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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
Haha I have sooo many ghosts of you on mkwii from when I used to play it,

Almost got the sandy snes track time better than yours but it was too much lol




Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2009
South West London
xD Yeah i was the king of that track (snes mario circuit 3) i defended my WR from April 2008 when it came out to about July 2009 when i stopped playing lol

I sold it becuase its too simplified compared to MKDS.

I wanna get it again though and take back my WRs


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
bill: yeah EM needs to step up their Melee game like hell. Our top players atm are myself, Yeniths, Zunari, Brado and Trio3 Pedo3 Andy! (who doesn't even play the game lololol). Almas in is London now and Bloodbowler moved to Teeside. So yeah we need to travel more and train harder as we all got ***** by Tamoo & Fuzzy.


Smash Cadet
Oct 14, 2009
Lol i have never been to an offline tourney yet and im already in EM's best Melee players LMFAO.

Edit: Hey Willz i see u main falcon like me, we should play dittos sometime.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
Lol Frostbyte and Auro play MKDS?

Want me to teach you some stuff? :p
Me and Ixis used to be hella good at MKDS, we stopped playing when MKWii came out and started playing that because the gameplay is so radically different... playing one made me worse at the other lol. Same with MKDD but I was never really good at that one.

I haven't played any MK in a while, I could probably get used to DS again pretty quickly but it got really boring playing it because everyone online quit and no one could challenge me.
I played MKWii for a while but I just got frustrated with that game cos items play too much of a role in matches and its much harder to dodge blue shells. I find time trials kinda boring.

That vid you posted was pretty impressive, the best I ever got on that course was 1:31:something.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2009
Im gonna bring this issue up OFFICIALLY now.

We NEED a bigger ****ing pot for god sake, fuzzy we're not fking tramps for god sake just raise the god **** entry fee, it isnt like we even have **** national tourneys so why the hell cant we atleast have a big pot? Bi-weeklys have bigger pots than this, and this is a ****ing monthly. this has even drove one of uks best and most respected players to pretty much quit brawl (mako). you need to just take the initiative and step it up as a host, cuz em tourneys with 3 tv's have a bigger pot than london sometimes. this is why we fail compared to everyone else because we dont make it competetive enough. pot should atleast be like 100 pounds each time, not something stupid like 30 for a god **** monthly.


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
If any tourney/smashfest/monthly/ranbat W/E attendance is like 30+, I believe the pot should be at least £5 at the minimum for each games tournament. UK needs to step it up for both games and host more tourneys as well.

No one should be complaining about pots for EM tourneys because our attendance isn't even near the level as these, but hell, our entry fee is higher than Londons and we have like a quarter of the entrants to London ones XD.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Reimu is Awesome
Im gonna bring this issue up OFFICIALLY now.

We NEED a bigger ****ing pot for god sake, fuzzy we're not fking tramps for god sake just raise the god **** entry fee, it isnt like we even have **** national tourneys so why the hell cant we atleast have a big pot? Bi-weeklys have bigger pots than this, and this is a ****ing monthly. this has even drove one of uks best and most respected players to pretty much quit brawl (mako). you need to just take the initiative and step it up as a host, cuz em tourneys with 3 tv's have a bigger pot than london sometimes. this is why we fail compared to everyone else because we dont make it competetive enough. pot should atleast be like 100 pounds each time, not something stupid like 30 for a god **** monthly.
Your saying money makes **** competitive?
Your saying money makes people quit games?

Look, what makes you guys fools, is that you guys dont see the real reason these tourneys and monthlies where set up.

It was set up SO PEOPLE CAN HAVE FUN AND HAVE LOTS OF COMPETITION. NOT so people could lose money. Why do you think people attend these monthlies? Its because people just want to FUCKING PLAY SMASH and HAVE FUN.

If any tourney/smashfest/monthly/ranbat W/E attendance is like 30+, I believe the pot should be at least £5 at the minimum for each games tournament. UK needs to step it up for both games and host more tourneys as well.

