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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
It is more often then we play you lot but not some big difference but doesn't make that much of a difference as they are more of a threat due to them being better ANYWAY lol.
I dont understand this =/

Hopefully you come to the next ranbat, not this one cos i'm guessing its too soon and you wont be able to make it lol.
Aye, 26th is bad timing for me so ill come to the next one =), ill see if i can get one or 2 more people to come to make travel more interesing, but if not ill take the 5 hours by myself <_>.

I travel thus i am. I promise you ill be the best and catch them all...





Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
What kinda **** list is that lol.

Your top 5 look weak and you seem to be ridiculously overestimating your region, i'm not even gonna make this post long cos everytime I post on an estimate of a result or something I end up right anyway.
London top 5 vs England top 5 in reality London would win.
AmcD....who is that.
Aiko....I 4stocked him last tournament
Z loool I ***** him in our set.
Jam it was **** in our set.
Coey another 4 stock in tournament
Swizzy beat him last tournament

Do you have anyone on your list who can beat me, and dont say you cos you cant lol.

Your post is just full of the banter and not realistic, it's pretty obvious you're gonna lose to Charles if he stays Falcon.
Your list of players looks weak and not impressive in comparison to ours.
Get some better players.

P.S. You have resorted to adding Ben onto your list lol
:laugh: lol I knew you'd have a poke

Mr Pro always overestimates London lol

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I dont understand this =/
lol Sorry about that.
I basically meant I don't play them lot that often.
Basically how like I don't play you lot that often even though I play them slightly more then you lot.
And then I basically said it doesn't make much of a difference because I see them as more of a threat because they are geniuely better then you lot lol.

hey is VA going to charles tomorrow?
I have no idea, he hasn't said anything on the boards about it and neither has Charles.
Either way I won't be able to go anyway, would you be able to go?

:laugh: lol I knew you'd have a poke

Mr Pro always overestimates London lol
lol And I knew you would make a comment on the debate and say something negative about my point of view or instantly side with whoever I was in the debate with.

Dunno how I overestimate London since we are the best and our top 5 would take out the top 5 outside of London, if anything you over estimate yourself and where is the proof that I have overestimated London, give an example of me estimating something and it being wrong in the past...

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
lol Sorry about that.
I basically meant I don't play them lot that often.
Basically how like I don't play you lot that often even though I play them slightly more then you lot.
And then I basically said it doesn't make much of a difference because I see them as more of a threat because they are geniuely better then you lot lol.

I have no idea, he hasn't said anything on the boards about it and neither has Charles.
Either way I won't be able to go anyway, would you be able to go?

lol And I knew you would make a comment on the debate and say something negative about my point of view or instantly side with whoever I was in the debate with.

Dunno how I overestimate London, if anything you over estimate yourself and where is the proof that I have overestimated London, give an example of me estimating something and it being wrong...
my proof is you think London players > all others and thats overestimating :)

I'm not argueing against you out of spite lol it's because I do actually agree with Joe

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
my proof is you think London players > all others and thats overestimating :)

I'm not argueing against you out of spite lol it's because I do actually agree with Joe
lol You not instantly being ready to argue against anything I say isn't true and I think me, you and the community know this.
It's been like this for awhile so no reason to deny lol, I have adjusted to it.

Technically you have not proven it to be an overestimation, I said Last Dragon was gonna **** at SHS he *****, I said Gantz was gonna beat you, he beat you.

So far my estimates seem to be pretty correct, and plus from what I have seen from the community we would win, this isn't a random estimation, it is what I have seen from the community.

Sorry if this doesn't not please you that 5 people from one area would take out the rest of the UK lol.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I'm going to charles's tomorrow with swizzy. I dunno what time as I think I'll be hungover. Not sure when...Charles give me your address or something.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
lol I honestly am not argueing against you for the sake of it, up to you if you believe me or not. I ought to tell you as well that at SHS I ***** Last Dragon ;)

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
lol I honestly am not argueing against you for the sake of it, up to you if you believe me or not. I ought to tell you as well that at SHS I ***** Last Dragon ;)
I don't remember you ****** Last Dragon, actually you didn't even play him in tournament and that means you are talking about friendlies which means nothing as Gantz beat you at the ranbat and Last Draogn is better then him lol, friendlies aren't part of my predictions lol.

