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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Sep 26, 2013
I'm in the camp which believes we're not getting any new stage and that Sakurai was quite explicit about it.
"The stage total is turning out to be pretty impressive." Yeah I'm sorry but I have no idea how "turning out" suggests we could getting more. The word "total" is much more explicit. First is said "Let's compare it to the totals in previous games." then comes a chart comparing the number of stages in different Smash games (even accounting with and without DLC for 3DS/Wii U). The "now" is also not very explicit, because it doesn't necessarily mean "for now", the way it's used it feels more like a "grammatical binder" if anything, as evidenced by the French version of the Direct for example, whose translation includes no word that's literally translated as "now". To be fair the total numbers of stages mentioned for the Wii U version is inaccurate (48/56 instead of the actual 46/55) but considering the others are accurate it's most likely an honest error, and they're very close to the actual numbers anyway.
But the biggest thing against the idea of more stages is the "All stages selectable from the get-go", so if they've shown us the stage select screen (which they did) then we've seen all the stages. It's tempting to say only "these" stages are starters as said by the presenter, but the lack of this word in the caption suggests that "these stages" and "All stages" are the same.
So yeah, if you want to play on semantics, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of no new stages. The semantic 'evidence' for new stages is so weak that I had to put that word between commas in this sentence.

Maybe I speak a different English language than you, but the phrase "Turning out" is in by no means an end all be all statement.

If I say

"Man, my cake is turning out good"

Does that mean the cake I'm cooking is going to come out of the oven perfectly? No, it means at the time, it's good.

Your statement about "Well, we say the Stage Select Screen!" also makes zero sense.

If there's newcomers tied to new stages that we haven't seen yet then of ****ing course they're not going to show us those stages.

Riddle me this:

For 4 games now, Sakurai has ALWAYS centered his menus to the best of his ability.

Why this game now after doing the same pattern for 20 years would he break that and shove off 5 stages to the left without centering them?

"Because DLC" is not a valid argument when you could add DLC to it no matter where those stages ended up.

I mean, for ****s sake, he centered the friggen Smash Down menu, when that's probably not going to be what it even ends up looking like. The man has centering OCD bad.
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I don't think we can read much from it in that way considering they didn't even give Dark Samus the one Metroid Prime stage in the game, for some reason they gave ZSS that one while Dark Samus got a Super Metroid stage.
And they gave Ridley Brinstar instead of Norfair


Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2018
Man Goku in it would be so cool. Just too bad they wouldn't add in the American DBZ soundtrack like rock the dragon.

That would have been so hype, oh and Goku black as an Echo.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Maybe I speak a different English language than you, but the phrase "Turning out" is in by no means an end all be all statement.

If I say

"Man, my cake is turning out good"

Does that mean the cake I'm cooking is going to come out of the oven perfectly? No, it means at the time, it's good.

Your statement about "Well, we say the Stage Select Screen!" also makes zero sense.

If there's newcomers tied to new stages that we haven't seen yet then of ****ing course they're not going to show us those stages.

Riddle me this:

For 4 games now, Sakurai has ALWAYS centered his menus to the best of his ability.

Why this game now after doing the same pattern for 20 years would he break that and shove off 5 stages to the left without centering them?

"Because DLC" is not a valid argument when you could add DLC to it no matter where those stages ended up.

I mean, for ****s sake, he centered the friggen Smash Down menu, when that's probably not going to be what it even ends up looking like. The man has centering OCD bad.
I would also like to point out how he said "conting the Omega and Battlefield forms, the total amount of stages is more than 300". Look at how in the only istance in which he used total referring to the stage he didn't gave us an exact number. Why would have he done something like that, considering that since he already gave us the supposed final number the total amount would be 306/7 (I don't know how much Big Battlefield will change in Omega and Battlefield form, but he surely knows). Why being vague now?


