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Smash Bros. Canon Tournament! (Mario Vs. ????) - 06/14/10


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
It really only seems mario becomes intangible and invisible when he uses repel gel and seems invulnerable because the enemies in mario games cannot harm someone that's intangible, however it is never staten mario becomes invincible unlike with starman for example, which provides you with clear invincibility. And unlike mario enemies, samus can hurt intangible opponents with the help of her various visors. And besides, if mario becomes so intangible even samus would be unable to harm him when she can deal damage to things like ghosts, I really doubt Mario could somehow be able to harm samus in reverse then. That would be just bogus.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Even if Mario does get a stopwatch in, all samus has to do is start speed boosting/svrew attacking before she is immobilized. She goes in mid-attack or invincible, it still counts while time is stopped. What's mario going to do even if he does manage to get a stopwatch off?


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Samus won't get 'knocked back' when the stopwatch starts, because she's invincible, she doesn't even get knocked back when crashing into enemies or their attacks. She'll get stopped, sure, but her invincibility will remain intact... And having Mario reach her a mile away is pretty much impossible even with 20 stop watches (which you guys won't have since you'll have repel gels, life shrooms, and who knows what else).

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Uhm, Samus already beat Luigi right? What difference is Mario? The best 'attack' for both characters are the Mega Mushrooms right? Samus outsped Luigi and then pwned him hard with zomg lasorz.

What can Mario do against that? He even has less HP and Defence in Mario & Luigi so he's even easier to defeat than Luigi...

Though, Luigi made a pretty good chance against Samus. If Mario can somehow win, I really want him to win. Samus needs to lose at least once...

I like how you accuse me of being biased...have you looked at how some of the "matches" have been won in this thread...
For example...if you look at the original discussion between Samus vs. Lucas or Wario vs. Pikachu...I just love how no one knew **** about Lucas or Wario...
Lucas WILL lose to Samus. Seriously. Your overrating Lucas way too much, stop it already. Lucas might stand a chance if he'd have his other party members, but solo vs Samus? He'll deffinatly lose badly.

Speed Booster would cut through the shields, and damage Lucas. PK Love would do nice damage to Samus yes, I won't say otherwise but she'd likely tank the hits. Besides, Lucas will need to heal constantly, as Samus's beams and missiles hurt.

And Samus' equipment is deffinatly stronger than the things Chimeras shoot. Samus for example would have no problem beating any of the bosses in Mother 3, excluding perhaps the Porky statue.

No one here knows **** about Wario, that is true. Maybe it should be called a draw vs Pikachu then, because it pretty much depends on who hits who first. Wario is mad strong, and Pikachu has suck defences. But Wario doesn't exactly has a good answer against Volt Tackle with Lightball as hold item either... Or does he??


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
I want this to be a draw. Mario can just play keep-away with his overload of items and Samus can play lulzy by Speed Boosting/Screw Attacking/Hyper Mode. Or she can do all three for stupid defense.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
What can Mario do what Luigi can't? Shouldn't Luigi vs Samus be changed as well then or what?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
From Paper Mario? What do these badges do again? They give Mario some abilities, but wouldn't Speed Booster zap right through them? I remember pretty awesome looking moves in PM2 though. A fireball swung from Mario's hammer for example. Quake Hammer or something was also looking pretty cool.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
close call ( while in danger), pretty lucky, and lucky day all make enemies miss. Last Stand lowers all damage received while in danger by 1/2.


Not only can sonic fly (lol), shrink (how would you hit him that small?), he has instant speed boosts, and an INFINITE lightning shield...how can he lose now? He can slow down time indefinitely as well. He should draw with Ike now, if he has an infinite defense.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Even if Mario does get a stopwatch in, all samus has to do is start speed boosting/svrew attacking before she is immobilized. She goes in mid-attack or invincible, it still counts while time is stopped. What's mario going to do even if he does manage to get a stopwatch off?
And when the stop watch is effected, the enemy effected animation looks like they've been attacked, meaning Samus current moves will be stopped. Are we using TTYD Paper Mario or the first Paper Mario when his HP and FP is limited to 50 and not 200?
Aww come on, you even played the game. )=



Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
oh, my bad...well, he could do some serious damage then.

Still, I want to look back at Sonic vs. Ike, I had no idea about the gem powers Sonic has. The infinite lightning shield looks promising, as well as the infinite time slow down.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
It's NOT a draw! Samus can kill Mario, while Mario can't do anything! Mario literally can't do anything to Samus period due to her infinite invincibility and constant supersonic speeds PLUS limited item usage, Samus has infinite ammo on most of her weapons so she can keep the barrage up! Samus can also shoot entanglers around Mario, where they will home in and freeze around him holding him in place, then Samus can shoot a Darkburst near Mario's feet (so as to not miss thanks to the Close Call badges) and he will be pulled into a dark dimension where the atmosphere itself is deadly! How is THAT a draw?

