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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
Not to disagreee with your point about Waluigi, but... I'm gonna have to disagree on that one in particular.
Sure, there was clearly a lot of effort put into the game, everyone back, Ridley is in, etc. But that doesn't mean everyone has be happy about the game.
While I do think the game is going to be great either way, I know for a fact that I will not be buying this game at all if a certain character makes it in.
Does it justify being a **** to the creator? Of course not.
Is it valid? Yes. Not everyone has to be happy about everything, and they have a right to choose how to spend their money.
Just sayin.
Ah, I did not mean everyone has to be satesfied and just 'accept whatever content there is' or such, I meant more like, it is a huge new and exciting Smash game with more content than ever and nicer graphics and whatnot than ever. I did not specifically mean that people are jerks for not being all "ahh!" about what we have already. Sorry for coming across like that. I assume the character you need to get the game is Decidueye?

Hell, why stop there?

Bikinis for all the girls (including Jigglypuff) and Swimming Trunks/Speedos for all the guys (I mean, Mario's already exists now.)
Haha, while maybe not for everyone, I'd love to have some things like that for characters it 'makes sense' for. ^^ Like, Shorts Mario, Shorts Link, and... would they dare put Wedding Lucina in the game? They probably dares, hah.

Underwear BoTW Link would be excellent
I was a bit disappointed not seeing Gerudo Link as a costume in the demo, but seeing how Meta Ridley was also unavailable, I assume some characters have even more than 8 costumes, so there is still hope, haha.

I hope most characters will have some form of alt costumes, I love things like that.

Deleted member

Ah, I did not mean everyone has to be satesfied and just 'accept whatever content there is' or such, I meant more like, it is a huge new and exciting Smash game with more content than ever and nicer graphics and whatnot than ever. I did not specifically mean that people are jerks for not being all "ahh!" about what we have already. Sorry for coming across like that.
Ah, gotcha.
I completely agree with that.
I assume the character you need to get the game is Decidueye?
Decidueye is the character I need in order for this game to live up to its title, but I'd still buy the game even if he's not in.
That is, unless a certain Pikachu imposter gets in.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I mean don't get me wrong, it's awful and completely unjustified, but some people in this thread are acting like death threats over characters never happened before.

It happened with Ridley after ShadowSphere.
It happened with K. Rool during Ballot Season and especially after Bayonetta.
It happened with Rayman after the ArtsyOmni stuff.

And that's just the stuff I personally saw. If I go by what I've heard happened, we can add Bandana Waddle Dee, Shantae, and Wolf to the list.


Lord of the Nigelchu's
Jun 10, 2014
Switch FC
Okay, Waluigi is basically my favorite Nintendo character ever and I really wanted him in, but these guys kinda make me embarrassed to say that. I really don't wanna be connected to what is currently the worst, most vocal part of the Smash scene right now.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I mean don't get me wrong, it's awful and completely unjustified, but some people in this thread are acting like death threats over characters never happened before.

It happened with Ridley after ShadowSphere.
It happened with K. Rool during Ballot Season and especially after Bayonetta.
It happened with Rayman after the ArtsyOmni stuff.

And that's just the stuff I personally saw. If I go by what I've heard happened, we can add Bandana Waddle Dee, Shantae, and Wolf to the list.
A dude who made a death threat actually apologized in Japanese, which was at least a start? :upsidedown: I got no idea what it says.


Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
Ah, gotcha.
I completely agree with that.

Decidueye is the character I need in order for this game to live up to its title, but I'd still buy the game even if he's not in.
That is, unless a certain Pikachu imposter gets in.
Thank you. ^^

And mhm, I'd love Decidueye in the game, though I honestly think that Mimikyu has a bigger chance. It is both very popular, and would be a very unique fighter. He just feels like something Sakurai would go for.

Oh, since Pokémon Trainer works so well, I wonder if Sakurai would give us a Alolan Trainer, with three starters. Rowlet, Brionne and Incineroar?


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
I like me some Waluigi, I think he's hilarious and a treat to watch.

But the whole thing with Sakurai........come on guys, there is no need to be this obnoxious and cynical about it.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Decidueye is the character I need in order for this game to live up to its title, but I'd still buy the game even if he's not in.
That is, unless a certain Pikachu imposter gets in.
You wanna counter bet me :denzel:


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I like me some Waluigi, I think he's hilarious and a treat to watch.

