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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Well, except that one time where he repeatedly fired on Pit from afar.
He wanted to prove he was better...too bad he had to realize he ain’t **** compared to his superior


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
Well, it's been fun guys, but I really should be getting some sleep. It's 3:30am where I live, ahaha... can't wait to see whether or not Mr. Game & Watch is posted by the time I wake up :gw:


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Well, it's been fun guys, but I really should be getting some sleep. It's 3:30am where I live, ahaha... can't wait to see whether or not Mr. Game & Watch is posted by the time I wake up :gw:
I am hoping he does for the chaos.

And I say that as someone with K. Rool as his most wanted newcomer.

I just want to see no echo chat for a day damn it lol


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
The Super Mario Land Dungeon Theme remix alone made it awesome.
Oh my god yes, definitely one of my favorite remixes from Brawl. I also liked the Undergroud remix
Daisy better be tied to that stage for that reason alone.

He wanted to prove he was better...too bad he had to realize he ain’t **** compared to his superior
You know what they say about copies not being better than the original.


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
Honestly, the Ground/Underground Smash 4 remix was practically made for Mushroomy Kingdom.

I hope it'll make an appearance on that stage. That would just make me like it even more than I already do.

Hydrualic Hydra

Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2018
Somewhere Safe
I'm almost certain if there's a direct in August, it has to be from the 8th to around the 14th. As stated by someone somewhere (likely in this very thread), Dark Souls still has no proper release date for its 'Summer 2018' range, along with the likelihood of the Nindies showcase, and the need to let info on the Switch online service simmer for a bit before release. So not super-early August, but around the second quarter of it.


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
So with that out of the way, are there any other "leaks" kicking around not disconfirmed? Who's the guy who trawls 4chan for leaks again?
That guy is me, and I'm here with some more "leaks." I apologize for my inactivity as of late, but my summer vacation is ending soon and I'm rushing through Persona 5 to beat it before it ends. Anyways...
(Before you look, yes, of course I've made a new account for this)

The information I can share isn't extense, and I don't know any more details since I learned it from quick glimpses to artworks and 3D modeling. Also note that while I'm a gamer myself I don't know so much about old characters or some franchises I've never played, so I probably missed a lot of things.

-Isaac: He has a new model. I don't know if he's an Assist Trophy or playable, or even just a trophy, but he was very detailed. I remembered later than his son looks a lot like him, so I don't really know if it's Isaac or Matthew because I couldn't memorize his clothes.

-King K. Rool and Dixie: They are in. Again, I don't know a thing about AT or playable, but they were animated, so definitely not just Trophies.

-Isabelle/Simon: I don't know anything from Isabelle or Simon. I think I've seen her but that's obvious because if not playable she'll be an AT. Also when people started talking about Simon I only thought about his red hair/outfit and I haven't seen that, but may have another appearance since I saw some models for characters I don't know and thought were ATs.

-Octolings: There are playable octolings. But from what I've seen they aren't new characters nor Echoes, just Inkling skins like Olimar/Alph. This is as confusing as it sounds, because I don't get what's the point with Echo Fighters then...

-Dark Samus: Yes, this is an Echo fighter.

-Echo Fighter (Ike): Ike has an Echo fighter and it's not Chrom. I don't know at all who is him. It's another guy with short dark hair. His Neutral Special "won't spit the blue fire in the final version", I heard.

-Others: All four Breath of The Wild heroes are there, animated and at the same time. Maybe an assist trophy involving the four of them? Looked like a Final Smash to me but later they revealed Link's arrow FS...

There are also Echoes for Mario, Bowser and DK, since they were testing property changes with their models just like with Peach, Samus and Ike.

I've seen a lot of Pokémon from pokéballs, but not new playable ones.

And that's all I can remember... at least from the most requested or commented characters from what I've read (Not a clue about Waddle Dee, by the way).

I don't know who this guy is, what he did to get this information, or anything like that. I guess the echoes are Zelgius, Metal Mario, Funky Mode Kong, and Dry Bowser (though Dark Bowser would be best).
With Evo coming up I felt like it would be an appropriate time to share some info I know about the new Smash. I was one of a few lucky individuals who had access to an unused E3 demo build of the game (Ridley was evidentally originally not planned for E3). I just wanted to share what I know anonymously.

King K. Rool is in the game; he has no alts or references to DKC2, DKC3, etc., just different colorations. He's pretty fast on ground but moves Ganondorf-slow in air. Standard B is a crown toss which does a bit of damage, but other characters can grab the crown and throw it as a projectile. His crown can't regenerate until it disappears or is thrown off-screen--he looks at the camera blankly if you try to throw a crown when he doesn't have one. His up+B has him do a rush which sends him crashing down recklessly; his Down B rains hard-hitting cannonballs above him in a manner similar to Pikachu's thunder. His Smash attacks are punches, scratches, and hits, but he occasionally pulls out a Klaptrap. In general King K. Rool seemed super uninspired, though fun to use and very expressive and goofy. Sakurai nailed the character's personality absolutely to a T. Unfortunately I didn't get to see his Final Smash.

Dixie Kong is also in. She's very agile and acrobatic. You can hold the jump button to float down slowly a la Peach's parasol; you can use Smash attacks while floating downward. The majority of her moves deal with the ponytail in some fashion, though she has a gun that shoots pink bubblegum that stuns the opponent. Her Final Smash has her play an electric guitar solo which sends sound waves that hurt the enemy. Air game on the range of Jigglypuff for sure.