There's no way this should be a tie. Samus will lose soon enough, but not against Mario. She has an option to kill Mario, while Mario has 0 options to kill Samus. Sooner or later, Mario will fall, while Samus will never fall. It's a win.

And how will Samus look like if she's being attacked? She's invincible, she can't be knocked back nor stopped unless she hits an obstacle. She can't be 'knocked back' by an item effect, she's invincible! She could even go Hypermode as soon as she saw Mario pull out a stopwatch WHILE she had Speed Booster invincibility, for DOUBLE invincibility action! And speaking of Hypermode, she could also kill Mario with Phazon, seeing as it has poison-like effects, yet aren't status effects, seeing as Phazon's a life form! And since Samus' stopped in time, her Hypermode countdown is also stopped, so she is infinitely invincible, and activating Hypermode then deactivating it whenever she desires doesn't consume any energy tanks, so she can do that indefinitely... And if she's frozen in time while invincible due to speed boosting, it's only fair to say that she remains invincible because she was frozen WHILE invincible. While Samus does all of this, she could also run away from Mario as soon as she saw him activating the stopwatch for A MILE (maximum supersonic speed, Mach1 < x < Mach5 is supersonic, a bit over a mile per second, I think it was 1.057 miles/second), and Mario can't POSSIBLY reach her before using up all of his stopwatches, considering he also has 'repel gels' and 'life shrooms'!

I don't know HOW it would be a tie. D:


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Can't Samus just headshot Mario as soon as the match starts? You can't buff Mario up with items until the battle starts, can you?

Spamus can't really hurt Ganondorf due to the way the Zelda series functions.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
You can, his badges are before match.

@Kewkky: Poison is still classified as a status effect, and everything in Super Paper Mario heals you from status effects anyway, Repel Gels aren't nescessary, neither are life shrooms since most of her attacks ill miss, freezing is a status effect.

Though I did just skim it, ATM.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
And how will Samus look like if she's being attacked? She's invincible, she can't be knocked back nor stopped unless she hits an obstacle. She can't be 'knocked back' by an item effect, she's invincible! She could even go Hypermode as soon as she saw Mario pull out a stopwatch WHILE she had Speed Booster invincibility, for DOUBLE invincibility action! And speaking of Hypermode, she could also kill Mario with Phazon, seeing as it has poison-like effects, yet aren't status effects, seeing as Phazon's a life form! And since Samus' stopped in time, her Hypermode countdown is also stopped, so she is infinitely invincible, and activating Hypermode then deactivating it whenever she desires doesn't consume any energy tanks, so she can do that indefinitely... And if she's frozen in time while invincible due to speed boosting, it's only fair to say that she remains invincible because she was frozen WHILE invincible. While Samus does all of this, she could also run away from Mario as soon as she saw him activating the stopwatch for A MILE (maximum supersonic speed, Mach1 < x < Mach5 is supersonic, a bit over a mile per second, I think it was 1.057 miles/second), and Mario can't POSSIBLY reach her before using up all of his stopwatches, considering he also has 'repel gels' and 'life shrooms'!
Unless she can be invincible to an effect that goes beyond the laws of physics. There hasn't been an enemy in Paper Mario that just froze in like they been frozen my an ice attack animation like Pokemon Colosseum. If she goes Hypermode while the time is stopped, that could in danger her of being corrupted, stats effects still applies normally to the enemy frozen in time, (according to the gameplay of Paper Mario), for example, Mario could use Fire Drive on a foe that's frozen in time which automatically makes you burn by the first hit. The effect goes on normally as the enemy turn would. As soon as she's in Corrupt Hypermode, she is vulnerable to attacks. Since I'm using the Paper Mario TTYD game, it's called the Boo Sheet which activates as soon as it's shown and not watch him put on the gel, lol.

Can't Samus just headshot Mario as soon as the match starts? You can't buff Mario up with items until the battle starts, can you?
Samus normal shot won't do much damage even with a head shot, (unless it's a plasma beam), a full charge blast head shot would do a lot of damage though, but as you know it takes at least 2-3 seconds to charge up and shoot, by the time Mario would have dodged it by now. And justaway just answered your other question.

We all know that Mario is God of all video games, those who don't agree, will be destoryed.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
Can't Samus just headshot Mario as soon as the match starts? You can't buff Mario up with items until the battle starts, can you?

Spamus can't really hurt Ganondorf due to the way the Zelda series functions.
There's a badge that deals half damage recieved to the enemy.

