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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
what have you heard that seems to have been pushed a bit too far?
I see often see slightly racist things in the Smash UK chat sometimes even though I don't respond all the time in there I still sometimes read it.

And the thing that annoyed me the other day was when I think it was Dopl and he said some bull**** about when he walked in the Monthly room at the start there was a room full of black and asian people and that's a bad combination to have or something is going to go down...and it was said in a serious way.

I can't remember specifically what he said but it was something along them lines and I was basically telling him that I dare him to say that in OOC's face and then he was like 'Dw I won't' or something like that so he was basically kinda saying he would only say it on the computer but never to our face cos of how we migth react.

It annoys me though cos alot of things would never be said face to face but people get a boost behind the computer.

I'll watch what I say prof
You didn't contribute to it lol.

I wasn't offended about the discussion we had the other day about it's unfair that we can say ***** and you can't so don't feel like you contributed my annoyance of the racism thing cos you didn't.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
can you still be my chocolate bear? =(

EDIT: riofl just realised its probably not the best time to make a comment like this =X.

for the record i never mean anything to be insulting, just humourous, if i cross i line, lemme know


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
You didn't contribute to it lol.

I wasn't offended about the discussion we had the other day about it's unfair that we can say ***** and you can't so don't feel like you contributed my annoyance of the racism thing cos you didn't.
Hmm, well i sure do hope noone in our community is actually racist :/

And lol, white ppl can't pull off saying *****, I'd love to see Ben say it casually in a sentence as if it was natural :laugh:, it's not about whether it's fair or not

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
can you still be my chocolate bear? =(

EDIT: riofl just realised its probably not the best time to make a comment like this =X.

for the record i never mean anything to be insulting, just humourous, if i cross i line, lemme know
lol Nah those comments I don't mind at all.

Nearly all of the community joke about each other like that and it's all fun and we've been doing it for quite long now so I would have been offended loads of times lol.

But when people start to get slightly offence and not in a funny way and relate it to a race then it's a whole different story.

But yeah I am your chocolate bear lol :).

Hmm, well i sure do hope noone in our community is actually racist :/

And lol, white ppl can't pull off saying *****, I'd love to see Ben say it casually in a sentence as if it was natural :laugh:, it's not about whether it's fair or not
loool Yeah I couldn't imagine him saying ***** either lol....but he just thought it was unfair that socially black people can say it and white people can't and he said it should be either everyone can say it or no-one.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I think it's not something confined to our community, contemporary society is faced by ambiguity surrounding what constitutes racism. The reason behind this stems from a whole host of things, but recently the massive focus on being politically correct has meant that as a counter, people say racist things and they are "funny" because of how nannied we all are in what we can and cannot say. It is "ironic". Of course it's not ironic, it's stupid and frustrating as Prof has pointed out. Where do we draw the line?

Along with this is what Charles faced for a while about being calling him gay all the time. That was pretty unacceptable in my opinion and probably had it's implications for Charles that haven't really been addressed.

Basically, better to have no kind of talk that borders on racism, homophobia or xenophobia.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
lol Nah those comments I don't mind at all.

Nearly all of the community joke about each other like that and it's all fun and we've been doing it for quite long now so I would have been offended loads of times lol.

But when people start to get slightly offence and not in a funny way and relate it to a race then it's a whole different story.

But yeah I am your chocolate bear lol :).

loool Yeah I couldn't imagine him saying ***** either lol....but he just thought it was unfair that socially black people can say it and white people can't and he said it should be either everyone can say it or no-one.
:laugh: can I just say I don't and would not use the word. I'm not gonna talk about this anymore either

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I think it's not something confined to our community, contemporary society is faced by ambiguity surrounding what constitutes racism. The reason behind this stems from a whole host of things, but recently the massive focus on being politically correct has meant that as a counter, people say racist things and they are "funny" because of how nannied we all are in what we can and cannot say. It is "ironic". Of course it's not ironic, it's stupid and frustrating as Prof has pointed out. Where do we draw the line?

