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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
You should have multiple games on the Live stream, no-one wants to be on a Livestream to only watch like 4 sets or something....you need a lot to keep people interested lol.

And that venue sounds pretty legit....and so if im correct, does this mean that there will be 28 TV's at this Venue lol????
if melee wants to set up their own livestream then they are more than welcome to (ill give you ever key to the wireless conenction if thats the case) that makes things easier for us, so we can have one game on each livestream.
and as the venue itself, theres 20 tv's. but ill bring 2 or 3 more, and theres more melee players than brawler players, so im imagining a setup of 12/13 melee and 10/11 brawl
and charles, youre welcome to come check out the venu if you must, but its a fair trek just to look at a venue XD


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
a-hopefully-sucessful chain of tournaments! This being the first time hosting a tournament, it is highly likely that i will forget to add stuff to this description and/or need to confirm other things. all you need to know

thats all trash, its like mentioning brawl in a melee article. no need atall!!!

hyped for BZ1


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
Redcastle Community Centre
St Martins Way
IP24 3PU

i lol'd

so did my crew

deflated for BZ1


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
I dont wanna host on saturday but I'll travel since I got a zone 1-4 travelcard..or even sunday if anyone wants

j3ly? alpha dash? edwin? lol

blastzone looks good to me btw =) we need more tournaments and willing to travel


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
Redcastle Community Centre
St Martins Way
IP24 3PU

i lol'd

so did my crew

deflated for BZ1
oh sorry for not being in london XD
you wont come anyway, weed is 100% banned lol

also, travel options to norfolk are cheap when done in advance, all ya need is a bit of organisation!

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
lol Yeah i'll definitely ask him and of course if yuou come down we will record sets, i've been kind of busy but can you give me an idea of how much notification you will need
don't worry too much about trying to plan ahead for me. I don't mind paying if its easier and gets me playing smash sooner. Just try to give me at least a day or twos notice. I don't want any of this 'anyone want to play smash today' business


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
Gp - you cant talk to people like that when you dont know em ATALL. you're takin profs word for it - whether or not it is true is up to you to find out for urself. dont talk to me like that please. its bad enough prof told EVERYBODY i smoke weed - something i keep a major, major, major secret. he can go to hell. and if you talk to me as if you know me so can you. seriously prof ur so ****ing out of order. soooo out of order. die

i dont even get high for events, i dont smoke at other peoples houses - dujuan, alex, fuzzyness 3 houses out of 4 ive been to to play smash and i didn't smoke true say every monthly but that cos its just there and i'll smoke it

i guarentee someone will get high at ur tournament. it wont be my crew, but soooomebodies gnna be gettin high up in that biatch. somebody may be on coke, somebody is addicted to meds and will take them. the only thing you could do is keep a watch on my crew in particular - thanks to prof - , but thats all you can do

anyways this is way to far to warrant me and my crew making it. deathgazer might do it on his own, but i doubt it big time.

fuzz - does that mean i get to play swizzy in tournament next monthly!!? :D

*pulls glove tight*


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
jely because fuzz won the monthly he is now 1st seed

meaning he plays a player outside of the top 3

which is either me jely or swizzy depending on who gets to WS

so its like 1 vs 4 and 2 vs 3 assuming VA and prof get to WS lol


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
j3ly- chill dude, i was joknig about, i thought that was all melee palyers did, christ XD
idc what you do in your person but at the tournament people gotta stay away from that addiction. my mum is practically a sniffer dog so she'll be able to tell if someones high
also, thetford isnt far from london at all. particularly not north london. i'm gonig to add travel details to the thread anyway, you can get some pretty cheap deals to thetford (although most cases you have to search for norwich XD)


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
k, like i said, dont have any grudges irl. but i dont want to have to remove anyone from the venue, bad feeling would get caused and such

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
KillerJawz is nowhere near cool enough to be Simba in that analogy :S
I agree.....I shouldn't have done that.

I play both, although I'm fairly out of practice on Melee. Last time I played I found it a lot less forgiving than I remembered with grabbing onto the edges.

I'm curious - who do you speak of?
Fuzzyness, you should of seen him post a few times so just Personal Message him on here for his details.

What if, prof, it's a character of mine you've never even seen before :o
.....Then that's even more ****, as the characters I mentioned are prob your best and anythingelse I haven't seen is just gonna be ****.