And Ben it's extremely obvious that you are more prone to jump at anything I say in comparison to anyonelse. Dunno why you are denying it when it's been like this for long, unless you are too blind to see which then makes you a ridicoulous person lol.

Anyway everytime I make a prediction vs you I am literally 100% right lol.
I predict your last placement in the last event and the only thing that can make my prediction wrong is depending on the turnout.

Anyway as I said before I do not overestimate London and I do not overestimate myself as I am part of London.
All my prediction are on point.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I john way too much about nerves. But honestly it's something I just can't seem to get over. My nerves were the best they've ever been at GGT2 and I was still hella tight (tight as in not relaxed). One day I'll work it out.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I john way too much about nerves. But honestly it's something I just can't seem to get over. My nerves were the best they've ever been at GGT2 and I was still hella tight (tight as in not relaxed). One day I'll work it out.
Yeah you have johned at EVERY event you have been to when you give a review of your performance lol.
Chrisboi is going to be round there aswell so you are gonna have some nice fun with him lol, try not to get too nervous in your sets with him as it's east to against him but i'm looking forward to seeing them on youtube lol :).


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
I really wanna side with Coey but i really think your comment was a touche rofl.
award to the biggest brown nose in smash joe.

you know aaron when we first met you before smashgt, i remember joe saying to vex and spookz that youd never be any good. i also vaguely remember posting on the some of your very first vids uploaded of your peach against charles and saying the exact opposite.

other players that i have played that are under rated would include

amcd (well known but i said it from the very first time we met well before AR2)
almas (i actually think he might be better than amcd which joe can confirm me saying)
looman (dunno if anyone really played him in birmingham but he jv 4 stocked me on brinstar)
swizzy (though its well known now i've thought so since i played him at AR2)
koop88 (in one weekend he went from never playing melee with AT's and being 4 stocked, to taking a game of aiko in a ranbat)
box (he only plays at fests and each time he jumps up a notch)

honestly watch this list, and if you happen to be on it, then keep playing and attending things ffs!

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
award to the biggest brown nose in smash joe.

you know aaron when we first met you before smashgt, i remember joe saying to vex and spookz that youd never be any good. i also vaguely remember posting on the some of your very first vids uploaded of your peach against charles and saying the exact opposite.

other players that i have played that are under rated would include

amcd (well known but i said it from the very first time we met well before AR2)
almas (i actually think he might be better than amcd which joe can confirm me saying)
looman (dunno if anyone really played him in birmingham but he jv 4 stocked me on brinstar)
swizzy (though its well known now i've thought so since i played him at AR2)
koop88 (in one weekend he went from never playing melee with AT's and being 4 stocked, to taking a game of aiko in a ranbat)
box (he only plays at fests and each time he jumps up a notch)

honestly watch this list, and if you happen to be on it, then keep playing and attending things ffs!
J03 is silly if he said that about me lol, I always knew I would be one of the best in the UK from my first event.
J03 is obviously a bad judge of potential if he said that lol.

And I do play and attend things lol, i've attended everything major lately.

AmcD needs to attend something so I can **** him cos everyone is talking about him like he is something special lol.

What was the point of you making that list though, was it a reply to someones comment?


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
i dont need to judge other people i only need to be right about me being amazing right?

Aaron- you can call me Joe or Jo3 if Joe makes you uncomfortable, i realise its not a big difference from J03 but the little 'o' in the middle makes all the difference, much more aesthetically pleasing imo.
i dont really remember saying anything about you it but it doesnt matter at all so whatever, but just to be on the safe side, Aaron your ****e... if im going to be accused of insulting you might as well remember it. I do remember telling you to main fox and you being like 'naw my fox is ****e' haha.

ROFL i also remember the first time we played we played a match and someone asked if wed been playing long and you replied 'the set is 1-0 to me' and me thinking 'were playing a set o_0???'. Then i won the next game and left it at 1-1 to make a point that we were playing friendlies xD.

