2017, it makes me believe we'll also have Splatoon 2 tracks. I saw 23 Splatoon tracks when it was listed in the direct. Hope we get Ebb and Flow.
Getting the Octo Expansion remix of that would be AMAZING. Splatoon 2 music is so good!

Also...there's Samus Returns music in Ultimate? What songs are in?


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I don't really have an issue with Dark Pit at this point really. He's frankly in Smash Ultimate to justify the "Everyone is Here" tagline otherwise I doubt he'd be here at all at this point.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
That's not the reason at least for me. It's not about the honor of being unique or not. It's that Isabel has no moves in source material to pull from. If you have to make up moves for her to be unique and she fits fine as an echoe then you might as well make her an echoe so that more characters who can't work as an echoe can be in as well. One of my most wanted is Black Knight and I want him as an echoe rather than a unique newcomer for that same reason.
What do you mean she has no moveset potential? Between the PWPs, furniture, unused held items, and even the AC emotions Isabelle's got great potential. I just hope they use it.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Shifting the topic, seeing as how I saw Samus Returns music despite it releasing late 2017, it makes me believe we'll also have Splatoon 2 tracks. I saw 23 Splatoon tracks when it was listed in the direct. Hope we get Ebb and Flow.
I need Tidal Rush.
It's a wonderful fusion of Bomb Rush Blush and Tide Goes Out.
It doesn't even have to be a remix, it just needs to be in the game.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
Getting the Octo Expansion remix of that would be AMAZING. Splatoon 2 music is so good!

Also...there's Samus Returns music in Ultimate? What songs are in?
There was a listing called Area 1-5 Torrid Zone (Samus Returns). I think that's Lower Norfair/Magmoor Caverns, which should have been in Smash a long time ago honestly.

And yea, I'd love the Octo Expansion remix. That was incredible.
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Deleted member

Dark Pit needed to stay in because if they're adding Shadow, we'll be able to have a team of edgy clone characters.
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Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
I don't really have an issue with Dark Pit at this point really. He's frankly in Smash Ultimate to justify the "Everyone is Here" tagline otherwise I doubt he'd be here at all at this point.
I honestly never minded him. Maybe I'm in the minority there, but personally I've just seen him as an extra little treat. Didn't really like him or the regular Pit very much, but he was alright, I think.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Past Sonic
Future Sonic
Evil Sonic
Robot Sonic

How many sonics does there need to be?


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
If there's any issue I have with Dark Pit being in the game at all, it's that his arrow mechanics make him slightly less fun to play as then Pit. The funny thing is that in Uprising, the Palutena Bow had fairly weak homing while the Silver Bow had especially strong homing. It also fired large, green arrows. Oddly enough his bow actually acts far more like the Darkness Bow then the Silver Bow, as that one shot a powerful purple arrows with almost no homing.

I'm kind of an Uprising nerd btw, if it wasn't already clear.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I could say the same for Dark Pit though. You pick Dark Pit into the Rosalina MU to get rid of the Luma immediately. You pick him vs larger targets who focus on rushdown because his arrows are favourable in those exchanges and therefore relies on them more. Pit's arrows are better for characters with gimpable recoveries like Marth/Lucina, Falcon, Ganon, Mario/Doc. Dark Pit would have to rely on off stage edgeguarding when Pit can fire arrows safely due to their control.

Dark Pit's Ftilt can also jab lock in Sm4sh which can be used from a Dair footstool combo which Pit does not have.