Along with this is what Charles faced for a while about being calling him gay all the time. That was pretty unacceptable in my opinion and probably had it's implications for Charles that haven't really been addressed.

Basically, better to have no kind of talk that borders on racism, homophobia or xenophobia.
I've said Charles was gay because......I thought he was gay lol (even though he isn't apparently :confused:) but it wasn't for homophobic reasons.

You said 'Where do we draw the line?' but I think it's pretty obvious where the line should be drawn. There doesn't have to be a guideline for what should and shouldn't be said to people, cos everyone should just know from general knowledge and social understandings of what is a offence and what is not.

I find the funny racial jokes funny time to time and they have been going on since I have joined this community which was nearly 3 years ago and it's ALLL been funny and stuff all that time. It's only like since 2010 i've started hearing it in more of an offensive way and funny enough from the newish people in the community lol.
I don't know if that's a coincidence.

So IMO I wouldn't say we should cease making those jokes cos when it's between the right people who have general control it's funny (TC, Aiko, Jo3 etc...) and if you have no control then those people who don't should keep their mouth shut.

This is just my opinion though obviously.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Everyone should know what is offensive by common consensus? That makes no sense, and homophobia is not necessarily what I referring to in Charles's case. I mentioned xenophobia and he was being singled out for being different.

What I find offensive and what you find offensive are two entirely different things. Anyway I was trying to stick up for your point, that comments can occasionally go too far. Personally I don't care whether you want to make jokes about it and have fun with it, I do it. I just thought you raised a good point.


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
i got a question are london just that crap!

fuzzyness pretty much dominates this scene when he goes to EU theyre like fuzzyness who

and he gets knock out

when i see international they dont see that ferfetched from our games

as to my knowledge professor is the only one to actually beat fuzzyness in a set

so my real question is how can we get more noticed / step up the play


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2008
London, UK
i got a question are london just that crap!

fuzzyness pretty much dominates this scene when he goes to EU theyre like fuzzyness who

and he gets knock out

when i see international they dont see that ferfetched from our games

as to my knowledge professor is the only one to actually beat fuzzyness in a set

so my real question is how can we get more noticed / step up the play
I guess we could stop flaking?

gm jack

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2009
Reading/Cambridge, UK
Lack of competition at the highest end. Not many people are a serious threat to Fuzzy and Prof. And they extensively play the few who are a threat, so know their patterns. Fuzzy is getting better in europe, but still doesn't seem to know who he is playing really well.


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
i have been playing this game for a while

it dont matter about me flaking thats just me lol

im not interested enough

just wondering why fuzzy keeps getting 1st

and nonone has really really beaten him - i cant speak for him but im sure he gets bored of the competition

gm jack

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2009
Reading/Cambridge, UK
He reads people really well. He plays all the good UK players enough to read them, but he doesn't play the guys on the continent enough to have that advantage. Add in that he mains Falcon, who is a character who is based upon reads, and he struggles a bit.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
i have been playing this game for a while

it dont matter about me flaking thats just me lol

im not interested enough

just wondering why fuzzy keeps getting 1st

and nonone has really really beaten him - i cant speak for him but im sure he gets bored of the competition
it's just one of those things. Like how Mango has dominated the US. I don't think you can take fuzz winning most of the events as the UK is not improving because I think the UK has come a rly long way considering the fact that we havent had many good players to begin with anyway.


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
lmao there's so much hating on the vid its funny, it only took 10 mins to do and upload so why you saying it takes up my life :p I was bored and just recorded + uploaded it quickly for the hell of it

It's also funny cause the only people flaming it are the people from the UK smash community


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2008
Leicester, England
I was a little impressed by a few of the voices, and it takes some confidence to put a vid like that up haha.


finally my prank has come through..I now look manlier than ever...
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