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Smash Bros. Canon Tournament! (Mario Vs. ????) - 06/14/10


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
If she speed boosts it, while he is in Repel gel mode he would just stop time.

@Samo: Charge shot leads me to belive it takes a while? Her built in rader, ensures her accuracy, but not her weapons, since they can't lock in, (other than the ones you mentioned =P), Mario only need a second for his attacks, and he can just repel gel while in Starman.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Samus could Speed Boost around and activate her invincibility and wait out the stuff. If Mario stops time, then Samus retains her invincibility since she was stopped while invincible (and is supposed to still be running, she never hit an obstacle or slowed herself down). Mario keeps using items while Samus keeps running around at supersonic speeds and invincible until Mario's items eventually run out, when then Samus will have no reason to stop the barrage of attacks. Hell, Samus could just run away at the speed of sound to gain some distance between Mario and her whenever she sees that he will use a Stop Watch... That'll keep Mario busy until he reaches the invincible Samus far off in the distance. He can't have 20 stopwatches either, since like you said, his max inventory for Paper Mario items is 20, and with life shrooms, stopwatches, repel gels and who knows what else, his inventory will pretty much be full. His stopwatches will run out soon enough, maybe even before Mario has a chance to reach Samus in the far-off distance (What's the max/min distance a supersonic object can gain in a second? That's how much Mario will have to catch up to her, and his speed is not all that wow in the Paper Mario games).

And about her entangler... She only needs to shoot it in Mario's direction at any time (landing, about to jump, doing nothing, whatever) and the particles will automatically lock on and hold him in place. Even invisible enemies get entangled when Samus puts on the proper eyewear (So, Samus can just equip her thermal visor to find Mario).


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
If she speed boosts it, while he is in Repel gel mode he would just stop time.

@Samo: Charge shot leads me to belive it takes a while? Her built in rader, ensures her accuracy, but not her weapons, since they can't lock in, (other than the ones you mentioned =P), Mario only need a second for his attacks, and he can just repel gel while in Starman.
Wait, I thought repel gel was something splashed atop her visor so she couldn't see a thing. <_>;

Wouldn't she able to see Mario with thermal/x-ray/dark visor? Like, she can see shadow troopers that are invisible to naked eye, then she can see and lock onto spiritual ghosts even and then lol interdimensional objects. How could she NOT see Mario with those visors? =D

And seems like repel gel makes Mario intangible... well, samus doesn't care much if you're intangible or not lol, she beats up ghosts that are spiritual and go through objects like they were nothing. Repel gel was replaced by Boo's sheet on later game, further proving the point.

Starman is a bit difficult though, but it doesn't last forever. I'm wondering if Mario can use both items in tandem though, both being status affecting items (of sorts)... Like, Mario can don a suit, take a mushroom to boost size and starman, but he can't be in multiple suit for example.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
@Kewwky: I'm talking about the life shrooms/stop watches in SPM, and if she is frozen in time, mario can do whtever he pleases to her, he could turn her towards the ground and she would head straight into the ground at super sonic speed, now if that won't kill her because of her invincibility, that should stop it, or else she'll have nowhere to go but down.

@Samo: Repel Gel makes you invincible, about the ghost thing, Boos were beatable in Super Mario as well, they could just become....unseethrough, if you know what I mean, are you sure it isn't like that?

About that suit thing, he can power-up while still in a star,for example, in Super Mario Bros. he could have powered-up to fire man Mario while still invincible.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
What if Samus, as soon as she Saw starting up a stopwatch, she activated Hyper Mode? She has more energy tanks than Mario has stop watches, so when Mario turned her upside down and Samus stopped at the floor (even without Hyper Mode, Speed Boosting Samus still doesn't die when she hits stuff at supersonic speeds as she demonstrates in her games when she speedboosts into walls)... So, when the Stop Watch runs out, she'll still be invincible.

And what if when Samus saw Mario activating the stop watch, she ran off into the distance and also activated Hyper Mode? By the time Mario reaches her, hed've used up all his Stop Watches due to the immense distance he has to run through in order to reach her, and when he did and turned her upside down, she'll still be invincible.

And what about Hyper Ball? If she goes Hyper Mode then morph ball, she's an invincible morph ball. It's pretty fast, and Samus can run Mario down with Phazon-powered energy (it's overloading him with energy, not hurting him, so it should bypass Last Stands and due to its MAAAANY electric-like effects, it should be able to bypass Close Calls as well due to striking in the same place many times at the speed of light).