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I'm in the camp which believes we're not getting any new stage and that Sakurai was quite explicit about it.
"The stage total is turning out to be pretty impressive." Yeah I'm sorry but I have no idea how "turning out" suggests we could getting more. The word "total" is much more explicit. First is said "Let's compare it to the totals in previous games." then comes a chart comparing the number of stages in different Smash games (even accounting with and without DLC for 3DS/Wii U). The "now" is also not very explicit, because it doesn't necessarily mean "for now", the way it's used it feels more like a "grammatical binder" if anything, as evidenced by the French version of the Direct for example, whose translation includes no word that's literally translated as "now". To be fair the total numbers of stages mentioned for the Wii U version is inaccurate (48/56 instead of the actual 46/55) but considering the others are accurate it's most likely an honest error, and they're very close to the actual numbers anyway.
But the biggest thing against the idea of more stages is the "All stages selectable from the get-go", so if they've shown us the stage select screen (which they did) then we've seen all the stages. It's tempting to say only "these" stages are starters as said by the presenter, but the lack of this word in the caption suggests that "these stages" and "All stages" are the same.
So yeah, if you want to play on semantics, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of no new stages. The semantic 'evidence' for new stages is so weak that I had to put that word between commas in this sentence.

There also has been a point made about how the character count is no different from the stage count, but the difference is that we've been promised more characters (unless the "more announcements to come" only referred to King K. Rool but I really doubt that's the case), and there's no evidence that the current character count is final, whereas for the stages there has been in the form of the quite explicit word "total".

For this reason I doubt we're getting characters from new series not currently represented in Smash. I know this sucks because I understand so many people don't want to see Isaac/Rayman/etc. out of Smash Ultimate's speculation, but as far as I'm concerned the content of new stages is pretty much this game what Ridley was to the previous Smash. Of course we could get characters from unrepresented series without their home stages, but while it's true that Marth and Roy came without a home stage in Melee, one was still planned, and aparently got cut by time constraints. Considering how few new stages there are in this game, you would have expected a Golden Sun stage for example to be in if Isaac is playable. Melee also had a much shorter development time than Ultimate. R.O.B. also doesn't seem to be strong evidence either as he lacks one not only in Brawl when he was introduced but also both versions of Smash 4 which suggests Sakurai isn't particularly interested in giving him a home stage (and there's no evidence for a planned but cut stage); considering R.O.B. is a real world peripheral it makes more sense for him to not have a home stage than a character from an RPG with its own lore.

I know this sucks, because Isaac could have been cool and I wanted Pokémon's seventh generation to get its own stage, but as far as I'm concerned my expectation for these are now close to none.

Also in the "Sound ► Series" section shown in the Direct, were shown series icons for series represented by characters and aren't "from one title rather than a series". More series could have not been shown yet and have to be unlocked, but considering all stages are available from start it would only make sense to have the music section for series without starter characters to be available from start. Basically if we get any new character from a currently unrepresented series their music is going to be in the "Other" section.

Asides from that I have a sort of crazy idea. Since Vergeben, who mostly gave us accurate informations so far, mentioned Minecraft content, what if the stage builder is Minecraft-themed, basically making the stage builder the Minecraft stage? Considering how Minecraft is all about terraforming I could totally see that happen. It's also a bit curious that we have not heard about the stage builder despite how much we've learned about Ultimate's stages. Most of all it would basically be a way for Steve to get in as a playable character despite the "no character from unrepresented series" logical conclusion I draw beforehand, since the stage builder is not going to be counted as part of the 103 stages (and is the only thing I expect when it comes to multiplayer stages outside of the confirmed 103), and as it would lack a proper stage Minecraft would have its music in the "other" section (which would also mean not many Minecraft musics but considering it's calm music which doesn't really fit a fighting game that would be fine, at least give us one more upbeat remix for Steve's trailer if he's in). Yeah I know it's a crazy idea, it's mostly speculation from weak evidence, so don't take it as if I'm genuinely expecting all of that to happen. I just can't wait to see this hypothesis inevitably debunked later... but if by chance this is what actually happens then I'm gonna be proud of it ahah.
Ironically, I think you're the one who's reading too much into this.

Setting all these hints and roster patterns aside, I really don't think it's as impossible for us to get a new stage as you say it is. Yes, he used the word "total", but since he never clarified that these were indeed the last of the stages, it's hard for us to interpret what he meant. Is he saying this is all we're getting, or are we getting a total of 103 stages in addition to the few new ones that haven't been revealed yet? Might seem like an easy call for you, but a lot of us are still questioning it.

