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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2008
London, UK
i've got sum bad news people i tried 4 at least 12 hours today trying 2 get the commentary bac but it was a no go =[ really sorry people

in others news 2 lighen the mood PMS bashes over the 4 stock due 2 it awesomeness he has put it on his phone and disappears 4 many hours before reappearing with a smile on his face anyway almost done editing the vids will keep u posted trying 2 find sum high energy music which fits the matches any suggestion PM coz i dnt wnt this thread being spammed 2 death
anything from anime or linkin park go with all fighting games if no commentary is available :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Just got back to York, if I remember I'll do shoutouts tomorrow.
Btw prof I lost to Kass and 4stock.
I'm surprised I decided to use mewtwo in one of my bracket games lol. Based on my performance at the time I deserved the position I got though, regardless of if I could have done better.

Thanks for having my over TC!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2006
I took a number of photos during the day and I'm sure most of you here would like to see how 'photogenic' they are haha, here's the download link to the photos. Enjoy

Please take note that they are compressed in a .rar archive you'll need a tool like WinRAR to extract them!

On a side note....
i've got sum bad news people i tried 4 at least 12 hours today trying 2 get the commentary bac but it was a no go =[ really sorry people

in others news 2 lighen the mood PMS bashes over the 4 stock due 2 it awesomeness he has put it on his phone and disappears 4 many hours before reappearing with a smile on his face anyway almost done editing the vids will keep u posted trying 2 find sum high energy music which fits the matches any suggestion PM coz i dnt wnt this thread being spammed 2 death
I truly do feel for your laptop because:
1. It's running Vista which is a resource muncher (uses a lot of CPU + RAM) and you were capturing video which requires much of which Vista has already taken.

2. The generated heat in the venue will ultimately suffocate the laptop.

Next time will result in fluent recordings with working commentary over played game audio, I'll have it organised for everyone at the next tournament.

Also I'd just like to say that Charles/Fuzzy is and should always be a respected player + member of the smash scene and from what I see he always keeps his cool about winning or loosing a game, casually or competitively.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
just got bak from london like 30mins ago 1:30pm -11:10pm traveling was lame il do some shoutouts when im less tired :chuckle:


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
lol Gary we know that it's just trash talk.

It's not just charles it happens to.


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
Shoutouts: :)

Prof: Lol yeah, shame bout that money match, and im surprised i almost took 3 stocks off you on yoshi's, maybe my jiggs has improved more than i thought. And yes, I DO REST NOW lol, taking time out to play other characters has made my jiggs much more reckless. Also, you say it was obvious me and blinky would go through but I had tonnes of trouble from a link player in the pool (sorry cant remember ur name >.<) and I was losing all the way until he slipped up last stock. But yeah, coming top in pools is fun :), got a taste of a pro's life for a second there haha.

Bullet Bill: Yeah, I think im gonna give marth up now lol, talking to you the other night about refining my character choices then getting ***** by ur doc as marth has made me see that im trying too much atm. Jiggs, peach and zelda all the way now! (Man im such a woman user XD)

Blinky: So good to finally play you after so long of talk. You have improved tonnes since GGT2, and gave me a real run for my money in our money match. Pools match was jokes, I thought i would lose as soon as i say yoshi's come up, not good for zelda whatsoever but it was alright in the end i guess

Last Dragon: Argh, so close to beating u :( I thought i wouldve gotten totally ***** after i saw u **** my crewmate cheez last tournament but they were surprisingly close. My usmash edgeguard on ur last stock in the first match was lol, cost me the match when every other move pretty much wouldve been a better choice >.<. Well done anyway, and v. well played on 5th. Also, u may not know the jiggs matchup but you were playing it like it should be played so just keep up the practice.

JJFox: Haha yeah really sorry man, i def didnt deserve to win that match but **** happens i guess. Youve got a really good jiggs tho, and i actually learnt a couple of things from playing it. i vividly remember being caught out by your nair to fsmash a couple of times so im gonna try and incorporate that.

JJLinyard: Yeah, shame we didnt get any proper matches, and yes, my marth plays GAY if its possible to do so, and marth dittos are right up there. To be fair, you tried it a couple of times urself but only hit with it once cos I was DIing right. You have GOT to react on instinct to the throws man, its one of your biggest weaknesses I think, against my jiggs and my marth.

Slick: Its good to see you again man, jokes to be in the same pool again, sadly, i genuinely cant remember anything about our match, my memory is pretty **** lol.

