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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I'll ask alex if he thinks we should do pools :s
What the hell....this is a tournament not a Monthly where we can cut out pools as we please
Pools needs to happen and can easily happen....

Why were you contemplating to do pools plus doubles when we had 10 TV's at a monthly and now that we have 20 TV's you're still contemplating it lol :confused:

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Well unless you are talking about the London Monthlies since this is the London Monthlies thread but since the tournament is tomorrow I kinda presumed you were taling about GT3 lol....

Sooo if you're talking about GT3 then we definitely have enough time as long as everyone brings cubes.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
20 tvs is the same as 10 tvs without people hurrying peeps along and shiz
Huh :confused: No it's not lol.

I've seen soooo much waiting around at past tournament for people to play their matches cos they don't have a TV.....imagine just EVERYONEEEE playing their match literally straight after they have won or lost.

Everything will go stupidly quick......and people who go outside and smoke please don't take toooo long and hold up the bracket or people who ***** randomly decide to walk out of the venue and come back in their own time when they are meant to be playing....please do it at a time which is sensible where you are atleast waiting for someone in the bracket or you are out or when the doubles/singles has finished.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
haha at GT2 i saw the exact opposite, free TV's left unused because people:-

A. stood around watching instead of playing their matches
B. played friendlies before their set
C. played friendlies after their set
D. didn't report their results
E. didn't respond to people telling them to play their matches
F. took ages to start their matches because they where looking for their opponent and they didn't know what they looked like, which would be sorted by numbering TV's.

in short the London tournies are amongst the worst run due to a lack of respect to abide the rules and a lack of planning from the hosts.

TO BE FAIR Fuzzy has gotten alot better at hosting since GT1 so if the rate of improvement stays the same then GT3 should be good ^_^

EDIT: Pro makes a good point, picking a good time to pick a break is ESSENTIAL, if you're not sure then ask the tourney host

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
haha at GT2 i saw the exact opposite, free TV's left unused because people:-

A. stood around watching instead of playing their matches
B. played friendlies before their set
C. played friendlies after their set
D. didn't report their results
E. didn't respond to people telling them to play their matches
F. took ages to start their matches because they where looking for their opponent and they didn't know what they looked like, which would be sorted by numbering TV's.

in short the London tournies are amongst the worst run due to a lack of respect to abide the rules and a lack of planning from the hosts.

TO BE FAIR Fuzzy has gotten alot better at hosting since GT1 so if the rate of improvement stays the same then GT3 should be good ^_^

EDIT: Pro makes a good point, picking a good time to pick a break is ESSENTIAL, if you're not sure then ask the tourney host
While everyone is signing up.....I think we need to make LITERALLY EVERYONEEEE IN THE ROOM shut up for a second right before we start and stress these points you made on the microphone.

And tell everyone that if you don't report the match as soon as you are done or play friendlies or take up TV's you get two warnings....the first one is a threat and the second one you get kicked out regardless of the situation....and make sure everyone is listening and DON'T LET SIGNUPS BEING SO EVERYONE WILL WAIT IN THE ***** LINE until everyone in the room is listening and has heard what has been said and agrees....that's the only way you will get some respect and people to follow extremely basic guidelines.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
charm in the same way wearing a small yellow star was charming for Jews 60 odd years ago.

Pro: the problem with the mic is the acoustics in the room, theyre so bad that the sound never settles and just echoes around the room and noone hears it lol. youd have to shut everyone up without the ability to tell everyone to shut up using the microphone to hear the microphone O_o

well work it out.

Pro.. again: looking forward to catching a few games with you and demolishing you... or losing and learning =P

Fuzzy: Hope youve stepped up the adapting to compete, reactions alone just wont do these days.

Edwin: my foxes foot, your marths FACE!! ^_^

Swizzy: we are finishing first in teams!

Everyone: im setting off to brummy to get a lift with ed soon so ill see you all tomorrow good luck and arrive early to give ourselves as much time as possible

im seriously aiming for top 3, just gutted that VA frost and chrisboi wont be in my way =/
IF you're going to be late then phone ahead, if we can hold off then we will but dont expect us to hold off for 2 hours... looking at you aaron xD


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006

I believe we should run doubles LATER! I did this at the Brawl monthly and I found it worked very well. I believe that instead of trying to rush through doubles so we can concentrate on singles, it is better to run doubles alongside singles later into the singles bracket. What this does is it lets us utilise the free TVs for more tournament games, rather than trying to use them all for one event and having a bunch of free TVs after.

YAYYYY my idea has been taking into consideration looking to be performed lol :bee:
And yeah people should definitely name the videos to make life ALOTTT easier.

How can we make it random also though that people go on that specific TV.....i'm guessing an entire pool will get recorded since it's mostly on like 2 TV's lol (could be on more now though obviously due to there being soo much TV's) and during the brackets how exactly isit going to be random?

It definitely matters and at high level as well....obviously it's not a MAJORRRR thing but it good save a life or two during a set.
That's important!!!

loool @ the last bit...
And this!!!
We can't make it random, we'll just assign people to a TV and they will have to go there.

