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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2014
Remind me why anyone expects anything new out of this, as opposed to the hundred other times they've convinced themselves Nintendo are revealing stuff at a tournament only to be disappointed as usual?
Actually, we can expect something new from this event, more new Smash gameplay footage and possibly more analysis videos after. We don’t know every alteration made to veteran characters (and still won’t after the event passes), so we can at least see people experiment and get more information in that regard. I’m personally glad that people are marking this event, even though nothing remarkable is happening. I’ll take this little bit over nothing honestly.
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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Well i am screwed, here it will be too late and I don't wanna be awake all night and then probably have no news at all of characters.
But at the same time I fear that maybe they actually reveal a new character and I will miss it.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
We were so blind, we should of noticed the breadcrumbs Sakurai was giving us all along.
You know who else has six letters in their name?

Ridley Celica. Rayman and Urbosa.

Ashley, Shadow, Ventus, Celica, Rayman and Urbosa are six characters.

It all comes togeth- oh, wait, that was Pokémon (damn you Lockstin/Gnoggin)
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Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Quick thought I had at the end of my shift: when talking about returning stages, people bring up how they think Sector Z won't return since it's basically just a bigger version of Corneria. I'd like to counter that by mentioning that we have a bunch of battlefield clones and that's not even counting the literal 'we made Battlefield versions of every stage' thing. Dreamland 64 (which was actually made more similar to Battlefield in Sm4sh due to the size being reduced), Yoshi's Story and Midgar are all variations of Battlefield. You also see people badly wanting Fountain of Dreams back (myself included) and yet all that stage really is is another Battlefield but with side platforms that have altering heights. There's also the mentioned fact that 8 player Smash is back and so Sector Z would be perfect for that mode. I actually really dislike how some small stages are able to be used in that mode probably partially due to never having played that mode with 5 or more people. Castle Siege is the most offensive but Battlefield and Dreamland are pretty bad too. Dreamland would've been great if it kept the size it had in Melee!

Anyways, I'm somewhere like 150 or 200ish pages behind. Anything interesting going on here currently?


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
We could still get a new SJ Smash game on the Switch despite the mobile game and Jump Force being present. Shonen Jump is spending an immense amount of money for their 50th anniversary this year, and I would not be surprised if they also had a Smash SJ game in development too. The leak still has a chance of happening.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Quick thought I had at the end of my shift: when talking about returning stages, people bring up how they think Sector Z won't return since it's basically just a bigger version of Corneria. I'd like to counter that by mentioning that we have a bunch of battlefield clones and that's not even counting the literal 'we made Battlefield versions of every stage' thing. Dreamland 64 (which was actually made more similar to Battlefield in Sm4sh due to the size being reduced), Yoshi's Story and Midgar are all variations of Battlefield. You also see people badly wanting Fountain of Dreams back (myself included) and yet all that stage really is is another Battlefield but with side platforms that have altering heights. There's also the mentioned fact that 8 player Smash is back and so Sector Z would be perfect for that mode. I actually really dislike how some small stages are able to be used in that mode probably partially due to never having played that mode with 5 or more people. Castle Siege is the most offensive but Battlefield and Dreamland are pretty bad too. Dreamland would've been great if it kept the size it had in Melee!
Since Sector Z's Great Fox is bigger than Corneria's, it could work as the 8 Player version.
Anyways, I'm somewhere like 150 or 200ish pages behind. Anything interesting going on here currently?
Not especially, no.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
We could still get a new SJ Smash game on the Switch despite the mobile game and Jump Force being present. Shonen Jump is spending an immense amount of money for their 50th anniversary this year, and I would not be surprised if they also had a Smash SJ game in development too. The leak still has a chance of happening.
This is the first that I've heard of this. What does this leak say? I enjoyed Jump Ultimate Stars on the DS, so I'd definitely be up for more games like that.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
I already did Wario earlier in the month, here's the codec I did:


Snake: Gross, it's Wario. I don't care how cool his motorcycle might be, I want to be as far away from him as possible before I start to smell like garlic.

Otacon: At least you'll keep vampires away if you do smell like garlic...

Snake: Vampires? It's not like there's any vampires in Smash. And besides, the stench will keep everyone else away, just like how they avoid Wario.

Otacon: That reminds me... remember that guy named Vamp from Dead Cell? I wonder if garlic would keep him away as well, with him having superpowers as if he were a real vampire...