Sadly, Geno is an Assist Trophy. Not sure why he was scrapped from being shown at E3, or why these 2 DK characters made it to begin with. Dr. Andonuts' Lab is a stage (weird I know - pic semi-related)

Another leak with K. Rool and Dixie Kong...yay.
>Six more newcomers and three more echoes
>Simon, K Rool, Waddle Dee, Isabelle, Paper Mario, idk the other two
>Dixie Kong, Octoling, and Chrom as Echoes
>Bomberman isn't the only 3rd party AT, others include Shovel Knight, Rayman, and Geno
>Isaac and Ashley return as ATs, Chibi Robo, Karate Joe, and Dixie Kong are new
>Nintendo Direct August 9th, supposedly where Star Fox Grand Prix will be announced.

Dixie Kong as an echo and an AT?...I doubt it, but it'll be dead soon enough.
>inb4 all leaks on 4chan are fake

I work at NOA and managed to see what will be revealed for smash ultimate coming in august. There were several employees in the conference room at the time so not too worried about losing my job if found out (looking for a new job anyway, NOA is ****ing hell on earth)

>New Character: Paper Mario

>Echo Fighter for Mr. Game and Watch
>Neutral Special: Tosses cards in an arc
>Side Special: Charge Hammer (kinda like kirby's not judge hammer)
>Down Special: Sends a pixel out to catch items (not like bucket, more like villager catch)
>Up Special: Paper Airplane
>Jab: The ghost from the old paper mario slaps
>Forward Tilt: Koopa goes forward quickly
>No Up Tilt Shown
>Down Tilt: Paint Bucket Splashes paint
>Forward Smash: Matchstick
>No Up Smash Shown
>Down Smash: Two Hammer Cards, turn into hammers when connected
>Forward Air: Book smash
>Back Air: Paint Bucket smack again
>Neutral Air: Paint explosion
>Up Air: Two Bombs thrown (I think partners from the first two games)
>Down Air: Ground Pound with a pixel
>Final Smash: Splash enemies with paint (like captain falcon's final smash), then giant fan blows them away and scissors cut up all enemies on screen, cinematic
Anon said:
>paper Mario is an echo of G&W
That's the dumbest ****ing thing I've ever heard, get out
Thank you anon for voicing my exact opinion on this one.
Shadow and Tails are joining the battle, they will be introduced in a CGI trailer.
The trailer starts with Sonic battling Mario and Luigi... Sonic is about to lose the battle when Tails appears and starts spinning himself (making a little tornado) throwing Mario and Luigi of the stage. Then they show Tails moveset. At the end the camara is pointing to the floor, we can see Sonic and Tails shadows and then Shadow shadow starts to appear and the trailer end.
You may be thinking it's a lie, but it's true I saw this trailer today (because I work at Nintendo in a multimedia section) The trailer will be shown on a Nintendo Direct in August

Speaking of Sonic characters...ugh. I'd be okay with one, but two? That's one two too much.
> 3DS direct was in August
> There will be a direct in September, it should be about 45 - 1 hour yes being serious. It will be similar to E3 with flying by with things. Here it is
> Here is a quick announcement to are new president: Hello,there will be no headlines for the Nintendo Switch. Surprising, right. We can’t wait for you to play all these games. Before that, we will now talk about the Nintendo Online service, available September 21. (After that something will be announced) If you buy the Nintendo online the first 2 months, you will be able to play Super Smash Bros: Ultimate Demo. Now please take a look at what is coming to Switch.
> Mario 64 Switch trailer
> Dr. Mario and Dr. Luigi Switch quick trailer, holiday 2018
> Hyrule Warriors DLC announcement. You can now play as all the champions, November
> Super Mario Party trailer, October 5
> Overwatch trailer, October 26 (Announced in August)
> Injustice 2 trailer, 2019
> Yoshi Craft World trailer, March 2019
> DAEMON X MACHINA story trailer, January 25 2019
> Pokemon Let’s Go trailer, November 16 2018
> Reggie is in another house and talks about the Switch again. He then shows us a story trailer to Fire Emblem: Three Houses. April 2019
> Killer Queen Black and Shovel Knight King of Cards available now.
> Megaman 11 October 2, Team Sonic Racing December 4, Pac-Man and Mrs. Pac-Man November 16 (Only on Eshop)
> Quick games look such as, Starlink battle for atlas, October 16, Arena of Valor, November 2, Dark Souls: Remastered available now, Pixark November 6, Just Dance 2019, October 23, Dragon Ball fighter-Z September 28, Fifa 19 September 28, Spyro Reignited trilogy early 2019, Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes December 11, Undertale September 14, ARK december 7, Mario Tennis Aces DLC available now, and 5 Nights at Freddy's 2019
> Ninjala trailer, March 2018
> World Ends With You FR trailer, available October 9
> Project X Zone 3, 2019
> Sakuria then talks about Smash. Banjo and Kazooie Smash trailer, and then Shadow comes out at the end and is also confirmed for Smash.
> The president then says, that is all for today, but wait, we do have a another announcement. Bayonetta jump’s out onto the Screen. She then says, I know you've been waiting for me. Gameplay and cutscenes in trailer. Ends off with, Bayonetta 3, february 2019

I don't know what this dude means by a 3DS direct in August, but I'll go with it. If there's no 3DS direct this month, this one is as good as dead.
I'm not allowed to tell you my relation with Nintendo, I'm not trying to lose my job, but I wanted to give you all some info on the new Smash since Nintendo is being pretty secretive. I'm not sure if this includes all of the new content, and this doesn't include DLC of course, but this is everything that I know so far.
There are going to be 4 completely new fighters, and 3 echo fighters. Remember, this may not be all of them and are only the ones I know of. For completely new fighters there is King K. Rool, Geno, Chrom and Simon Belmont. Chrom is very similar to Marth but isn't considered an echo fighter because of different moveset traits, similar to Roy. K. Rool, Geno and Simon Belmont are completely new. As for echo fighters they included Shadow (for Sonic), Ken (for Ryu) and the Octolings (for Inklings). Springman and Rex did not make the cut because their games were new during game development. Maybe DLC. I'll answer any questions you have but I won't go too far into detail. I don't wanna give too much away. P.S. Not sure how 4chan works. Not sure if I can answer questions lol.