I'll ask alex if he thinks we should do pools :s
Pools for sure man, it's a national and there's no Brawl. :X Plus a lot of people are bringing setups, 20 TVs should be a cinch.

What the hell....this is a tournament not a Monthly where we can cut out pools as we please
Pools needs to happen and can easily happen....

Why were you contemplating to do pools plus doubles when we had 10 TV's at a monthly and now that we have 20 TV's you're still contemplating it lol :confused:

20 tvs is the same as 10 tvs without people hurrying peeps along and shiz
Make no mistake, matches will be called out on the mic and people will be urged to play their matches. If people take too long to start I'm not afraid to DQ them after warnings.

haha at GT2 i saw the exact opposite, free TV's left unused because people:-

A. stood around watching instead of playing their matches
B. played friendlies before their set
C. played friendlies after their set
D. didn't report their results
E. didn't respond to people telling them to play their matches
F. took ages to start their matches because they where looking for their opponent and they didn't know what they looked like, which would be sorted by numbering TV's.

in short the London tournies are amongst the worst run due to a lack of respect to abide the rules and a lack of planning from the hosts.

TO BE FAIR Fuzzy has gotten alot better at hosting since GT1 so if the rate of improvement stays the same then GT3 should be good ^_^

EDIT: Pro makes a good point, picking a good time to pick a break is ESSENTIAL, if you're not sure then ask the tourney host
Won't happen this time. :)

While everyone is signing up.....I think we need to make LITERALLY EVERYONEEEE IN THE ROOM shut up for a second right before we start and stress these points you made on the microphone.

And tell everyone that if you don't report the match as soon as you are done or play friendlies or take up TV's you get two warnings....the first one is a threat and the second one you get kicked out regardless of the situation....and make sure everyone is listening and DON'T LET SIGNUPS BEING SO EVERYONE WILL WAIT IN THE ***** LINE until everyone in the room is listening and has heard what has been said and agrees....that's the only way you will get some respect and people to follow extremely basic guidelines.
I did that last monthly, I made everyone shut up before sign ups so I could brief them all. Obviously this works best since people won't be confused about wtf is going on. xD

charm in the same way wearing a small yellow star was charming for Jews 60 odd years ago.

Pro: the problem with the mic is the acoustics in the room, theyre so bad that the sound never settles and just echoes around the room and noone hears it lol. youd have to shut everyone up without the ability to tell everyone to shut up using the microphone to hear the microphone O_o

well work it out.

Pro.. again: looking forward to catching a few games with you and demolishing you... or losing and learning =P

Fuzzy: Hope youve stepped up the adapting to compete, reactions alone just wont do these days.

Edwin: my foxes foot, your marths FACE!! ^_^

Swizzy: we are finishing first in teams!

Everyone: im setting off to brummy to get a lift with ed soon so ill see you all tomorrow good luck and arrive early to give ourselves as much time as possible

im seriously aiming for top 3, just gutted that VA frost and chrisboi wont be in my way =/
IF you're going to be late then phone ahead, if we can hold off then we will but dont expect us to hold off for 2 hours... looking at you aaron xD
There should be NO issue with the mic. Last time I ran the event there I briefed everyone in the room with the mic and managed to call out all the matches, everyone heard.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
im afriad doubles must be first =/

swizzy can only make it early and were teaming, unless hes ok with doing singles and not doubles, ill text him but imo dont change the order the day before, this is way london tournies turn out a mess, fo reals


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Well if that's the case then it'll have to be doubles first, but only because I didn't really warn people of what order we have to do them in and people are used to doubles being first. We should really run doubles later at other events though. :x


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
TC: im confident in your confidence, you sound like a man with a plan and a mic =P

if you need any help plox lemme know

EDIT: im also in favour of doubles last in future tournies, i believe doubles requires less tech skill and more spacing then singles, therefore people wont get tired out before singles (obv) and doubles performances shouldnt suffer, realised ive worded this horribly but i think you should get me lol


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Help would obviously be very appreciated Joe, since I am also entering myself and the more people to take over the better. And I know you're not afraid of kicking people off, so I can trust you with that. xD

I understand what you mean Joe, next time I'll make an early announcement about doubles =o

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
im afriad doubles must be first =/

swizzy can only make it early and were teaming, unless hes ok with doing singles and not doubles, ill text him but imo dont change the order the day before, this is way london tournies turn out a mess, fo reals
Doubles DEFINITELY FIRST because it's better that way and we love Swizzy loool :)

TC: im confident in your confidence, you sound like a man with a plan and a mic =P

if you need any help plox lemme know

EDIT: im also in favour of doubles last in future tournies, i believe doubles requires less tech skill and more spacing then singles, therefore people wont get tired out before singles (obv) and doubles performances shouldnt suffer, realised ive worded this horribly but i think you should get me lol
Nahhh....every tournament with doubles done last causes people to not be hyped for it cos the main event is singles...
Obviously some people are still hyped, but the overall energy of the place is not as hyped when it goes in that order imo.