I doubt we'll get anything much higher than 103, but an additional one or two stages shown off during a character reveal wouldn't be a huge suprise.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Speaking of stages, Pokemon's selection can be a bit strange in terms of generations covered

Generic: Stadium 1 & Stadium 2 (can be Kanto and Johto respectivley given the games they're named after but it's nothing certain)
Sinnoh: Spear Pillar
Unova: Unova Pokemon League
Kalos: Kalos Pokemon League

The only region to completely miss out (assuming you buy that Stadium 2 is in Johto) is Hoenn. What stage would you want for Hoenn?

My picks
Fortree City (Tree house platforms with breakable bridges)
Sootopolis City (fight on islands, Groudon/Kyogre appear in background and cause havok)
Sky Tower (if only Kalos Pokemon League wasn't hogging Rayquaza)

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Vegeta would be Gokus echo if he did get in. No question. He’s the most popular DBZ character by miles after Goku.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Vegeta would be Gokus echo if he did get in. No question. He’s the most popular DBZ character by miles after Goku.
He can't do the Kamehameha though, or Kaioken if that were to be in Goku's moveset. They really don't fight anything alike or share any techniques beyond going Super Saiyan and standard ki blasts.
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
He can't do the Kamehameha though, or Kaioken if that were to be in Goku's moveset. They really don't fight anything alike or share any techniques beyond going Super Saiyan.
They could do a Gohan echo and have Kaioken recolored white and pretend it's Ultimate Gohan


Sep 26, 2013

Top of the image being how the SSS looked in the Direct

Bottom being how it'd look in any other Smash game under normal circumstances.

Yeah, I don't buy it.

Sakurai is a beast of habit, and looking back at every Stage Select Screen, even the 3DS, when everything was said and done(Meaning they added the DLC button), EVERY stage select screen in this game's history has been centered to the best of its abilities.

"But DLC?!"

So they're going to limit themselves to ONLY 6 stages and no more? Really? Regardless, it doesn't even matter in this case since if it WERE centered, DLC could just be added to it and move it over.

"But Smash 3DS?!"

Had ONE spot missing, not SIX. And even then, that spot was filled by the DLC button. I REALLY DOUBT we're going to have 6 friggen DLC buttons.

I do not see a world where Sakurai just shoves 4 stages off to the left side of the screen and calls it a day for no reason, leaving SIX blank spots to the right open. Frankly, it looks sloppy and nothing like how he's done this for 20 years.

He's followed this design philosophy for 20 years, and it even shows up on menus are aren't even real:

Sakurai is a centering machine. The Stage Select Screen is NOT complete in its current form.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Vegeta would be Gokus echo if he did get in. No question. He’s the most popular DBZ character by miles after Goku.
That would only work if his moveset was purely generic Dragon Ball Z and they change the animations on the specials. Just wouldn't feel right.

Deleted member

Speaking of stages, Pokemon's selection can be a bit strange in terms of generations covered

Generic: Stadium 1 & Stadium 2 (can be Kanto and Johto respectivley given the games they're named after but it's nothing certain)
Sinnoh: Spear Pillar
Unova: Unova Pokemon League
Kalos: Kalos Pokemon League

The only region to completely miss out (assuming you buy that Stadium 2 is in Johto) is Hoenn. What stage would you want for Hoenn?

My picks
Fortree City (Tree house platforms with breakable bridges)
Sootopolis City (fight on islands, Groudon/Kyogre appear in background and cause havok)
Sky Tower (if only Kalos Pokemon League wasn't hogging Rayquaza)
The Pokemon Stadiums are based nothing on the games and more on the League arenas from the anime.
He can't do the Kamehameha though, or Kaioken if that were to be in Goku's moveset. They really don't fight anything alike or share any techniques beyond going Super Saiyan and standard ki blasts.
Wait, Vegeta can't do a kamehameha? Huh, I learn something new every day


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2018
How will DLC Be handle this time? I really like how we got characters like Ryu and Cloud. I have to wonder if we’ll get Echo DLC?


