Lol prof i wish i was there.currently its nearly 4am and we are all trying to sleep in the airport and its ****.fuzzy actually said he thinks youre better than him at the moment.why didnt u play **** for me last time

lol he also said night time makes u amazing which i thought was funny.
Me and Charles will **** teams in all of your names!
How are you lot on smashboards and at the airport lol.
Also sorry about not playing properly when I was with you lol, I think I played better at Fuzzy's due to me being there for long and just being in the mood to, but I know I should when I play you since you rarely get to play good people and it's kind of unfair in that perspective so I def will in the future and plays it's good practice in general for both of us lol.
And funny enough when it's late is when I actually do play my best lol, it's always been like that and espesh when i'm playing with my crew which is when they start to rage most lol.....also it takes me ridiculously long in smash to warm up with fox and FULLY be able to combo and manuever good, not just in terms of tech skill, so by latish is when my **** mood is on lol.
Im def going to find out where the
B.E.A.S.T. Live Stream link is since Charles is going to do some money matches on there against Armada and Falcon Round Robin and I hope I see you on there ****** up **** lol
Edit - Also I just realized that J3ly's post was Charles on his account which was why I was confused at first....but that pot size sounds beautiful lol