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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2018
Zora's Domain
One more session before I go to bed.
Hello, I have some information on a Nintendo Direct that will happen on August 3rd. You may have seen many leaks and have stopped believing them, but in time you will find this to be true.
The Direct will start off with 3DS headlines.
-Super Paper Mario will be ported to the 3DS as well as the Switch.
-Pokemon Quest will be revealed for the 3DS and will be available from the eShop the day of the Direct
-Waluigi DLC will be announced for WarioWare Gold
-Kirby's Dreamland 1, 2, and 3 will be put in 1 package and put on the 3DS
Switch headlines are next.
-Sarasaland and Isle Delfino DLC are announced for Super Mario Odyssey
-Roblox will be revealed to get a Switch release
-Splatoon 1 is being ported to the Switch
-Portal 1 and 2 are being put in 1 package and ported to the Switch
-We will get new information on Yoshi. It will be called Yoshi: The Flipside and a trailer will be shown off as well as a release date of September 28th, 2018
Next more information on Super Smash Bros Ultimate will be revealed
-Marx from the Kirby series will be revealed as a new fighter in a trailer that will also reveal Geno and Rayman as new fighters. -Bandana Waddle Dee will be revealed as an Assist Trophy.
-A cutscene form a new Story Mode will be shown off to end the Direct

>Roblox port for Switch
>Splatoon 1 port for Switch when Splatoon 2 is alive and healthy
I work at Nintendo and I am at Las Vegas right now with a few others setting up the Nintendo Smash Bros. Booths for Melee, Ultimate, and such. I got to play a couple matches with my co-workers and here’s some interesting tidbits;

{Heihachi is in the game along with a Dragon’s Nest Stage and it appears with Tekken 5 and 7 design. Seems to be a combination.}
{The Battlefield variant of Final Destination is replaced with Suzaku Castle (Street Fighter.}
{Fox, Zelda, Mewtwo, Ike, Solid Snake, Bayonetta, Ridley are gone.}
{Yoshi, Wolf, R.O.B, Toon Link, Wii Fit Trainer, Heihachi are in.}
{You can turn off items this build.}
{Multiple stages got switched in and out.}
Hello, I am part of a team sent by Nintendo of America to hel get Super Smash Bros. Melee, Wii U, and Ultimate ready for EVO. I’m not going to reveal who I am, but if I do get fired at least I leaked some news for those hungry fans. Anyways first off, the Smash Ultimate demo this time around is an updated build. This build is basically the same as the one from E3 and other places except now there is a change in the character select screen and stage select. Here are the changes:
Removed characters from E3 build:

Added Characters
-Toon Link
-WiiFit Trainer

Removed stages from E3 build:
-Final Destination (Battle Field)
-Princess Peach’s Castle
-Green Greens
-Prism Tower
-Green Hill Zone
-New Pork City

Added Stages:
-Final Destination (Suzaku Castle)
-Peach’s Castle (64)
-Dreamland (64)
-Kalos League
-Dragon’s Nest
-Windy Hill Zone
-Wrecking Crew

I put two leaks into one spoiler since it's the same information. I doubt that they'd remove Snake and Ridley from the demo, as they're two of the biggest new characters in Smash Ultimate, but we'll see if this one is true soon enough.
Hello. I am here today to discuss Super smash Brothers Ultimate. I am bringing you some information that Nintendo doesn't want to be leaked publicly.

For starters, what Sakurai said is true. There won't be many new characters, but fans of Xenoblade Chronicles X, the Generation 7 of Pokemon games, and the Castlevania series can all rejoice as Elma, Decidueye, and Simon Belmont respectively will be added as playable characters.

DLC is still being discussed, and two characters in particular that are being heavily discussed is Rex (with Pyra and Mythra) from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Spring Man from ARMS.

My source did mention some moves for the characters. Elma will fight using her Dual Guns and Dual Swords and be more of a combo fighter.

Decidueye will be a long ranged fighter, primarily using his leaves and arrows for zoning.

Simon Belmont will also act like Decidueye, just using his whips for zoning tools.

New stages:

Elma will be getting a new stage much like Decidueye and Simon will. Her stage will be based on Noctilum.