No one should be complaining about pots for EM tourneys because our attendance isn't even near the level as these, but hell, our entry fee is higher than Londons and we have like a quarter of the entrants to London ones XD.
Again someone fails to realise you go to these monthlies just to play rather than to try and earn yourself a living

oh and guess what



Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
i do agree that entry fee shud be like 5 pounds tbh , its like 3 more each from every1 to make the competition go alot more higher you think about it say 50 enter brawl that is 250 shared between top 3 ( which will encourage people to actually train and get better which is better for the community as a whole) and also the winner wil be able to represent there reigion at another fest or something with the winnings instead of begging ur parents for some pennys to travel , this is just my opinion do what u want ur hosting the thing but i think i made a good point


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
Hmm, well this one it would be ok if it was a BIT higher, but personally what it is now is ideal. If I want to go to this again I will have to go by train, and thats already £20ish and to spend more on a tourney I know I am not gunna win...well I wouldn't really like to pay that extra price.

Edit: Also I think Frozenwave made a very good point.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Reimu is Awesome
also the winner wil be able to represent there reigion at another fest or something with the winnings instead of begging ur parents for some pennys to travel , this is just my opinion do what u want ur hosting the thing but i think i made a good point
Yes and then everyone who loses has to beg for MORE money from their parents cause the cost is higher.

Also if you increase the price of the tournament, participants drop, remember that.

Its kinda ironic how only the BEST players are asking for increase in pot, fucking greedy little *******s think about someone else for a change. This whole topic is fucking trash


Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2009
Yes and then everyone who loses has to beg for MORE money from their parents cause the cost is higher.

Also if you increase the price of the tournament, participants drop, remember that.

Its kinda ironic how only the BEST players are asking for increase in pot, fucking greedy little *******s think about someone else for a change. This whole topic is fucking trash
why thank you.

lol the uk is obviously full of bums that think £2 is expensive. and nessy, this is a london tourney so the argument of commuting isnt really relevant.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2008
London, UK
Im gonna bring this issue up OFFICIALLY now.

We NEED a bigger ****ing pot for god sake, fuzzy we're not fking tramps for god sake just raise the god **** entry fee, it isnt like we even have **** national tourneys so why the hell cant we atleast have a big pot? Bi-weeklys have bigger pots than this, and this is a ****ing monthly. this has even drove one of uks best and most respected players to pretty much quit brawl (mako). you need to just take the initiative and step it up as a host, cuz em tourneys with 3 tv's have a bigger pot than london sometimes. this is why we fail compared to everyone else because we dont make it competetive enough. pot should atleast be like 100 pounds each time, not something stupid like 30 for a god **** monthly.
lol brawl player.

i do agree that entry fee shud be like 5 pounds tbh , its like 3 more each from every1 to make the competition go alot more higher you think about it say 50 enter brawl that is 250 shared between top 3 ( which will encourage people to actually train and get better which is better for the community as a whole) and also the winner wil be able to represent there reigion at another fest or something with the winnings instead of begging ur parents for some pennys to travel , this is just my opinion do what u want ur hosting the thing but i think i made a good point
well ofc you would be pro increase you gonna win a **** load no matter what :p

Yes and then everyone who loses has to beg for MORE money from their parents cause the cost is higher.

Also if you increase the price of the tournament, participants drop, remember that.

Its kinda ironic how only the BEST players are asking for increase in pot, fucking greedy little *******s think about someone else for a change. This whole topic is fucking trash
i approve this post.

Alpha Dash

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2009
London / Croydon
Your saying money makes **** competitive?
Your saying money makes people quit games?

Look, what makes you guys fools, is that you guys dont see the real reason these tourneys and monthlies where set up.

It was set up SO PEOPLE CAN HAVE FUN AND HAVE LOTS OF COMPETITION. NOT so people could lose money. Why do you think people attend these monthlies? Its because people just want to FUCKING PLAY SMASH and HAVE FUN.

