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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
hm, guess playing more would polish my style but only against better people's spacies/shiek. I still think im personally learning the spacies matchup cause I haven't got it down 100% yet

In some matchups such as falcon, jigglypuff and peach I'm less spammy cause I have a good general idea what to do

when I play peach I feel there are definite edgeguards for most situations o_O marth is harder to edgeguard tho, really gotta know how to use the turnips


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
lol, ok then main peach. seriously, people shouting stuff at me is just stupid, I know my character and hearing it puts me off 90% of the time.


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
I'm just wondering cause prof was saying you kept screwing up when playing against me (take the edge, use d air and so on)

also you gonna do another brighton day? =) maybe we should try get away with the "permit for travel" trick

I dont know much about flights to the US but on travelocity it seems to be around £750 to go Cali which is mad expensive, will it ever go cheaper/is there better sites?


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
it will only get higher fuzz lol is the gen2 venue confirmed or did u mean p5 ?

also looool at fuzzy what happened to ' i dont need to pratice'

also i just realised what fuzzy did at the monthly very sly hmmmmmm lol
just before WS he told me your playing VA i was like ok
a few mins later he plays VA in WS i guess he thought it was a free win but he lost anyway looooooool

also JJ you did a ok job at the videos could it have been better lol yes
but dont mind what prof said .

if i was him i wouldnt even want the matches up loool
prof got slapped in GFs


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2009
also i just realised what fuzzy did at the monthly very sly hmmmmmm lol
just before WS he told me your playing VA i was like ok
a few mins later he plays VA in WS i guess he thought it was a free win but he lost anyway looooooool
LOL is this true?

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
why lol?

FYI community: shouting "get on the edge" is distracting and generally unhelpful if you are trying to support me. The reason being it's not actually good to do this in a lot of situations. Fuzz recovers in a way that makes it look like he can't get to the stage but he actually can, getting edgehogs on falcon with peach is really hard. You cannot float and wait him out to see either otherwise the up B hits you. So please, everyone, stop doing this.
Man up, me saying something shouldn't fully effect the outcome of you doing it, and I was saying it in positions where I thought he was going to tech your edgeguared when you could have got on the ledge even though Dair is still the best option IMO cos whatever time I said it looked like he was going on the edge.

also JJ you did a ok job at the videos could it have been better lol yes
but dont mind what prof said .

if i was him i wouldnt even want the matches up loool
prof got slapped in GFs
lol Fuck you about 'dont mind what prof said'.....im not just saying it for no reason, have you watched the matches yet, it's pretty obvious that they are an effort and kind of annoying to watch due to the quality and the laggyness, im not a humble borderline coward like you which means if I feel something has gone wrong I will say it and not always congratulate people just for the sake of it. :)

And i'm not a coward so I don't run away from my defeats like you getting ***** by Swizzy or that time I 4 stocked you at Fuzzy's and it got recorded and then it magically got deleted off the computer :)

LOL is this true?
Edwin is hardcore bull****ing lol.

I was 1st Top Seed this tournament and Retroking was 4th Top Seed which means regardless I would have played him and VA would have played Fuzzy....so he didn't switch it around.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Please, no more advice on peach edgegaurds until you main her yourself (when you realise how **** she is).
Why do you main her then if you think she is **** lol......

Play someonelse, also I beat you pretty comfortably this tournament so I want to see you at GT5 tryna do something about that comfort lol :)


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I wasn't talking about you prof. EVERYONE has shouted GRAB THE EDGE at me before. I didn't even hear you say it.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Oh fair enough lol, I thought you were talking about me since I remember saying it like once or twice during the set on the commentary.

Unreal is randomly in my area and like 7 minutes away so i'm going to play him to give him somce of the ****, and also you better come GT5 VA as I want to beat you again and want you to try and stop me even though it will equal to nothing :)

But most of all you gotta take out Fuzzy again lol.


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
I think he should focus on beating you more right now tbh

niceeeeeee loser bracket

considering VA will have to play you in Semi next time since you're now 2nd seed

I get Swizzy/J3ly/Edwin


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street

i think fuzz should go jiggz again

ok im sorry for the false conclusions prof / charles

also when is gt5 i swear its not even confirmed lol

also prof i never run away from defeats i lose i lose xD

but would you honestly want i video of you up playing bad and everyone thinking your bad ?

just magically delete them or dont get them recorded on the sly lol

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
It wasn't made to keep both communities happy (if thats the word what you were meant to use) it was made to transform Brawl into a game with melee physics and re-create a fast paced game like it should have been....but it's not made to join the two communities, it's made for the melee players.

It isn't that much of a big issue though to complain when one person is doing commentary lol, it's just commentary, there doesn't have to be a outline for how it should be done since it's just a bit of fun, but of course you could just mute it since it's an issue for you until another commentator walks in which transforms the situation from boring into amazing instantly =O

I don't know, I haven't played Alpha Dash as much as I do dance from Sunday-Tuesday and other stuff on the other days but im gonna ask him, I have to find out what day Alpha Dash has off and also how long are you looking to stay since I know you're coming from outside of London?