Snake: He's dead for good, Otacon, don't you remember? Now can you please help me deal with Wario? Anything new on him?

Otacon: Nothing new, just stay away from both his front and rear ends just like last time. Garlic stench or not, they're both nasty.

Snake: Right.

I have to admit so far the Ultimate leaks have been disappointing so far. We need some quality ones soon.

Remember the Palutena leak that time so much debates if it was real or not. These are the leaks that are great discussing instead of the usual text leak.
I agree. Let's get some at least decent ones soon.
For now, I'm taking leaks with a grain of salt until it gets close to a direct or something of that matter.


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
Quick thought I had at the end of my shift: when talking about returning stages, people bring up how they think Sector Z won't return since it's basically just a bigger version of Corneria. I'd like to counter that by mentioning that we have a bunch of battlefield clones and that's not even counting the literal 'we made Battlefield versions of every stage' thing.
I think the two biggest draws for Sector Z vs Corneria is its design and visuals.

Corneria is much more compact, and has been redesigned to reflect Star Fox Zero. Also takes place on the planet itself.

Sector Z would retain it's large size, making it a great pick for 8-Player Smash, and would retain its Star Fox 64 design. Also takes place in space. More generic, sure, but makes it visually more different from Corneria.

As for if we'll see it or not, I hope we do, but I'm unsure.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Here's a thought...

What if... at the end of the Jump Victory Carnival Tournament, they announce... that there will be an announcement next week. :troll:
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Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
Not in order:
1. Dixie Kong
2. Spring Man
3. Decidueye (or another mon)
4. Bandana Waddle Dee
5. Elma or Rex
For me its
1) K K Rool
2) Dixie Echo
3) Impa Echo
4) Geno
5) Dark Samus Echo
6) Decidueye
7) Chrom echo
8) Capt Toad


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013

I agree. Let's get some at least decent ones soon.
For now, I'm taking leaks with a grain of salt until it gets close to a direct or something of that matter.
Well we finally got a picture leak that can't be confirmed fake or real

It's a picture of silhouettes just before the battle with inklings as player 1 and 4

Snake as player 3

And a mystery not known character as player two and the figure doesn't match any other confirmed finger so far

Speculation is that it's Lloyd Irving

Deleted member

Well we finally got a picture leak that can't be confirmed fake or real
Already confirmed to be fake. Inkling renders don't match and the image of the Switch is taken from an unrelated video. Whoever created the hoax just photoshopped the loading screen silhouettes onto the Switch screen.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Already confirmed to be fake. Inkling renders don't match and the image of the Switch is taken from an unrelated video. Whoever created the hoax just photoshopped the loading screen silhouettes onto the Switch screen.
Also, I think the silhouette came from an already existing render of Lloyd Irving from some Soul Calibur game, iirc.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower have you done a Ryu, Rosalina, or Little Mac codec yet?
Colonel: If you're a boxing fan, then who you're currently fighting against should seem familiar to you, Snake. Does the name Little Mac ring a bell?

Snake: I think I've heard about this guy before, wasn't he that underdog who won the WVBA championship years ago?

Colonel: Correct, he's the current WVBA champion, ever since he did what many considered "impossible" and defeated the former champion, Mr. Sandman.

Snake: I'm definitely not surprised that his victory was considered "impossible," he's smaller than I thought.

Colonel: He might be small, but he can hit surprisingly harder than you think. His deadliest move is the K.O. Uppercut, which can send you sky high if it connects. However, he's most vulnerable in the air, you'll have the upper hand if you can get him off the ground.

Snake: This is gonna be one entertaining fight...

Snake: Hey Otacon, isn't that Ryu, that Japanese guy known all over the world for winning all of those World Warrior martial arts tournaments?

Otacon: Yeah, that's him! I can't believe you're actually getting to fight him!

Snake: He looks as tough as we've heard, and seems ready to take anyone on.

Otacon: You know, there's also that one thing I always really wanted to do with you if you ever met Ryu in battle... ...can we do it?

Snake: Oh yeah, that thing. Let's do it. aaahhh... HADOUKEN!


Snake: ...Please don't tell Colonel and Mei Ling we do these things.

Rosalina is coming tomorrow, as per your request.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Colonel: If you're a boxing fan, then who you're currently fighting against should seem familiar to you, Snake. Does the name Little Mac ring a bell?

Snake: I think I've heard about this guy before, wasn't he that underdog who won the WVBA championship years ago?