That link player: Really sorry but cant remember ur name, I was actually confident going into this tournament and playing gainst you kinda brought me back down to ground. Very good link, and if you keep on playing with the ppl ur currently playing with, ull improve loads.

King: Lol, the only matches we played were jokes matches, my kirby was triumphant! Shame bout pools really, so many ppl got knocked out pools for sum reason.

Deathgazer: .... seriously wtf! I saw you totally beast Last Dragon so there is no reason for you to not be getting through pools. Take in as much advice as possible and apply them, because unlike a lot of us mortals, you have the abilty to apply them lol. See you next month I guess

L-J: That was one of the most jokes money matches ever, the counter pick stages were hilarious. First corneria, man u brought it back on that match but my zelda pulls kills from anywhere lol. Green greens? I got the impression that stage hindered you more than helped cos u SDd like 3 times lol. Still won cos of that god **** ceiling. And yeah, im not gonna get beaten on Japes, Prof knows how much our crew likes that stage lool.

Xatm: Didnt play you once, at either game, oh well, and **** ur good at advanced wars lool, I might do better if it was 1 or 2, who knows lol, I dont really like these new ones tbh.

Danesh: Shame u didnt enter the tournament, I have a feeling you wouldve done well, Ive seen you at the top of ur game and your as good as gants I feel, although i only played gants once so its hard to tell. And trust me, my falcon isnt that good lol, I just got lucky that match haha

Siri: Oh man, that is a sick peach, i thought u wouldve done better than you did but never mind i guess

Calzorz: Haha, you mustve been like wtf when I went random, still, I got a stock off you, Ill take that as my victory pls

And I now announce a full retirement from my short stint at brawl, brawl was how I discovered melee and its community, so ill be grateful to it for that, but i got so bored I had to go random, and didnt even play all of my pools matches. At least I was second in london for a period of time, man you guys mustve sucked back then lol, I even beat kira :laugh:
Oh yeah, and I finally got to see edwin today lol, good times

Dave's Gays: All of you suck, no way a small time dinner should out prioritise a smash event, especially our last smash event before Japan, how will we do well gainst ppl like Tani with that attitude.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2006
lol Gary we know that it's just trash talk.

It's not just charles it happens to.
Just the brotherly defence system kicking in here :)

Hope everyone enjoys the photos, maybe we'll see some photoshops on the forum...oops what have I done...and said!?!?!? :laugh::laugh::laugh:


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Just the brotherly defence system kicking in here :)

Hope everyone enjoys the photos, maybe we'll see some photoshops on the forum...oops what have I done...and said!?!?!? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
lol yeah I know, but as long as you understand then that's fine ;) I think edwin probably gets it the worst anyway.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Good Games every1, Glad we finally made it, shame my kid Yeniths couldnt come though, nvm i still had my good old friends PTR and Calzorz, will most likely come next time if Calz is willing to travel for 5 hours again lolol, mabye do some shoutouts tommorow. BTW edwin we never got our MM and Mako i didnt get ti get my revenge on you, next time these matches will be booked in advance lol, these need to happen.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
UK, London
@ Professor Pro. Correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think you got to play Warning, was a shame because i know he wanted to have a few friendlies. I'll be bringing him with me next time anyway, so you'll be seeing more of him. Same goes for Bullet Bill and anyone else who was curious.

I'd do shoutouts, but not right now. Good games to everyone i played and everyone who showed up in general. Hopefully PTR, JMiller, BKING and all other AiB members come to these more often because online if fail.


Smash Cadet
Nov 3, 2008
London, but moving to Dreamland soon
I love being mentioned in shout outs :) Really makes me feel part of the smash community. Soon when I actually get better at the game, I'll be able to banter more (BANTER BANTER BANTER) because atm, i can't really put my money where my mouth is, lol.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
loool I watched the video. It was pretty ****.
I am pretty upset about the commentary though, would have improved the quality of watching the matches by so much.
Good job though King.


Smash Rookie
Jun 29, 2009
lol looks like my brother 'warning' made more of an impact than i thought, he wants to vs you again though bullet bill. perhaps i should've joined ixis and them to see the level of competition myself. for some reason i find myself wanting to fight bullet bill, if you are as good as he says then it could be fun.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
lol looks like my brother 'warning' made more of an impact than i thought, he wants to vs you again though bullet bill. perhaps i should've joined ixis and them to see the level of competition myself. for some reason i find myself wanting to fight bullet bill, if you are as good as he says then it could be fun.

lol Were you expecting Warning to win since or place top 5 since you said he didn't leave that much of an impact lol?

Edit: Don't worry I read your post wrong lol.