Decidueye's stage will be a transporting stage that brings you to the four Islands of Alola, along with the Aether Foundation. The Ultra Beasts will act as Stage Hazards.

Finally, Simon's stage will of course be Dracula's Castle. And it will be like a stage we've never seen before. It will play more like a Subspace Emissary level from Super Smash Brothers. Brawl than a Smash Bros. stage. At the very end is Dracula. If a player defeats him, the stage will loop and start from the very first level.

Fans of Fire Emblem Fates can rejoice. The new Lost in Thoughts remix is only but one of the songs available to select from on a new stage based on Valla from Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations. Other song options include Alight (Storm) and A Dark Fall (Fire).

No K. Rool or Dixie Kong? I don't even like him that much but I'd be disappointed for the fans of Donkey Kong that wouldn't have gotten new content for two games now.
What I hear is that there will be one Nintendo Direct around August which will showcase the start Screen all the way to the menu options. Tournament Mode will be shown and two other modes beside the All-Star Mode. Of those two modes, one is completely new and will be the primary way to unlock new characters.

I’ll keep you posted if I know anything else...

This is a continuation of loz18's August Direct "leak," where he says that an August Direct exists and nothing else. It's not much, but it's worth mentioning.
I just received 100% confirmed news today about not just newcomers to the Smash bros series, but details about their movesets, stages and more!

The first character is none other than King K. Rool. He is referred to in game simply as "K. Rool". He only uses his pirate costume as his moveset is primarily based around DKC2. His color swaps are skin and outfit colors to reference other Kremlings including a darker green, lighter green, orangeish-yellow, brown and a gray skin color swap.

As I mentioned he draws most of his inspiration from DKC2 because it was the easiest to come up with a moveset for. I do not have many details but I am told his gun shoots cannonballs or gas depending on what is inhaled by it. energy projectiles create gas, while items and physical projectiles become cannonballs. To inhale is his neutral special, and to fire is side special.

there is also a remixed version of the boss fight for DKC3 in the game though I doubt it is a stage option as he does receive a stage in the form of Gangplank Galleon. It is assumed that these decisions were made to still represent his appearances in the other games despite not having alternate costumes.

Sadly I do not know his final smash at this time. But I have been told the character is very expressive as you would expect from DK or Dedede.

Dixie Kong is a semi-clone in the game. Her grabs utilize her hair and she uses it as a horizontal recovery option which is a ponytail twirl attack on the ground. Otherwise she is like Diddy but with some stat and launch changes. Even her barrel recovery is the same.

Her color swaps are similar to Diddy and DK with her clothes and fur color changing while her hair color only has minor shade changes with one exception.

My source also did not have a timeline for a reveal.

Contrarily to leak 4, I'd be happy for DK fans because they finally have the representation they want so they can move on to the next character to circlejerk.
Alright /v/, here's another drop in the bucket. But you'll see when the time comes.

Only three more new characters are coming:
>King K. Rool

But there will be a ****-ton of echos. The following characters will get echos:
>Captain Falcon
>Diddy Kong
>Mega Man

Trophies can be collected through the lottery, Coin Launcher or Trophy Rush.

Classic, All-Star, Events, Home-run Contest, Break the Targets, Target Blast, Multi-Man Smash, Boss Battles, Special Orders, Smash Run and Smash Tour are all returning.

There will be a new story mode, similar to Subspace Emissary, but with a different title.

I'm gonna put a video of Elmo singing Africa by Toto because this leak has no substance to it.
Hey guys, I recently found out that a relative of mine that I haven't seen in years works for Nintendo, I asked him about smash ultimate but he said he wouldn't tell me anything, eventually I bothered him enough to get something out of him, he said a new character will be revealed in the first week of august along with a new echo fighter but there wouldn't be any new game aspects like new levels being revealed or story mode. He could definitely just be ****ing with me to get me to stop asking him so take this with a grain of salt but he kept telling me not to post this anywhere because if it got leaked he could lose his job.