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I'm completely lost on this Dragon Ball discussion but it's a heck of a lot better than talking about Gothitelle and Freddy Frazbear so let's keep it going.

I'd really like to see Naruto as an echo fighter of Goku!
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Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
How will DLC Be handle this time? I really like how we got characters like Ryu and Cloud. I have to wonder if we’ll get Echo DLC?
I guarantee you that there will be a Arms bundle with Springman, Ribbon Girl echo and an Arms stage.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
How will DLC Be handle this time? I really like how we got characters like Ryu and Cloud. I have to wonder if we’ll get Echo DLC?
Well I don't think we'll hear anything about it until March next year at the earliest.

But here's how I think it'll go down.

  • The focus will be on Nintendo newcomers and 3rd parties who got on the boat late.
  • Echo fighters of existing characters in game will be added for free to those with a Nintendo online pass. They won't be unlocked instantly but will require a CHALLENGER APPROACHING battle to obtain
  • Echo Fighters of new characters will be packaged with them (and their stages, if any)
  • Some of the 15 missing stages will return as DLC. I'm thinking Rainbow Road and Woolly World will be likely candidates.
  • If we don't get suprised by him in the base game, Spring Man will be among them.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Wait, Vegeta can't do a kamehameha? Huh, I learn something new every day
Yeah, the Kamehameha is actually a pretty exclusive technique, initially only learned by students of Master Roshi. Off the top of my head the ones who can do it are Roshi, Goku, Krillin, Yamcha and Gohan, with bad guys like Cell, Buu and Goku Black learning it from having absorbed the power from the others one way or another. There are pretty strict story reasons as to why Vegeta wouldn't be able to do it.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
All this talk of Dragon Ball and they may be one step ahead of us...


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
View attachment 157926

Top of the image being how the SSS looked in the Direct

Bottom being how it'd look in any other Smash game under normal circumstances.

Yeah, I don't buy it.

Sakurai is a beast of habit, and looking back at every Stage Select Screen, even the 3DS, when everything was said and done(Meaning they added the DLC button), EVERY stage select screen in this game's history has been centered to the best of its abilities.

I do not see a world where Sakurai just shoves 4 stages off to the left side of the screen and calls it a day for no reason.

He's followed this design philosophy for 20 years, and it even shows up on menus are aren't even real:

Sakurai is a centering machine. The Stage Select Screen is NOT complete in its current form.
I definietly think there will be more stages like a Pokemon Sun and Moon stage and Spiral Mountain (Please Sakurai).


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Top of the image being how the SSS looked in the Direct

Bottom being how it'd look in any other Smash game under normal circumstances.

Yeah, I don't buy it.
Except Smash Bros 3DS. Which used that same design.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Goku confirmed a Dark Samus Echo. This explains her levitation now
Just change Missile for the Mii Sword Fighter's Chakram, call it Detructo Disc and BAM! done.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Maybe I speak a different English language than you, but the phrase "Turning out" is in by no means an end all be all statement.

If I say

"Man, my cake is turning out good"

Does that mean the cake I'm cooking is going to come out of the oven perfectly? No, it means at the time, it's good.
Fair point, English isn't my first language and I learned something thank to you. But while "turning out" doesn't imply an end all be all statement, it doesn't exclude it either. A cake that's "turning out good" can still end up being good, unless you want to say that anything that "turns out" something necessarily ends up being something else (which of course makes no sense). "Total" on the other hand is much more explicit.

Also "turning out" is defining "pretty impressive", not "103 stages". I don't think anyone is expecting us to get a number of stages much higher than 103, something like 107 would still be able to be defined as such, and is not much higher enough to be defined as something like "absolutely incredible" rather than "pretty impressive". We can also look at the translation given in the livestream of different languages:
  • French: "Au total, nous atteignons un nombre assez impressionnant de stages." ► "In total, we reach a quite impressive number of stages."
  • Italian: "Il numero di scenari è davvero impressionante." ► "The number of stages is really impressive."
  • Spanish: "El número total de escenarios es empresionante." ► "The total number of stages is impressive."
Considering other languages say "is" or "reach" and considering how 107 wouldn't be much higher than 103 I'd say "turns out" isn't a good clue. On the other hand "total" is a much more explicit word used in more languages and thus a much stronger evidence. While the Italian sentence above lacks it, it later says "Ora el totale è di..." which means "Now the total is of...", so once again the Italian stream doesn't lack the word "total".