Standard ****, so here's a funny video to compensate. Be warned it contains curse words.

Okay. First of all, remember what Sakurai said about Dark Pit, Lucina and Dr. Mario back during Smash 4? About how those three were like free desert or something? Well, that what the Echo Fighters are. Sakurai sees the Echo Fighters separate from Newcomers. Green is the Newcomers, Yellow is the Echo Fighters and Red is the characters that I havent heard about in a while. They maybe in the game or stopped production on. They maybe worked on for DLC. IDK. It's Sakurai's choice. All I know about the Red is that Alm will use Celica in his moveset. Mainly in his specials. They are alts that wasn't in the demo. Metal Ridley is one example.
Robin's new Final Smash involves summoning Grima and sending a huge Breath through the stage.

Some of the new alts for the Fire Emblem characters come from Fire Emblem Heroes. One I know of is Groom Marth.

Standard fare. Take another video.
>One newcomer: Dixie Kong
>Four assist trophies: Excitebiker, Banana Dee, Skull Kid, Simon Belmont, Ryu Hayabusa
>One new stage: Includes hazards from Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Arkanoid and Asteroids
>New TDM-like gamemode

That's what Smash is getting until release, hope you enjoy it

Disappointing if true
There hasn't been much info for Smash Brothers Ultimate recently, so I'll give you something. I've played the game, or atleast the build that I was given. I'm aware of all the characters and stages that were present in the build I played. It should be noted that I'm not affiliated with the devopment team or do I know that inner workings of the game, I've only played the build. There is only one character I haven't played, probably because they weren't at that stage yet. There are less new characters than in previous games, but not by much, 13 including the 3 already revealed. 4 of them are echoes, so there 9 "brand new" characters.

The echoes that I know of are Daisy/Peach, Isabelle/Villager, Chom/Ike, and Funky Kong/ Doney Kong.
Daisy, from all I can tell, is just Peach with new visual effects. I don't know the really indepth frames of characters, so that is all I can tell. Isabelle is just Villager only clumslier. Chrom is Ike with lightning instead of fire. Funky is just Donkey with his surfboard on some of his attacks like his forward air and his double jump.

King K. Rool is an interesting heavyweight character. He has a decent running speed but his first jump is quite low. Neutral special is a musket gun that shoots a cannonball, and his down special is reloading move that boosts the size of the next neutral special. His neutral special is really slow and not very useful, but if you use down special before it becomes really good. Side special and up special aren't anything really special. He was alright, but I found it hard to get out of attacks when I got caught.

Isaac, on the other hand, was really good. He is pretty fast and strong. His grab also has really good range. He used these ghostly hands for his up special, side special, and grab. His down special spawns a vine under your character that lasts for a few seconds, and characters that run over it get trapped. He was the second best newcomer.

Out of all the newcomers, I felt that Lip was the best. Her main gimmick is that she inflicts debuffs with her normal attacks. She seems like a chip damager. Her normal attacks and smash attacks deal the flower effect, although I don't think it is as potent as before. Her side special is really strange. She shoots out a weird cursor thing infront of her, and if it hits and opponent they swap positions. She's a fast hit and run character, and IMO is the best newcomer and possibly one of the best in the game. I also didn't see the lip stick so it is probably gone.

Skull Kid was a very strange character. I definitely feel that he is good, but weird to play. A very fast and floaty charater with a fall slow speed. There are two fairies that float around him and are used in some of his moves like his jab. His grab has these tenticle like things come from behind him and grab the opponent. His neutral special is a normal projectile ball that can be aimed. His side special has him put up a portal in front of him for a second that acts like a counter to projectiles. Any projectile that hits this is absorbed and temporarily powers Skull Kid up. His final smash is a **** off moon. He felt like Mewtwo only incredibly weird.

Geno is the only third party character that know is in the game, and is most likely the only one. He is a heavily projectile based character, but has a few physical attacks. His neutral special is a normal charge shot, is gets more powerful the more you charge but not any bigger. His ship special is a laser that can also be charged. His down special has a star fall diagonially in front of him. It's hard to hit and doesn't do enough damage to warrant using it. Only good for off stage hits. His up special is a cannon that can be aimed. He's fast but also doesn't do much damage and doesn't have enough combos to warrant his low damage. Only has a few attacks that kill easily. He's not too good.

The last newcomer I played was Rex. He's not good, that is all I can say. His main gimmick is that he is stronger that closer he is to Pyra/Mythra. You can change between the two, with Pyra being slower with more damage, and Mythra being faster with less damage. The problem is that Rex is much faster than his partner. Pyra/Mythra stand in the background and follow you, but you are much faster than them. That's not too big of a problem except for the fact that if you get hit away from them you get a lot weaker and is harder to get back. His attacks have range and are good, but nothing too special. Really not a very good character.

The one character I know is in the game but I didn't play was Ray. He is on the character select screen but I can't pick him. I don't know why they put him here.