This one sounds somewhat real, because it's what a relative would say to shut an annoying relative up.
Source: Was annoying relative.
Hello, I am a developer of the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I am here to tell you a few things about the upcoming Smash Ultimate, There will be six newcomers and two echo fighters, those being King K Rool, Geno, Skull Kid, Ashley, Isaac and Bandanna Waddle Dee, The two echo fighters will be Dark Samus and Hilda. All modes are returning including adventure mode, Adventure Mode is being developed by an unknown company so it is expected to be bigger and better than Brawl's Subspace Emissary.

Adventure Mode being developed by another company is an interesting concept, as two different teams/companies would be working on the same game, with the team we know working on the characters and stages, and the other team working solely on the story mode. Otherwise this is the same old "leak" tropes, so here's Brawl Taunts since that was brought up earlier.

Also, just so you guys know, someone made a photoshop of the Smash demo running on a handheld Switch. It is fake.
Image link here
Playable Marx but Assist BWD? Sure Jan.

Captain Shwampy

Smash Master
Jul 20, 2014
What's the chances all the star allies added through DLC get added as trophies now that there models are available

Would it be too late in development time


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Okay, I appreciate that one of those leaks thinks that Yoshi would be added in a later demo, but why would they take away Fox?
Someone had to be sacrificed to make room for the Yoshter. We only have so many slots in this demo, people!


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Oof how many leaks are there? They all seem fake as hell but props to you for keeping track of them all.
335 right now, and I haven't added any "leaks" from today to my spreadsheet, so add another ~20 to that count.

It hasn't even been two months since the game was revealed. Hopefully the amount of "leaks" die down when the school year begins again.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
One more session before I go to bed.
Hello, I have some information on a Nintendo Direct that will happen on August 3rd. You may have seen many leaks and have stopped believing them, but in time you will find this to be true.
The Direct will start off with 3DS headlines.
-Super Paper Mario will be ported to the 3DS as well as the Switch.
-Pokemon Quest will be revealed for the 3DS and will be available from the eShop the day of the Direct
-Waluigi DLC will be announced for WarioWare Gold
-Kirby's Dreamland 1, 2, and 3 will be put in 1 package and put on the 3DS
Switch headlines are next.
-Sarasaland and Isle Delfino DLC are announced for Super Mario Odyssey
-Roblox will be revealed to get a Switch release
-Splatoon 1 is being ported to the Switch
-Portal 1 and 2 are being put in 1 package and ported to the Switch
-We will get new information on Yoshi. It will be called Yoshi: The Flipside and a trailer will be shown off as well as a release date of September 28th, 2018
Next more information on Super Smash Bros Ultimate will be revealed
-Marx from the Kirby series will be revealed as a new fighter in a trailer that will also reveal Geno and Rayman as new fighters. -Bandana Waddle Dee will be revealed as an Assist Trophy.
-A cutscene form a new Story Mode will be shown off to end the Direct

>Roblox port for Switch
>Splatoon 1 port for Switch when Splatoon 2 is alive and healthy
I work at Nintendo and I am at Las Vegas right now with a few others setting up the Nintendo Smash Bros. Booths for Melee, Ultimate, and such. I got to play a couple matches with my co-workers and here’s some interesting tidbits;

{Heihachi is in the game along with a Dragon’s Nest Stage and it appears with Tekken 5 and 7 design. Seems to be a combination.}
{The Battlefield variant of Final Destination is replaced with Suzaku Castle (Street Fighter.}
{Fox, Zelda, Mewtwo, Ike, Solid Snake, Bayonetta, Ridley are gone.}
{Yoshi, Wolf, R.O.B, Toon Link, Wii Fit Trainer, Heihachi are in.}
{You can turn off items this build.}
{Multiple stages got switched in and out.}
Hello, I am part of a team sent by Nintendo of America to hel get Super Smash Bros. Melee, Wii U, and Ultimate ready for EVO. I’m not going to reveal who I am, but if I do get fired at least I leaked some news for those hungry fans. Anyways first off, the Smash Ultimate demo this time around is an updated build. This build is basically the same as the one from E3 and other places except now there is a change in the character select screen and stage select. Here are the changes:
Removed characters from E3 build:

Added Characters
-Toon Link
-WiiFit Trainer

Removed stages from E3 build:
-Final Destination (Battle Field)
-Princess Peach’s Castle
-Green Greens
-Prism Tower
-Green Hill Zone
-New Pork City

Added Stages:
-Final Destination (Suzaku Castle)
-Peach’s Castle (64)
-Dreamland (64)
-Kalos League
-Dragon’s Nest
-Windy Hill Zone
-Wrecking Crew

I put two leaks into one spoiler since it's the same information. I doubt that they'd remove Snake and Ridley from the demo, as they're two of the biggest new characters in Smash Ultimate, but we'll see if this one is true soon enough.
Hello. I am here today to discuss Super smash Brothers Ultimate. I am bringing you some information that Nintendo doesn't want to be leaked publicly.