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Umm...I don't really get what those things are, but I'll try to get it, first of all, how long does it take to start it up and stop it? I also heard, she need to run to activate it, (speed booster?), and that depends on how fast she reacts to everything and where Mario is, if he hides himself or distracts her. e.g. Super Jump sends Mario out of the screen, metal cap makes mario kinda invincible, he can disguise himself (okay, maybe he can't but I'm doing other things ATM, so I can't discuss anything greatly.)

Oh and I just remember, Shell Mario, from NSMB....ok, I didn't remember, I looked on Super Mario Wiki, anyway, they were invunrable to anything, though I forgot all about them, so 1 minute for that.

Also, I THINK he could shape shift in Super Mario RPG, he was shown too, but since everyone acted so...nonchalantly about it, IDK, it was only used in conversation


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Hyper Ball:
The Hyper Ball is a Phazon-powered Morph Ball attack in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Samus Aran can enter Hyper Mode, enter Morph Ball mode, and then release a large amount of Phazon in such a way that she seems to be electrocuting her foes. This "electrocution" via Phazon has short-range homing capabilities and as such, will automatically seek nearby targets when used, similar to the Shock Coil used as a weapon in Metroid Prime Hunters. This upgrade takes the place of the Power Bomb used in the other Metroid games. It is vaugley similar to the Death Ball from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes multiplayer. Samus can also enter Hyper Mode while in Morph Ball.
A charged mass of dark energy has the strange ability to encase targets, and harden into a brittle shell. The Entangler, the Charge Beam technique for the Dark Beam, exploits this quality. Firing the Entangler will encase most creatures within a certain radius completely, immobilizing and providing the perfect opportunity to shatter the target with a single Missile. This technique is highly effective for use against the troublesome Dark Pirate Commandos, and also effective when used in tandem with the charged Light Beam against Dark Grenchlers. It is not necessary to directly hit a target with the Entangler, as it will attract to any possible targets within a short radius. Targets hit with the Entangler will be "sticky" for a short time, and cause any other creatures that come into contact with this target to freeze as well, but this will only occur before the dark matter has hardened around the original target.
Don't know what else to explain. The entangler doesn't freeze opponents, the particles freeze AROUND the opponent, encasing them in a solid shell, so it doesn't count as a status effect.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I think the Zap touch badhe would cancel it out or something, IDK, it electrifies Mario so I would imagine nothing happens to him.

If the thingy has particals right? Can't Mario just use his barrier when reallly close, it's 2 dimensional, so it's an awful sheild as someone could just sidestep, other than maybe G&W xD but it should be good for....umm...shooing them.

**** I'm tired =/ I don't have a clear head right now, I hope what I said makes sense in the morning =/


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2009
Funny, I'd expect that Dryn guy to be here right now o_0 probably summing up a post.

and lol at gaymenwatch + loserbot only being there to lose.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
I think the Zap touch badhe would cancel it out or something, IDK, it electrifies Mario so I would imagine nothing happens to him.

If the thingy has particals right? Can't Mario just use his barrier when reallly close, it's 2 dimensional, so it's an awful sheild as someone could just sidestep, other than maybe G&W xD but it should be good for....umm...shooing them.

**** I'm tired =/ I don't have a clear head right now, I hope what I said makes sense in the morning =/
Even when you have Zap Touch equipped, you still get hit by lightning attacks, and the Hyperball's attack is phazon, not electricity, so it shouldn't cancel out... Plus, it's overloading Mario with phazon energy, I don't think Mario can take a lot of this considering Samus can't even take a bit of Phazon without getting increasing damage through her superprotective armor if she doesn't have her PED suit from MP3.

Those particles home in onto Mario. If Mario goes 2D, the particles will still get him since they're spherical (meaning there's no way Mario can get through them, they're solid like SPM's walls). In fact, 2D will make it easier for the particles to get him since he's skinnier from a 3D point of view, and they don't have to encase it like they would a 3D enemy.