Something that I did find somewhat weird was that there were some assist trophies that felt strangely like characters. Ashley, Mach Rider, Bandana Waddle Dee, Dixie Kong, Knuckles, Simon Belmont and Dark Samus all had more than one attack and a dodge. It is safe to guess that these were probably scrapped characters.

There weren't many new stages in this build. New Donk City, Termina Clocktower, Gangplank Galleon, Primordia, Dr. Mario, and Aether Paradise were the only ones that I played.

This was mostly all of the main information I wanted to put out there. There is definitely more information but none is it is really big. I didn't play any big mode or anything like that, all I did was play the main game and test out the characters for a while. That's all for now.

Cut characters being made into assist trophies? Characters like Ray and Skull Kid being chosen over popular picks like Ashley and Simon Belmont?

As much as I want Ray, no thanks.
>Nintendo Direct is on August 3rd

>More info on Nintendo Online Service

>Smash Ultimate Demo announced to release when the service goes up

>Must have Online Service and preorder Smash Ultimate to have access to the demo

I'll update this if anything else Smash related comes up.

Short and to the point. A Smash Demo would be really nice.

I've excluded the Japan and Nintendo Online "leaks" because we've already discussed them. I'm treating them the same as any other "leak", however much as I'd like the Japan "leak" to be true (both Lloyd and Heihachi are the best of both worlds).


Sep 26, 2013
"Man, won't it be nice when July ends and kills all these July-exclusive leaks?"

*August comes and just replaces July with August*

**** ****.
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
That guy is me, and I'm here with some more "leaks." I apologize for my inactivity as of late, but my summer vacation is ending soon and I'm rushing through Persona 5 to beat it before it ends. Anyways...
(Before you look, yes, of course I've made a new account for this)

The information I can share isn't extense, and I don't know any more details since I learned it from quick glimpses to artworks and 3D modeling. Also note that while I'm a gamer myself I don't know so much about old characters or some franchises I've never played, so I probably missed a lot of things.

-Isaac: He has a new model. I don't know if he's an Assist Trophy or playable, or even just a trophy, but he was very detailed. I remembered later than his son looks a lot like him, so I don't really know if it's Isaac or Matthew because I couldn't memorize his clothes.

-King K. Rool and Dixie: They are in. Again, I don't know a thing about AT or playable, but they were animated, so definitely not just Trophies.

-Isabelle/Simon: I don't know anything from Isabelle or Simon. I think I've seen her but that's obvious because if not playable she'll be an AT. Also when people started talking about Simon I only thought about his red hair/outfit and I haven't seen that, but may have another appearance since I saw some models for characters I don't know and thought were ATs.

-Octolings: There are playable octolings. But from what I've seen they aren't new characters nor Echoes, just Inkling skins like Olimar/Alph. This is as confusing as it sounds, because I don't get what's the point with Echo Fighters then...

-Dark Samus: Yes, this is an Echo fighter.

-Echo Fighter (Ike): Ike has an Echo fighter and it's not Chrom. I don't know at all who is him. It's another guy with short dark hair. His Neutral Special "won't spit the blue fire in the final version", I heard.

-Others: All four Breath of The Wild heroes are there, animated and at the same time. Maybe an assist trophy involving the four of them? Looked like a Final Smash to me but later they revealed Link's arrow FS...

There are also Echoes for Mario, Bowser and DK, since they were testing property changes with their models just like with Peach, Samus and Ike.

I've seen a lot of Pokémon from pokéballs, but not new playable ones.

And that's all I can remember... at least from the most requested or commented characters from what I've read (Not a clue about Waddle Dee, by the way).

I don't know who this guy is, what he did to get this information, or anything like that. I guess the echoes are Zelgius, Metal Mario, Funky Mode Kong, and Dry Bowser (though Dark Bowser would be best).
With Evo coming up I felt like it would be an appropriate time to share some info I know about the new Smash. I was one of a few lucky individuals who had access to an unused E3 demo build of the game (Ridley was evidentally originally not planned for E3). I just wanted to share what I know anonymously.

King K. Rool is in the game; he has no alts or references to DKC2, DKC3, etc., just different colorations. He's pretty fast on ground but moves Ganondorf-slow in air. Standard B is a crown toss which does a bit of damage, but other characters can grab the crown and throw it as a projectile. His crown can't regenerate until it disappears or is thrown off-screen--he looks at the camera blankly if you try to throw a crown when he doesn't have one. His up+B has him do a rush which sends him crashing down recklessly; his Down B rains hard-hitting cannonballs above him in a manner similar to Pikachu's thunder. His Smash attacks are punches, scratches, and hits, but he occasionally pulls out a Klaptrap. In general King K. Rool seemed super uninspired, though fun to use and very expressive and goofy. Sakurai nailed the character's personality absolutely to a T. Unfortunately I didn't get to see his Final Smash.

Dixie Kong is also in. She's very agile and acrobatic. You can hold the jump button to float down slowly a la Peach's parasol; you can use Smash attacks while floating downward. The majority of her moves deal with the ponytail in some fashion, though she has a gun that shoots pink bubblegum that stuns the opponent. Her Final Smash has her play an electric guitar solo which sends sound waves that hurt the enemy. Air game on the range of Jigglypuff for sure.