Smash Rookie
Jun 29, 2009
yea I did play warning plenty of times. He's toooo gooood
lol looks like my brother 'warning' made more of an impact than i thought, he wants to vs you again though bullet bill. perhaps i should've joined ixis and them to see the level of competition myself. for some reason i find myself wanting to fight bullet bill, if you are as good as he says then it could be fun.


Smash Rookie
Jun 29, 2009
i really couldnt care less if he won or not. in the end tournaments are generally a waste of time for me. i have nothing to prove which these environments seek. he is a good player and is usally highly underestimated for using falcon.

anyway that was a reckless comment i typed. since tournies last for moment that is a silly thing to measure impact by. ultimately its the people that are impacted and according to bullet bill's comment i changed my comment


Smash Rookie
Jun 29, 2009
yeah i did edit it right but it saved a new one instead. im already well familiar with forums but since i just signed up i have a deceptive appearance for the mo

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
i really couldnt care less if he won or not. in the end tournaments are generally a waste of time for me. i have nothing to prove which these environments seek. he is a good player and is usally highly underestimated for using falcon.

anyway that was a reckless comment i typed. since tournies last for moment that is a silly thing to measure impact by. ultimately its the people that are impacted and according to bullet bill's comment i changed my comment
Not alot of people are underestimated for using falcon lol. Alot of people use fox and all the top tiers and they still get underestimated jus cos they aren't known.
Too bad you feel that way about tournaments, I find them find anyway since they only happen once in a while and I get to pla a game I enjoy and see people who I ain't seen for awhile. It's better when you have alot of friends in the community.

Maybe I will get to play 'Warning' I heard he isn't that good against foxes though from what Gants (4stock) told me though and I think he 2/3 stocked him or something.
The matchup is way in foxes favour which is why I like it lol.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Not alot of people are underestimated for using falcon lol. Alot of people use fox and all the top tiers and they still get underestimated jus cos they aren't known.
Too bad you feel that way about tournaments, I find them find anyway since they only happen once in a while and I get to pla a game I enjoy and see people who I ain't seen for awhile. It's better when you have alot of friends in the community.

Maybe I will get to play 'Warning' I heard he isn't that good against foxes though from what Gants (4stock) told me though and I think he 2/3 stocked him or something.
The matchup is way in foxes favour which is why I like it lol.
nah warning is rly good and it was great to play him. King might remember when we were playing friendlies at the capture card TV I was playing falco and he got me with some crazy **** like moonwalk to bair when I was upBing as far back as I could :laugh:

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Moonwalk > Bair isn't crazy at all loool. Basic advanced Falcon stuff.
On dreamland Side B edge cancel on platform > Knee Edge Cancel on the edge of stage to another knee is crazy stuff lol.
The stuff I can do with CF is crazy:). Better then Fuzzyness even though my CF isn't better then his lol.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
ohh yea that CF caught me off guard during the pools was not expecting it plus the whole i suck against CF probably 1 of my worst match ups need 2 play more of them really but i think i hve the match recorded bbill might upload it depends on how much editing i've still got left 2 do y did u guys hve 2 play 11 matches 4 the grand final =[ fortunately 6 out of 7 of the last set has commentary so not 2 much of a problem just sorting out the last lot now shld b up by 4 mayb 3 if i work overdrive lol

would realy like 2 play warning again =] over that day n this weekend just gone my tech skills hve just gone throught the roof =] hopefully ill organize sum smashfest during the nxt couple of weeks need 2 b careful though step mum in her last week of pregnancy so =[ cld go hospital at any day


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
Moonwalk > Bair isn't crazy at all loool. Basic advanced Falcon stuff.
On dreamland Side B edge cancel on platform > Knee Edge Cancel on the edge of stage to another knee is crazy stuff lol.
The stuff I can do with CF is crazy:). Better then Fuzzyness even though my CF isn't better then his lol.

lol edgecancelling double knees is hotness.
like you.
you're sexy


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
next one will either be..

23/24th July
Any other weekday.. before/after superlion


19th August
Next week venue is booked already, so I can;t use it
1st August (not too sure if i can)
15th August
Opinions please people


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
some free ware called WinAVI Video Capture only coz i hve a vista laptop n pc which kinda sucks the setting i use are encoder Mpeg2 n i get that 2 higher quality 640 by 480 preference by speed n audio sample rate 44100 n audio bitrate at 128000 the main reason y the quality is so good is coz the laptop has 3gb of ram n a dual core 2.6ghz processor so its fairly good n it was cheap

15th hopefully im not doing anything on that saturday
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