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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Posting for discussion's sake. Nother Vergeben leak. Nothing super crazy


Simon Belmont and Isabelle

You'll thank me later.

.... except for how many new fake leaks you have to sift through that are going to pop up that include them now.

I apologize for the incoming chaos.
Isabella is a safe bet catergory she's pretty much the new main character of animal crossing and not villager

you guys can't let go of his past incorrect stuff can you

He's the next gemusatu as far as I know smash info is legit but not necessary legit info though

I'm still taking precocious that simon was faulty info and Isabella still a assist though
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Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
Been thinking a bit about Vergeben's title "Disregard ALL people claiming leaks that don't have these two characters...." on GameFAQs.

Let's say that what Verge is saying is true, which leaks had mentioned both Simon Belmont and Isabelle (other than Vergeben's?)

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
One more session before I go to bed.
Hello, I have some information on a Nintendo Direct that will happen on August 3rd. You may have seen many leaks and have stopped believing them, but in time you will find this to be true.
The Direct will start off with 3DS headlines.
-Super Paper Mario will be ported to the 3DS as well as the Switch.
-Pokemon Quest will be revealed for the 3DS and will be available from the eShop the day of the Direct
-Waluigi DLC will be announced for WarioWare Gold
-Kirby's Dreamland 1, 2, and 3 will be put in 1 package and put on the 3DS
Switch headlines are next.
-Sarasaland and Isle Delfino DLC are announced for Super Mario Odyssey
-Roblox will be revealed to get a Switch release
-Splatoon 1 is being ported to the Switch
-Portal 1 and 2 are being put in 1 package and ported to the Switch
-We will get new information on Yoshi. It will be called Yoshi: The Flipside and a trailer will be shown off as well as a release date of September 28th, 2018
Next more information on Super Smash Bros Ultimate will be revealed
-Marx from the Kirby series will be revealed as a new fighter in a trailer that will also reveal Geno and Rayman as new fighters. -Bandana Waddle Dee will be revealed as an Assist Trophy.
-A cutscene form a new Story Mode will be shown off to end the Direct

>Roblox port for Switch
>Splatoon 1 port for Switch when Splatoon 2 is alive and healthy
I work at Nintendo and I am at Las Vegas right now with a few others setting up the Nintendo Smash Bros. Booths for Melee, Ultimate, and such. I got to play a couple matches with my co-workers and here’s some interesting tidbits;

{Heihachi is in the game along with a Dragon’s Nest Stage and it appears with Tekken 5 and 7 design. Seems to be a combination.}
{The Battlefield variant of Final Destination is replaced with Suzaku Castle (Street Fighter.}
{Fox, Zelda, Mewtwo, Ike, Solid Snake, Bayonetta, Ridley are gone.}
{Yoshi, Wolf, R.O.B, Toon Link, Wii Fit Trainer, Heihachi are in.}
{You can turn off items this build.}
{Multiple stages got switched in and out.}
Hello, I am part of a team sent by Nintendo of America to hel get Super Smash Bros. Melee, Wii U, and Ultimate ready for EVO. I’m not going to reveal who I am, but if I do get fired at least I leaked some news for those hungry fans. Anyways first off, the Smash Ultimate demo this time around is an updated build. This build is basically the same as the one from E3 and other places except now there is a change in the character select screen and stage select. Here are the changes:
Removed characters from E3 build:

Added Characters
-Toon Link
-WiiFit Trainer

Removed stages from E3 build:
-Final Destination (Battle Field)
-Princess Peach’s Castle
-Green Greens
-Prism Tower
-Green Hill Zone
-New Pork City

Added Stages:
-Final Destination (Suzaku Castle)
-Peach’s Castle (64)
-Dreamland (64)
-Kalos League
-Dragon’s Nest
-Windy Hill Zone
-Wrecking Crew

I put two leaks into one spoiler since it's the same information. I doubt that they'd remove Snake and Ridley from the demo, as they're two of the biggest new characters in Smash Ultimate, but we'll see if this one is true soon enough.
Hello. I am here today to discuss Super smash Brothers Ultimate. I am bringing you some information that Nintendo doesn't want to be leaked publicly.

