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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2009
The B Button
yeah, I'm looking.

I'll try get this one off of ebay as it's pretty much brand new, and if that fails I'll go buy one from somewhere. £12 vs £60 for a controller? yeah.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 16, 2009
Nottingham/London UK
Bit late for shoutouts but i've been mega busy. Great tournament and even though it was my first big one i think i did fairly well even if i didn't do too well in pools. Was a tough pool though i think, chrisboi marth is a nightmare for me and Last Dragon, Deathgazer and Cheez could all have taken that second spot. Btw i swear LD was in my pool, if not, who was that??

Fuzzy - Great tourney bro, I had so much fun. Didn't get to play you sadly but you were very busy by the looks of it. Thanks, and hopefully catch you when i'm back in London.

Deathgazer - REALLY anjoyed playing you man. 3 stocking your falco in pools was definitely a highlight for me but your fox took me down hard. You've got some insane speed with your tech skill and i think you were unlucky not to make it to brackets. Friendlies were awesome and thanks for the tips :) . You'll **** at GT2 i know it

J3ly - Good meeting you mate, and your mario is pretty ****. I didn't really know what to expect in that MM and found reading you very hard, i'd definitely be up for another MM though. Well done on making it out of pools and your earnings. I'll give you a shout when i'm back in London mate.

Gantz - Great friendlies, i can't believe i managed to keep up with your fox!! You've got skills man and well done on the placing, very nice. That pause rest was SO funny and completely by accident LOL. Hope to play you again soon.

Brado - BAHAHAHA you owe me £2 fool! Why the hell did you think gannon the cannon would have a chance against my jiggz??? GG's tho man, and good seeing you again. Get something sorted in Leicester and i'll come down with Conor yeh?

Cheez - Wtf you and your ****ing pre-match mindgames saying 'man, i'm not looking forward to playing your jiggly'. Screwed me over!!! well done on making out of the pool though.

VA - Nice meeting you man, good to see that Jo's smash master lives up to his reputation. I'll definitely try and play you in Brighton when i'm next down. Well played in the tourney too!

Kira - Maaaaaaan play melee, you're really good. Your falco is good and your sheik could be really amazing. I found your playstyle really hard to deal with and normally i do quite well against sheiks. GG's

TC - Good seeing you again and well played on getting out of pools! Although your marth ***** me, your sheik is very good and i think you've made the right choice. Hopefully see you again soon.

Tamoo - Nice seeing you again, sadly i didn't get to play you but well done in tourney. I saw your match against chrisboi, man you've gotta teach me how to play marths, it's a real problem i gotta sort out but you seem to have it cracked. Maybe see you at an EM event if there is one.

Yeniths - Great friendly, I hope my Jiggz was more of a match for you this time! tell me when you're next going to Leicester and i'll come stay with conor.

Conor - I know i find the Marth matchup hard, but playing Marth in both our tourney games?? wtf were you thinking :laugh:. Get the EM / Leicester lot to get an event sorted and i'll come see ya :)

Beast - Great meeting you and gg's the day before. See ya soon hopefully

King_NDj - Your Link is insane... Come see your bro in Notts!!!

Again great tourney and see you all at GT2 baby WOOOOOOO!!!!!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 16, 2009
Nottingham/London UK
Oh yea, forgot big man Dooan!

Why did you think i weren't white? Maybe you thought i was Inuit?

Loving the pipe, nice meeting you and hopefully catch you at the next tourney

The Filth

Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2009
Sheffield, UK
Hhaha same to you man.

Aunno, I just hav this feeling that everyone from london is back before I meet them face to face. Like wtf to you, J3ly and auroreon :/


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
Going on the assumption that smashers from london are black isn't the worst assumption in the world.

Auroreon lives in cambridge so is quite obviously white, stupid Dooan


Smash Cadet
Oct 16, 2009
London (studying Leicester)
When I saw my name I was expecting big talk Alex. You disapoint me.

Wheres the "YOU WERE DER WORST PLAYER DER LOL...NO U" or the "HIERARCHY IS ME BISH JOE DEN U"? Like our phone calls, lol.

Anyways yeah using Marth was silly.

Advantages to doing melee only on 28th:

Condor can come.
Easier to organise.
More friendlies/money matches.


Fewer rubbish brawlers (oh wait thats an advantage j/k j/k).
Slightly Lower prize money
Slightly lower entry fee collection.

Edit ah **** wrong thread, ah well you get the point. I mean this for the nationals.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2009
The B Button

I was genuinely surprised at the number of black smashers at london.

And yeah, I think it was you I had friendlies with, Kiyoshi. O_o (is that spelt right?) I was using the n00bish yellow yoshi. I was hoping for some dittos actually, since I had been sat watching you play with him.

I really should just sit my *** down and practice the DT stuff and the DJC egg lay..... yoshi is pretty underrated. :/

-goes back to spamming nados with meta(banned)knight.-


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Callum when you come back to Surrey we totally need to get sheik dittos in =)


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
haha, well now we've got to wait/practise for the national, i'm ni the process of unlocking the last of the things of melee, (got it after the tourney) so after that, me and shlurpie will get to work on melee...i leik marf, he dosent look gay in melee


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2008
London, UK
j3ly man you making fast improvments in this game since last time i played you man, nuff respect to that btw. didnt get enough games with you tho let me know if u have any smashfests soon yeh dont want u guys leaving me behind lol

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
lol I'm just trying to figure if he meant funny as in humour or funny as in all black people speak weird.....

Cos for some reason lately i've been hearing slightly racist comments being thrown around lately in this community (not saying that comment you said was racist but it didn't exactly sound good).
I dunno if people are getting a bit too comfortable or something behind the computer but if anyone is being racist then they just better do the same thing when we see each other IRL.

Funny stereotypical stuff I don't mind but I have been hearing stuff lately which slightly verges onto the racist side....so yeah i'm just saying.
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