For starters, what Sakurai said is true. There won't be many new characters, but fans of Xenoblade Chronicles X, the Generation 7 of Pokemon games, and the Castlevania series can all rejoice as Elma, Decidueye, and Simon Belmont respectively will be added as playable characters.

DLC is still being discussed, and two characters in particular that are being heavily discussed is Rex (with Pyra and Mythra) from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Spring Man from ARMS.

My source did mention some moves for the characters. Elma will fight using her Dual Guns and Dual Swords and be more of a combo fighter.

Decidueye will be a long ranged fighter, primarily using his leaves and arrows for zoning.

Simon Belmont will also act like Decidueye, just using his whips for zoning tools.

New stages:

Elma will be getting a new stage much like Decidueye and Simon will. Her stage will be based on Noctilum.

Decidueye's stage will be a transporting stage that brings you to the four Islands of Alola, along with the Aether Foundation. The Ultra Beasts will act as Stage Hazards.

Finally, Simon's stage will of course be Dracula's Castle. And it will be like a stage we've never seen before. It will play more like a Subspace Emissary level from Super Smash Brothers. Brawl than a Smash Bros. stage. At the very end is Dracula. If a player defeats him, the stage will loop and start from the very first level.

Fans of Fire Emblem Fates can rejoice. The new Lost in Thoughts remix is only but one of the songs available to select from on a new stage based on Valla from Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations. Other song options include Alight (Storm) and A Dark Fall (Fire).

No K. Rool or Dixie Kong? I don't even like him that much but I'd be disappointed for the fans of Donkey Kong that wouldn't have gotten new content for two games now.
What I hear is that there will be one Nintendo Direct around August which will showcase the start Screen all the way to the menu options. Tournament Mode will be shown and two other modes beside the All-Star Mode. Of those two modes, one is completely new and will be the primary way to unlock new characters.

I’ll keep you posted if I know anything else...

This is a continuation of loz18's August Direct "leak," where he says that an August Direct exists and nothing else. It's not much, but it's worth mentioning.
I just received 100% confirmed news today about not just newcomers to the Smash bros series, but details about their movesets, stages and more!

The first character is none other than King K. Rool. He is referred to in game simply as "K. Rool". He only uses his pirate costume as his moveset is primarily based around DKC2. His color swaps are skin and outfit colors to reference other Kremlings including a darker green, lighter green, orangeish-yellow, brown and a gray skin color swap.

As I mentioned he draws most of his inspiration from DKC2 because it was the easiest to come up with a moveset for. I do not have many details but I am told his gun shoots cannonballs or gas depending on what is inhaled by it. energy projectiles create gas, while items and physical projectiles become cannonballs. To inhale is his neutral special, and to fire is side special.

there is also a remixed version of the boss fight for DKC3 in the game though I doubt it is a stage option as he does receive a stage in the form of Gangplank Galleon. It is assumed that these decisions were made to still represent his appearances in the other games despite not having alternate costumes.

Sadly I do not know his final smash at this time. But I have been told the character is very expressive as you would expect from DK or Dedede.

Dixie Kong is a semi-clone in the game. Her grabs utilize her hair and she uses it as a horizontal recovery option which is a ponytail twirl attack on the ground. Otherwise she is like Diddy but with some stat and launch changes. Even her barrel recovery is the same.

Her color swaps are similar to Diddy and DK with her clothes and fur color changing while her hair color only has minor shade changes with one exception.

My source also did not have a timeline for a reveal.

Contrarily to leak 4, I'd be happy for DK fans because they finally have the representation they want so they can move on to the next character to circlejerk.
Alright /v/, here's another drop in the bucket. But you'll see when the time comes.

