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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
The one thing that really pisses me off about both running simultaniously is the trolling brawlers get from the melee players. Sure it's all very polite and such at the event but when we all get back on line theres trolling again about how brawl needs to sort itself out n such at the tourney and how brawl is messing up times for melee blah blah
bs, both communities give each other just as much **** now. Either both stop or deal with it.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2008
Prof: Cool - VA didn't pass on the info to me but it's obv just a miscommunication, no big deal. I should probably check boards more ;)

Gantz, Ed, Jo3: I think I'm gonna team with Jo3 cos I think we could actually win this... although I haven't touched a controller for three weeks - I'm gonna brush the dust off it tonight XD

I'll supply plenty of smiles as long as we dish out plenty of ****, sound fair?


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
definitely fair mate, Edwin is fine with it, tbh i dont think he wants to team with someone who he doesn't play with often.

Jo3+Swizzy vs Pro+Fuzzy Final

PS. i dont have your number anymore Mike coulds i haves it please so i can text love you lol, i changed my sim. My numbers still the same like


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
so there is a reason???

Anyway be prepared to be totally gayed in doubles guys.

Also great news, my laptop is gonna be back from repair on Friday which is like perfect timing so there is def gonna be a recording setup :D

Will be recording latter stages of bracket for singles, the three finals for doubles and any crew battles. If someone wants something other than this recorded, tell me and I will record it but request you upload it yourself because my internet isn't great and uploading is quite a hassle for me, but i'm very happy to do it for the important matches. So bring memory sticks or something if you intend to get yourself recorded please :)

CREWS MUST HAPPEN! I think there are at least three full crews out there this weekend if not more, and i wanna make sure that our crew plays every single one of them out there cos it will be a good experience and for a lot of them, their first ever crew match, and i would like to win my first ever crew match too lol.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2008
Thanks man, if there's free-play time before the doubles I wanna get some games against you for sure


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2009
Cambridge/Bristol, UK
Anyway be prepared to be totally gayed in doubles guys.
This. Also Tamao I'm gonna bring an external harddrive which you can record any sets on you don't feel you'll have the time to upload, cus I've got a LOT of free time at the moment and decent internet and the more stuff that gets recorded and put up the better - like some of our doubles matches earlier in bracket ;)


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
whoevers bringing recording equipment make sure it does commentary and everything 100% before gt please >_<

so what date guys so I can book the venue?


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
They did but it wasn't all too reliable. My recording setup is literaly press three buttons and you're off. Though it wouldn't hurt to have extra setups but I think melée setups are more of a must ATM, we got twenty tvs to play with potentially.

Can someone bring a melée disc? That way I can bring a recording setup and two gamecube setups

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
OK awesome cheers man, I'll upload important matches to the UK channel and the rest is going on LJs channel then guys.
What's LJ's channel just so I can subscribe to it now in preparation.

What people in this community have recording setups and whats the maximum we could potentially get there.

Doesn't Fuzzy has one and why doesn't he bring his as well :confused:

Whoever is playing on a TV with the recording setup do you think we should start recording their matches even if its alot earlier in the bracket. Now this will be whoever is randomly appointed to that TV so we don't get people waiting around to play on a TV which is recording just so this way we get more matches of random people who usually don't get their matches upload but would still be good to see.

whoevers bringing recording equipment make sure it does commentary and everything 100% before gt please >_<

so what date guys so I can book the venue?
Yeah.....we definitely don't want what happen last monthly with us going to start recording our set and then suddenly it not working.

And the three dates you said were

11th September
18th September
25th September

And I personally think it should be 18th September or 25th September just because it's further away from August 12th which is the last day of SNY1 soooo......I would say September 18th cos even though 25th is further then 18th and people might feel like to make it a longer date to make everyone rest I think its a good choice cos when it's kinda close but not tooo close it keeps the community sorta active for the next event.

just whoever is bringing them please set them up asap, as soon as you get there basically on the t.v in the corner and my fave t.v :D
loool That TV is alright but the only problem is the size of it sometimes can be a bit disturbing and you have to play on it a few times to adjust to it.....either way I sadly know Grand Finals will end up being played on it lol....cos it's easy for anyone to see.

But if I see another choice with a smaller and lower TV, im taking it lol.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2009
Cambridge/Bristol, UK
What's LJ's channel just so I can subscribe to it now in preparation.

Whoever is playing on a TV with the recording setup do you think we should start recording their matches even if its alot earlier in the bracket. Now this will be whoever is randomly appointed to that TV so we don't get people waiting around to play on a TV which is recording just so this way we get more matches of random people who usually don't get their matches upload but would still be good to see.
18th September plz, 25th I'm not in the country. Prof I reckon I'll end up uploading whatever vids I have on my harddrive to the SSB UK channel as well - it makes sense to keep them all in the same place.

I completely agree with having the setup on a TV recording pretty much every match played on there. It's good for the community to have matches recorded of people who aren't normally getting to the matches that are always recorded. The random appointment thing though really must be stressed. Whoever happens to be assigned to it can be recorded but NO waiting around just to get on the recording TV - this has happened a lot in the past and it screws everything up.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
18th September plz, 25th I'm not in the country. Prof I reckon I'll end up uploading whatever vids I have on my harddrive to the SSB UK channel as well - it makes sense to keep them all in the same place.

I completely agree with having the setup on a TV recording pretty much every match played on there. It's good for the community to have matches recorded of people who aren't normally getting to the matches that are always recorded. The random appointment thing though really must be stressed. Whoever happens to be assigned to it can be recorded but NO waiting around just to get on the recording TV - this has happened a lot in the past and it screws everything up.
PH2 ahem_____


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
The random appointment thing is very important, good point prof. Also making sure to type in the players of the match and also preferably using tags to make things easier on uploaders to know who's playing.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
I'll make sure people don't screw around waiting for their chance to go on the recording TV.

Also I don't think tags should be stressed, I know for sure that I won't be using a tag for tournament play.


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
We'd probably have more sympathy if you were mewtwo rather than shiek ;)

but yeah, it's helpful, if you're willing, it's 100% not mandatory at all, that would be stupid but certainly helpful if ppl don't have a preference


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Every little tool that goes toward your victory helps in a competitive environment and should be used. I guess that logic is only for people who care about winning though. :)

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
The random appointment thing is very important, good point prof. Also making sure to type in the players of the match and also preferably using tags to make things easier on uploaders to know who's playing.
YAYYYY my idea has been taking into consideration looking to be performed lol :bee:
And yeah people should definitely name the videos to make life ALOTTT easier.

I'll make sure people don't screw around waiting for their chance to go on the recording TV.

Also I don't think tags should be stressed, I know for sure that I won't be using a tag for tournament play.
How can we make it random also though that people go on that specific TV.....i'm guessing an entire pool will get recorded since it's mostly on like 2 TV's lol (could be on more now though obviously due to there being soo much TV's) and during the brackets how exactly isit going to be random?

sheiks tag is not really a big thing at all, i guess it can be at low level though >_0
It definitely matters and at high level as well....obviously it's not a MAJORRRR thing but it good save a life or two during a set.
That's important!!!

Every little tool that goes toward your victory helps in a competitive environment and should be used. I guess that logic is only for people who care about winning though. :)
loool @ the last bit...
And this!!!
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