Sadly, Geno is an Assist Trophy. Not sure why he was scrapped from being shown at E3, or why these 2 DK characters made it to begin with. Dr. Andonuts' Lab is a stage (weird I know - pic semi-related)

Another leak with K. Rool and Dixie Kong...yay.
>Six more newcomers and three more echoes
>Simon, K Rool, Waddle Dee, Isabelle, Paper Mario, idk the other two
>Dixie Kong, Octoling, and Chrom as Echoes
>Bomberman isn't the only 3rd party AT, others include Shovel Knight, Rayman, and Geno
>Isaac and Ashley return as ATs, Chibi Robo, Karate Joe, and Dixie Kong are new
>Nintendo Direct August 9th, supposedly where Star Fox Grand Prix will be announced.

Dixie Kong as an echo and an AT?...I doubt it, but it'll be dead soon enough.
>inb4 all leaks on 4chan are fake

I work at NOA and managed to see what will be revealed for smash ultimate coming in august. There were several employees in the conference room at the time so not too worried about losing my job if found out (looking for a new job anyway, NOA is ****ing hell on earth)

>New Character: Paper Mario

>Echo Fighter for Mr. Game and Watch
>Neutral Special: Tosses cards in an arc
>Side Special: Charge Hammer (kinda like kirby's not judge hammer)
>Down Special: Sends a pixel out to catch items (not like bucket, more like villager catch)
>Up Special: Paper Airplane
>Jab: The ghost from the old paper mario slaps
>Forward Tilt: Koopa goes forward quickly
>No Up Tilt Shown
>Down Tilt: Paint Bucket Splashes paint
>Forward Smash: Matchstick
>No Up Smash Shown
>Down Smash: Two Hammer Cards, turn into hammers when connected
>Forward Air: Book smash
>Back Air: Paint Bucket smack again
>Neutral Air: Paint explosion
>Up Air: Two Bombs thrown (I think partners from the first two games)
>Down Air: Ground Pound with a pixel
>Final Smash: Splash enemies with paint (like captain falcon's final smash), then giant fan blows them away and scissors cut up all enemies on screen, cinematic

Thank you anon for voicing my exact opinion on this one.
Shadow and Tails are joining the battle, they will be introduced in a CGI trailer.
The trailer starts with Sonic battling Mario and Luigi... Sonic is about to lose the battle when Tails appears and starts spinning himself (making a little tornado) throwing Mario and Luigi of the stage. Then they show Tails moveset. At the end the camara is pointing to the floor, we can see Sonic and Tails shadows and then Shadow shadow starts to appear and the trailer end.
You may be thinking it's a lie, but it's true I saw this trailer today (because I work at Nintendo in a multimedia section) The trailer will be shown on a Nintendo Direct in August

Speaking of Sonic characters...ugh. I'd be okay with one, but two? That's one two too much.
> 3DS direct was in August
> There will be a direct in September, it should be about 45 - 1 hour yes being serious. It will be similar to E3 with flying by with things. Here it is
> Here is a quick announcement to are new president: Hello,there will be no headlines for the Nintendo Switch. Surprising, right. We can’t wait for you to play all these games. Before that, we will now talk about the Nintendo Online service, available September 21. (After that something will be announced) If you buy the Nintendo online the first 2 months, you will be able to play Super Smash Bros: Ultimate Demo. Now please take a look at what is coming to Switch.
> Mario 64 Switch trailer
> Dr. Mario and Dr. Luigi Switch quick trailer, holiday 2018
> Hyrule Warriors DLC announcement. You can now play as all the champions, November
> Super Mario Party trailer, October 5
> Overwatch trailer, October 26 (Announced in August)
> Injustice 2 trailer, 2019
> Yoshi Craft World trailer, March 2019
> DAEMON X MACHINA story trailer, January 25 2019
> Pokemon Let’s Go trailer, November 16 2018
> Reggie is in another house and talks about the Switch again. He then shows us a story trailer to Fire Emblem: Three Houses. April 2019
> Killer Queen Black and Shovel Knight King of Cards available now.
> Megaman 11 October 2, Team Sonic Racing December 4, Pac-Man and Mrs. Pac-Man November 16 (Only on Eshop)
> Quick games look such as, Starlink battle for atlas, October 16, Arena of Valor, November 2, Dark Souls: Remastered available now, Pixark November 6, Just Dance 2019, October 23, Dragon Ball fighter-Z September 28, Fifa 19 September 28, Spyro Reignited trilogy early 2019, Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes December 11, Undertale September 14, ARK december 7, Mario Tennis Aces DLC available now, and 5 Nights at Freddy's 2019
> Ninjala trailer, March 2018
> World Ends With You FR trailer, available October 9
> Project X Zone 3, 2019
> Sakuria then talks about Smash. Banjo and Kazooie Smash trailer, and then Shadow comes out at the end and is also confirmed for Smash.
> The president then says, that is all for today, but wait, we do have a another announcement. Bayonetta jump’s out onto the Screen. She then says, I know you've been waiting for me. Gameplay and cutscenes in trailer. Ends off with, Bayonetta 3, february 2019

I don't know what this dude means by a 3DS direct in August, but I'll go with it. If there's no 3DS direct this month, this one is as good as dead.
I'm not allowed to tell you my relation with Nintendo, I'm not trying to lose my job, but I wanted to give you all some info on the new Smash since Nintendo is being pretty secretive. I'm not sure if this includes all of the new content, and this doesn't include DLC of course, but this is everything that I know so far.
There are going to be 4 completely new fighters, and 3 echo fighters. Remember, this may not be all of them and are only the ones I know of. For completely new fighters there is King K. Rool, Geno, Chrom and Simon Belmont. Chrom is very similar to Marth but isn't considered an echo fighter because of different moveset traits, similar to Roy. K. Rool, Geno and Simon Belmont are completely new. As for echo fighters they included Shadow (for Sonic), Ken (for Ryu) and the Octolings (for Inklings). Springman and Rex did not make the cut because their games were new during game development. Maybe DLC. I'll answer any questions you have but I won't go too far into detail. I don't wanna give too much away. P.S. Not sure how 4chan works. Not sure if I can answer questions lol.