Colonel: Correct, he's the current WVBA champion, ever since he did what many considered "impossible" and defeated the former champion, Mr. Sandman.

Snake: I'm definitely not surprised that his victory was considered "impossible," he's smaller than I thought.

Colonel: He might be small, but he can hit surprisingly harder than you think. His deadliest move is the K.O. Uppercut, which can send you sky high if it connects. However, he's most vulnerable in the air, you'll have the upper hand if you can get him off the ground.

Snake: This is gonna be one entertaining fight...

Snake: Hey Otacon, isn't that Ryu, that Japanese guy known all over the world for winning all of those World Warrior martial arts tournaments?

Otacon: Yeah, that's him! I can't believe you're actually getting to fight him!

Snake: He looks as tough as we've heard, and seems ready to take anyone on.

Otacon: You know, there's also that one thing I always really wanted to do with you if you ever met Ryu in battle... ...can we do it?

Snake: Oh yeah, that thing. Let's do it. aaahhh... HADOUKEN!


Snake: ...Please don't tell Colonel and Mei Ling we do these things.

Rosalina is coming tomorrow, as per your request.
It's so tempting to do requests for this...

And I wonder just how many fighters will get fanboy reaction from Snake in the end.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2018
Here's a question that's unlikely to turn into pointless discourse like 90% of recent topics. What's the one like ultra wild 0% chance character that you'd think it would be great to play in smash?

Imo I would love Emerl/Gemerl from the gba sonic games to be a playable character.

In Sonic Battle this guy can learn every move from the other characters and combine them into a custom moveset, and in Advance 3 he got rebuilt and was given new attacks like missles and robotic tendrils. Basically there's a giant pool of moves to take from. Also the whole Gizoid thing was the closest thing sonic ever got to a semi consistent story arc. Shame Ken Penders Sonic Chronicles kinda ended up cancelling the whole thing by asscociation.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Here's a question that's unlikely to turn into pointless discourse like 90%. What's the one like ultra wild 0% chance character that you'd think it would be great to play in smash?

Imo I would love Emerl/Gemerl from the gba sonic games to be a playable character.

In Sonic Battle this guy can learn every move from the other characters and combine them into a custom moveset, and in Advance 3 he got rebuilt and was given new attacks like missles and robotic tendrils. Basically there's a giant pool of moves to take from. Also the whole Gizoid thing was the closest thing sonic ever got to a semi consistent story arc. Shame Ken Penders Sonic Chronicles kinda ended up cancelling the whole thing by asscociation.
Weavile or Scizor. Both are pretty cool Pokémon that I'd like to see. They're completely irrelevant, so it wont happen. Still. we have Pokken I geuss.

It was still uncalled for to put Scizor back in the Pokeballs


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC

I agree. Let's get some at least decent ones soon.
For now, I'm taking leaks with a grain of salt until it gets close to a direct or something of that matter.
It was easier to fake on the lower res 3ds and after the Rayman "leak" people don't believe leaks like they used to.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone

Snake: There's one thing about Meta Knight that's always bothered me, Colonel... How does constantly spinning like that not make him dizzy? Apparently it makes him stronger than everyone else...

Colonel: No need to worry about Meta Knight being considerably "overpowered," Snake, you'll be having a much more fair fight against him. Besides, he always prefers to give any opponent a fair chance in a duel with him.

Snake: If he wanted me to have a fair chance, he'd probably give me a sword. If anybody's good with a sword, it's Raiden, not me. By the way... any idea what he's even up to right now?

Colonel: Last thing I've heard was something dealing with a robot wolf and nanomachines... Otherwise, I'm not sure myself.

Snake: Sounds interesting... but not as interesting as fighting a knight with bat wings with just your bare hands.

Colonel: Take him down, Snake!


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
What's the one like ultra wild 0% chance character that you'd think it would be great to play in smash?
Bonk. Chaining bonking attacks on opponents to come back onto the arena would be fun, eating meat to buff yourself being a viable strategy (not to mention mini-tremors when slamming the ground), and his FS could basically be him turning into Air Zonk, his future counterpart.

Deleted member

Snake: If he wanted me to have a fair chance, he'd probably give me a sword. If anybody's good with a sword, it's Raiden, not me. By the way... any idea what he's even up to right now?

I have to admit so far the Ultimate leaks have been disappointing so far. We need some quality ones soon.

Remember the Palutena leak that time so much debates if it was real or not. These are the leaks that are great discussing instead of the usual text leak.
The only decent leak is the V leak where Ridley, Ice Climbers, Simon and no cut was at.