They play different, even if only slightly.
Well firstly, most people aren't aware of those differences as DP/Pit is a niche pick to begin with, and those differences aren't discernible to most people during gameplay or in tourneys. Those differences are also far smaller than the entire removal of a mechanic.
Which brings me to the second point: Lucina's differences are seen at all levels of play, is much easier to understand at first glance, and passivesly changes every part of her kit rather than just one or two moves.
We haven't seen her smash attacks.
We have seen her FSmash and USmash.
Her FSmash and USmash are the same except with blue explosions.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2017
Liberty, Missouri
Gonna just repost this here since it kinda blew up on twitter lmfao
Anyways I basically tried to sit down and REALLY think about who would be an echo. A lot of people have wild ideas as to what characters would be an echo so I was like lets see who is the most likely for as many characters as I could realistically think of. Now to go more in depth with each choice and how I personally feel regarding said character.
Also a few trends with each echo, they are all well liked characters and arent just random. Dark Pit DID have a fanbase back before smash 4 who did want him. Also all of them but Richter had a group of ppl who wanted them in. Richter is the exception since most of simons moves come from him anyways.
Anyways carrying on. (Also chrom and dark samus show us that animations and entire moves and physics can be different)

Jeanne - Not likely imo especially since bayo still has her Jeanne skin.
Dixie - Very likely. Super requested and fan favorite and a missing char from DK. All they have to do is change her jab and up b.
Funky - Not likely. Would just be funny to have a funky new mode.
Medusa - Very likely. Shares the same build as palu and also uses a staff. Is the only missing NES villain and a girl villain (smash only has wendy and a genderless blob of phazon) She could either just be Palu without a shield or she could be palu with some customs from smash 4 since customs seem to be gone. Why cut all that work? Shes also a popular character and is requested.
Celica - Maybe. She might have came along far too late for it to work, sure shes been around since gaiden but echoes didnt release until 2017. She could be Robing but with an equalized sword and instead of losing tomes she damages herself.
Ken - Very likely. The first ever Echo fighter of any fighting game. Also had a trophy and his theme in smash 4. He could have his up b be multi hit with fire effects, and his side b be multihit. Maybe a different idle and his down b would be the same but with the SF4 animation of a kick rather than a punch.
Big Boss/Raiden/Venom/Liquid - I have no idea honestly, but Ill say not likely. All of them are iconic characters but who knows. Big Boss is one of the most popular video game characters of all time however and he could wear MGS3 sneaking suit and have an eyepatch. So he could still look visually different.
Hilda - Not likely. I doubt weve seen every skin in smash since several are still missing from the demo. She would be much better as just a color but who knows.
Zack - Not likely. Square wont even give us more than 2 songs, I doubt theyll give us another character
Black Shadow - Not likely. As cool as he would be I doubt wed get another F Zero rep.
Black Knight - Very likely. A well requested character, an FE villain, and an easy echo to add. Just make his up b teleport and maybe change a few animations and youre golden.
Daisy - already in
Chrom - already in.
Dark Samus - already in.
Shadow - Very likely. A missing assist trophy and a fan favorite. Would be insanely easy to add since in almost every sonic game hes basically the same as sonic aside from chaos control and skating.
Octoling - Not likely. I doubt theyd add in a splatoon 2 octoling since the game is too recent but who knows.
Lucina - already in
Ninten - Very unlikely. I highly doubt wed get a character thats just ness before ness existed.
Dark Pit - already in
Impa - Idk honestly. Shes popular but im not sure shed work very well with sheiks build, only option is OOT impa who isnt even all that popular.
Richter - already in
Isabelle - very likely. A HUGELY popular character who had a mii costume and is a missing AT. Super likely.

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Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
Actually, I wanted Pearl and Marina to sing and dance in the background of some stage like K. K. Slider, but it might be too late for that.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
What do you mean she has no moveset potential? Between the PWPs, furniture, unused held items, and even the AC emotions Isabelle's got great potential. I just hope they use it.
None of these are "moves" though. They're just things that exist in AC. Think of it like this. Isaac has many moves to take from. If he was a clone of Marth or something it would be a huge disservice to his character. People would wonder where his psynergy moves are. If Isabelle was a villager echoe, would fans actually wonder where the public works projects are or where the extra held items are? No, she fits just fine as an echoe. Say there's one more unique character. If we make Isabelle a unique character then we can't also add Issac. However, we can add Issac and Isabelle both if we just make her an echoe.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
My issue with Splatoon is due to my previous gaming days of Halo, Team Fortress, Gears of Wars, Left 4 Dead, etc. I'm probably burnt out from multiplayer shooters but also the overall look of the series makes me not take it seriously enough. Yes that is my problem, but it's how it is for meeee.