For starters, what Sakurai said is true. There won't be many new characters, but fans of Xenoblade Chronicles X, the Generation 7 of Pokemon games, and the Castlevania series can all rejoice as Elma, Decidueye, and Simon Belmont respectively will be added as playable characters.

DLC is still being discussed, and two characters in particular that are being heavily discussed is Rex (with Pyra and Mythra) from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Spring Man from ARMS.

My source did mention some moves for the characters. Elma will fight using her Dual Guns and Dual Swords and be more of a combo fighter.

Decidueye will be a long ranged fighter, primarily using his leaves and arrows for zoning.

Simon Belmont will also act like Decidueye, just using his whips for zoning tools.

New stages:

Elma will be getting a new stage much like Decidueye and Simon will. Her stage will be based on Noctilum.

Decidueye's stage will be a transporting stage that brings you to the four Islands of Alola, along with the Aether Foundation. The Ultra Beasts will act as Stage Hazards.

Finally, Simon's stage will of course be Dracula's Castle. And it will be like a stage we've never seen before. It will play more like a Subspace Emissary level from Super Smash Brothers. Brawl than a Smash Bros. stage. At the very end is Dracula. If a player defeats him, the stage will loop and start from the very first level.

Fans of Fire Emblem Fates can rejoice. The new Lost in Thoughts remix is only but one of the songs available to select from on a new stage based on Valla from Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations. Other song options include Alight (Storm) and A Dark Fall (Fire).

No K. Rool or Dixie Kong? I don't even like him that much but I'd be disappointed for the fans of Donkey Kong that wouldn't have gotten new content for two games now.
What I hear is that there will be one Nintendo Direct around August which will showcase the start Screen all the way to the menu options. Tournament Mode will be shown and two other modes beside the All-Star Mode. Of those two modes, one is completely new and will be the primary way to unlock new characters.

I’ll keep you posted if I know anything else...

This is a continuation of loz18's August Direct "leak," where he says that an August Direct exists and nothing else. It's not much, but it's worth mentioning.
I just received 100% confirmed news today about not just newcomers to the Smash bros series, but details about their movesets, stages and more!

The first character is none other than King K. Rool. He is referred to in game simply as "K. Rool". He only uses his pirate costume as his moveset is primarily based around DKC2. His color swaps are skin and outfit colors to reference other Kremlings including a darker green, lighter green, orangeish-yellow, brown and a gray skin color swap.

As I mentioned he draws most of his inspiration from DKC2 because it was the easiest to come up with a moveset for. I do not have many details but I am told his gun shoots cannonballs or gas depending on what is inhaled by it. energy projectiles create gas, while items and physical projectiles become cannonballs. To inhale is his neutral special, and to fire is side special.

there is also a remixed version of the boss fight for DKC3 in the game though I doubt it is a stage option as he does receive a stage in the form of Gangplank Galleon. It is assumed that these decisions were made to still represent his appearances in the other games despite not having alternate costumes.

Sadly I do not know his final smash at this time. But I have been told the character is very expressive as you would expect from DK or Dedede.

Dixie Kong is a semi-clone in the game. Her grabs utilize her hair and she uses it as a horizontal recovery option which is a ponytail twirl attack on the ground. Otherwise she is like Diddy but with some stat and launch changes. Even her barrel recovery is the same.

Her color swaps are similar to Diddy and DK with her clothes and fur color changing while her hair color only has minor shade changes with one exception.

My source also did not have a timeline for a reveal.

Contrarily to leak 4, I'd be happy for DK fans because they finally have the representation they want so they can move on to the next character to circlejerk.
Alright /v/, here's another drop in the bucket. But you'll see when the time comes.

Only three more new characters are coming:
>King K. Rool

But there will be a ****-ton of echos. The following characters will get echos:
>Captain Falcon
>Diddy Kong
>Mega Man

Trophies can be collected through the lottery, Coin Launcher or Trophy Rush.