Again someone fails to realise you go to these monthlies just to play rather than to try and earn yourself a living

oh and guess what


I agree with this. There will be no need to increase entry fee, think about it, each monthly you have new faces, meaning more people are attending. My advice is spread the hype a little more and if your so eager to win money, have a money match for crying out loud, problem solved. I don't think the majority of people will be happy with a £10 entry fee, therefore I'm predicting in future less people will come. ALSO there are people who play brawl that enter melee for fun, And those who actually play both competitively , their gonna have to spend £15 if they want to do this... SLACK! Don't take the fun out of this game guys.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2008
London, UK
why thank you.

lol the uk is obviously full of bums that think £2 is expensive. and nessy, this is a london tourney so the argument of commuting isnt really relevant.
nessy lives outside of london and this is basically one of the only other opportunities he has to play better players to improve, keep that in mind as it may be the case for other out of londoners....

i live in london however i know that im easily gonna end up spending at least £10 for the entire day now paying an extra £3 to enter a tournament which i know right now there isnt gonna be much range within chance of winners isnt very appealing. For less well off players who love the game this is also less appealing which = less turnout, this also goes with players just beginning to play.

Increasing the money takes the aim off the point of this whole tournament which is fun right?? competitive fun?? surely most people are just motivated to become the best??

besides due to the small range of likely winners or top 3 placments, until the scene develops to a higher average level then i dont think it is ready for a increase in pot size.

Alpha Dash

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2009
London / Croydon
nessy lives outside of london and this is basically one of the only other opportunities he has to play better players to improve, keep that in mind as it may be the case for other out of londoners....

i live in london however i know that im easily gonna end up spending at least £10 for the entire day now paying an extra £3 to enter a tournament which i know right now there isnt gonna be much range within chance of winners isnt very appealing. For less well off players who love the game this is also less appealing which = less turnout, this also goes with players just beginning to play.

Increasing the money takes the aim off the point of this whole tournament which is fun right?? competitive fun?? surely most people are just motivated to become the best??

besides due to the small range of likely winners or top 3 placments, until the scene develops to a higher average level then i dont think it is ready for a increase in pot size.
Its true... Come on now I'd understand if different people ranked top 3 each time (unlikely) but its always the same people in the finals.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2008
London, UK
exactly....as soon as i hit top 3 ofc i will be all for an increase in entry fee :p



Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Reimu is Awesome
lol...uk's has way too many casual***s that suck
But wait a minute, you play Brawl? Also get the meaning of casualfag correct, people who dont want to spend 10 pounds to have fun are not casual ***s, their people who have their mind on their money, like you who only wants to earn mass money, and I bet thats the sole reason you want the pot raised, because you want the chance of winning more money. Think about the people who DONT WIN. Your probably thinking, hey if they pay more money they will work harder. This is FALSE. If they have to pay more money, they just WONT


Smash Journeyman
Apr 26, 2009
UK, London
paying more to play brawl dont seem worthfit for me, raise entry fee then i doubt ill come to theses anymore


Smash Cadet
Oct 14, 2009
Its obvious the top players are gonna complain about entry fee, although we cant complain without reason, if u ****ing londeners would come to East Midlands or Manchester i think the NW and EM crew wouldnt feel left out on losing some money for a brawl tournament, as they know ur jsut as didicated as we/they are.

Ohh and another thing, we desrve to win the money, sicne we have trained longer and harder than others its only fair we get what we deserve, ppl cant just turn up and complain about the entry fee being too high, jsut tell them if u played the game more often u wouldnt have to worry cuz u will be winnign it back.

Sorry cong i know ur a good player but if u like the game as much as we do then train harder and become a better player, thast all im gonna say. So the ppl who put more time and effort into it are gonna win isnt it obvious, we dont jsut wanna play it and accomplish nothing, i know its jsut a game and is for fun but cmon, a little competition aint never hurt any1, and im not saying this cuz my chances or placing 1-3 are rly high.


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
You say about just train and get better, well thats why I come to these. It's the only way I can get better. I don't see why people can't just play the game for fun (That does not mean casual) You don't need to play for lots of money to be competitive. And like someone said a while back, play MM's if you think your that good and want more money. Don't be greedy and want other people to pay more just because you may have a higher chance of winning it that alot of others.

I want to become really good, and I train hard. But even if I did win tourneys, I wouldn't do it because I want more money. When I go to the tourney I forget that there even is a cash prize. I can truly say I go to tourneys to have fun, get better and meet some really cool people.


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
The guys saying the money shouldn't be raised don't/hardly ever travel LOL. In East Midlands & Manchester it costs £3 normally (£4 sometimes) and I recall NO ONE complaining + the fact that these have a small amount of people as well and they don't complain that we should lower the pot due to attendees aswell.