... And what barrier? o_o


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I don't know how fast Samus' attacks are but if it's slower than 1 second, he could just Super Jump.
None of Samus' weapons are slower than one second. In the video where it showed Samus acquiring the Darkburst and then using it, the charge and blast didn't even take 1 second to fire. Firearms have what you would call a muzzle velocity. This is simply the speed at which a projectile leaves the muzzle of a gun. The FN P90, for example, if a 5.7 x 28 mm cartridge called the SS90 is used, has the muzzle velocity of 1,901 mph (2,789 ft/s; 850 m/s). That is between Mach 2.4 and Mach 2.5. Other weapons have a greater muzzle velocity. None of the beams Samus fires is too slow, except for maybe the Ice Beam.

Technically, if she misses all his attacks, or misses enough since there are a lot of close calls Mario can stop time, can't he just take her suit off?

And assuming the quote I got was right, Samus can't hit him as well.
It is not possible to remove Samus' armor without her own volition. Anything else, and you would need perhaps some laser technology going on. Consider what went on when Samus was unconscious because of the X parasites. And let's say that Samus is using the Speed Booster. How will Mario affect Samus if time is frozen?

So, removing Samus' suit would be as hard as removing her second skin. Plus, she's invincible, so I don't think you'd be able to damage her 'second skin'.
I think you're taking "second skin" a bit literally. The Iron Man armor is a second skin to Tony Stark. The Mjolnir is a second skin to Master Chief. Another term is "powered exoskeleton."

If it's part of her body, how could she have changed out of her suit? I remember seeing a picture of her without her helmet. and at the end of the early Metroid, she gets naked/wears a bikini right?
There is a spiritual connection with the powered armor. Using the Power Suit also take a lot of mental strength. This was answered in a Q&A with Yoshio Sakamoto, co-creator of Metroid. This is why when Samus defeats Mother Brain and escapes planet Zebes, her armor comes off. After her encounter with the Spirit of Ordeal, Samus is re-energized and puts the Power Suit back on.

Crashing in Zero Mission canceled it out fully
See just above this quote for the explanation, according to Yoshio Sakamoto, co-creator of the Metroid series. He has been involved in Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Zero Mission. He will also be involved with Metroid: Other M.

Metroid Prime 1 bomb thing somehow ****ed her
This is a trope called Bag of Spilling. This is a trope that occurs in various games. This is shown especially in Super Metroid, where while Samus had the Varia Suit in Metroid 2: Return of Samus, she took the Metroid larva to Ceres Station, and in the introduction of Super Metroid, it shows Samus in her Power Suit. She also begins with the Power Suit, but no Missiles, Morph Ball, or anything else. Not even one of the various beam weapons from planet SR388. Metroid 2: Return of Samus and Super Metroid are connected together, in that there is no huge gap in time. Of course, gamers would have it easy in Super Metroid if they began with a number of the items they had previously in Metroid 2: Return of Samus.

Metroid Prime 2 getting **** by the Ing somehow ****ed her
Metroid Prime 3 she was out cold for more than one week...
Bag of Spilling. Strangely, Samus still has the Morph Ball and Varia Suit after this event. Why is that, I wonder?

Super Metroid Mother Brain disabled her movement systems/weapons with a good hit from a beam cannon
Mother Brain was using a hyper beam, the one that Samus used against Mother Brain once she had been fully restored.

Metroid Fusion's Omega Metroid was going to eat her after clawing her
Perhaps a plot mechanic, perhaps not. One thing is for certain. That 20 Energy Tank reduced to 1 Energy Unit becomes 1 Energy Tank per swipe when Samus acquires the SA-X. Talk about extreme defense.

As for asking where I am at or what I am doing, I am sitting back here. I think a number of you are doing a fine job.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007

Wave Beam has homing capabilities. Homing capabilities that are more ****ed up than Super Missile homing.

I think the Ice Spreader has a homing capability as well.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
One of the best things to do on MP2 multiplayer is to equip yourself with annihilator or super missile, just because of their home in capabilities. Not even samus herself can dodge that even if she dashes around wildly, so getting an annihilator basically means you'll win the next confrontation if you spam normal shots rapidly unless you're low on health.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Even when you have Zap Touch equipped, you still get hit by lightning attacks, and the Hyperball's attack is phazon, not electricity, so it shouldn't cancel out... Plus, it's overloading Mario with phazon energy, I don't think Mario can take a lot of this considering Samus can't even take a bit of Phazon without getting increasing damage through her superprotective armor if she doesn't have her PED suit from MP3.
How long does it last? He coud just use his blue shell and/or tanooki suit to defnd from it, and since he would have Zap touch, Samus gets hurt by it too...