You might try and go back to samus which will be funny, but we'll see, either way switch = auto win for me

Gp - you cant talk to people like that when you dont know em ATALL. you're takin profs word for it - whether or not it is true is up to you to find out for urself. dont talk to me like that please. its bad enough prof told EVERYBODY i smoke weed - something i keep a major, major, major secret. he can go to hell. and if you talk to me as if you know me so can you. seriously prof ur so ****ing out of order. soooo out of order. die

i dont even get high for events, i dont smoke at other peoples houses - dujuan, alex, fuzzyness 3 houses out of 4 ive been to to play smash and i didn't smoke true say every monthly but that cos its just there and i'll smoke it

i guarentee someone will get high at ur tournament. it wont be my crew, but soooomebodies gnna be gettin high up in that biatch. somebody may be on coke, somebody is addicted to meds and will take them. the only thing you could do is keep a watch on my crew in particular - thanks to prof - , but thats all you can do

anyways this is way to far to warrant me and my crew making it. deathgazer might do it on his own, but i doubt it big time.

fuzz - does that mean i get to play swizzy in tournament next monthly!!? :D

*pulls glove tight*
LOOOOL Why are you wishing me to die, im suprized you brought up the subject of death since I thought you would be sensitive to it due it being at your door.....you're gonna upset your parents anyway but them out living you :)

And I don't really go around telling people that you smoke weed, I don't really care about you to speak about it in my own time, i've only said it on the boards and people have just picked up on it from seeing you and your crew always smoking at events, don't get upset for digging your own grave figuratively and in a sense literally.

You were at Dujuan's house and after I ***** you, you got stressed and said'Fuck sake, i'm going out outside for a smoke' so yes you have smoked at Dujuan's house before.....I don't know if you've smoked at the others places but you did at Dujuan's.....and you definitely do it Tesco Crew events

Anyway I advise you not to wish me to die when you'll be dead at the halfway mark of my life span :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2009
South West London
Prof when Adam said he's going for a smoke at Dujuans, he meant a cigarette not weed. If he said "**** sake im rolling a zoot" then it would have been weed.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Hugo - LOL You know earlier I was gonna use that exact same analogy for the GT4 post you said for me....and also in reference for what's gonna happen.

I'm gonna use the EXACT Fuzzy john for me losing this monthly 'It's not important because it's not a National, beat me at the National where it's important'

Unreal - I've never really specified though about him always smoking weed or cigarettes, I just say that he's always smoking and at times I might have said weed or whatever but the main point I always held onto was laughing at him always smoking and being fully dependant on it, not if it was weed or cigarettes, the community adopted the idea of him always smoking weed....


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2009
South West London
Yeah, but the majority of the time we go for a smoke its for a cigarette, we don't have THAT much weed that we can keep smoking it lol....

We only smoke about 1 or 2 zoots at tournaments.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
LOL What i'm saying is I don't really care what J3ly is smoking, I just say he smokes and that's what I mostly laugh at him for and his life expectancy....

So I don't really care about the cigarette to weed ratio, I just find it funny that he's always smoking and when he gets stressed out that's seemingly his first resort to comfort which is inhaling something which you are consciously aware is damaging.....the community mostly adopted the idea of him smoking specifically weed all the time, maybe from the combination of other people like Willz and Jolteon insulting him I dunno, all I know is I insult him for his life expectancy and smoking all the time, not for specifically smoking weed.


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
There's also the fact that you can smell the week from faaar, kinda clings to you guys when you come into the venue.

Trust me J3ly, Prof is not the main reason people know you do weed, first it was the avatar, then it was you actually saying you did weed on the forums waay back lol, then it was the smell.
If people couldn't get it from those three little subtle hints, I don't think Prof coulda done much damage :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2009
South West London
Prof - Yeah i know your saying it without care of what it is (weed or a cigarette) and that you just laugh at him for smoking in general.

Man you guys make it seem like a outrageous thing to do....

Obviously we know were damaging ourselves as we smoke, thats becuase we made a stupid choice to start smoking in the first place, if i could go back i wouldn't have started but i still think i could stop if i really wanted to. It's kind of like a phase to me, i don't think i'll be a life long-smoker.

Plus were not the only people in the community that smoke, smashysmashy, Jo3, Bishkin and VA plus more all smoke cigarettes and weed. Why don't you laugh at them too? lool

Anyway Tamoo £1 MM next monthly?
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