Professor Pro
Smash Legend
Peef, lol yeah that definitely isn't what usually happens, it was just some little smashfests at someones house and that's actually the only time he's ever beat me in a set out of like 5/6 times we've played...Last Monthly (1 week ago) I 3-0'd him with like 2/3 stock each match which gives a realistically result.Holy *** this thread ***** my namesearch.
I have no idea how good smakis is and I hate ever claiming I'm better than anyone.
However, linking to my match vs CunningKitsune isn't exactly fair as he beat Kels, Tink and several other top players that tournament. He is like a living legend (wrote the ORIGINAL Fox guide) and simply was too smart for me.
I am working directly to improve and I promise to entertain and compete as best I can. I think I am constantly underrated by some and overrated by others. I am just a solid player that is working hard, nothing more nothing less as far as performance. The difference is my playstyle. We will see what I can do once I am here next spring. I have only been playing ICs for just under a year so I have alot to learn.
Hopefully I don't disappoint, and I hope to live up to expectations.
Just watched this match Smakis v. Professor Pro and...Smakis won, that might not be common but his play seemed pretty solid. Grabs were pretty good and stuff. He doesn't play at all like I do but I thought he wasn't bad at all. The big issue is that I am used to NTSC foxes which are MUCH better against ICs because of Usmash. PAL fox will make me much happier =]
But yeah either way we all are looking forward to seeing you, but mostly just because it's a fresh face and you're from America which doesn't happen that often so don't feel any pressure or anything lol.
And yeah I know about Cunning and how old he is and how he was like one of the original technical foxes and him writing that guide since I think I read it at some point when I was started off with foxes a few years ago.
Even though NTSC Fox U-Smash is a lot better, the same things happen to IC's in the NTSC MU and PAL's just you can kill earlier in NTSC...
Either way hurry up and come down lol, when are you coming down again?