Those particles home in onto Mario. If Mario goes 2D, the particles will still get him since they're spherical (meaning there's no way Mario can get through them, they're solid like SPM's walls). In fact, 2D will make it easier for the particles to get him since he's skinnier from a 3D point of view, and they don't have to encase it like they would a 3D enemy.
I haven't mentioned anything about going 2d

... And what barrier? o_o
Just a **** 2d barrier that only comes out and blocks whats right infront of him.

None of Samus' weapons are slower than one second. In the video where it showed Samus acquiring the Darkburst and then using it, the charge and blast didn't even take 1 second to fire. Firearms have what you would call a muzzle velocity. This is simply the speed at which a projectile leaves the muzzle of a gun. The FN P90, for example, if a 5.7 x 28 mm cartridge called the SS90 is used, has the muzzle velocity of 1,901 mph (2,789 ft/s; 850 m/s). That is between Mach 2.4 and Mach 2.5. Other weapons have a greater muzzle velocity. None of the beams Samus fires is too slow, except for maybe the Ice Beam.
What about the time it takes to change the weapons and the time it takes to actually get there?

It is not possible to remove Samus' armor without her own volition. Anything else, and you would need perhaps some laser technology going on. Consider what went on when Samus was unconscious because of the X parasites. And let's say that Samus is using the Speed Booster. How will Mario affect Samus if time is frozen?
If he simply just makes her face the ground going at super sonic speed.

There is a spiritual connection with the powered armor. Using the Power Suit also take a lot of mental strength. This was answered in a Q&A with Yoshio Sakamoto, co-creator of Metroid. This is why when Samus defeats Mother Brain and escapes planet Zebes, her armor comes off. After her encounter with the Spirit of Ordeal, Samus is re-energized and puts the Power Suit back on.
Link please?
Not doubting you, I would just like to see it for myself.

If anyones played M&L:BIS, what does the mushroom badge do when combined with the excellent badge? And is it a one-time thing, I wouldn't think so.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
What about the time it takes to change the weapons and the time it takes to actually get there?
Well, I will not bother with the speed of when Samus switches from one beam weapon to another, because that's faster than 1 second. I am not quite certain how fast switching to a beam weapon and firing a charged beam.

If he simply just makes her face the ground going at super sonic speed.
I am not sure what you mean. May you clarify?

Link please?
Not doubting you, I would just like to see it for myself.
It's fine. It is always good to ask questions or want a source. A friend of mine told me that gravity was not a force, but a distortion of spacetime. The former was said by Isaac Newton, and the latter by Albert Einstein. When I went to see if this was true, that is, gravity being a distortion of spacetime, I had a new perspective of gravity. Anyway, here is the link to it, but it's in Japanese. You may use this one, or you could use BabelFish, I suppose. On the 25th question, it is asked...

Q: Are the Power Suit and Samus unified? After destroying Mother Brain and returning to the ship the suit disappears before being chased by Space Pirates and falling to Zebes. If the suit is integrated and unified with Samus's body how could she lose the suit? This is a doubt, we ask for details.

Yoshio Sakamoto replies...

A: In order for Samus and the Power Suit to function it requires a degree of spiritual energy not fathomable to ordinary men. With the circumstances and pressure she was under during that time, it was not possible for Samus to call on the spiritual energy to concentrate. However once you withstand the Ordeal of Spirit (large troop God [their words, not mine -M]) of the mural and the spirit of Samus (which was lost) is pulled out through perseverance again allowing her to unify with the Power Suit of legend.

I have a question, though. How much BP does Mario acquire? I checked that the Last Stand badge takes only 1 BP, but you have other things being used, which uses up BP.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
99 is the max bp, each last stand takes one. Feeling fine takes four, and so does zap tap.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Well, I will not bother with the speed of when Samus switches from one beam weapon to another, because that's faster than 1 second. I am not quite certain how fast switching to a beam weapon and firing a charged beam.
That's why I wanted to know, she may fire faster but it would depend on the speed of everythig else as well.