I play for fun like mostly everyone but I'm sure getting some money for the travel costs would be nice for the people that actually travel long distances (such as Andy and Calz) would be nice. I'm also pretty **** sure these guys travel for the love of the game & the competitive side not just for the money.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Reimu is Awesome
Ohh and another thing, we desrve to win the money, sicne we have trained longer and harder than others its only fair we get what we deserve, ppl cant just turn up and complain about the entry fee being too high, jsut tell them if u played the game more often u wouldnt have to worry cuz u will be winnign it back.
But wait a minute

  1. Since when did playing games all come down to the prize? So you came to these tournaments just to take money off people?
  2. No one is complaining about entry fee too high at the moment. Its you guys who are complaining that the entry fee is too low
  3. If you increase price, instead of people trying harder, people will just middle finger the game. Did that thought ever cross your mind? EVER?
Like i said it all comes down to people forgetting why these monthlies where created, why is Charles still doing them.

The guys saying the money shouldn't be raised don't/hardly ever travel LOL. In East Midlands & Manchester it costs £3 normally (£4 sometimes) and I recall NO ONE complaining + the fact that these have a small amount of people as well and they don't complain that we should lower the pot due to attendees aswell.
Whats your point


Smash Journeyman
Apr 26, 2009
UK, London
i know its just a game and is for fun but cmon, a little competition aint never hurt any1, and im not saying this cuz my chances or placing 1-3 are rly high.
i reckon there'd be less competition, just the stakes would be higher.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
blaz3 y do u always feel the need 2 cause trouble on the boards? if u played a real game (melee) then mayb i wld hve abit more respect 4 u but i really dnt coz ur all tlk n when u play u dnt even play well so calm dwn stop causin trouble n just let things b

btw y the **** do ppl wanna raise the pot? its gd how it is plus we only wanna play 4 fun n yes it does make ppl play better if they feel they cld win sumthing but its not like the top 3 players r changing anytime soon although sayin that i feel as if we r about 2 c sum ppl break through into the bracket a certain jiggz player i knw is doin stupidly well now a days =] T


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Whats your point
consdering uv just gone on in many posts about the love of the game , if u loved it why dont u get a 6 hour coach to east midlands or somewhere for a fest? money too much? **** aint we just going bak to wot u was saying money doesnt even come into it u play for fun , then get of ur fat *** and travel for fun , and who the hell would complain about 2 pound being too much are you seriouse? i think u.k would be getting of lucky with 5 pound entry fees considering american fests have 10 dollar entry fees with sometimes turnouts as low as 30 in canada especially , but yes if people thought if i win this il get some money to travel to a event outside of london and improve my game more+ get well known it would help the communitys level of gameplay improve if every body actually trained really hard as they know its worth winning

Edit: personally i love to travel and meet my freinds at london but i think the entry fee at 5 pounds would make it more rewarding for the winner even 2nd and 3rd place would get a nice reward and if 1st and 2nd actually split it would add up to alot and be worth splitting ah well its up to fuzzy and other people in the community i cant say im that botherd it be nice if it was 5 pounds tho, the only people who travel outside of london on a regular basis is ixis , auroreon and mybe fuzzy , tamoo has started traveling outside of london quite regulary these are people who spend money for "Fun" as you say , u cannot talk about spending money for fun if u aint been outside of london


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Reimu is Awesome
consdering uv just gone on in many posts about the love of the game , if u loved it why dont u get a 6 hour coach to east midlands or somewhere for a fest? money too much? **** aint we just going bak to wot u was saying money doesnt even come into it u play for fun , then get of ur fat *** and travel for fun , and who the hell would complain about 2 pound being too much are you seriouse? i think u.k would be getting of lucky with 5 pound entry fees considering american fests have 10 dollar entry fees with sometimes turnouts as low as 30 in canada especially , but yes if people thought if i win this il get some money to travel to a event outside of london and improve my game more+ get well known it would help the communitys level of gameplay improve if every body actually trained really hard as they know its worth winning
But wait a minute