Classic, All-Star, Events, Home-run Contest, Break the Targets, Target Blast, Multi-Man Smash, Boss Battles, Special Orders, Smash Run and Smash Tour are all returning.

There will be a new story mode, similar to Subspace Emissary, but with a different title.

I'm gonna put a video of Elmo singing Africa by Toto because this leak has no substance to it.
Hey guys, I recently found out that a relative of mine that I haven't seen in years works for Nintendo, I asked him about smash ultimate but he said he wouldn't tell me anything, eventually I bothered him enough to get something out of him, he said a new character will be revealed in the first week of august along with a new echo fighter but there wouldn't be any new game aspects like new levels being revealed or story mode. He could definitely just be ****ing with me to get me to stop asking him so take this with a grain of salt but he kept telling me not to post this anywhere because if it got leaked he could lose his job.

This one sounds somewhat real, because it's what a relative would say to shut an annoying relative up.
Source: Was annoying relative.
Hello, I am a developer of the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I am here to tell you a few things about the upcoming Smash Ultimate, There will be six newcomers and two echo fighters, those being King K Rool, Geno, Skull Kid, Ashley, Isaac and Bandanna Waddle Dee, The two echo fighters will be Dark Samus and Hilda. All modes are returning including adventure mode, Adventure Mode is being developed by an unknown company so it is expected to be bigger and better than Brawl's Subspace Emissary.

Adventure Mode being developed by another company is an interesting concept, as two different teams/companies would be working on the same game, with the team we know working on the characters and stages, and the other team working solely on the story mode. Otherwise this is the same old "leak" tropes, so here's Brawl Taunts since that was brought up earlier.

Also, just so you guys know, someone made a photoshop of the Smash demo running on a handheld Switch. It is fake.
Image link here
One of the leaks mentions a perfect representation of both Simon and Elma (and Noctilum stage to boot!!) but no Bandana Dee


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
IIRC, Raditz and Zarbon are part of a rumored Season 2 of DLC.

The others were Gogeta, Tapion, Master Roshi, Videl (with GREAT SAYIAMAN), Cabba and Kale/Califla.
If the Cooler + Android 17 thing is true, and we have no reason to disbelieve it (it comes from the game files itself); if I had full control over the season 2 DLC, this is who I'd pick.

Pack 5: Master Roshi + Chichi
Pack 6: Gogeta + Janemba
Pack 7: Kefla + Jiren
Pack 8: SS4 Goku + Super Baby Vegeta
I’d actually rather have Chi-Chi over Videl. Even in Dragon Ball she was a legitimate fighter with impressive skill and strength that even Roshi praised. Chi-Chi with the Power Pole and Bansho Fan? Boy hell yeah.

Roshi? He’s the Dixie Kong of Fighterz because he’s relevant and hasn’t shown up yet. With his versatility he’d make for a fun character.
Give Master Roshi a Beerus/Android 21-like Special Finisher with the Mafuba, it's so obvious! XD
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Deleted member

Been thinking a bit about Vergeben's title "Disregard ALL people claiming leaks that don't have these two characters...." on GameFAQs.

Let's say that what Verge is saying is true, which leaks had mentioned both Simon Belmont and Isabelle (other than Vergeben's?)


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC

I’ve been thinking, and you know what would truly be amazing? An announcement for Isabelle in Ultimate coupled with an Animal Crossing Switch announcement! *sigh* a boy can dream can’t he...
Now if you said “Viridi” and “Kid Icarus Uprising sequel/port” instead of Isabelle and Animal Crossing, you’d be onto something I can join


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Don't hate it before you try it. There's no guarantee a Star Fox racing game would be bad, just like there's no guarantee a new F-Zero game would be good.