Your statement about "Well, we say the Stage Select Screen!" also makes zero sense.
You refer to this?
But the biggest thing against the idea of more stages is the "All stages selectable from the get-go", so if they've shown us the stage select screen (which they did) then we've seen all the stages. It's tempting to say only "these" stages are starters as said by the presenter, but the lack of this word in the caption suggests that "these stages" and "All stages" are the same.
You have not addressed my point, which was about all stages being starter stages.
You also have not addressed my point about the "total" number of stages.
To convince me that we have more stages to be seen, you must convince me that "total" somehow doesn't refer to all stages in the game (considering said "total" was compared to the "total" number of stages of past Smash games including with and without DLC in Smash 4, albeit with slightly inaccurate numbers for Smash Wii U) but only to starter stages, and that "All stages" in the caption about them being available from the get-go only refers to stages we've already seen.

Maybe we need to understand what's literally said in Japanese by Sakurai himself. It's possible that the initial idea may have been lost in translation giving us an impression of a final number for the entire game while it may only have referred to the currently shown starter stages in Japanese. We would need the litteral translation from someone who understands Japanese well, but considering how multiple languages converge to the word "total" I'd say it's quite unlikely.

If there's newcomers tied to new stages that we haven't seen yet then of ****ing course they're not going to show us those stages.
I never denied that. I in fact did a paragraph about it, like if we get Isaac we're also getting a Golden Sun stage (a Venus Lighthouse stage could be awesome).

Riddle me this:

For 4 games now, Sakurai has ALWAYS centered his menus to the best of his ability.

Why this game now after doing the same pattern for 20 years would he break that and shove off 5 stages to the left without centering them?

"Because DLC" is not a valid argument when you could add DLC to it no matter where those stages ended up.

I mean, for ****s sake, he centered the friggen Smash Down menu, when that's probably not going to be what it even ends up looking like. The man has centering OCD bad.
I was about to mention the initial 3DS stage selection screen, then I thought about the arrow in the game's data, so I admit it's not really a counterargument. And you're right that "DLCs" is not really a good argument either.

Ironically, I think you're the one who's reading too much into this.

Setting all these hints and roster patterns aside, I really don't think it's as impossible for us to get a new stage as you say it is. Yes, he used the word "total", but since he never clarified that these were indeed the last of the stages, it's hard for us to interpret what he meant. Is he saying this is all we're getting, or are we getting a total of 103 stages in addition to the few new ones that haven't been revealed yet? Might seem like an easy call for you, but a lot of us are still questioning it.

I doubt we'll get anything much higher than 103, but an additional one or two stages shown off during a character reveal wouldn't be a huge suprise.
I find the word "total" to be rather explicit, especially since it was compared with the "total" of previous games. Saying that "total number of stage" doesn't mean "number of all the game's stage" seems like mental gymnastic to me.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Honestly, all this anti-Gen 1 drivel is embarrassing to me.

Does it really matter what Generation a Pokémon is from?
I suppose in terms of which Generation is the freshest/is on the way would be given more consideration at the time of the roster decision, yes.

But otherwise, if the Pokémon is noteworthy and iconic, why the **** should it matter if it's "another Gen 1" if it's someone like Gengar or Snorlax, who have withstood the test of time and can provide fresh styles of fighting?

They wouldn't be there to give representation to "Gen 1", they'd be there to represent themselves as Pokémon.

And bear in mind that just because a Pokémon is hot **** for their region/generation/whatever doesn't mean they are hot **** for the franchise as a whole.

Landorus-T has been pretty big in the metagame since its debut and is a major Gen 5 "representative" as a result.
But who outside the competitive players knows what a Landorus-T is?
Thank you for this post!

