I think I figured out something about the development cycle of Smash 4 DLC and Ultimate's roster choices...
1. Smash for 3DS/Wii U release with its base roster.
2. Plans for DLC are formed.

Mewtwo is picked as a super popular character to include for DLC.

Lucas and

Roy are picked to be popular returning veterans from Melee and Brawl respectively.

Ryu and

Cloud are picked to be big name characters that will draw in the hype.

Corrin is eventually picked to be a character that will be used to advertise an upcoming game. That would give us six slots. If you were around the Nintenzone social during the DLC days, you may recall that soon after the game launched, we found six slots for DLC characters. Only six. Not the seven that we would eventually receive.
3. The ballot launches. Sakurai and his team plan to ignore votes for any character that was already planned to be included. The ballot continues and Sakurai finally starts to work on plans for Ultimate.
4. Sakurai sees that veterans are scoring really high on the ballot. Sakurai then decides that he will make Ultimate's main goal to bring everyone back. Sakurai decides that he will add no more veterans as DLC in order to hype up Ultimate
. Veterans are knocked out of the running. as they'll be included next game.
5. Sakurai picks a handful of characters that scored really well on the ballot for Ultimate's initial plan.
He picks multiple winners.
6. Sakurai decides that one of these characters should be included for DLC for Smash 4. Sakurai decides that the character should be a now or never character. One where timing could play a big factor in requests for Smash. One that could be used to advertise something current. Other characters with predicted long staying requests or the inability to advertise anything will be held off for the next one.
7. Sakurai picks Bayonetta from his list of winners to be the final DLC character for Smash 4 as she was the ballot winner that fit all those criteria.
8. The seventh DLC slot is added.
9. Bayonetta is released.
10. Ultimate starts serious development with every veteran and several ballot winners in tow.
Major takeaway from this theory?
Bayonetta wasn't the winner. She was one of the winners.
The only reason she got into Smash 4 was because she was the prime candidate to advertise something. Not because she didn't win the ballot,
but because of the ballot winners, she could advertise something right then and potentially only then, the best.
If Bayonetta didn't make it into Smash 4, she would have made it into Ultimate with the rest of the ballot winners. Who knows? Maybe


Ridley and

Daisy are some of those characters.
She wasn't THE winner, but one of several. Bayonetta was just a taste of what is to come.