KI and FE are not new, no, but to many of us it might as well be. Latter due to localizing rather late, and the former due to only having an ancient game for decades.

Animal Crossing I simply don't have the time for with a job and relationships and all that so the real-time mechanic doesn't work for me. As for life simulators go I prefer to simply bring out the Sims 3 when I have a cravin' to play that sort of game nowadays.
If you were to play Splatoon, you wouldn’t care if you’re meant to take it seriously or not (like Smash or Mario Kart). The variety of weapons, music, humor, characters, and color gives you a different experience in shooters compared to the ones you listed

(Nobody seems to care for and/or remember Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters)...anywhom...Fire Emblem

I can’t soeak for Animal Crossing as I haven’t been into the series that much, but Sims is fun
I don't really have an issue with Dark Pit at this point really. He's frankly in Smash Ultimate to justify the "Everyone is Here" tagline otherwise I doubt he'd be here at all at this point.
Sakurai child...he was definitely gonna stay
Why do I feel like Brad Pitt has been disrespected being compared to Pittoo
Boom Sonic
yes please
If there's any issue I have with Dark Pit being in the game at all, it's that his arrow mechanics make him slightly less fun to play as then Pit. The funny thing is that in Uprising, the Palutena Bow had fairly weak homing while the Silver Bow had especially strong homing. It also fired large, green arrows. Oddly enough his bow actually acts far more like the Darkness Bow then the Silver Bow, as that one shot a powerful purple arrows with almost no homing.

I'm kind of an Uprising nerd btw, if it wasn't already clear.
If you’re a real Uprising nerd...can Palutena cook and why has she not taught Pit how to read after 25+ years together?
Actually, I wanted Pearl and Marina to sing and dance in the background of some stage like K. K. Slider, but it might be too late for that.
Hell Yeah


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
Actually, I wanted Pearl and Marina to sing and dance in the background of some stage like K. K. Slider, but it might be too late for that.
I would assume background stage elements are nowhere near as difficult to implement later on in development. It could happen, but I'm not even sure the Splatoon stage in the game has anywhere for them to be. The little cat (forgot his name) is in the Splatoon stage even though I don't think he's in Splatoon 1.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
Gonna just repost this here since it kinda blew up on twitter lmfao
Anyways I basically tried to sit down and REALLY think about who would be an echo. A lot of people have wild ideas as to what characters would be an echo so I was like lets see who is the most likely for as many characters as I could realistically think of. Now to go more in depth with each choice and how I personally feel regarding said character.
Surprised you didn't mention Shadow The Ultimate Life Form.

You know what, screw it, lets bring in Sonichu and burn this whole thing to the ground.
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Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
I know this will probably get overlooked in the conversation, but I just want to post this anyway, and its a bit off-topic...

I cannot wait to hear what Ultimate's "Sakurai Bias" will be...:rolleyes:
In Brawl, it was the Kirby Bias
In 4 it was the Kid Icarus Bias, and in 4 post DLC it was the Fire Emblem Bias.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Gonna just repost this here since it kinda blew up on twitter lmfao
Anyways I basically tried to sit down and REALLY think about who would be an echo. A lot of people have wild ideas as to what characters would be an echo so I was like lets see who is the most likely for as many characters as I could realistically think of. Now to go more in depth with each choice and how I personally feel regarding said character.
Also a few trends with each echo, they are all well liked characters and arent just random. Dark Pit DID have a fanbase back before smash 4 who did want him. Also all of them but Richter had a group of ppl who wanted them in. Richter is the exception since most of simons moves come from him anyways.
Anyways carrying on. (Also chrom and dark samus show us that animations and entire moves and physics can be different)
My issue with this is your take on Black Shadow. I don't see how we can expect a fourth Donkey Kong rep and not a second F-Zero rep. I feel Black Shadow is just as likely, if not even more, than Dixie.
Love your Mahiru sig!

