(Replying to last comment) ah, too serious lol ok. Yeah then Id say Phoenix Mario. Idk about the fludd tho, but then the normal phoenix mario has no sfx for his B-Down... tho this can easily be changed...
(replying to quoted comment) Hmm... ah...
Well, I'd love to. But I really don't know what I'd change X_X I mean, textures exist that remove the beard, and I can't edit parts of the head, only the head as a whole. Otherwise, Marth- er, Roy, would have better hair
So maybe I can bring up a picture of em' both side by side, melee and brawl ganon, and see if he needs height changes and such, but I can of course look deeper into it. I've always perfered his Melee look, hell, even his voice, over the brawl ganon... Though, what Id like to see is a OoT ganon final smash texture. Or maybe a OoT Ganon Giga Bowser, I don't know, I'm not the best at making textures from scratch... (see my Elderly Kirby- wait, no, that one's awesome nvm). Anyway, my answer is I'll see what I can do.