Only three more new characters are coming:
>King K. Rool

But there will be a ****-ton of echos. The following characters will get echos:
>Captain Falcon
>Diddy Kong
>Mega Man

Trophies can be collected through the lottery, Coin Launcher or Trophy Rush.

Classic, All-Star, Events, Home-run Contest, Break the Targets, Target Blast, Multi-Man Smash, Boss Battles, Special Orders, Smash Run and Smash Tour are all returning.

There will be a new story mode, similar to Subspace Emissary, but with a different title.

I'm gonna put a video of Elmo singing Africa by Toto because this leak has no substance to it.
Hey guys, I recently found out that a relative of mine that I haven't seen in years works for Nintendo, I asked him about smash ultimate but he said he wouldn't tell me anything, eventually I bothered him enough to get something out of him, he said a new character will be revealed in the first week of august along with a new echo fighter but there wouldn't be any new game aspects like new levels being revealed or story mode. He could definitely just be ****ing with me to get me to stop asking him so take this with a grain of salt but he kept telling me not to post this anywhere because if it got leaked he could lose his job.

This one sounds somewhat real, because it's what a relative would say to shut an annoying relative up.
Source: Was annoying relative.
Hello, I am a developer of the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I am here to tell you a few things about the upcoming Smash Ultimate, There will be six newcomers and two echo fighters, those being King K Rool, Geno, Skull Kid, Ashley, Isaac and Bandanna Waddle Dee, The two echo fighters will be Dark Samus and Hilda. All modes are returning including adventure mode, Adventure Mode is being developed by an unknown company so it is expected to be bigger and better than Brawl's Subspace Emissary.

Adventure Mode being developed by another company is an interesting concept, as two different teams/companies would be working on the same game, with the team we know working on the characters and stages, and the other team working solely on the story mode. Otherwise this is the same old "leak" tropes, so here's Brawl Taunts since that was brought up earlier.

Also, just so you guys know, someone made a photoshop of the Smash demo running on a handheld Switch. It is fake.
Image link here
Leak 9 is the only one I like.


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
335 right now, and I haven't added any "leaks" from today to my spreadsheet, so add another ~20 to that count.

It hasn't even been two months since the game was revealed. Hopefully the amount of "leaks" die down when the school year begins again.
Holy- I don't even know what to say to that. It'd be pretty funny if none of them end up true, though.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
On the topic of Sonic and humans...

I remember playing the original Sonic games and thinking that Eggman(Dr. Robotnik) was the only human that existed in that universe. I remember first seeing humans in Station Square for SA1 and being "weirded out." But, to each their own. I kind of liked the idea that Planet Mobius is in a different dimension from Earth, but that's just me. SEGA really should pick one way or the other and stick with it.

I just started watching Sonic X to get some Sonic hype for Smash. I'm not really digging it too much, though. It's the Chris kid. I just don't like him being there. I was warned that I wouldn't like him, but I thought I would eventually get used to him and the his household being there, but nope. I am just not into it, unfortunately. Other than that, I've liked it. Feels a little slow still, but I think I am about to end Season One, so hopefully this ending will pick up before heading into Season Two.

Finally, Sonic music? I've always enjoyed the series music, from 1-S3&K, the Adventures(Live and Learn), even more modern Sonic songs. I even appreciated "Fist Bump" from Sonic Forces. There's one song from Colors that I really liked, but can't think of it right this second(never played Colors, so hard to remember the names). I think my all-time favorite is probably "His World" from Sonic '06. Too bad that game wasn't good... I think I'm still loading into a mission now. But, hasn't the Sonic series always been acknowledged as having good music? I thought most gamers liked that aspect of Sonic.


Smash Bros. Topic? Um... We need more information? I'm tired of going in circles now. Just something to be excited for. I guess EVO will at least give us some gameplay vids to cycle through.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Super Paper Mario getting ported is some military-grade bull****. As much as I'd love it, as I think Super Paper Mario is criminally underrated, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is the one everyone's asking for. I've never seen a leak be so wrong right off the bat. And a Splatoon 1 port? Oof is right.