Standard ****, so here's a funny video to compensate. Be warned it contains curse words.
View attachment 155015
Okay. First of all, remember what Sakurai said about Dark Pit, Lucina and Dr. Mario back during Smash 4? About how those three were like free desert or something? Well, that what the Echo Fighters are. Sakurai sees the Echo Fighters separate from Newcomers. Green is the Newcomers, Yellow is the Echo Fighters and Red is the characters that I havent heard about in a while. They maybe in the game or stopped production on. They maybe worked on for DLC. IDK. It's Sakurai's choice. All I know about the Red is that Alm will use Celica in his moveset. Mainly in his specials. They are alts that wasn't in the demo. Metal Ridley is one example.
Robin's new Final Smash involves summoning Grima and sending a huge Breath through the stage.

Some of the new alts for the Fire Emblem characters come from Fire Emblem Heroes. One I know of is Groom Marth.

Standard fare. Take another video.
>One newcomer: Dixie Kong
>Four assist trophies: Excitebiker, Banana Dee, Skull Kid, Simon Belmont, Ryu Hayabusa
>One new stage: Includes hazards from Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Arkanoid and Asteroids
>New TDM-like gamemode

That's what Smash is getting until release, hope you enjoy it

Disappointing if true
There hasn't been much info for Smash Brothers Ultimate recently, so I'll give you something. I've played the game, or atleast the build that I was given. I'm aware of all the characters and stages that were present in the build I played. It should be noted that I'm not affiliated with the devopment team or do I know that inner workings of the game, I've only played the build. There is only one character I haven't played, probably because they weren't at that stage yet. There are less new characters than in previous games, but not by much, 13 including the 3 already revealed. 4 of them are echoes, so there 9 "brand new" characters.

The echoes that I know of are Daisy/Peach, Isabelle/Villager, Chom/Ike, and Funky Kong/ Doney Kong.
Daisy, from all I can tell, is just Peach with new visual effects. I don't know the really indepth frames of characters, so that is all I can tell. Isabelle is just Villager only clumslier. Chrom is Ike with lightning instead of fire. Funky is just Donkey with his surfboard on some of his attacks like his forward air and his double jump.

King K. Rool is an interesting heavyweight character. He has a decent running speed but his first jump is quite low. Neutral special is a musket gun that shoots a cannonball, and his down special is reloading move that boosts the size of the next neutral special. His neutral special is really slow and not very useful, but if you use down special before it becomes really good. Side special and up special aren't anything really special. He was alright, but I found it hard to get out of attacks when I got caught.

Isaac, on the other hand, was really good. He is pretty fast and strong. His grab also has really good range. He used these ghostly hands for his up special, side special, and grab. His down special spawns a vine under your character that lasts for a few seconds, and characters that run over it get trapped. He was the second best newcomer.

Out of all the newcomers, I felt that Lip was the best. Her main gimmick is that she inflicts debuffs with her normal attacks. She seems like a chip damager. Her normal attacks and smash attacks deal the flower effect, although I don't think it is as potent as before. Her side special is really strange. She shoots out a weird cursor thing infront of her, and if it hits and opponent they swap positions. She's a fast hit and run character, and IMO is the best newcomer and possibly one of the best in the game. I also didn't see the lip stick so it is probably gone.

Skull Kid was a very strange character. I definitely feel that he is good, but weird to play. A very fast and floaty charater with a fall slow speed. There are two fairies that float around him and are used in some of his moves like his jab. His grab has these tenticle like things come from behind him and grab the opponent. His neutral special is a normal projectile ball that can be aimed. His side special has him put up a portal in front of him for a second that acts like a counter to projectiles. Any projectile that hits this is absorbed and temporarily powers Skull Kid up. His final smash is a **** off moon. He felt like Mewtwo only incredibly weird.

Geno is the only third party character that know is in the game, and is most likely the only one. He is a heavily projectile based character, but has a few physical attacks. His neutral special is a normal charge shot, is gets more powerful the more you charge but not any bigger. His ship special is a laser that can also be charged. His down special has a star fall diagonially in front of him. It's hard to hit and doesn't do enough damage to warrant using it. Only good for off stage hits. His up special is a cannon that can be aimed. He's fast but also doesn't do much damage and doesn't have enough combos to warrant his low damage. Only has a few attacks that kill easily. He's not too good.

The last newcomer I played was Rex. He's not good, that is all I can say. His main gimmick is that he is stronger that closer he is to Pyra/Mythra. You can change between the two, with Pyra being slower with more damage, and Mythra being faster with less damage. The problem is that Rex is much faster than his partner. Pyra/Mythra stand in the background and follow you, but you are much faster than them. That's not too big of a problem except for the fact that if you get hit away from them you get a lot weaker and is harder to get back. His attacks have range and are good, but nothing too special. Really not a very good character.

The one character I know is in the game but I didn't play was Ray. He is on the character select screen but I can't pick him. I don't know why they put him here.

Something that I did find somewhat weird was that there were some assist trophies that felt strangely like characters. Ashley, Mach Rider, Bandana Waddle Dee, Dixie Kong, Knuckles, Simon Belmont and Dark Samus all had more than one attack and a dodge. It is safe to guess that these were probably scrapped characters.

There weren't many new stages in this build. New Donk City, Termina Clocktower, Gangplank Galleon, Primordia, Dr. Mario, and Aether Paradise were the only ones that I played.

