I can understand wanting to feel the magic of watching a direct live and that people are passionate about their hobby, but you'd be surprised of the consequences of missing even one day of school/work. Plus playing hooky is illegal, and not coming in to work without a reason or falsely calling in sick can lead to some punishment, as well as making you possibly untrustworthy to you superiors.
It really depends on what you have that day, if there's a bunch of classes you barely care about, then you can skip it just fine, but if there's an exam, you obviously can't skip it. Many perfectly-fine things are illegal, so the illegal argument doesn't hold up. And when you're in middle school/high school, missing a day is not that big of a deal, yes, maybe you shouldn't miss a day of work, but if you really care about the direct, then watch it :v
I actually watched the E3 Direct at school with a laptop.
Wait are people still seriously contemplating skipping school or work to watch the Nintendo Direct?
Don't. Seriously, it's not worth it. Watching one Direct live isn't worth skipping a day of your education. F***, I know the feeling. I've got an exam the same day as the Direct at a close enough time that watching it live isn't an option for me(oh the days when I was home free by 5/6 in the evening). But it's not worth it. You're education/career is WAY more important than a 20-30 minute long commercial for a f***ing toy that will contain info you'll get later anyway and will be archived for your enjoyment on the internet later as well.
You know that calling videogames
'****ing toys' can feel very insulting to people who want to dedicate their life to videogames as a job? If you got an exam, tough luck, but you're acting as if some meaningless classes of subjects you don't care about are more important than something you're passionate about, then I don't follow your argument. I think you're blowing the importance of High School out of proportion, I'm studying to be a Professional Illustrator right now, and I've only used half-advanced maths for measurements and a bit of literature, nothing more. Even a friend who's studying to be an engineer has barely used anything they taught in High School...so get off your double-standards moral pedestal. People make sacrifices for things they truly care about, especially when the sacrifice is so tiny and insignificant as a day out of 365.
What I'm saying is: If you've got important classes or you HAVE to go to work, then don't skip it, but feel free to do it if you're only in High School and you don't have exams, I had to watch the E3 Direct through a ****ty Internet connection with constant lag that prevented me from enjoying the Smash 4 trailer live, I can't tell you how much I regret not skipping school that day.