This is what I usually get whenever I bring up Meowth or Team Rocket. It doesn’t matter what generation they are from. They are noteworthy and iconic and they withstood the test of time (appearing in 1,000+ episodes in 20 years) and I believe that they can provide fresh styles of fighting.

I know that Meowth, Arbok, and Weezing are not “hot ****” for their region/generation/whatever but they collectively, especially Meowth, are “hot ****” for the franchise as a whole and it’s thanks to the anime for overexposuring them.


Team Rocket Go gif 1.gif

Team Rocket Go gif 2.gif

Team Rocket Go gif 4.gif

Team Rocket Go gif 5.gif

Team Rocket Go gif 7.gif

I know in my heart that many people will hype over Team Rocket as a playable fighter in Smash.

The actual playable fighter would be Meowth… and his moveset involves scratching and throwing coins and teaming up with Pokémon that Jessie and James send out from the background.

And when Team Rocket wins a match, I want their victory pose to go like this.

Team Rocket win gif 2.gif

Honestly... while Meowth and Team Rocket might not be a popular choice or heavily requested within the Smash community or the Pokémon community, I know in my heart that both communities will hype over them along with the rest of the Internet. I have to keep my faith strong that one day I will finally play as Meowth in Smash.[/QUOTE]
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Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
Well I don't think we'll hear anything about it until March next year at the earliest.

But here's how I think it'll go down.

  • The focus will be on Nintendo newcomers and 3rd parties who got on the boat late.
  • Echo fighters of existing characters in game will be added for free to those with a Nintendo online pass. They won't be unlocked instantly but will require a CHALLENGER APPROACHING battle to obtain
  • Echo Fighters of new characters will be packaged with them (and their stages, if any)
  • Some of the 15 missing stages will return as DLC. I'm thinking Rainbow Road and Woolly World will be likely candidates.
  • If we don't get suprised by him in the base game, Spring Man will be among them.
I think it will be promotion of current ATs and pokemon


Sep 26, 2013
Fair point, English isn't my first language and I learned something thank to you. But while "turning out" doesn't imply an end all be all statement, it doesn't exclude it either. A cake that's "turning out good" can still end up being good, unless you want to say that anything that "turns out" something necessarily ends up being something else (which of course makes no sense). "Total" on the other hand is much more explicit.

Also "turning out" is defining "pretty impressive", not "103 stages". I don't think anyone is expecting us to get a number of stages much higher than 103, something like 107 would still be able to be defined as such, and is not much higher enough to be defined as something like "absolutely incredible" rather than "pretty impressive". We can also look at the translation given in the livestream of different languages:
  • French: "Au total, nous atteignons un nombre assez impressionnant de stages." ► "In total, we reach a quite impressive number of stages."
  • Italian: "Il numero di scenari è davvero impressionante." ► "The number of stages is really impressive."
  • Spanish: "El número total de escenarios es empresionante." ► "The total number of stages is impressive."
Considering other languages say "is" or "reach" and considering how 107 wouldn't be much higher than 103 I'd say "turns out" isn't a good clue. On the other hand "total" is a much more explicit word used in more languages and thus a much stronger evidence. While the Italian sentence above lacks it, it later says "Ora el totale è di..." which means "Now the total is of...", so once again the Italian stream doesn't lack the word "total".

You refer to this?

You have not addressed my point, which was about all stages being starter stages.
You also have not addressed my point about the "total" number of stages.
To convince me that we have more stages to be seen, you must convince me that "total" somehow doesn't refer to all stages in the game (considering said "total" was compared to the "total" number of stages of past Smash games including with and without DLC in Smash 4, albeit with slightly inaccurate numbers for Smash Wii U) but only to starter stages, and that "All stages" in the caption about them being available from the get-go only refers to stages we've already seen.

Maybe we need to understand what's literally said in Japanese by Sakurai himself. It's possible that the initial idea may have been lost in translation giving us an impression of a final number for the entire game while it may only have referred to the currently shown starter stages in Japanese. We would need the litteral translation from someone who understands Japanese well, but considering how multiple languages converge to the word "total" I'd say it's quite unlikely.