Coey: Sorry i didnt side with you babe but saying 'your wrong because you 4 stocked someone' doesnt make sense to me xD.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
i didnt say that tho, i said 4 stocking someone in a tournament wasnt a justification of being amazingly better than them. how was that so hard to see? i quoted his post in my post so obviously i was responding to the part that mentioned me. if you didnt read my post and only read pro's before making that comment then your even more of a fool.

the list was just so you can look back in the future and know that i saw it coming! trying to get some conversation going as well.

also i said ppl on the list should attend, as you werent on the list i dont see how you could interperate that as me saying you dont attend :s

is everyone in super stupid mode tonight?


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
No dude, you just seem to be in jerk mode for some reason =/

i mean i get it but it was a joke obv, pros reply was a joke obv, my reply was a joke obv

everything has been a joke obv, i just dont like having to state 'hey what im about to say is not serious, please dont take offense' kinda ruins the point of comedy.

deep breaths coeypops then come back with a zing rofl



Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
you were just upset about the brown nose bit werent you, which was a...a......a joke!!!! omg a joke 4 reals??

i only said the thing about stupid mode as everypost between that and my previous post had in obviously not read my previous post very well. i'm sure you understood my point after i re made it and put it into lamens ;)

most of what i said wasnt meant to be that serious, apart from the fact that charles is still obviously better than prof. i will also put any response that aaron might make to this simply down to this. :p

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
nah only chrisboi and edwin came lol, im gonna confirm what date this is tommorow
Thought they wouldn't come lol. Since there wasn't any notice about it really and they didn't seem to have your number.

Anyway that's pretty gay cos I wanted to see Chrisboi play him and esp Edwin cos I think that MIGHT of been **** but oh well lol.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London

What people are coming to this, I haven't been around that much to hype up this ***** but I still need to know who is coming to this so I can get into my **** mode and with this event AGAIN to prove I am the best in the UK.
Cos we all fuking know I am number one.

I want to MM everyone who comes and anyone who dares to come from outside of London in melee I WILL DESTROY THEM and I me the top people lol, (the lower people you are ok and I will help you out lol but) anyone who featured on J03 list of their top 8/10 outside of the UK I WIL DESTROY YOU! SEND YOU BACK TO YOUR AREA! AND MAKE YO THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!!!

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Your lucky, cos you were one of the people on the list you know.

Who is coming to this though since there hasnt been that much talk about it, but Charles told me that he has not even booked the venue yet and he cant get it booked 2day cos he is going to Manchester or something like that so his brother Gary is going to do it for him.

I can't wait to see th matches of J03 vs Charles cos I know it will be **** for someone....pretty obvious who lol.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
26th? I may actually come to this...I'll see what's going on at uni, if nout spesh I'll stay in Reading and go to this on the saturday. Craig & Jam...interested?

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
That's good to hear anyway.

Hopefully you do come to this cos a few of the top London people should be there so will be interesting to see how you do against us.

What characters you playing atm anyway?


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Luigi Sheik and Fox.

If I manage to get to this I'll probably use Luigi xD

My fox tech skill is over 9000 these days. I love him a lot but I think my tournament nerves hold me back to getting the right kind of consistency I see you do. You don't go for that flashy **** that I'm always trying in tournament. it works. Luigi is a calm and easy character for me to use so I'd like to see how I do with him.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Luigi Sheik and Fox.

If I manage to get to this I'll probably use Luigi xD

My fox tech skill is over 9000 these days. I love him a lot but I think my tournament nerves hold me back to getting the right kind of consistency I see you do. You don't go for that flashy **** that I'm always trying in tournament. it works. Luigi is a calm and easy character for me to use so I'd like to see how I do with him.
lol What happened to peach did you quit her or something?

And I didn't know you play sheik.

Anyway I think we all know it's pretty obvious you need to work on your tournament nerves, I dunno how you can do this except forcing yourself to play against people under pressure more frequnetly.

I think I have partially got past tournament nerves (I can never completely) but I think it's just expereince and sometimes it can come down to how serious one takes the game or how someone feels like what it would be like to lose against a certain player.

Like when I play Chrisboi I am WAYYY more nervous then Charles just bcos I know what people will say if I lose lol.
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