I am not sure what you mean. May you clarify?
If Mario stops time, she won't be able to move, Mario could just move her body so that she runs headfirst into the ground, if she doesn't die because of her speedbooster, she would have to atleast stop. I hope that made sense >.<

Q: Are the Power Suit and Samus unified? After destroying Mother Brain and returning to the ship the suit disappears before being chased by Space Pirates and falling to Zebes. If the suit is integrated and unified with Samus's body how could she lose the suit? This is a doubt, we ask for details.

Yoshio Sakamoto replies...

A: In order for Samus and the Power Suit to function it requires a degree of spiritual energy not fathomable to ordinary men. With the circumstances and pressure she was under during that time, it was not possible for Samus to call on the spiritual energy to concentrate. However once you withstand the Ordeal of Spirit (large troop God [their words, not mine -M]) of the mural and the spirit of Samus (which was lost) is pulled out through perseverance again allowing her to unify with the Power Suit of legend.
So what their saying is that Samus can't call on her suit when losing concentration, or she couldn't call on it when losing concentration, but now she can?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Again, the people themselves don't stop time, they use stopwatches. Are you saying that we shouldn't take gameplay seriously? Isnt it kinda where we're getting most of our info from?
I'm saying we should only take gameplay seriously if there are clear facts backing up how they get their moves...as in...do they actually "learn" them...items are meant to make the game easier...which are linked to game mechs. if anything...
In no way do I think that "free use" items should be in these matches at all actually...unless you want Ness/Lucas to have unlimited full HP/PP recovery items with unlimited attack items...because it is clear that an item limit is put in just to make sure the game isn't too easy...

No, mario has been shown to flip between 2d and 3d. It think this is what people mean about your deductions/speculations/etc.
Mario has been shown to flip between the 2d and 3d in a game that is considered a 2d world...so unless you want to consider Mario like G&W...you'd better look at what may actually be happening with Mario flipping dimensions...

Danger mario will work perfectly fine. Just stack plenty of last stands. If you say Danger mario is a game mech., that would mean you are saying that the badges are game mechs, and they're not
Badges are game mechs. or at least linked to them...do you really think Mario has to equip a 3 points worth of badges to throw a ****ing hammer/hit with it in a special way? Or just to do a special type of Jump? God...he already has to spend FP to use that stuff you know...

Badges even work differently between the two RPG games that they are in...in the 1st two Paper Mario games...they are key to game play...in the Mario & Luigi games...they are nothing more than an equipment piece...IMO…you guys should be looking at the Mario & Luigi games more for skills about Mario and Luigi…

I dont see where you're going with the health thing
Health and all those other stat traits and such should only be measured from comparison to other things in the games they are in…

Do you want to know some differences between Mario and Weegee?

Mario isn’t able to take a hit as well as Weegee (he has lower HP, and Defense in the Mario & Luigi games), nor is he able to use special moves as well as Weegee (Lower Bro points)…

On the other hand he is like 2x faster than Weegee, and he himself will smack things harder if only by a little…

I'm using danger mario mainly for defense here. If he has about 70 last stands, he recieves 1/2 to the 70th power of the original damage.
BTW...Damage rounds up no matter what...

Also…because of this stuff being in another post and I think it is important compared to any of the other stuff from that post…

So Miyamoto was wrong and they could actually prove it.
Yeah…they proved it by using common sense based off the logic from what other games say…

How about that?

Oh, and interviews aren't in the games, so they don't count.
I’m like shocked no one has replied to this bull yet…

Interviews are in higher regard than anything else for the game…because they are talking about the game…how can something that is talking about the game not be allowed?

They certainly beat an instruction booklet if anything…and they beat the game itself…because the guy who made it could take away from the game…god…
One is just proof that things can be wrong even with official statements…
Also…am I really the only one who disagrees with Kewkky in this one area? He’s saying that interviews about the games don’t count…even from the person who made the game!

Anyway…I’ll respond to other things latter…


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2009
Mario and Luigi's differences change with most games, so nothing is really concrete.
Power Bombs in all its forms attack with a wide radius and go through objects. That could be enough to hit a danger Mario.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
That's why I wanted to know, she may fire faster but it would depend on the speed of everythig else as well.
I took the time to see the transition from one beam weapon to another. I only did one try. I ended up with 00:00:21. Then I took the cut-scene where it shows Samus trying out the Darkburst. It shows her charge it up, and then I stopped when it fired from the Arm Cannon. This is the muzzle velocity. So, I ended up with 00:00:39. I tried again and got 00:00:49. Either way, both of these occurrence add up to 00:00:67. That is, transition to charge to firing from the Arm Cannon. I also took a video of Samus charging up her Power Beam in Metroid Prime. That wasn't even a second long, either. But different Charge Combos move at certain paces.