This was mostly all of the main information I wanted to put out there. There is definitely more information but none is it is really big. I didn't play any big mode or anything like that, all I did was play the main game and test out the characters for a while. That's all for now.

Cut characters being made into assist trophies? Characters like Ray and Skull Kid being chosen over popular picks like Ashley and Simon Belmont?

As much as I want Ray, no thanks.
>Nintendo Direct is on August 3rd

>More info on Nintendo Online Service

>Smash Ultimate Demo announced to release when the service goes up

>Must have Online Service and preorder Smash Ultimate to have access to the demo

I'll update this if anything else Smash related comes up.

Short and to the point. A Smash Demo would be really nice.

I've excluded the Japan and Nintendo Online "leaks" because we've already discussed them. I'm treating them the same as any other "leak", however much as I'd like the Japan "leak" to be true (both Lloyd and Heihachi are the best of both worlds).
Out of all of them Leak 11 seems like the most realistic one. Kudos once again


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2018
Montreal, Canada
Hey everyone. So, here's a wild imagination I had in mind; since Nintendo & Microsoft are in a somewhat good "relationship" in terms of cross-play with games such as Minecraft & Fortnite; what if (and its a BIG IF- so take it with a grain of salt if you will since it will never happen, just dream.) Nintendo buys back all of Rare's Ips from Microsoft, in terms of newcomers, I would expect Banjo-Kazooie to be fully considered and of course, my man...View attachment 155003
FULGORE!! I need *dat* ULTRA COMBO with the iconic sfx as his final smash.

It's every Nintendo fans' dream; a true definition of the term, "EVERYONE IS HERE"!

Other honorable mentions
  • Rash from Battletoads
  • Conker
Also here are a few characters that I think are good as assist trophies...
Kameo from Kameo: Elements of Power
Juno & Vela- Jet Force Gemini
Cooper- Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Hudson from Viva Pinata
If this happens then we'd be living in the best conceivable timeline.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Pick up that phone, Noipoi.
This used to be the best TFS movie...until Broly decided to take his place
"Man, won't it be nice when July ends and kills all these July-exclusive leaks?"

*August comes and just replaces July with August*

**** ****.
Time to get ready for more leaks...maybe one will be close to realistic and legit


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
>One newcomer: Dixie Kong
>Four assist trophies: Excitebiker, Banana Dee, Skull Kid, Simon Belmont, Ryu Hayabusa
>One new stage: Includes hazards from Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Arkanoid and Asteroids
>New TDM-like gamemode

That's what Smash is getting until release, hope you enjoy it
This one isn't possible unless "until release" means there will be extra content in the game not announced beforehand. They've said there will be over 50 assist trophies, so they have to have more then 5 unannounced ones (especially if two of them are returning).


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
So if everyone series had one new representative who would you choose and why? (obviously some couldn't have a new representative but the ones that can)
Mario: Paper Mario or Captain Toad if they counted but tbh they represent their own series. If I had to choose an actual Mario character the only one left that makes sense in my mind is Waluigi. He is very popular, has been an assist trophy for awhile and would represent Mario sports/party games extremely well. I also think his memeness and being a shadow of a shadow would be hilarious, I’d also be lying if I said I haven’t wanted to do a Mario Bros. Vs Wario Bros. Match since I was a kid.

Donkey Kong: King K Rool, he’s insanely popular and the most iconic villian for the series. Dk has been needed more reps for awhile and his moveset would be unique. I think both Dixie and Cranky are also worthy but neither should come before the big kroc himself. Also I love villains.

Zelda: I personally would probably choose demise since he is really cool and started off the enter Zelda series into motion. His moveset with the double swords, lightning and even using ghirahim as an assist coy make for an awesome character. The one I think is most worthy though is Impa since she is the next most consistently important character in the series, I’d prefer her as a semi clone but I admit she is a great echo canidate. Another character I consider worthy and would have a unique moveset would be Midna and Wolf link but they like Waluigi are unfortunately stuck to assist trophy status ( if franchises like dk and Zelda were handled a bit better we could have had so many cool characters now (heck I could even see Skull Kid being a good one) in them instead of just short link and falcondorf
;( )

Metroid: The only one left that would be worthy is Dark Samus, she’s is the only consistently important character left and represents the prime series well. I imagine she would make a luigi risk character in the fact she would barely be a semi clone. An echo I don’t think would do her justice.

Star Fox: The last Star Fox Character that should be in is unfortunately an assist trophy, Krystal is a member of the Star Fox team with a unique weapon and abilities. She’s the love interest to the protagonist, is relatively popular and has been playable in the series, she’s one of my most wanted as a Star Fox fan but I honestly don’t think she will ever get in at this point.

Pokemon: I would get really hype if say Blaziken would get in as he would rep gen 3 and is an awesome starter/design but if I’m being honest for the most part as far as having iconic Pokémon to rep the franchise I think we have enough. However I would probably would have added a second Pokemon Trainer Blue to go along with red giving him a set of 3 different Pokemon he used in the games. The two most iconic trainers are Red and Blue and the trainer pokemon style smash character can add a lot of variety with a new set of styles to switch between.

F Zero: This is a series that has been in since the original and has been neglected a long time so I would definitely give it a newcomer and there is only really one who I think deserves the inclusion which is the series main villain Black Shadow, since move wise he is a blank canvas his moveset would be falcondorf esk but mostly built from the ground up.

Mother: The only character left I believe worthy of inclusion is Porky, he is a mainstay antagonist and would make for a really unique moveset with his mech spider suit.