At the very least, I can say that a Star Fox racing game sounds intriguing. I'd have to see how it was handled, but the idea has potential, especially if you race in Arwings and other spaceships. Besides, there's a 90% chance Krystal would be playable. This could be the boost she needs to become relevant again.
Seems guaranteed, seeing as Star Fox doesn't exactly have a big cast. Which means that Miyu and Fay could potentially make their big comeback.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC

Now if you said “Viridi” and “Kid Icarus Uprising sequel/port” instead of Isabelle and Animal Crossing, you’d be onto something I can join
Ehh... I'd prefer the former two. The KI representation is fine as is, and I'd rather wait until Ultimate has been out for a while before we get the announcement of another KI title. Otherwise, we're getting even more saturation of the series in this game.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Now if you said “Viridi” and “Kid Icarus Uprising sequel/port” instead of Isabelle and Animal Crossing, you’d be onto something I can join
It would be "Isaac" and "Golden Sun remake/sequel" for me. :laugh:


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
It would be "Isaac" and "Golden Sun remake/sequel" for me. :laugh:
Personally, I'd much prefer to see "Dixie Kong/King K. Rool" and "Donkey Kong Country sequel from Retro". :p

Otherwise, we're getting even more saturation of the series in this game.
We can't be sure that Sakurai wouldn't do that regardless (although not including more Echoes for KI would be courteous enough).
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Deleted member

So what's up with all this Meteos talk, Am i missing something?
Just some photoshopped images claiming that a Geolyte from Meteos would be playable. Nothing important at all.
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Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
I work at Nintendo and I am at Las Vegas right now with a few others setting up the Nintendo Smash Bros. Booths for Melee, Ultimate, and such. I got to play a couple matches with my co-workers and here’s some interesting tidbits;

{Heihachi is in the game along with a Dragon’s Nest Stage and it appears with Tekken 5 and 7 design. Seems to be a combination.}
{The Battlefield variant of Final Destination is replaced with Suzaku Castle (Street Fighter.}
{Fox, Zelda, Mewtwo, Ike, Solid Snake, Bayonetta, Ridley are gone.}
{Yoshi, Wolf, R.O.B, Toon Link, Wii Fit Trainer, Heihachi are in.}
{You can turn off items this build.}
{Multiple stages got switched in and out.}
Hello, I am part of a team sent by Nintendo of America to hel get Super Smash Bros. Melee, Wii U, and Ultimate ready for EVO. I’m not going to reveal who I am, but if I do get fired at least I leaked some news for those hungry fans. Anyways first off, the Smash Ultimate demo this time around is an updated build. This build is basically the same as the one from E3 and other places except now there is a change in the character select screen and stage select. Here are the changes:
Removed characters from E3 build:

Added Characters
-Toon Link
-WiiFit Trainer

Removed stages from E3 build:
-Final Destination (Battle Field)
-Princess Peach’s Castle
-Green Greens
-Prism Tower
-Green Hill Zone
-New Pork City

Added Stages:
-Final Destination (Suzaku Castle)
-Peach’s Castle (64)
-Dreamland (64)
-Kalos League
-Dragon’s Nest
-Windy Hill Zone
-Wrecking Crew

I put two leaks into one spoiler since it's the same information. I doubt that they'd remove Snake and Ridley from the demo, as they're two of the biggest new characters in Smash Ultimate, but we'll see if this one is true soon enough.
If nothing else, this is a fun change of pace for a leak. Addressing the idea of tagging out some characters for the demo is a fun one that I'd like to see happen and not just because my main is in the list of those being subbed in if for no other reason than it gives us a little more to speculate about individual characters with.

I kind of agree it's unlikely to see Ridley being switched out but I wouldn't be at all disappointed if this were true.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
> Ridley, Snake, Ice Climbers, and Simon are leaked.
> "I trust Vergeben!"

> Isabelle is leaked
> "lol why are we trusting him"

The more things change, the more things stay the same. :rolleyes:

Deleted member

> Ridley, Snake, Ice Climbers, and Simon are leaked.
> "I trust Vergeben!"

> Isabelle is leaked
> "lol why are we trusting him"

The more things change, the more things stay the same. :rolleyes:
Everyone only believes leaks of characters they like.

Trust me, roughly 75% or higher of all Smash Ultimate leaks have King K. Rool in them.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
> Ridley, Snake, Ice Climbers, and Simon are leaked.
> "I trust Vergeben!"