  1. Why are you assuming I like smash? For a game I do love, im paying 40 pounds just to have a 2 day session at the game. No money reward out of this
  2. And whos complaining saying 2 pound is too much? Its you guys saying the entry fee is too low
  3. u.k would be getting of lucky with 5 pound entry fees considering american fests have 10 dollar entry fees with sometimes turnouts as low as 30 in canada especially << WELL THEN WE ARE SUPER LUCKY
Edit: personally i love to travel and meet my freinds at london but i think the entry fee at 5 pounds would make it more rewarding for the winner even 2nd and 3rd place would get a nice reward and if 1st and 2nd actually split it would add up to alot and be worth splitting ah well its up to fuzzy and other people in the community i cant say im that botherd it be nice if it was 5 pounds tho, the only people who travel outside of london on a regular basis is ixis , auroreon and mybe fuzzy , tamoo has started traveling outside of london quite regulary these are people who spend money for "Fun" as you say , u cannot talk about spending money for fun if u aint been outside of london

You want bigger rewards at the cost of the people who dont win cool
u cannot talk about spending money for fun if u aint been outside of london << But I dont like smash, I dont travel for Smash


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
if u ****ing londeners would come to East Midlands or Manchester i think the NW and EM crew wouldnt feel left out on losing some money for a brawl tournament, as they know ur jsut as didicated as we/they are.
Good point, Londoners suck at traveling. Step it up.

Ohh and another thing, we desrve to win the money, sicne we have trained longer and harder than others its only fair we get what we deserve, ppl cant just turn up and complain about the entry fee being too high, jsut tell them if u played the game more often u wouldnt have to worry cuz u will be winnign it back.
I don't think its all that likely that me or Ixis will come 1st very often (or is it...), I don't mean to sound arogant but I don't think that is down to a lack of skill.
Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that a £40 pot for 1st is pretty pethetic, but I really don't think its fair that I would be too poor to main the character I want to.
I personally would still attend the monthlies if the pot was higher, but I know others would not. You all seem to claim that raising the pot will increase the competetion... but the way I see it that simply isn't the case. I think its far more likely that people will just stop going.

we dont jsut wanna play it and accomplish nothing, i know its jsut a game and is for fun but cmon, a little competition aint never hurt any1, and im not saying this cuz my chances or placing 1-3 are rly high.
If you really loved the game and the competetive scene then the oppertunity to improve and train with other skilled players and have fun playing a game that you love with others who share the same enjoyment should be reward enough.
Also, your motivation should be for improving and becoming the best you can be rather than earning some cash.

The guys saying the money shouldn't be raised don't/hardly ever travel LOL...
...would be nice for the people that actually travel long distances (such as Andy and Calz). I'm also pretty **** sure these guys travel for the love of the game & the competitive side not just for the money.
You have kinda answered your own point there...
Anyway, I travel a lot for this game and as yet have barely won any money in doing so, certainly not enough to cover travel costs.
You are looking at it the wrong way...
You shouldn't think of it in a gambling way 'you are paying for the chance of winning more money back'.
You should think of it as 'you are paying money for the oppertunity to have fun playing the game with other skilled players and improve in doing so'.

So in other words... WHAT FROZENWAVE SAID (even though he hates on Brawl too much). =(


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
Aaah not this old debate again,
you already know my stance on this calz and you other lot so I wont stress my point too much, but as everybody has iterated before, raising the entrance fee =/= larger pot, as many ppl will not bother. I was planning on entering brawl for example, assuming a £2 entry fee, raise it and Im out, and so will many others.
And why is it only brawlers campainging for higher fees? You dont hear melee players crying over the pot, the only reason I can think of is because melee players enjoy playing their game more than brawlers, so dont have to up the stakes to make things interesting.

Also, expect more vids up later today, I got internet gayed last night so couldnt do anymore, so im just gonna upload them at work

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Your saying money makes **** competitive?
Your saying money makes people quit games?

Look, what makes you guys fools, is that you guys dont see the real reason these tourneys and monthlies where set up.

It was set up SO PEOPLE CAN HAVE FUN AND HAVE LOTS OF COMPETITION. NOT so people could lose money. Why do you think people attend these monthlies? Its because people just want to FUCKING PLAY SMASH and HAVE FUN.
agreed and well said

haha this is getting ridiculous. I'm gonna make things simple- if the fees are increased then I won't come. Travelling to Londons expensive as it is
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