Animal Crossing: There are two characters worth making Isabelle who is the new mascot of animal crossing who is popular and would make a great echo fighter of Villager and the character I would love to see who is sadly in villagers final smash the almighty Tom Nook who I think of as the ac icon since that game is all about being in debt. I’d love to see a moveset revolving around his items in the shop, dept and tools from his various jobs, being able to destroy people physically as well as financially would be so sweet so Id choose him.

Fire Emblem: I really think there is only 1 worth FE character left who should have been in along time ago but alas will probably never get in and that is Lyn. Not only is she popular but she was the west first FE lord aka essentially our marth, but alas she is an assist trophy.

Konami: the next representative that makes the most sense I would chose (and who we will probably get) is Simon Belmont, he would represent the iconic castlevania to a tee with his unique whip moveset along with all his other items.

Sonic: If I were being honest out of all the 3rd party character the sonic series is kinda the own I could see with the most characters, Shadow, Eggman, Tails, and Knuckles are all genuinely iconic enough to be playable character but if I had to choose Id probably go with Shadow since he is popular, would make for an easy semi clone and I have a soft spot for SA2.

Namco: The next logical conclusion in my mind is Heihachi, Tekken is a flagship franchise of Namco and harada wants him in, there's even a costume of him in 4 and I feel he is iconic enough to be in. Besides we might as well have Ryu and him fight again.

FF/Square: As for ff characters there is one I want more than any is the iconic villain Sephiroth, his long sword combined with powerful but slow specials could make for an incredibly unique moveset, I imagine he would be hard to balance but it would be worth it. As for a new square rep, the one that fits most to me would be Sora, he represents an incredibly popular square franchise that has had games that were once exclusive to nintendo handhelds, his moveset with his key and forms would be super unique.

The rest I dont think need or deserve new reps.

What are the 7-10 newcomers to the base roster that would make the game PERFECT for you, with the first being “I absolutely NEED them” and the last one being “I could live if they weren’t added but they’d be cool to see regardless”? Counting Echoes, not counting potential DLC candidates who were too late for the base roster (like Rex & Pyra or an ARMS character)

For me:

1. Elma
2. Bandana Waddle Dee
3. Simon Belmont
4. Chorus Kids
5. Chrom
6. Dixie Kong
7. King K. Rool
8. Isabelle
9. Isaac
10. Lloyd Irving (or Yuri Lowell)
Ill assume you dont mean deconfirmed characters (rip Krystal)

1. Banjo Kazooie
2. Spyro the Dragon
3. Saki
4. Paper Mario
5. Crash Bandicoot
6. Sephiroth
7. Master Chief
8. Sora
9. King K. Rool
10. Pokemon Trainer Blue
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Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2018
Chrom has lightning based flair with his moves? Yes please! Man has a beast design just reveal him already Nintendo we know he's confirmed!
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom


These uh...

These look really good.

We need some major leak crackers...

Most likely a fake, since I don't see King K. Rool using his Kaptain K. Rool alter ego as his default palette. And of course, I'm still sticking to the thought that Isabelle gets the Assist Trophy treatment again.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Me neither but Ike got Great Aether which wasn't in the games. If this is Sakurai's reasoning for adding lightning in to make him stand out I'm all for it.
Pretty sure Great Aether was in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (as the finishing blow on the Final Boss).

And Chrom using Lightning is... I think... part of either Fire Emblem Warriors or Fire Emblem Heroes.
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Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2018
Pretty sure Great Aether was in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

And Chrom using Lightning is... I think... part of either Fire Emblem Warriors or Fire Emblem Heroes.
Nah Great Aether was made up for Snash Brawl .

Taken from the smash wiki 'Oddly, this move has never been seen before in the Fire Emblem series, although it may be inspired by several elements of Ike's story.'


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
I think I'd prefer Chrome have no effects to better represent his character as the most boring FE protagonist (although I haven't played Fates or Echoes)
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
In Smash we only have two bUrbs. DDDisrespect and Falco. DDD is your goofy one while Falco is the more cunning, slicker one. We need the calmer, goofy, and slicker bird, who can do that? DECIDUEYE! Bird Pokémon have been an essential part of it and there aren’t any. :,(

Okay I’m only joking right now so let’s not start a Pokémon debate again shall we.

Anyways, I need that Brawl Underground theme because that was good!

Aaaaaannnd, we’re going to get our batch of August leaks soon (with King K. Rool and Dixie as the first ones again). I think it’s safe to say that there won’t be any July reveals. :(
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Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Pretty sure Great Aether was in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (as the finishing blow on the Final Boss).

And Chrom using Lightning is... I think... part of either Fire Emblem Warriors or Fire Emblem Heroes.
Part of Warriors. So kinda but not really because Warriors isn't canon and third-party. It could easily replace Ike's fire stuff though if they wanted to use it though, footage of Chrom in Warriors was first released in Jan 2017 so it'd fit with a late Echo addition.
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Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
Most likely a fake, since I don't see King K. Rool using his Kaptain K. Rool alter ego as his default palette. And of course, I'm still sticking to the thought that Isabelle gets the Assist Trophy treatment again.
It's fake but...

Wario's default in Brawl was his Warioware outfit


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Chrom has lightning based flair with his moves? Yes please! Man has a beast design just reveal him already Nintendo we know he's confirmed!
Heard some silly leak about King K. Rool being an AT... xD
Seriously though, we ought to prepare for scenarios like these (K. Rool being an assist trophy, Chrom still being in Robin's final smash, etc.) to happen or else we're going to be sorely disappointed.


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
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