Samus would recieve half damage of Imperialist (only OHKO headshot weapon she has)
Life Shroom brings Mario back.

Then wouldn't another Imperialist headshot kill Samus?

Doesn't really matter here since it's not like that's the only method Samus has of killing Mario :/

Where does this thread stand on with counter attacks?
Mario has a perfect counter in TTYD that makes Mario recieve zero damage from attacks while he counters with a hit.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
The entanglers won't make Mario frozen, they will encase him in a shell of frozen dark particles; they will home in onto him, surround him and solidify. He'll be stuck in there like if it was a cocoon. Samus could shoot a Darkburst and it will be all over then.

Phazon isn't a status effect, it's a living thing. If Samus grapples onto Mario and uses her Hyper grapple, for example, that will overload him with Phazon, potentially killing him. That's not hurting Mario, it's simply giving him energy that's bad for him, and too much of that too.

If Samus is stopped in tome, everything that is Samus is stopped in time. The PED Suit would also be stopped in time, the fuel for the PED suit would be stopped in time (Phazon), everything that has a direct relationship with Samus will be stopped in time... Meaning that, if she's invincible when stopped, she will remain invincible.

Edit: Samus could headshot OHKO Mario and take half the damage, then while Mario is reviving, shoot him with a Darkburst. He takes longer than a second at reviving, and it takes less than a second charging and shooting her Darkburst. If she needs to do it again, she has her reserve tanks to keep her alive, as well as her Crystal Flash which fully restores her life to max.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
If she goes Hypermode while the time is stopped, that could in danger her of being corrupted, stats effects still applies normally to the enemy frozen in time, (according to the gameplay of Paper Mario), for example, Mario could use Fire Drive on a foe that's frozen in time which automatically makes you burn by the first hit. The effect goes on normally as the enemy turn would.
In that case it's not actually stopping time, but immobilizing the opponent (isn't that what the game says anyway?), and would fail on an invincible opponent anyway.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
@REL: I think it's a good time to post your edit again, or nobody will pay attention :(
Where does this thread stand on with counter attacks?
Mario has a perfect counter in TTYD that makes Mario recieve zero damage from attacks while he counters with a hit.
This one.

@Kewkky: I don't think Samus can take half the damage of dead.

The entanglers, will basically freeze Mario, that would classify as a frozen effect.

And she can't headshot Mario, he comes into battle with the badges.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
There's a badge that deals half damage recieved to the enemy.

Samus would recieve half damage of Imperialist (only OHKO headshot weapon she has)
Life Shroom brings Mario back.

Then wouldn't another Imperialist headshot kill Samus?

Doesn't really matter here since it's not like that's the only method Samus has of killing Mario :/

Where does this thread stand on with counter attacks?
Mario has a perfect counter in TTYD that makes Mario recieve zero damage from attacks while he counters with a hit.
You are talking about return postage, which counters DIRECT attacks.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
@REL: I think it's a good time to post your edit again, or nobody will pay attention :(

This one.

@Kewkky: I don't think Samus can take half the damage of dead.

The entanglers, will basically freeze Mario, that would classify as a frozen effect.

And she can't headshot Mario, he comes into battle with the badges.
So, essentially, Donkey Kong grabbing Mario would be considered a status effect since DK would be holding Mario in place, which is similar to freezing?

EDIT: Mariobrouser: thanks for that piece of info, I had forgotten.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
But they don't freese Mario, they solidify around him, holding him in place. It's not 'freezing' Mario. If 'holding in place' is a status effect that would count as freezing, then wouldn't Mario be immune to hugs, ropes and belts? If something else is holding you in place, it's not a status effect.
it makes no sense lol, but at the same time, it DOES make some sense

Samus would get half the damage from the Imperialist. If she shoots someone and they die, then she becomes half dead. If not, then her reserve tanks keep her alive (she never dies nor stops in the process), and she can still shoot a Darkburst before Mario revives.

EDIT: Ninja'd. Still, they're not turning Mario into Ice, they're SOLIDIFYING around Mario, holding him in one place long enough for Samus to shoot him with something else.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
So basically immobilizing? That's a status effect.