I don't think it could be a long day sleepover smashfest thingy, like max stay around like 1 day making it (potentially when I get it confirmed) a 2 day event.
So long as I can stay one night then that'd be really good. So long as I get to play for a good amount. If you could ask Alphadash if I could come to the next one then that'd be great. I'm really eager to play all of ya


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
GT5 will probably be April
can i please ask from the kindest part of my heart to NOT host in april?
i have just gotten myself a confirmed venue and the guy wants me to host during the easter holidays. it already has tv's and accomodation on saturday will be at teh venue. it has bean bags and sofa's too which people can sleep on
once again, please <3 ^.^


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2010
I will make a tournament in April and debut my new main.
I hear Link is good.

Between the 2nd and 24th of April falls between a gap in my course, so if GT5 is in that gap I will definitely be there. (Or some other reasonably sized event)


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
G-P: In which case, as Charles said, you need to advertise it asap, if you have everything organised etc. I'm more than up for people outside of London to start hosting nationals so lock in that tournament asap :)

And yeah it needs to be enticing for us meleers too, especially the TV count.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
well if you dont get the details up this month its gonna flop, nationals need 2 months notice

how many t.vs?
im getting details up right now <3
the thread takes an age to make lol
ive got a totla of 8 tv's at the venue alone, tw of which are giant and one will be hooked up the livestream (will have both brawl and melee on it, dont fret XD) and plus i will be able to bring an extra two or three, 10 tv's each is pretty good no?
and another bonus, 16 of the 18 tv's at the venue are all the same, meaning consistency is held

@tamoo: oh yeah, youre th guy who sets up commentary normalyl right?
you can set that up on the other big tv if you wish, but the real big games will be on the livestream tv XD
youll have about 11 TV total, maybe 12 or 13 considering there are more melee players than brawl players in general


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
Sounds like a good number of TVs

And yeah I can bring proper recording and everything to this if I can make it.
well we wont need it, as livestream is up, but yknow if you wanted specific;s recorded. then feel free, theres tow big tv's one in a big cosy room and one in the hallway, youll probably get the one in the hallway for your recording, but, GF's will be on the livestream tv ^.^
also, firefox just crashes, so i lost everything TT_TT
ill post it tomorrow


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2008
London, UK
cant you record and live stream as well just incase its an epic set which will wanna be re-watched??

plus if i bring my recording equipment (which I've sorted out now) we can record even more sets :)


Smash Rookie
Feb 9, 2011
London, UK
Awesome. I've been past this place so many times - can't believe I had no idea this was happening in my area -_- better late than never I guess.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I think he should focus on beating you more right now tbh

niceeeeeee loser bracket

considering VA will have to play you in Semi next time since you're now 2nd seed

I get Swizzy/J3ly/Edwin
LOL He isn't going to beat me though, so he should focus on doing it with you since he did it at this event and I will be beating him comfortably from now on as I did this event and last event.

I will make a tournament in April and debut my new main.
Marth = Real hardcore one-sided ****
Fox = Nice Prof combo video ****

Either way if a new main is played against me I will win nicely, look forward to it :)

So long as I can stay one night then that'd be really good. So long as I get to play for a good amount. If you could ask Alphadash if I could come to the next one then that'd be great. I'm really eager to play all of ya
lol Yeah i'll definitely ask him and of course if yuou come down we will record sets, i've been kind of busy but can you give me an idea of how much notification you will need

im getting details up right now <3
the thread takes an age to make lol
ive got a totla of 8 tv's at the venue alone, tw of which are giant and one will be hooked up the livestream (will have both brawl and melee on it, dont fret XD) and plus i will be able to bring an extra two or three, 10 tv's each is pretty good no?
and another bonus, 16 of the 18 tv's at the venue are all the same, meaning consistency is held

@tamoo: oh yeah, youre th guy who sets up commentary normalyl right?
you can set that up on the other big tv if you wish, but the real big games will be on the livestream tv XD
youll have about 11 TV total, maybe 12 or 13 considering there are more melee players than brawl players in general
You should have multiple games on the Live stream, no-one wants to be on a Livestream to only watch like 4 sets or something....you need a lot to keep people interested lol.

And that venue sounds pretty legit....and so if im correct, does this mean that there will be 28 TV's at this Venue lol????

Awesome. I've been past this place so many times - can't believe I had no idea this was happening in my area -_- better late than never I guess.

Do you play Melee or Brawl, because you have one of the best melee players in the UK living near that venue.


Smash Rookie
Feb 9, 2011
London, UK
Do you play Melee or Brawl, because you have one of the best melee players in the UK living near that venue.
I play both, although I'm fairly out of practice on Melee. Last time I played I found it a lot less forgiving than I remembered with grabbing onto the edges.

I'm curious - who do you speak of?


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I hear Link is good.

Between the 2nd and 24th of April falls between a gap in my course, so if GT5 is in that gap I will definitely be there. (Or some other reasonably sized event)
ew absolutely never. I can't play that character for toffee.
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