Dixie Kong

Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2018
I know this will probably get overlooked in the conversation, but I just want to post this anyway, and its a bit off-topic...

I cannot wait to hear what Ultimate's "Sakurai Bias" will be...:rolleyes:
In Brawl, it was the Kirby Bias
In 4 it was the Kid Icarus Bias, and in 4 post DLC it was the Fire Emblem Bias.
Hopefully DK bias to make up for the last game. :)

Deleted member

I know this will probably get overlooked in the conversation, but I just want to post this anyway, and its a bit off-topic...

I cannot wait to hear what Ultimate's "Sakurai Bias" will be...:rolleyes:
In Brawl, it was the Kirby Bias
In 4 it was the Kid Icarus Bias, and in 4 post DLC it was the Fire Emblem Bias.
I'd be cracking up if it became the Metroid Bias.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
I know this will probably get overlooked in the conversation, but I just want to post this anyway, and its a bit off-topic...

I cannot wait to hear what Ultimate's "Sakurai Bias" will be...:rolleyes:
In Brawl, it was the Kirby Bias
In 4 it was the Kid Icarus Bias, and in 4 post DLC it was the Fire Emblem Bias.
After DLC for Ultimate (which I think is happening): Wow Sakurai's Metroid bias is stupid. First Ridley and Dark Samus in the base game, and now Sylux when Prime 4 isn't even out yet?? You can tell he's biased about Metroid because of the Metroid references in Uprising!

I'd actually love if we somehow got a 3rd Metroid rep as DLC

Edit: :ultgreninja:'d
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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
If you were to play Splatoon, you wouldn’t care if you’re meant to take it seriously or not (like Smash or Mario Kart). The variety of weapons, music, humor, characters, and color gives you a different experience in shooters compared to the ones you listed

(Nobody seems to care for and/or remember Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters)...anywhom...Fire Emblem

I can’t soeak for Animal Crossing as I haven’t been into the series that much, but Sims is fun

Sakurai child...he was definitely gonna stay

Why do I feel like Brad Pitt has been disrespected being compared to Pittoo

yes please

If you’re a real Uprising nerd...can Palutena cook and why has she not taught Pit how to read after 25+ years together?

Hell Yeah
If palutena tries to cook, there will be results as terrifying as a vegetable monster.

Which in a world of eggplant wizards, is scary.

And because she doesn’t want him to read his contract.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2018
I cannot wait to hear what Ultimate's "Sakurai Bias" will be...:rolleyes:
In Brawl, it was the Kirby Bias
In 4 it was the Kid Icarus Bias, and in 4 post DLC it was the Fire Emblem Bias.
"Sakurai is putting in too many old, forgotten characters! Where's Thanos and Minecraft Steve?! Retro bias!"

Oof all middle-school Smash fans.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
"Sakurai is putting in too many old, forgotten characters! Where's Thanos and Minecraft Steve?! Retro bias!"

Oof all middle-school Smash fans.
We don't need any Fortnite characters in Smash


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2018
After DLC for Ultimate (which I think is happening): Wow Sakurai's Metroid bias is stupid. First Ridley and Dark Samus in the base game, and now Sylux when Prime 4 isn't even out yet?? You can tell he's biased about Metroid because of the Metroid references in Uprising!

I'd actually love if we somehow got a 3rd Metroid rep as DLC

If Sylux is actually a major part of MP4 like everyone is expecting, I wouldn't mind if he was a DLC character.

Unless he's another Samus clone


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I know this will probably get overlooked in the conversation, but I just want to post this anyway, and its a bit off-topic...

I cannot wait to hear what Ultimate's "Sakurai Bias" will be...:rolleyes:
In Brawl, it was the Kirby Bias
In 4 it was the Kid Icarus Bias, and in 4 post DLC it was the Fire Emblem Bias.
If we get characters like Geno, Banjo and Isaac, people will say Sakurai has "Ballot bias". Which makes no sense because that's kinda the point of the ballot.
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