I never denied that. I in fact did a paragraph about it, like if we get Isaac we're also getting a Golden Sun stage (a Venus Lighthouse stage could be awesome).

I was about to mention the initial 3DS stage selection screen, then I thought about the arrow in the game's data, so I admit it's not really a counterargument. And you're right that "DLCs" is not really a good argument either.

I find the word "total" to be rather explicit, especially since it was compared with the "total" of previous games. Saying that "total number of stage" doesn't mean "number of all the game's stage" seems like mental gymnastic to me.
To be honest, I don't even know what you MEAN.

"The stages that we saw are available as soon as you turn on the game, thus there cannot be more?"

I don't understand.

If there are more stages left, which would most likely be tied to newcomers, they couldn't have shown them during that Direct without spoiling them. This is kind of a simple train of logic.

The wording in the English Direct, which is what I'm going to be going off of, goes as follows, have it up right now for reference.

"The stage total is turning out to be quite impressive, let's compare it to the totals in previous games. Now the total number of stages is, voila, 103, we must be crazy."

There's nothing there that says "This is all"

There are currently 103 stages if you count up to Dracula's Castle, which is as many as they could realistically show us in the Direct.

However, there's nothing here that implies "103 is the final total", what this implies is "If you count up to Dracula's Castle, there are 103 stages".

If they had said any number higher than 103, but only showed up to Dracula's Castle, that would imply that they were hiding **** from us.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I think it will be promotion of current ATs and pokemon
That'd be intresting but I don't see it happening.

On that topic though, you think they'll add more assist trophies and Pokemon post launch?
With Gen 8 around the corner It would be necessary to keep the game up to date.

Deleted member

The only Gen 1 Pokemon I'll accept are Hitmonchan and Jessie and James as a new Pokemon Trainer. Anyone else can get the **** out


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
The wording in the English Direct, which is what I'm going to be going off of, goes as follows, have it up right now for reference.

"The stage total is turning out to be quite impressive, let's compare it to the totals in previous games. Now the total number of stages is, voila, 103, we must be crazy."

There's nothing there that says "This is all"
Except there is. The word "total". Funny that you were suggesting I'm not speaking the same English as you and now we seem to be interpreting the word "total" differently.


Entire; relating to the whole of something.
However, there's nothing here that implies "103 is the final total", what this implies is "If you count up to Dracula's Castle, there are 103 stages".
The bolded part is a pleonasm as far as I'm concerned, so yes, there is something to say that "103 is the final total".

If you end up being right and there are more hidden stages coming (assuming there's indeed no loss in translation), then I'd end up being highly confused by Sakurai's choices of words for this Direct.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Honestly, all this anti-Gen 1 drivel is embarrassing to me.

Does it really matter what Generation a Pokémon is from?
I suppose in terms of which Generation is the freshest/is on the way would be given more consideration at the time of the roster decision, yes.

But otherwise, if the Pokémon is noteworthy and iconic, why the **** should it matter if it's "another Gen 1" if it's someone like Gengar or Snorlax, who have withstood the test of time and can provide fresh styles of fighting?

They wouldn't be there to give representation to "Gen 1", they'd be there to represent themselves as Pokémon.

And bear in mind that just because a Pokémon is hot **** for their region/generation/whatever doesn't mean they are hot **** for the franchise as a whole.

Landorus-T has been pretty big in the metagame since its debut and is a major Gen 5 "representative" as a result.
But who outside the competitive players knows what a Landorus-T is?
I guess it really shouldn't matter who we get, but it does to me.

The Gen 1 Pokemon are far more iconic, not denying that, but that's part of the reason why I don't want any more. I want more of those new, unorthodox choices; Pokemon who are too young to compete with the likes of older Gens. Smash could be their big break, and there might not be many opportunities for them once a new batch of Pokemon are created. There are plenty of fantastic Gen 7 Pokemon to choose from, and I'd hate to see them all get passed up because Incineroar or Lycanroc isn't as safe as someone older Gengar.

It's not so much as me hating Gen 1 as it is me hating that Gen 7 got ignored.
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