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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
not smoked cigs in a long time mate, as for weed i currently do it max once a week but on average once every 2 weeks so i consider it a victory haha.

I've not had the net for the last 2 months so im truly indulging atm haha tbh i hadnt realised ant had stopped posting completely. Ant is really good, his dentistry is very hard work and keeps him ultra busy but we see each other when we can and hes as cool as ever. Not sure if you know Ying Ying but shes also doing well and the 2 of them are happier then ever. I saw Alan for the first time in about 6-12 months last week and he seems to be raking the money in and doing very well for himself, he keeps up with smash and we played some when he was over and although close he still beats me like he always did lol. Will has been working for over 6 months now and has found himself a (clearly) better half :p He's still on the green pretty much daily but no were near as much per day as it used to be so who knows maybe one day we'll get the cheerful will back lol. Ste has just had his second baby, he was born on March 12th (my birthday) and has named him Joseph so im super chuffed as it was the best birthday present ever haha Its kinda cool too as me and my dad share the same birthday and name too. also if im not godfather ill murder him! Hes currently down in Coventry with Steph taking it in turns so that they each get at least some sleep.

If anyone is interested in a catchup fest at mine (ive moved into a smaller place) then id be happy to run one with around 4-5 guests, kinda hoping to get some bites on that as itd be cool to catch up and see if i still got what it takes smash wise.

Joe x

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
not smoked cigs in a long time mate, as for weed i currently do it max once a week but on average once every 2 weeks so i consider it a victory haha.

I've not had the net for the last 2 months so im truly indulging atm haha tbh i hadnt realised ant had stopped posting completely. Ant is really good, his dentistry is very hard work and keeps him ultra busy but we see each other when we can and hes as cool as ever. Not sure if you know Ying Ying but shes also doing well and the 2 of them are happier then ever. I saw Alan for the first time in about 6-12 months last week and he seems to be raking the money in and doing very well for himself, he keeps up with smash and we played some when he was over and although close he still beats me like he always did lol. Will has been working for over 6 months now and has found himself a (clearly) better half :p He's still on the green pretty much daily but no were near as much per day as it used to be so who knows maybe one day we'll get the cheerful will back lol. Ste has just had his second baby, he was born on March 12th (my birthday) and has named him Joseph so im super chuffed as it was the best birthday present ever haha Its kinda cool too as me and my dad share the same birthday and name too. also if im not godfather ill murder him! Hes currently down in Coventry with Steph taking it in turns so that they each get at least some sleep.

If anyone is interested in a catchup fest at mine (ive moved into a smaller place) then id be happy to run one with around 4-5 guests, kinda hoping to get some bites on that as itd be cool to catch up and see if i still got what it takes smash wise.

Joe x
thats really good news. I still talk to Ant and have been up to see him so I know how he's been doing. Alan I haven't seen in ages :( but good to know he's been doing well.

the NW is back?!?!?! :0


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
thats really good news. I still talk to Ant and have been up to see him so I know how he's been doing. Alan I haven't seen in ages :( but good to know he's been doing well.

the NW is back?!?!?! :0
yeah, not really aqquinted with this guy, but well done on cutting down/quitting

and seeing as the NW is back, get your ***** to the east!
/shameless advertisement


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
not smoked cigs in a long time mate, as for weed i currently do it max once a week but on average once every 2 weeks so i consider it a victory haha.

I've not had the net for the last 2 months so im truly indulging atm haha tbh i hadnt realised ant had stopped posting completely. Ant is really good, his dentistry is very hard work and keeps him ultra busy but we see each other when we can and hes as cool as ever. Not sure if you know Ying Ying but shes also doing well and the 2 of them are happier then ever. I saw Alan for the first time in about 6-12 months last week and he seems to be raking the money in and doing very well for himself, he keeps up with smash and we played some when he was over and although close he still beats me like he always did lol. Will has been working for over 6 months now and has found himself a (clearly) better half :p He's still on the green pretty much daily but no were near as much per day as it used to be so who knows maybe one day we'll get the cheerful will back lol. Ste has just had his second baby, he was born on March 12th (my birthday) and has named him Joseph so im super chuffed as it was the best birthday present ever haha Its kinda cool too as me and my dad share the same birthday and name too. also if im not godfather ill murder him! Hes currently down in Coventry with Steph taking it in turns so that they each get at least some sleep.