If Mario stops time, she won't be able to move, Mario could just move her body so that she runs headfirst into the ground, if she doesn't die because of her speedbooster, she would have to atleast stop. I hope that made sense >.<
You're kidding, right?

So what their saying is that Samus can't call on her suit when losing concentration, or she couldn't call on it when losing concentration, but now she can?[/COLOR]
That's not what I am saying. Considerable concentration to keep the Power Suit on, but hey, we all know her mental strength is very excellent, based off of the missions she accomplished.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
I hope justaway12's kidding. That's...lawl

How would Samus run in mid-air? Samus doesn't even hurt herself running into walls...

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Since I haven't seen much TTYD talk, I'll start talking. Mario's max stats in his HP and FP should be around 200, his BP should be around 99. His badges he should mostly use a good amount of Power Plus, Flower Save, Defense Plus, Double Dip, One Piercing Blow, UnSimplifire, (to get more Star Power), One Lucky Day, Fire Driver, Power Hammer. I'm sure there's more, but that's the badges I'll mostly recomend. Also don't forget Super Gard.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007

No ;_;
What's wrong with it? If he makes her face the floor, she would atleast stop, I doubt she would keep charging, or even be able to run.
How long does the Stop Watch last? Samus probably has a HUGE berth around Mario, and it would probably take Mario a while to reach her.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I think so... I belive he uses other items while time is frozen, but I don't know about another stop watch, I'll try to find something in SPM tomorrow, I would now but it's 2o'clock in the morning here, too late to play video games.

But I'm almost positive he can.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
I think so... I belive he uses other items while time is frozen, but I don't know about another stop watch, I'll try to find something in SPM tomorrow, I would now but it's 2o'clock in the morning here, too late to play video games.

But I'm almost positive he can.
If he can't, than that four second start-up lag is going to annoy him.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Of course, I just heard the timers time. But the Stop Watch or Clock Out is turn based so it's kind of hard to know. =/

My post has been... ignored, but I saw that coming, (last page). ._.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I'm saying we should only take gameplay seriously if there are clear facts backing up how they get their moves...as in...do they actually "learn" them...items are meant to make the game easier...which are linked to game mechs. if anything...

Ok, but this is true to their games, and if they can use the items in their games, they get it here, simple as that.

In no way do I think that "free use" items should be in these matches at all actually...unless you want Ness/Lucas to have unlimited full HP/PP recovery items with unlimited attack items...because it is clear that an item limit is put in just to make sure the game isn't too easy...…
The first part is an opinion, and unless you can cpnvince Raizen/everyone else to see otherwise, i think items will remain legal. And if Ness and Lucas get infinite items, everyone else would too (infinite stopwatches and starmen?), and Sonic would get infinite Super Sonic as well, since the ring count is obviously there to make the game harder/interesting...(still guys, how is that a true limit?)

Mario has been shown to flip between the 2d and 3d in a game that is considered a 2d world...so unless you want to consider Mario like G&W...you'd better look at what may actually be happening with Mario flipping dimensions...…
Um, ok...

Badges are game mechs. or at least linked to them...do you really think Mario has to equip a 3 points worth of badges to throw a ****ing hammer/hit with it in a special way? Or just to do a special type of Jump? God...he already has to spend FP to use that stuff you know...…
Actually, it's one BP for hammer throw. But if you don't think mario needs to actually equip it to throw the hammer, ok, more BP for something else. But maybe the badges do have some magic behind them? (look at tornado jump, fire drive, quake hammer). That was speculation though. Are you saying that the powers that the badges give mario shouldn't count here?

Badges even work differently between the two RPG games that they are in...in the 1st two Paper Mario games...they are key to game play...in the Mario & Luigi games...they are nothing more than an equipment piece...IMO…you guys should be looking at the Mario & Luigi games more for skills about Mario and Luigi……
I think paper mario is just fine too. And shouldn't mario get all of his abilities, since there's only one mario?

Health and all those other stat traits and such should only be measured from comparison to other things in the games they are in…

Do you want to know some differences between Mario and Weegee?