Also that one that says "DLC is still being discussed" after we've had Sakurai and Bill Trinen say that they're just focusing on the main game right now, and DLC will be considered after it's finished.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
I just started watching Sonic X to get some Sonic hype for Smash. I'm not really digging it too much, though. It's the Chris kid. I just don't like him being there. I was warned that I wouldn't like him, but I thought I would eventually get used to him and the his household being there, but nope. I am just not into it, unfortunately. Other than that, I've liked it. Feels a little slow still, but I think I am about to end Season One, so hopefully this ending will pick up before heading into Season Two.
If you've got time, be sure to check out the Sonic Boom cartoon; it's probably the single most self-deprecative thing to come out of the franchise. To give you an idea...


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
If you've got time, be sure to check out the Sonic Boom cartoon; it's probably the single most self-deprecative thing to come out of the franchise. To give you an idea...
I second this notion. Boom is great and I really hope it'll get a season 3, which hopefully be on Netflix and not Boomerang cuz no one has that,


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
If you've got time, be sure to check out the Sonic Boom cartoon; it's probably the single most self-deprecative thing to come out of the franchise. To give you an idea...
I second this notion. Boom is great and I really hope it'll get a season 3, which hopefully be on Netflix and not Boomerang cuz no one has that,
I'll give another vote to this. While the series started out kinda bad, it quickly ditched any seriousness and reached a level of self-awareness that hasn't been pulled off since.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
Posting for discussion's sake. Nother Vergeben leak. Nothing super crazy


Simon Belmont and Isabelle

You'll thank me later.

.... except for how many new fake leaks you have to sift through that are going to pop up that include them now.

I apologize for the incoming chaos.
Well, we still haven't gotten Simon after all this time, there ain't no telling if he's actually an inside source or if what he types is a load of


Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2012
Posting for discussion's sake. Nother Vergeben leak. Nothing super crazy


Simon Belmont and Isabelle

You'll thank me later.

.... except for how many new fake leaks you have to sift through that are going to pop up that include them now.

I apologize for the incoming chaos.
I mean, Isabelle has appeared on many text leaks already, so it’s not like there’s many to disregard. But I guess for consistency reasons if they have Belmont and not Isabelle then it’s most likely fake.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
Well, we still haven't gotten Simon after all this time, there ain't no telling if he's actually an inside source or if what he types is a load of
Vergeben's a mixed bag of bull****. I don't trust him since he's been wrong more than he's right and it will take a lot for me to actually trust him.

I mean, Isabelle has appeared on many text leaks already, so it’s not like there’s many to disregard. But I guess for consistency reasons if they have Belmont and not Isabelle then it’s most likely fake.
Yeah, that's why I don't think it's anything crazy.
Last edited:


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Posting for discussion's sake. Nother Vergeben leak. Nothing super crazy


Simon Belmont and Isabelle

You'll thank me later.

.... except for how many new fake leaks you have to sift through that are going to pop up that include them now.

I apologize for the incoming chaos.
Isabelle currently sits as the 10th most mentioned character in supposed leaks with 47 mentions. Vergeben's other predicted character, Simon Belmont, is the 2nd most mentioned character with 149 mentions.

Lets see how many places Isabelle jumps in August.

Regardless, I'm not killing any leaks with/without those characters until they're officially revealed.
I mean, Isabelle has appeared on many text leaks already, so it’s not like there’s many to disregard. But I guess for consistency reasons if they have Belmont and not Isabelle then it’s most likely fake.
There are over 300 "leaks" at stake here. That's over 80% of everything I've documented.

I'm sweating bullets as we get closer to an actual reveal because I'll have to kill swarms of fake text leaks.

I'm already emotionally prepping myself for the end of July, when ~50 "leaks" will be sent to the graveyard for missing a given deadline.
Last edited:


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Posting for discussion's sake. Nother Vergeben leak. Nothing super crazy


Simon Belmont and Isabelle

You'll thank me later.

.... except for how many new fake leaks you have to sift through that are going to pop up that include them now.

I apologize for the incoming chaos.
SImon Belmont AND Isabelle?

I like that leak.

Always loved Castlevania and the idea of playable Isabelle is growing on me.

I guess we aren’t getting a King K. Rool and Dixie Kong reveal this month? Although we still have till Tuesday (last day of the month).


