So basically this game is gonna have every character and every stage that's been in the series so far, there's only 20-something stages left after all. I'm getting the feeling this is the last smash game tbh, I mean how do you possibly top a game like that, that's also literally called "ultimate" lmao
I doubt very much there will be a "last Smash game" in the foreseeable future. That's akin to suggesting there'll be a "last Mario Kart". Questioning whether or not a new Smash will come out in the Brawl days seemed warranted, but it's clear Nintendo has a grasp on what will sell their consoles.
That this Smash in particular is a celebration of Smash in general might bode ill for some - they've gotta include every one of the
things if this is the end, right? - I simply take it to mean they're not messing around with the Switch and they're doing everything they can to make it their best-selling console ever.
Sakurai's role in the future of the game seems tenuous, but given 8-10 years (easily leaning toward 8, minimum, after Ultimate - and I recall reading Nintendo wants the Switch to last
at least until the end of the "Next gen" of consoles, so roughly this amount of time) there will be plenty of new IPs and tech advancements that we'll be yearning for a new Smash. It's not hard to conceive of routes they could take to make the next installment seem fresh and essential. The idea of the roster being themed around certain concepts has gained a lot of traction - heroes vs. villains, total inclusion from all previous games, etc - I suspect a themed roster will be something we could look forward to. Taking underrepresented franchises (1-2 reps) and simply adding 1 more from each of them would make for a popular and sensible new roster for the next game, just as one example.
There's also no limit on new tech options that will emerge or existing ones that can be tweaked. The pseudo-wavelanding I've been seeing in some videos and some of the flashy stylistic changes are great.