Mario isn’t able to take a hit as well as Weegee (he has lower HP, and Defense in the Mario & Luigi games), nor is he able to use special moves as well as Weegee (Lower Bro points)…

On the other hand he is like 2x faster than Weegee, and he himself will smack things harder if only by a little…

BTW...Damage rounds up no matter what...

Also…because of this stuff being in another post and I think it is important compared to any of the other stuff from that post…
ok....I'm aware of their differences, but how should that relate to this thread?


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
I think we should clarify just how long stopwatches last.

If Samus notices Mario is about to use a stopwatch, she can cross 0.846~1.057 miles in a single second (mach 4~5, threshold between supersonic and hypersonic). I don't think I've ever seen Mario run THAT fast, EVER. Mario would probably spend all of his stopwatches before he reached Samus... She could also go Hypermode while running away, since it takes less than a second and activating it doesn't interfere with whatever she's doing (even shooting/charging/jumping/morph ball), so that if Mario caught up to her by some miraculous event and did stuff around her so that she has to stop, she'll still be invincible when she stops. Hypermode doesn't spend any of her energy tanks if Samus doesn't use any of the Hyper weapons, it literally makes her invincible with no drawbacks.

I still don't know what the 2D barrier is, nor did you give me a name to look around for it.

And Zap Touch shouldn't do anything to Hyperball since Samus is invincible, and she's not touching Mario while she's doing Hyperball. If Mario goes Tanooki or Blue Shell, Samus can get out of Hypermode and get some Speed Booster speed going on and charge up a Darkburst, or grapple Mario with the Hyper Grapple and wait until he changes back to then overload him with phazon.

I dunno, seems to me like Mario is gonna end up stalling forever at the end of this fight. And stalling means Samus would win! :lick:

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Double Dip can allow Mario to use two items on one phase, (if another Double Dip badge is equipped, he can use more items in one phase), so let's say first Mario use Boo's Sheet to make himself invisible and immune to attacks, then use the Stop Watch to freeze Samus, then use the Power Punch to increase his attack power. Of course while Samus is frozen, Mario can use Charge to increase his power depending on how many Charge badges he use for more damage if he want's. With that being said, more people should look into the badges in Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door and stats.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Let's get the BP stuff out of the way. Set it up. You're limited to 99 BP. So give us all something like this...

Last Stand: 45 BP (1 BP used per Last Stand; 45 * 1 = 45)
Double Dip: 5 BP (1 BP used per Double Dip; 5 * 1 = 5)
-Insert Badge Here-: x BP (x BP used per -Insert Badge Here-; x * y = z)

Oh, and by the way, tell us if it uses FP also when a badge is being used. In this case, Double Dip takes 3 FP. I also recall that there are badges that increase Mario's HP, FP, and BP. If this is also in PM:TTYD, be sure to tell us. As for Feeling Fine badge, it only protects Mario from dizziness and poison status. Where does it say that Mario is immune to being frozen? This is like saying the Franklin Badge protects Ness and Lucas from thunder attacks, but it doesn't protect them from other elemental attacks. So please, offer some proof.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I'll get back to the rest after I do stuff, but I already said before (not in this match though =P), he has an accessory in RPG that protects him from all status effects, I'll get the name now, but I think it's called safety badge/ring.

Yeah, safety ring, it prevents all status ailments.

Prevents instant death; protects wearer from magic attacks; prevents status ailments.
@Kewwky: Sorry, it's called Block Block


If Samus grapples his blue shell, she'll only touch his blue shell, he hides in his shell then when he gets out, he walks like a turtle like this.

https://www.msu.edu/~fredenb3/MX 2/Pictures/Koopa_Troopa.jpg

Oh and Mario can slide in his shell, faster than his run, I think.

EDIT: Never played this game, but wasn't there a copy shroom in M&L:piT? If he summons that, they could attack Samus, and while she is dealing with them can't he use the Stop Watch? And if he uses the boo sheet/repel gel while she finished, wouldn't she think shes defeated them all and let her guard down? He could even hide while she's dealing with them then stop watch.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Yeah, safety ring, it prevents all status ailments.
How do we know that freezing is a status ailment? Let me ask you this. Is it possible to be frozen in any of the Paper Mario games? If you can be frozen, will you offer an example of the Safety Badge preventing freezing?
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