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015


Let's Mosey
Jul 29, 2014
Los Angeles
Switch FC
Verg simultaneously acts confident about all his info while also making sure to say he gets his info from multiple sources so that he has an out when something is wrong. If you read that thread he's even implying he knows another character but won't say their name because he's not confident of his source.

This is pretty basic cold reading technique. Throw out guesses and reinforce connections if you guess correctly, but always leave yourself an out if you're wrong. And now he's even setting himself a cover for if the next announced character isn't one of his leaked ones.

I'm still waiting on that Symphony of the Night collection.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Finally, Simon's stage will of course be Dracula's Castle. And it will be like a stage we've never seen before. It will play more like a Subspace Emissary level from Super Smash Brothers. Brawl than a Smash Bros. stage. At the very end is Dracula. If a player defeats him, the stage will loop and start from the very first level.

I like that idea. It could be like Mushroomy Kingdom except the stage scrolls left, right, up, and down from the first level all the way to Dracula’s room.
Last edited:


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
Verg simultaneously acts confident about all his info while also making sure to say he gets his info from multiple sources so that he has an out when something is wrong. If you read that thread he's even implying he knows another character but won't say their name because he's not confident of his source.

This is pretty basic cold reading technique. Throw out guesses and reinforce connections if you guess correctly, but always leave yourself an out if you're wrong. And now he's even setting himself a cover for if the next announced character isn't one of his leaked ones.

I'm still waiting on that Symphony of the Night collection.
He said it in another thread on the site a few weeks ago. I've always been one of his vocal critics so I privately contacted him to give him a chance to not use it as a backpedaling option that he knew a character but never revealed it. I never got a response. Not like I expected one, anyway.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2014
lets all look back through any leak that included Isabelle and Belmont
The only one that comes to mind is the "codename" leak :joyful:

Other than that if this is true im starting to really feel the DLC Mii costumes could seriously hint at characters this time around. (Other than Belmont which could be a bonus for linking back up with Konami). I would expect picks like Heihachi, K. Rool, Geno, Ashley, and maybe Chrom.

All in which would mean...Sakurai can hypothetically have leaked the roster before anyone else can...leakception.


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
He said it in another thread on the site a few weeks ago. I've always been one of his vocal critics so I privately contacted him to give him a chance to not use it as a backpedaling option that he knew a character but never revealed it. I never got a response. Not like I expected one, anyway.
Reason number one why I don't trust leaks with a name behind them.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Even with his great placement in Smash 64, it's still not enough to put Yoshi in the top half of the cast. *sigh*

I'm hoping for top tier this time around...
In Smash 64, because there's so few characters 5th Place isn't really that great.

To elaborate here's what happens to fifth place over time
Yoshi (Smash 64): 5th Place, 41.67% [4.85]
Jigglypuff (Melee): 5th Place, 19.23% [5.42]
Marth (Brawl): 5th Place, 13.51% [5.813]
Rosalina (Smash 4): 5th Place, 9.091% [5.99]

The more characters get added, the better high placement gets.
This is what happens to first place over time.
Pikachu (Smash 64): 1st Place, 8.333% [1.10]
Fox (Melee): 1st Place, 3.846% [1.13]
Meta Knight (Brawl): 1st Place, 2.703% [1.000]
Bayonetta (Smash 4): 1.818% [1.19]

I'd say this works out pretty logically, even if Brawl Meta Knight was super dominant in Brawl, the later game has more characters to compete against.

Pikachu is top tier against a tiny cast, relative to what Smash has become.

For the record, being at the bottom is always a 100% (Luigi, Kirby, Ganondorf, Jigglypuff)
I don't think I've ever heard anyone advocate for Primordia as a stage.

I hope it's all justified
I did, but that was only after a cursory look at what the first area of XBX was.
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Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC


Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2012
Reason number one why I don't trust leaks with a name behind them.
At the same time though, it’s a more risky to put out a leak under your name. If it’s wrong, it’s a blow to your credibility. I’m more inclined to give some benefit of the doubt to t people who put out leaks under their own name rather than some anonymous 4chan guy.