If anyone is interested in a catchup fest at mine (ive moved into a smaller place) then id be happy to run one with around 4-5 guests, kinda hoping to get some bites on that as itd be cool to catch up and see if i still got what it takes smash wise.

Joe x
Wow that's awesome =D it sounds like all you guys are doing really well. Congrats on laying off the cigs too, some of my friends had to quit a while back too so I know it can be difficult.

When abouts would you be hosting? I'd like to come up sometime.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
So do all your universities have like giant monthlong breaks? I'm going to the University of Kent at Canterbury, and this is part of the email my advisor person sent me:

"you get a "reading week", which is a week off from classes, and spring semester classes end in March, anyway... then you have a month-long spring break and a whole other month to "study" and take your exams."


East Midlands!
Feb 26, 2008
Uni in the UK is a easy for like 3 months then hard as hell for 1 month :), thats the general pattern lol


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
come down to me get nice **** and quit again

chrisboi finish

at the guy talking about english uni:

it very much appears to be easy, but what you will develop in your lovely "1 month spring break" is a crushing guilt. you need to be working a lot of the time to make the most of your course and it's all on you to be doing it. you have hardly any contact time and thus most of the initiative for learning comes from yourself. so yes, you have the choice to do nothing for 3 months and then have a month of hell, or work hard consistently and not have it so hellish towards the end. I know which I prefer. Saying that, I've never done the consistent work thing and constantly live my life in fear of deadlines. Right now I'm posting pointless things on here to avoid the MOUNTAINS of work I have accumulated over the past few months.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
at the guy talking about english uni:

it very much appears to be easy, but what you will develop in your lovely "1 month spring break" is a crushing guilt. you need to be working a lot of the time to make the most of your course and it's all on you to be doing it. you have hardly any contact time and thus most of the initiative for learning comes from yourself. so yes, you have the choice to do nothing for 3 months and then have a month of hell, or work hard consistently and not have it so hellish towards the end. I know which I prefer. Saying that, I've never done the consistent work thing and constantly live my life in fear of deadlines. Right now I'm posting pointless things on here to avoid the MOUNTAINS of work I have accumulated over the past few months.
This seems really bad. Could you give a little more detail about what a liberal arts class might be like? I guess I don't understand the schedule. In the US we just have class every day and like 1 week of break with no work over it. I guess it is hard for me to imagine...

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Bad on you J03, I hate you and gonna **** you severely....don't bring back NW, you're gonna just revive them into the rath of Professor Pro....a fate and burn not worth the effort :mad:



I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
I think the 3rd weekend of april is the only one I'm free in April so that seems to work out well

but I'm gonna check first so I'm 100% sure lol

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Well im coming, so you need to get some other people to come since im not sure how long the melee confirmed list if for Blastzone, but instinct tells me it's not THATTTT long.....regardless I still expect my £50 for first place :)


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
i wouldnt ever run something on a tourney day unless it was explicitly for people who couldnt make the tourney lol. I was going to run it on the 23-24th April plus itd only be for a few peeps

also what is the norm for UK tourneys now in terms of housing costs? do people still just crash over at mates or is there ho(s)tels involved?


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
the confirm list isnt very long, no-one bleeding tells me if theyre coming or not XD

also, youve got to get that first place prof, otherwise that money isnt yours


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
got offer from UEL which was my 2nd choice, woooo :)

smash my foundation year, then go study abroad for years 2 n 3! *** yea


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
This filter is pretty cool

I main gay Sheik and wavedash lots on Final Destination.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Lool I was looking for that after jam told me, funny as **** haha
Wow, some of our smash community have low standards of entertainment and humour...I am dissapointed and proud I know OoC!!!

everything looks nice to me apart from the childish buttons lol
I agree, it's nice and I like the new feature which advertises LiveStreams since they were useless unless someone posted a thread which everyone wouldn't see anyway....but the buttons and the brightness and the stupid brawl pictures at the top everytime I log on are annoying.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
oh good good, livestream advertisement!
other than that i dont really like it, age regression up in this board XD

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
LOL I'm not suprized, he got too internet power obsessed and did things for stupid reasons and was a terrible mod, if he was more causal and laid back and didn't try to be a **** about some of his decisions just because the position he was in on a flipping forum website then he wouldn't recieve so much negativity.
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