> Isabelle is leaked
> "lol why are we trusting him"

The more things change, the more things stay the same. :rolleyes:
Didn't you know? Leaks are only true if they mention characters you like.

That's part of the reason why we never got Shulk, Dark Pit, and Duck Hunt in Smash 4.


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
If the Cooler + Android 17 thing is true, and we have no reason to disbelieve it (it comes from the game files itself); if I had full control over the season 2 DLC, this is who I'd pick.

Pack 5: Master Roshi + Chichi
Pack 6: Gogeta + Janemba
Pack 7: Kefla + Jiren
Pack 8: SS4 Goku + Super Baby Vegeta

Give Master Roshi a Beerus/Android 21-like Special Finisher with the Mafuba, it's so obvious! XD
I'm hoping to see some content from the OG Dragon Ball & some of Toriyama's other works (Jaco & Dr. Slump)


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
I'm hoping to see some content from the OG Dragon Ball & some of Toriyama's other works (Jaco & Dr. Slump)
OG Dragon Ball and other Toriyama works, you say?
Dragon Ball FighterZ Season 3 DLC
Pack 9: Kid Goku + Arale Norimaki
Pack 10: Jaco + Jiya
Pack 11: Neko Majin + Sachie-Chan
Pack 12: Ackman + Kajika

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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Didn't you know? Leaks are only true if they mention characters you like.

That's part of the reason why we never got Shulk, Dark Pit, and Duck Hunt in Smash 4.
I'll admit, one of the reasons I didn't want to believe Vergeben was it included Ridley.
Even though I tried to be objective...
Also, now he mentions Isabelle?

Deleted member

I'm so glad all the veterans are back. Now I can think all leaks are fake sense they don't include any characters I want in them.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I'm so glad all the veterans are back. Now I can think all leaks are fake sense they don't include any characters I want in them.
Don't forget any leak involving returning stages you like.

Deleted member

Don't forget any leak involving returning stages you like.
You're right. Any leak that has Mute City, Poke Floats, and Fountain of Dreams is real, and any leak that has Paper Mario is fake. If a leak has both stages I want and stages I don't then it could be real, we'll just have to wait and see.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2007
Stockton, California
Isabelle currently sits as the 10th most mentioned character in supposed leaks with 47 mentions. Vergeben's other predicted character, Simon Belmont, is the 2nd most mentioned character with 149 mentions.

Lets see how many places Isabelle jumps in August.

Regardless, I'm not killing any leaks with/without those characters until they're officially revealed.

There are over 300 "leaks" at stake here. That's over 80% of everything I've documented.

I'm sweating bullets as we get closer to an actual reveal because I'll have to kill swarms of fake text leaks.

I'm already emotionally prepping myself for the end of July, when ~50 "leaks" will be sent to the graveyard for missing a given deadline.
You know what you should do when you kill all these leaks? Make a funny gif killing all the leaks. lol something fun xD :p


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Honestly, Eggman was the only human for ages and there was no real way to know what was going on even then.
Does Wendy Witchcart count as a human? Are witches human?

Imagine her in Mania 2.

The issue is we don't actually see the regular species among the Sonic series consistently interact with tons of humans. It was always a majority of humans or majority of anthros. That's not really the fault of the shows or even the audience. That was just a problem with the way they handled the games and did little to try and make it clear(Unleashed isn't much better. In fact, no game does a good job of making it clear they coexist other than the very specific Sonic cast). You don't see other no-named Anthros and no-named humans consistently in one game, just one major amount and little of the other. I think the Comics did a decent job of fixing that at best, though. Hell, even Transformers, who many hate the humans of(cause they care more about the titular robots) do a way better job in explaining their coexistence(without using two worlds, it's just different planets in the same universe by design).
I agree. I think the best way to integrate humans into the games is to:

  1. Do what Dragon Ball does and just have anthros and humans co-exist.
  2. Design them to look more in line with the Anthros. Here's what I mean.
Look at Uekawa's human designs, he draws them using simple shapes and makes the proportions and design elements roughly in line with 1930s cartoons, like Sonic himself (and Eggman). Basically, these designs don't look out of place with the rest of the cast.