But the whole thing with Sakurai........come on guys, there is no need to be this obnoxious and cynical about it.
They didn't only make threats, it was one 9/11 joke and another tweet that got deleted so was probably even worse. What they did was just spam him, like every two minutes just bombarded with pleads to put him in. I did my research, now I know the true scope. Still bad, but not as bad as some think.

The one who got his tweet deleted apologized, but the guy who did the 9/11 joke only created the account just to do the spam. He probably stopped using the account as we speak.
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Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
So I just woke up to the Waluigi bull****.
Jesus Christ, as soon as I'm starting to feel remotely sympathetic to Waluigi and his supporters, a couple of rabid jackasses just have to go and do something like this... worse yet is that this isolated incident is gonna reflect badly not only on the tame Waluigi supporters, however many there are left, but on the Smash fanbase at large. This whole Waluigi debacle is by far the worst reaction I've ever seen to a character's disconfirmation period, to the point where it's actively making me want the character less and less. I know I've spoken against hating a character based on its fanbase in the past, but in this case, I think it's reasonable to make an exception. I'm sorry, but if you're willing to put yourself out there and do stupid **** like this in the name of your funnie wah meme, then frankly, I wonder if your request even deserves to be acknowledged (that is, assuming you actually do want Waluigi in and you're not just ****posting).
Not that it's anyone here, obviously, but blimey, we need to act better than this.
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Deleted member

Says the one who won't buy the game if Mimikyu is in it. :skull:
That's not a prediction.
That's a basic plan of what I'm gonna do if my least wanted character gets in.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
That's not a prediction.
That's a basic plan of what I'm gonna do if my least wanted character gets in.
You predict you won't buy it if Mimikyu is in it. :4pacman:Seems like a pretty drastic response to a character becoming playable.


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
They didn't only make threats, it was one 9/11 joke and another tweet that got deleted so was probably even worse. What they did was just spam him, like every two minutes just bombarded with pleads to put him in. I did my research, now I know the true scope. Still bad, but not as bad as some think.

The one who got his tweet deleted apologized, but the guy who did the 9/11 joke only created the account just to do the spam. He probably stopped using the account as we speak.
I don't think I've ever seen any part of the Smash fanbase this rampant for a character. I remember the Mewtwo rampage before he was confirmed in Smash 4 and I don't think it got this bad.

Deleted member

You predict you won't buy it if Mimikyu is in it. :4pacman:Seems like a pretty drastic response to a character becoming playable.
That doesn't make it a prediction.
And I just really despise Mimikyu. I think you could find the reason for that if you looked, say, 1500 pages back.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Ah, gotcha.
I completely agree with that.

Decidueye is the character I need in order for this game to live up to its title, but I'd still buy the game even if he's not in.
That is, unless a certain Pikachu imposter gets in.
Totally serious question, not coming to attack you or anything, like I would ask this no matter who the character in question was, but would you seriously not buy the game? I don't understand that kind of dedication for hatred over a character, but I've seen it brought up by others too before.

Have you always been a Smash fan? Ive been playing since 64 and I can imagine not joining in just because of....idk let's say Steve from Minecraft got in. I think I've mentioned in the past but Dark Pit was the closest I got to hating a character addition but I definitely got over it enough to still enjoy the game.

Anyway I'm just asking! Feel free to not reply if you don't want to have to defend yourself or anything. Edit: especially since someone else just asked basically the same thing lol
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Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2018
Switch FC
SW 8460 7625 6123
That doesn't make it a prediction.
And I just really despise Mimikyu. I think you could find the reason for that if you looked, say, 1500 pages back.
I'm actually super curious and super lazy.
Why the hatred? Is it just Smash related (like, is it because it's a "direct rival" of Decidueye in the roster) or there are other reasons?


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
People are emotional, angry, upset. I get that. Their situation sucks, having the character they want cast to the side multiple games in a row now. But it doesn't justify their actions of harassing the man. It won't improve their character's chances, if anything it may make things worse. Who knows, maybe it'll boil to a point where Sakurai may not even want to return next Smash because of **** like this.

I blame people, though, not the characters they support. I'm not going to let the actions of idiots ruin my perspective of characters that have nothing to do with said idiots. Nor am I going to frown upon entire communities of characters due to the actions of idiots.