There are no good leaks so far.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Here's a question that's unlikely to turn into pointless discourse like 90% of recent topics. What's the one like ultra wild 0% chance character that you'd think it would be great to play in smash?

I love Gen V, and this was by far my favorite Pokemon from that Gen. I was initially pretty upset that Greninja got in over Zoroark in Smash 4, but it made sense once I saw where the anime was going. Still, it's sad that it never made the cut. It might have a second chance once the Gen V remakes roll around, but I'm not holding my breath. Sceptile had two chances and didn't get in, so I'm anticipating the same to happen with Zoroark.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I think the truly criminal part is that it was a stage that is completely unplayable. I know Sakurai likes crazy stages, but I don't know how anyone could look at that stage and greenlight it as a stage anyone would ever want to play on, no matter how casual they are.
At least the stage has an Omega form, but I guess that's a rather lousy excuse if you want more stage variety.

Anyway, Paper Mario isn't the only stage to have this kind of issue, as 75m also felt like a mess to fight on.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
And of course, tomorrow's preview:

Otacon: According to my research, apparently those "starbits" actually taste like honey, believe it or not.

Next up: :ultrosalina:
The more you knooow~♪

Star beans Snake in the face because it was actually Luma in disguise..

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
And of course, tomorrow's preview:

Otacon: According to my research, apparently those "starbits" actually taste like honey, believe it or not.

Next up: :ultrosalina:
I almost feel like Mei Ling would be the better person for talking about Rosalina, especially with the Luma being present as well.

But since the preview involves Otacon, I guess that's out of the question.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I almost feel like Mei Ling would be the better person for talking about Rosalina, especially with the Luma being present as well.

But since the preview involves Otacon, I guess that's out of the question.
Hey, we all know how Otacon is around blonde and/or motherly women.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Here's a question that's unlikely to turn into pointless discourse like 90% of recent topics. What's the one like ultra wild 0% chance character that you'd think it would be great to play in smash?

Imo I would love Emerl/Gemerl from the gba sonic games to be a playable character.

In Sonic Battle this guy can learn every move from the other characters and combine them into a custom moveset, and in Advance 3 he got rebuilt and was given new attacks like missles and robotic tendrils. Basically there's a giant pool of moves to take from. Also the whole Gizoid thing was the closest thing sonic ever got to a semi consistent story arc. Shame Ken Penders Sonic Chronicles kinda ended up cancelling the whole thing by asscociation.
Kat from Gravity Rush, her personality and Gravity moveset would be fun with, and against, and it maybe cruel of me to say, but if Gravity Rush became another Bayonetta, and Sony choses to toss Gravity Rush's to the wayside only for Nintendo to adopt it, port games, and put Kat in Smash, I would be happy for it to join the family of Nintendo. Sorry.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2018
Kat from Gravity Rush, her personality and Gravity moveset would be fun with, and against, and it maybe cruel of me to say, but if Gravity Rush became another Bayonetta, and Sony choses to toss Gravity Rush's to the wayside only for Nintendo to adopt it, port games, and put Kat in Smash, I would be happy for it to join the family of Nintendo. Sorry.
Kat was in a smash esque game, PS All Stars Battle Royale, which was a title I played more than I like to admit (I think I used to be the top spike on the leaderboards, although the only solo ranked mode was 4 man FFA so that doesn't mean much). She was basically the brawl Meta Knight of that game.

Deleted member

it's this one here:


This title is being co-developed by Bandai Namco according to this leak, so it has no relation to the Konami mobile SJ fighter.
I know this is fake as hell but it always upsets me that whenever Saint Seiya is represented, only Seiya is playable and they don't bother to put at least someone else alongside him like Hyoga or Ikki. Im not asking for all five Saints, i just want at least one aside from Seiya. I'ts like having a crossover with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and having only the Red Ranger playable.

But whatever, back to Smash speculation.

...........uh.................what topic can i talk about? Oh Classic Simon Belmont for Smash and all that because i firmly believe that will what they go for since how things have been going lately for Castlevania and Smash and there's any other topic that i haven't repeated to death?........

...............Mike Jones for Smash anyone?
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Ironically, in Brawl, Solid Snake spoke to Mei Ling for information on Princess Peach, Sheik, and Zero Suit Samus.
Otacon took one look at the dossier and decided he didn't want more blood on his hands.
Why, Wolf?
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