Look at Bantam, for example, he looks very similar in design to Eggman and Big due to his egg-like body shape and eyes:

Rolly Role looks very similar to Cream:

I'm 100% sure this is why people are so in love with Eggette/Omelette's design, her design perfectly incorporates that design philosophy, replicates that Oshima style really well and she would look perfect while standing next to the likes of Sonic and Tails:



Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Not from what I've seen; I can't imagine that they'd demote characters like Dark Pit and Lucina to alternate costumes after they refused to do so for Dr. Mario.
They might, might merge characters into their echoes on the CSS (but still keep them separate characters) to make room if the character count gets too high, but this is highly unlikely.
Does Wendy Witchcart count as a human? Are witches human?

Imagine her in Mania 2.

I agree. I think the best way to integrate humans into the games is to:

  1. Do what Dragon Ball does and just have anthros and humans co-exist.
  2. Design them to look more in line with the Anthros. Here's what I mean.
Look at Uekawa's human designs, he draws them using simple shapes and makes the proportions and design elements roughly in line with 1930s cartoons, like Sonic himself (and Eggman). Basically, these designs don't look out of place with the rest of the cast.

Look at Bantam, for example, he looks very similar in design to Eggman and Big due to his egg-like body shape and eyes:

Rolly Role looks very similar to Cream:

I'm 100% sure this is why people are so in love with Eggette/Omelette's design, her design perfectly incorporates that design philosophy, replicates that Oshima style really well and she would look perfect while standing next to the likes of Sonic and Tails:

Am I the only one who finds that Human Sonic kind of creepy looking? XD


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Smash Bros Spain just posted more videos from the demo; am I seeing more rage hijinks that should be brought to sakurai’s attention or am I just paranoid? (Specifically on Ridley’s end)

Not really, the only things I saw that I think you could be referring to are 1. Ridley's B-air killed at 80% on Corrin but a super heavy's B-air killing Corrin at 80% with 150% (or higher, the cap might have been raised in Ultimate) rage sounds completely reasonable and 2. the down-B doing 52%, but rage doesn't affect damage so that's just it's normal damage output. There's also a couple of moves he tosses out near the end that send Corrin very far (Down-tilt and Up-throw) but again, Corrin's at high percents when she starts getting tossed around and Ridley's a super heavy with (what I'm assuming is still) max rage, that's reasonable and I doubt it wasn't intentional.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
Didn't you know? Leaks are only true if they mention characters you like.

That's part of the reason why we never got Shulk, Dark Pit, and Duck Hunt in Smash 4.
Shulk was pretty widely requested, though. I'm certainly not gonna complain he got in, considering he introduced me to one of my favourite games of all time!

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
The best voice Star Fox has is Miyamoto, which can be viewed both positively and negatively. It's good, because I fear that if Miyamoto retires before Star Fox gets its feet off the ground, then there will be no-one to push it. It's also bad, because he keeps wanting to try some new things with it that don't always pan out.

I'd kill for Miyamoto to hand the reigns to Bandai Namco again and tell them to make a game like Star Fox: Assault. I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it again, Star Fox: Assault was the best route for the series to go in. Plot driven, continued the Star Fox story, expanded the world, and brought in a new enemy to face. Gameplay was the best way to advance the series, too, even if it had some flaws with its execution.
Star Fox Zero did try to utilize the Wii U's GamePad for all of its motion controls. But that road apparently left a sour taste for a lot of players if the game got ranked among the worst Wii U retail titles.

As for Star Fox Assault, the main problem with that game was not just how short the single player mode is, but it was also completely linear, with no alternate routes. And the most notable flaw was the unlockable content, as nearly every unlockable thing is for the multiplayer mode, which serves no purpose if you're a solo player.

Deleted member

Shulk was pretty widely requested, though.
Doesn't mean there aren't any people who would've preferred someone else, especially considering his "anime" design.
Shulk was the only character I really wanted for Smash 4, so I guess that's why that leak was real.
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