Updated Imgur rumor compilation from GameFAQS user GoldEmperorKing.
Changes (copy pasted from GameFAQS):
>some color squares so it doesn't look to messy
>Masked Man info revised, included the fact he voluntarily cut off all his accounts (which i find pointless) and his extent of his credibility (being just a intern).
>the Castlevania new game/collection rumor by Vergeben's "mighty reputable" source, along with Konami E3 listing and a interview pertaining to Castlevania's return
>added the show planner rumor, he got in contact with Vergeben about it
>IndustryInsider1 backing the Snake rumor (there's probably connections with him and DasVergeben's reputable source too, who knows)
>added the project plan setbacks on Celica and Rex sections since people were talking about that alot
> not adding the 5ch piggyback rumor right now, rather wait until after E3 or more stuff starts starts dropping, because its too messy