Might as well try it at the London Monthly though :)

I'm also confident in Alex's hosting....I think we can get shiz done.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Doubles DEFINITELY FIRST because it's better that way and we love Swizzy loool :)
Since I made no early announcement for it, I have to do it first this time since it is the status quo and obviously some people based their attendance around it.

Nahhh....every tournament with doubles done last causes people to not be hyped for it cos the main event is singles...
Obviously some people are still hyped, but the overall energy of the place is not as hyped when it goes in that order imo.

Might as well try it at the London Monthly though :)

I'm also confident in Alex's hosting....I think we can get shiz done.
We should definitely try it at a monthly, I think it's waaay more efficient and maybe you'll see it as the same. I don't agree that singles should be seen as the main event though, for some doubles has priority and it's just as competitive as singles is.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Was gonna say I'm probably not coming now, it's getting pretty late and I got stuff to do lol.

But yeah let's try it out, if it doesn't work this time (for some reason) or it has some bad side effect we won't do it lol.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
tomorrow i think, im trying to get ahold of them so i can find out whats going on lol

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
hmm Joe I think you're being way too harsh to Charles with your criticisms now. He's run a lot of events that have gone pretty well and it's not fair to keep on pointing your finger at how it's been run. GT3 for instance- it was run really well. All of the matches were done quicker, there were loads of T.Vs (our pool was finished surprisingly quickly considering the amount of people in it) and the bracket went by really quickly as well.

Besides, the point is things are moving forward. There are now a LOT more T.Vs and allocating has been a success. Things are gonna improve not the other way around

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
He's right though in what he saying Ben....even though you're in the wrong thread saying it he is right.
You're always being a ***** and complaining at the wrong times lol......learn to not be this Ben and just be sensible with your opinion
How is him running loads of event got anything to do with the SPECIFIC event we were at....

The tournament was run badly with the running singles and doubles at the same time and the tournament ran incredibly slow for the amount of TV's we had with one pool taken riducolously long lol.

Why didn't we just do doubles all the way and then singles all the way?


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
I don't really see the issue of running both at once, it's more games at once and our doubles brackets are always small enough to allow it to happen. Something I'm missing?

But yes brackets did take unusually long, point taken there and as I outlined in the GT3 thread we did most of the bracket quickly and then took ages for the last few as everyone started moaning about wanting to get their tournament matches recorded. I let them since we still had a lot of time left, but next time I won't, it was a bad idea.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2008
I don't really see the issue of running both at once, it's more games at once and our doubles brackets are always small enough to allow it to happen. Something I'm missing?
It's horrible switching between doubles and singles. You work tactics with your partner, then have to go back to singles tactics, then back to doubles again... it's like a mental switch.
I'm sure some people find it easy, but personally I would massively prefer to play all of one, then all of the other.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
No one seemed to have the same problem at the Brawl monthly I ran, I personally don't either. But, if more people feel like you then it would make sense. I could make a poll about it if that were the case.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2008
Yeah, that'd be a good plan.
If more people think like me then you can obviously still get people who are knocked out of doubles early to play their pool games.

Other than that one thing I think it was pretty smooth, although I'm gutted the doubles was too slow for me. Would've loved a second set against prof and fuzz. I think they had the edge on us, but that was a fun set.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
I think it'd be confusing if we announced doubles+singles to run seperately, then started handing out pool sheets, asking people to find others who are knocked out AND also have the same doubles/singles mix mindset as they do, lol.

So I think it'd either have to be both or one at a time.


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
After GT3, I believe that running all pools, singles and doubles will be possible for both games (okay maybe not Brawl, but surely Melee). You really should threaten people with DQs Charles if people arn't playing their pool/bracket matches and doing friendlies instead. I tried to get my pool matches done as quick as possible yesterday by playing 5 people in a row so I could then try and complete the doubles games as well. =P

The only problems I believe that will occur besides *******es doing other things instead of playing their games is when people have entered both games. Although, very few people play both games (me, Brado, Marni, Charles, Ben, Kira?, Alex?) so I don't think that would have a huge impact on the flow of the tournament.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Wait till SNY and I will show everyone a role model of what a tournament should look like and how it should be ran :D


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
sny should be good staffing experience

also will the monthlies=no pools lol @_@


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
yeah it is, but there is noooo way that we can do all 3 for 2 games in one day, lol.


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
no pools at the monthlies

i think we should continue to run doubles 1/2 way through singles? it saves a lot of time as singles takes a lot longer anyway

its different with doubles -> pools between


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
tbh I did it at the brawl monthly and it was very convenient, it meant that we could run both doubles and singles in almost the same time it takes to run singles alone, and no one complained lol.

but swizzy is saying that he has a mindset problem with running both at once.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
L-J: Can you ask JoeMan the W.super-mare smasher if he wants to some to mine on 31st? I spoke to him about it at GT3 and he was interested and you two might be able to travel together

Since there's limited space at mine I'll have to say first come first served with the exception of my crew who get priority (sorry everyone else) so I have 2 spaces left. 3 if Yeniths can't make it. get confirmed sooooon.
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