Every character's community has it's assholes, but they don't represent the character, nor the rest of that character's community.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
I saw him comment on Siiroth's video on Daisy in SSBU. Just general "Daisy is the best" ****
A Daisy fan twitter which I can guarantee is ran by him just kept flinging **** at people "SEE SHE DID MAKE IT IN" "Dude I said she wouldn't make it in as a unique chara-" "SHUT UP DAISY MADE IT IN HOW DARE YOU SLANDER US"
Yeah. He's rejoiced on his twitter. Nothing else I've seen *shrugs*
I see. Well at least he isn't complaining about Daisy being an Echo, haha.

Never gonna chastise someone for being happy about a characters inclusion, so long as they aren't being a total jerk about it. If he's happy, then good for him, in the end his obsession paid off. :ultdaisy:


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
You predict you won't buy it if Mimikyu is in it. :4pacman:Seems like a pretty drastic response to a character becoming playable.
That's his lost. Sakurai wouldn't even know rather if he buy the game. Also, the game has already lived up to its title.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road

Is that stage the new Final Destination?
That seems to be the general consensus, yeah. It was in a screenshot for the Icies and the stage's background is somewhere on the site.

FD just feels like it gets more and more messed up with each entry, haha. In a good way, I mean.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Waluigi has not done anything since he made his debut since 2000. He was not considered playable calibur until the last two years (and most of that was fuelled by ironic memes). He was considered behind the likes of Paper Mario, Toad, and Geno, even after Smash 4's release. What happened that he is now on par with what Ridley and K. Rool had? This guy never expanded upon what he had when people were first discussing him in 2001, and as a result got written off during the pre-Brawl and pre-Smash 4 periods.

Now? He has a fanbase rabid enough to spam Sakurai with pure, unfiltered cringe. The pool is close to dried up when Waluigi is the next in line after the DK duo in terms of being seen as a "necessary all-star". I think Daisy getting made these clowns go berserk when they fail to realize she only made it in due to her being very easy to base off of Peach, to the point where she is negligibly different clone-type character (echo). Daisy did not steal Waluigi's spot, she got lucky due to Sakurai wanting to expand on the type of clones that Lucina and Dark Pit were.

What happened in the three years I have been absent from the speculation that Waluigi is no longer seen as a joke?

Deleted member

Totally serious question, not coming to attack you or anything, like I would ask this no matter who the character in question was, but would you seriously not buy the game? I don't understand that kind of dedication for hatred over a character, but I've seen it brought up by others too before.

Have you always been a Smash fan? Ive been playing since 64 and I can imagine not joining in just because of....idk let's say Steve from Minecraft got in. I think I've mentioned in the past but Dark Pit was the closest I got to hating a character addition but I definitely got over it enough to still enjoy the game.

Anyway I'm just asking! Feel free to not reply if you don't want to have to defend yourself or anything. Edit: especially since someone else just asked basically the same thing lol
I have been a Smash fan for almost as long as I've been a Nintendo fan, which is four years, though I liked the concept before I got the official games. I already messed around with the roster maker all the way back in 2012.
My enimosity towards Mimikyu isn't just based off personal dislike. It's very hard to explain and it doesn't feel appropriate to say it here.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Waluigi has not done anything since he made his debut since 2000. He was not considered playable calibur until the last two years (and most of that was fuelled by ironic memes). He was considered behind the likes of Paper Mario, Toad, and Geno, even after Smash 4's release. What happened that he is now on par with what Ridley and K. Rool had? This guy never expanded upon what he had when people were first discussing him in 2001, and as a result got written off during the pre-Brawl and pre-Smash 4 periods.

Now? He has a fanbase rabid enough to spam Sakurai with pure, unfiltered cringe. The pool is close to dried up when Waluigi is the next in line after the DK duo in terms of being seen as a "necessary all-star". I think Daisy getting made these clowns go berserk when they fail to realize she only made it in due to her being very easy to base off of Peach, to the point where she is negligibly different clone-type character (echo). Daisy did not steal Waluigi's spot, she got lucky due to Sakurai wanting to expand on the type of clones that Lucina and Dark Pit were.

What happened in the three years I have been absent from the speculation that Waluigi is no longer seen as a joke?
Waluigi is a much bigger "all-star" than K. Rool, let's not kid ourselves. Being a frequent face in the Mario spin off titles makes him a lot more familiar to people than a villain who was written out of his own series a decade ago.