The black hole thing? Ok, so 1 second to switch, 1 second to aim and it takes 1 second to shoot, and I heard it was a charge combo, so how long would it take? I'm probably wrong.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Where does this thread stand on with counter attacks?
Mario has a perfect counter in TTYD that makes Mario recieve zero damage from attacks while he counters with a hit.
You mean Super Gard? I don't think it's been used as an example much, but using Super Gard is hard, who ever marks every hit with Super Gard has skills beyond my imagination, but it's possible. >.<

The entanglers won't make Mario frozen, they will encase him in a shell of frozen dark particles; they will home in onto him, surround him and solidify. He'll be stuck in there like if it was a cocoon. Samus could shoot a Darkburst and it will be all over then.
If only the Dark beam wasn't slow it would be easy, Darkburst would be a problem for Mario if he were to get hit, but it would be a problem if Samus missed as well. =P

]Phazon isn't a status effect said:
Corrupt Hyper mode is a status effect though. =P [/font]

Most of the Metroid games Samus didn't really grapple on the enemies unless it's to pull something off of them so I'm not sure how that would work in a battle with Mario.

If Samus is stopped in tome, everything that is Samus is stopped in time. The PED Suit would also be stopped in time, the fuel for the PED suit would be stopped in time (Phazon), everything that has a direct relationship with Samus will be stopped in time... Meaning that, if she's invincible when stopped, she will remain invincible.
I'm just following the gameplay of the Paper Mario game's, and the effects in the video I posted not too long ago should show how it works, (unless you seen it already). Status effects goes on normally as well, strangely.

In that case it's not actually stopping time, but immobilizing the opponent (isn't that what the game says anyway?), and would fail on an invincible opponent anyway.
Only if the opponent an item or stats effect of being totally invincible, (Starman from Mario, Hyper Candy from Kirby, etc). I'm not sure if it works on enemies that was invisible, I'll try it out soon.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
a laser isn't direct right? Samus wont get hurt unless she speed boosts or screws iinto mario


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
So basically immobilizing? That's a status effect.

The black hole thing? Ok, so 1 second to switch, 1 second to aim and it takes 1 second to shoot, and I heard it was a charge combo, so how long would it take? I'm probably wrong.
If that's immobilizing, then so is grabbing, lassoing, hugging, and everything else that involves placing a foreign object around someone.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
Basically, something that places an object (in this case, many) around an opponent that has the effect of keeping the opponent in place, is not a status effect.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
So, grabbing Mario by the arms and legs would be considered a Status effect since he's immobilized? He could simple walk out of that situation if he had a Safety Ring on? In Samus' world, it would make no sense. She shoots some stuff on the floor, that stuff homes onto Mario and climb all over him. That same stuff then solidifies onto a shell leaving Mario encased inside where he can't escape anywhere. Samus then shoots a Darkburst and done.

Dryn made a calculation a while ago, and Samus can charge AND shoot a Darkburst in less than a second. Changing the weapon takes no time at all, so I would give her just a bit over a second to change, charge and shoot. I don't know why she would have to change her weapon if she's shooting entanglers, they're the Dark beam's charged shot, and the Darkburst is the missile combo.

By the way, has there ever been an "immobilize" status effect on any Mario game? I can't remember off the top of my head. : /

And Samus' status effect when she has Phazon is, well, corruption with Phazon. If she goes Hypermode and keeps going Hypermode for a while, the use of Phazon might be too much for her. The red-screen-with-tentacles-on-it part means that your Phazon levels are reaching critical heights, and you have to shoot it out of your system before it gets TOO high and it kills you. She's always afflicted with this, so I guess the whole game is Samus with a status effect. This doesn't mean that Samus will get corrupted while time stops. I'll however accept that if you stop time when Samus IS at critical heights, it will kill her, granting Mario the win, but remember that Samus will activate Hypermode as soon as Mario stops time. If not, then she could just keep her speedbooster invincibility when you stop time, you can't do anything to that. Hypermode is just a precautionary.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
That is classified as immobile, but just to be sure, I looked it up on metroid wiki

A charged mass of dark energy has the strange ability to encase targets, and harden into a brittle shell. The Entangler, the Charge Beam technique for the Dark Beam, exploits this quality. Firing the Entangler will encase most creatures within a certain radius completely, immobilizing and providing the perfect opportunity to shatter the target with a single Missile.

@Kewwky: It was basically the same as freezing.

Immobile basically means not immovable or not moving.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
He's immobile because he can't move any part of his body, but his body is still unharmed. It shouldn't be considered a Status Effect since it doesn't 'freeze' Mario, and in Mario's games, 'freezing' is an ICE status effect.

Let's say there's a new challenger who has an attack where he wraps Mario with lots of wrap. Would that count as immobilizing? If so, how can Mario simply walk out of that with a Safety Ring? In Samus' universe, when you're tied down, there's nothing you can do until something happens to let you lose (or you force your way out of immobilization), which Samus has had to do a lot.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
No, no, I wasn't talking about freezing, I meant the stop watch effect in Paper Mario is classified as Immboilizing, sorry, I didn't make myself clear.

And you can't get out of a burn by a ring, or being poisoned, without a badge or a ring anyway.
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