Plus, If Vergeben’s wrong no one is gonna let him live this down. It’s blown up quite a bit. He gets **** for his inaccurate stuff in the past, but I think this will definitely hurt him the most if he’s wrong. Especially when he’s been super confident in Simon’s inclusion too.
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Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
The only one that comes to mind is the "codename" leak :joyful:

Other than that if this is true im starting to really feel the DLC Mii costumes could seriously hint at characters this time around. (Other than Belmont which could be a bonus for linking back up with Konami). I would expect picks like Heihachi, K. Rool, Geno, Ashley, and maybe Chrom.

All in which would mean...Sakurai can hypothetically have leaked the roster before anyone else can...leakception.
Throw in Lloyd Irving and Skull Kid as possible contenders as well.

Inklings already got confirmed


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
At the same time though, it’s a more risky to put out a leak under your name. If it’s wrong, it’s a blow to your credibility. I’m more inclined to give some benefit of the doubt to those guys than people who put out leaks under their own name rather than some anonymous 4chan guy.

Plus, If Vergeben’s wrong no one is gonna let him live this down. It’s blown up quite a bit. He gets **** for his inaccurate stuff in the past, but I think this will definitely hurt him the most if he’s wrong. Especially when he’s been super confident in Simon’s inclusion too.
True. I'm just tired of these supposed "credible" leakers getting stuff out right wrong and having all these people getting mad at Nintendo because they expected something because of false hope given by those people. I know they only have themselves to blame and admittedly I was like that too when I was younger, but these are people who we think are "credible". All it does is remind me of the Pokemon Stars fiasco and how everyone Pokemon fan blew their lid when it wasn't true.


Let's Mosey
Jul 29, 2014
Los Angeles
Switch FC
perfectchaos83 said:
If you honestly want my take, [vergeben's] a guy looking to be a leak contact. He wants to appear to be a trust worthy source to leak information to.
I'mma be honest, this makes a ton of sense to me.

I got sent the ESRB videos before they publicly leaked just because I was connected to another leak, because the guy who sent me them was afraid to leak them himself and wanted me to do it for him. I refused and they got out anyway, but the point is, if you're a proven leaker, people come to you with more stuff. And I didn't even leak anything new, I just backed up someone else's leak. Verg has already done more to prove himself than I ever did.

He's fishing.
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Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
The only one that comes to mind is the "codename" leak :joyful:

Other than that if this is true im starting to really feel the DLC Mii costumes could seriously hint at characters this time around. (Other than Belmont which could be a bonus for linking back up with Konami). I would expect picks like Heihachi, K. Rool, Geno, Ashley, and maybe Chrom.

All in which would mean...Sakurai can hypothetically have leaked the roster before anyone else can...leakception.
Don't forget that Tails and Knuckles also had Mii Costumes.

I mean, they weren't great but still. XD

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
At the same time though, it’s a more risky to put out a leak under your name. If it’s wrong, it’s a blow to your credibility. I’m more inclined to give some benefit of the doubt to those guys than people who put out leaks under their own name rather than some anonymous 4chan guy.

Plus, If Vergeben’s wrong no one is gonna let him live this down. It’s blown up quite a bit. He gets **** for his inaccurate stuff in the past, but I think this will definitely hurt him the most if he’s wrong. Especially when he’s been super confident in Simon’s inclusion too.
I agree. Plus so far everything he said about Smash has either been confirmed (Ridley, Snake, Ice Climbers, All vets from Smash For coming back) or isn't deconfirmed (Simon, Minecraft and now Isabelle).
I think that he deserves the benefit of doubt as for now, instead of jumping to conclusion and calling him a fraud and a liar. He is getting way to much hate than he deserves IMO.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
I agree. Plus so far everything he said about Smash has either been confirmed (Ridley, Snake, Ice Climbers, All vets from Smash For coming back) or isn't deconfirmed (Simon, Minecraft and now Isabelle).
I think that he deserves the benefit of doubt as for now, instead of jumping to conclusion and calling him a fraud and a liar. He is getting way to much hate than he deserves IMO.
As a critic of his, it has more to do with his history. Simply put, I put him in the realm of untrustworthy. The leak itself is in a state of purgatory until the main part of his leak original to him (Simon and Minecraft content) are confirmed or disconfirmed.
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