But in general "all-star" is a meaningless buzzword, so eh.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
I think it's just ridiculous that the Waluigi fans feel that their situation of having Waluigi disconfirmed is any different to the hundreds of other characters who also get disconfirmed and shafted during each Smash Bros cycle. It comes across as an act of entitlement or, as someone put it a while back, like they're kids having a sulk because they didn't get the candy they want.

Sakurai's putting his best foot forward for Ultimate and it's a shame that the actions of a few extremists and memers can put such a sour note on the experience (And let's not even get into the conspiracies).


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
yeah unfortunately there's a lot of morons spamming sakurai with stuff like this.
its ****ing embarrasing honestly.
Seriously? Do they think sending threats to Masahiro Sakurai is going to help their cause because it is only hurting them even further.

In addition, who's ridiculous idea was it to make that 9/11 joke, because I don't find it funny at all.

Whoever these guys are, they really need to get a life.
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Waluigi is a much bigger "all-star" than K. Rool, let's not kid ourselves. Being a frequent face in the Mario spin off titles makes him a lot more familiar to people than a villain who was written out of his own series a decade ago.

But in general "all-star" is a meaningless buzzword, so eh.
How dare you.

All-Star is a precious element of today's culture. The Beethoven's 5th of our generation. To undermine it is to say that all we have accomplished as a species was all for naught.

Clearly, you don't shine, let alone glow.

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Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
So, off topic questions. Have we seen all the alts for Link yet? I know we have his default Champion outfit and the Hero of the Wild outfit, what what of the other six? There just going to be three recolors of one, and three more for the other, or are we going to see other outfits from Breath of the Wild? I'd love to see these:



Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Don't know if this has been posted here yet (holy **** there's a lot of people here what are we all doin' havin a party? Am I invited)? But uh

I stole this from a Discord.
Go at it
Although I have seen this on Twitter yesterday, I did not do much, so here I go.

1. :ultlink:
2. :ultgreninja:
3. :ultlucario:
4. :ulttoonlink:
5. :ultmarth:
6. :ultmewtwo:
7. :ultpit:
8. :ultsonic:
9. :ultwolf:
10. :ultroy:

I have a lot more favorites, but these are among my most favorite picks.

So, off topic questions. Have we seen all the alts for Link yet? I know we have his default Champion outfit and the Hero of the Wild outfit, what what of the other six? There just going to be three recolors of one, and three more for the other, or are we going to see other outfits from Breath of the Wild? I'd love to see these:

i agree very much, as the Hylian Hood looks way to cool on Link to ignore. I hope maybe characters later on get more alternate costumes to pick from to make this possible.
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Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
How dare you.

All-Star is a precious element of today's culture. The Beethoven's 5th of our generation. To undermine it is to say that all we have accomplished as a species was all for naught.

Clearly, you don't shine, let alone glow.

In a sense, could you not say that All-Star is the All-Star term for an All-Star?


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Waluigi has not done anything since he made his debut since 2000. He was not considered playable calibur until the last two years (and most of that was fuelled by ironic memes). He was considered behind the likes of Paper Mario, Toad, and Geno, even after Smash 4's release. What happened that he is now on par with what Ridley and K. Rool had? This guy never expanded upon what he had when people were first discussing him in 2001, and as a result got written off during the pre-Brawl and pre-Smash 4 periods.

Now? He has a fanbase rabid enough to spam Sakurai with pure, unfiltered cringe. The pool is close to dried up when Waluigi is the next in line after the DK duo in terms of being seen as a "necessary all-star". I think Daisy getting made these clowns go berserk when they fail to realize she only made it in due to her being very easy to base off of Peach, to the point where she is negligibly different clone-type character (echo). Daisy did not steal Waluigi's spot, she got lucky due to Sakurai wanting to expand on the type of clones that Lucina and Dark Pit were.

What happened in the three years I have been absent from the speculation that Waluigi is no longer seen as a joke?
People kind of like the character already and were bummed out to see him as AT again (I mean, Waluigi has an always growing popularity thanks to how silly and funny he's, and how more people are embracing his insanity); but Daisy was the thing that triggered this Waluigi mad fanboys.... Yeah, I think you're right.
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